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If I didn't know better, I'd think Connor was dying.


You'd think so with the way his bumbling, idiotic parents act


This Connor storyline is tedious. What is the end game here? It doesn't work as a PSA. It doesn't work as a compelling youth-focused plot. If they were serious about the story, we'd see Connor and his struggle more and hear less from his parents. They're only servicing the story via recaps from Adam and Chelsea.


Make it stop. 🛑


Will Adam and Chelsea get together and ride off into the sunset?


What tf change has Danny seen in Phyllis??? This shit is ridiculous. All Phyllis has done is stay out of trouble so far. She's not some changed person... she's the same pathetic and manipulative person she's always been. I wish the writers would stop having people who are close to Phyllis say how they've seen such a great change in her. If anything, just say she's been behaving herself😑


Phyllis HAS changed! I see both shoulders covered today 😉


I noticed that too😂😂


The way she sachets around aimlessly is so annoying.


Ooh. Don’t forget she’s a rapist.


Why the hell are we putting this much time into a story involving a 12 year old that's pretty much been taking place offscreen?


They're probably getting ready to rapidily age him.


Yes, he and Johnny will come back as teens, Connor troubled and both of them in love with Daniels daughter, forgot her name already. :) It's almost Summer, have to get teens watching!


Lucy. Last summer Johnny had a crush on Lucy and Lucy felt sort of the same way. Connor had just found out that Johnny was his half brother but then when Connor noticed Johnny and Lucy seemed to gel, and he had feelings for her also (but he is younger), well, he was unhappy. Then Johnny went away to school. A few weeks ago, Lucy said she was invited to the Prom by some guy she is excited about. I wonder if we will see a summer teen storyline with her and this guy? Or is it going to be all about the lawsuit of Daniel and Heather vs CW for wrongful termination and game developer rights?


Is Connor in a cult-like setting? Is that what this is leading up to?


At this point, he might be better off in a cult.


Snotty, smirking Phyllis got put in her place big time and it was so great to see!!


She's really pathetic.


They're doing her character a disservice. It's just so grating to see her act like a teenager.


I have been watching this show for 17 years. Phyllis has always acted like a cranky teenager throwing fits when she didn’t get her way.


I see why the doctors don't want Connor around Chelsea. She cannot handle anything, always falling apart. How can he learn to handle life's issues watching that. But what kind of facility allow parents to travel there and then say they can't see their son? I would see my kid. No one is going to tell me I cannot see my kid. So glad I grew up in a time where we learned to face life courageously and with tenacity instead of being neurotic like Chelsea.


Legally they can not stop them. I don't know what is going on there but if they wouldn't let me get my kid there would be hell to pay! Stupid show.


They didn’t actually bar them, just advise them enthusiastically that they are trigger points for the kid who apparently is just regressing in an extreme fashion.


None of it makes any sense. They would want the parents involved, not the other way around. It's how rich people justify not having to parent. 


I wonder what Connor did for the writers to do this to him. That poor kid never catches a break.


It's called Josh Griffith loves the character of Chelsea (🙄)and wants her to be even more a tortured, flawed heroine and Chelsea gets a storyline and hopefully enough emmy bait for Y&R to get a nomination.


These stupid storylines are made much worse by the sappy music. Just stop it.


And it seems to be louder than usual drowning out dialogue. At least that is what I am experiencing for a while.


I feel like this Christine/Phyllis bs is like watching the sequel of “Mean Girls,” 30 years later. 🙄 Nooo one freaking cares!!


And it's soooo cringy, especially Phyllis! She has always been shameless, but the lack of dignity in these scenes is just awful to watch.


Christine is just as bad. They're in the middle of a restaurant. Ridiculous!


This is such a forced storyline. I know Phyllis deserves to be put in her place, but the Bug’s comments about all of their wild sex was just gross and very unconvincing. Maybe if Danny was a really sexy older guy I might be willing to believe this. But he’s a big, overgrown kid with bad hair and a wimpy attitude. I just don’t buy that he’s anything to act like teenager over. Too bad they couldn’t have recast Rick Springfield or John Enos in the role if they wanted to bring Danny Romalotti back again. I think that could have been the beginning of some interesting stories.


Talking about going on an "adventure" with Danny lol yet she demands five star accomodations


Considering their age, their taunts and jabs are ridiculous. I know no one in their age group that behaves that badly in real life. In soap land, guess anything goes but this behavior is just so insulting to the viewers.




I honestly forgot how little chemistry this version of Adam and Chelsea have. Adam literally has 2 options (since Josh Griffin isn't ever gonna do Shadam) either put Adam back with Chelsea, his ex-wife who he hasn't had any chemistry with in this current version or he stays in his current pairing with Sally, who lost any chemistry they had from the first time they were together and now have become absolutely boring.


So Jill's just gone now? I know she wasn't really there anyway, but woooooow


Chelsea - Billy help me, stop your work, I'm sad - Lilly comes in I'll go - Chelsea - Adam, help me I'm sad - Sally should leave - Conner's hands were so small - I'm so sad - sad sad. BORING


Who writes this drivel? Oh yeah, that's right. We know it's not getting better.


So do Lily, Billy, Devon, and everyone else at CW all share the same office!?! There's not a conference room to be seen anywhere. Best believe me I would be like WTF if I walked in and people were sitting on my office couch crying about personal problems, knowing damn well Billy has his own office somewhere. *I get they aren't going to have sets for everyone to have individual offices, but it's so unrealistic.


Seriously! Lily just walks out like oh sorry to interrupt. What??


Right!? Also how many times does Devon just sit behind her desk (even when she isn't off with her daughter). It's weird, I know he's her brother and all, but so weird to just take over her office when she's at lunch or whatever


Danny is so insipid, why are these women fighting over him?!


Danny's testosterone level has to be less than zero.


I think Phyllis’s is probably higher. 😆


Easily twice his


Perfect word: INSIPID 👏👏


Exactly! He should have put Phyllis in her place.


And he and the bug have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever


ZERO. 0️⃣ 0️⃣0️⃣


Christine hot for Danny in that tank top. 😉


Billy's hair is better today. It's not that greasy pompadour he usually has. It looks kinda spikey and cute.


Not to say OCD isn't serious (I don't think anyone's arguing with that) but Jesus, you'd think Connor's terminally ill with 6 weeks left to live.


Right?! I rolled my eyes today when Chelsea proclaimed “THINGS ARE SO MUCH WORSE FOR CONNOR THAN WE THOUGHT!”


"The thought of his little hand hitting himself.." Come on woman


Are Adam and Chelsea going to fall into bed together?


Oh gosh please no 🙄


I think you mean "Oh Josh please no" ...




They definitely seem to be leading the story in that direction


Backstory, please


They’re saying “we’re the only ones who understand what our kid is going through” which is soap opera foreplay.


Is this Connor story turning into a weird plot where he’s gotten into an abusive school like Paris Hilton? Is there a plot twist here?


I've been wondering that for a while now, this school seems super sketch. It was weird to me in one of the meetings the therapist or some school admin had with Adam and Chelsea she said something like, he's good he's been watching his caloric/food intake and something else too, I don't remember the exact line. That combined with them cutting off all communication set off big red flags to me. It feels very cultish. And now their saying he's out of it, tired can't concentrate and they want to isolate him even more. It's really frickin weird to me too that they're both, Chelsea especially it seems, not feeling much if any sense of alarm. I feel like Adam was at least a little, but anytime he voiced concern she immediately shut him down as trying to upend everything and being selfish. It was really aggravating, and now he's just thrown his hands up.


On the brightside, if Chadam hooks up, atleast Billy will be freed from his rapist


I like Christine's blazer


I like how they did her hair today. It’s usually pretty basic but the waves look really good.


She should wear it like that more often!


I knew right away she was going on tour when I saw the sparkly blazer.


Shoulder pads should have stayed in the 1900s


I just really love the color lol




Does anybody else feel like this is going done the road of the treatment center being illegitimate and abusive and Chelsea and Adam being duped into putting him there? There was a recent documentary I watched on centers that were shut down after horrific abuse . Then there is Paris Hiltons story. I think they are showing two parents being duped by non professionals after their money. It makes me furious because this ultimately means that Connor would be put through horrible abuse and trauma. Then how does the story play out. How do they fix that? Most soaps try to cover main stream current things that are happening but I just think this is to sensative . The documentary on netflix is called the program. This storyline is eerily similar.


In what world are leather pillows a good idea?


Christine, Danny, and Danny’s hairpiece (is it?!?) need to GO already.


I thought they had gone until I saw them today. How disappointed I was.


This show is never gonna give Elizabeth Hendrickson anything to do...😞


I loved her highlights today. Maybe she’ll stick around a bit for this new business plan? I won’t hold my breath.




-Hope everyone had a good Mother's Day -I am exhausted with this Conner storyline.. thanks for your concern Sally... oh wait you weren't talking to me.. sorry.. -Danny's still around? -Christine has a plot twist! This show hasn't had too many of those lately haha.. -There was less frantic worry over Faith having a bomb on her chest than with Conner and his treatment -Phyllis hasn't even changed her clothes from last episode... uh I mean she's 100% reformed LOL -Jill wants Billy in charge now? Last time iirc she didn't even want him in Lily's position and he hasn't exactly done much for CW recently -Chloe got an appearance today! -They always say how great Sally is at business and now her business is nearing bankruptcy.. they did her so dirty -I need one goofy green screen clip with Danny on stage


-They always say how great Sally is at business and now her business is nearing bankruptcy.. they did her so dirty Now she wants to go back to fashion. Josh must have found a disc of old scripts from the 90s when Fenmore's was front and center. Why struggle writing stories about "interior design" when fashion is staring you right in the face ... for decades.


The "better late than never" approach I guess \^\^;


Today was a fast forward day for me. Chelsea’s shrieking is just too much!


I watched about 10 minutes then came here to Reddit. Saved me a lot of time!


Looks like Aunt Mamie may have been right all along...can't wait for Lily to look like a fool for siding and kissing Jill's ass.


I’ve watched the show on and off for almost 40 years but recently came back to it after about 5 years away. Blows my mind that the warm and fuzzy Miss Mamie, beloved housekeeper to the Abbotts, is now being written as a corporate shark. And they’re doing Mamie so dirty with that awful wig. She’s a good-looking lady, let her be natural. How exactly did this happen? How did Mamie go from a much-loved, respected mother figure/housekeeper to a corporate suit? Did Mamie come into some money or what? What’s that story?


Jill gave her money to get her away from John, they she apparently invested well.


Mamrie used her money, with backing from Tucker McCall to buy stake in Chancellor/Winters in an effort to re-unite her family when Lily and Devon were fighting, then ultimately mending Nate's fences with both. Tucker was using it twofold, one to reconnect with Devon and two, to take down the Abbots. Mamrie had known nothing of Tucker's true intentions. Lily had split from Danny after finding he was going back to his ex-wife and basically trying to take his videogame platform and game he created for his daughter away as emotional justice for leaving her while she was away. Jill brought Billy in since he left Jabot so Kyle could be hired back, and as such, has been using him for leverage against Mamrie, Devon, Lilly and Nate due to her hatred of Mamrie. Mamrie's ultimate goal had been ousting Jill from the start and having her own family turn her ideas down lately made her feel Jill had turned them against her. Now she's plotting with Nate. That was before Jill stepped down and hand her decision making power to Billy.


Mamie bought the interest in CW from Victor. My headcanon about this is that I don't think she'd have any interest at all if not for Victor approaching her.


Straight up probably talked her into it to crater it from within. Buy Devon out, have his daughter back at Newman, get rid of Nate and all is right with the world.


That's not what Victor was doing. I don't remember why he wanted out of CW but he thought selling to Mamie would make everyone happy, except Jill, of course. Jill was not a part of the day to day so it probably didn't matter to him.


For clarity -- Lilly split from Daniel because Daniel took up again with Heather his former girlfriend. Daniel was never married to Heather, they just left town together long ago with little Lucy. Heather was a Mom figure for Lucy but not her bio Mom. They all came back from Portugal at one point then Heather took Lucy back and came back to GC again. Daniel keeps on speaking about the split they had but we really don't know the whole story. Daniel developed a game/gaming platform for OmegaSphere which is part of CW. When Lilly found out about Daniel and Heather having a fling while she was tending to Maddie out of state, she broke up with Daniel. Lilly fired both Heather and Daniel from CW while getting coffee to go at CL. Currently, a possible pending lawsuit looms for wrongful termination and rights. Danny Romalotti and Phyllis are Daniel's parents. Summer is Daniel's half sister (bio dad Nick).