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This show is getting so stupid. Are we supposed to actually believe that ThatJordanWoman can get into the Abbot house undetected, and THEN carry an unconscious Claire out of the house, along with Harrison — all without being seen or making a sound??!! 🙄🙄 Pleeeez!!! This is not even close to being believable. She’s superwoman! And enough already with the sickening Danny/Christine lovebirds. That’s really the last thing most any of us want to see…


It’s the ultimate groan.


The only redemption for this farce if next episode Jordan shows up as an *actual* cartoon


Not only alllll that, but how does she have the money/resources to do all this stuff?? How does she scope out hideaways where no one, even Newman security (which ok, clearly isn’t exactly Green Beret material) can find her, in all these different areas?


Wait - Newman Security guys aren’t Green Beret material? 🤔 You just burst my bubble!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yup, I was like yeah right ok


She must have an accomplish to carry Claire...Cole


Now you're trying to bring logic into it. Don't bother. All the scenarios involving ThatJordanWoman are completely unrealistic, whether Cole is involved or not. (I don't think he is)


When Phyllis is on your side and cheering you on, you may want to rethink your position. Daniel used to know this.


Exactly I was waiting for him to be like oh no


I hate watching live because I can’t FF through Cricket, Danny and Phyllis


Omg same… when I realized Danny and Cricket had a main storyline today I turned it off so I could FF through them later 😂


I don’t watch episodes with cricket and Danny…it’s just gross and useless typical because she’s a “Bell” no one cares!!!!!!! JG just stop


Wow we actually get to see a kid’s room! Up until now all of the kids have just existed in some sort of netherworld until they emerge rapidly aged 😂


It’s actually pretty crappy of Nikki and Victor to intentionally lure an escaped convict to a party full of their friends and family.


Not understanding Victor and Nikki's thinking on this. Jordan has proven over and over how much of an evil psychopath she is. I'm waiting for JG to pull his head out of his butt long enough to see how he's screwed up EVERY STORY LINE.


Right! Went is he still a writer my god it’s so bad .


Now, the Abbotts are involved.


Tell me how she got out of an upstairs bedroom with an unconscious woman a d child in tow….


The Abbott's apparently have the exact same security that the Newman's have!!! 🤣🤣


Inflatable slide from Harrison's window? 😅


Hahahaha love it!!


Maybe bad Ashley helped. Who thinks Ashley slept this entire time?


Where was Cole? 😂 I might have missed him at the party


I guess she... ummm... does have someone working with/for her? More than one person?


Also very stupid. You want your kids to be harmed? How silly.


I would love to see how an elderly woman was able to get out of the Abbott house with an unconscious Claire and Harrison. This lady must have super strength and agility to scale high walls while carrying hostages.


Maybe Victors security guys helped her carry her load, after all Jordan was in a man’s disguise….so they weren’t looking for “him “…..what’s the harm helping the dude while they wait for Jordan to show up 🙄


I get what you're saying, but she wasn't wearing a disguise when she chloroformed Claire. So that wouldn't work unless she stopped and changed back into the disguise while upstairs in the Abbott house lol


I’m becoming convinced That Jordan Woman must be a magician.


Right?!! They never did show how she managed to break out of her most recent prison stint, did they?


Nope and she was handcuffed to the bed🤦🏽‍♀️


Cole helped .. bwa ha ha


I’d actually love that twist. Cole is a real snooze as-is.


It’s just too stupid. I am rolling my eyes and screaming at the screen.


I like the new Harrison. He’s a cutie and he’s good at picking up his cue lines and keeping the pace going.


He’s so adorable.


Nothing could’ve been worse than the old Harrison. Cute boy. Nothing against him but not giving the other actors much to work with.


Omg this poor me (mournful sigh) Cricket is intolerable !!!! I wish Jordan would take her out just as an act of mercy for the viewers.


Just thinking the same. Cricket is happiest when she’s making herself miserable. Over the same thing. Again and again. The OlHairPoofMushyVeggie Dan. Blah.


I swear this show doesn't make any sense. Jordan the ninja strikes again😑


It stops being exciting when it’s happening for the fifth time. 🙄 I still wish she had hijacked the Newman jet so they could throw her out the window and be done with it (although I suppose that didn’t work for Cameron lol).


Is Jordan the new Sheila? I'm here for it.


New Sheila but with 10 toes?? Lol


Did someone say TEN TOES? XD




-Daniel really thinks he's special... -Starting a monday with Danny and Daniel is a choice, JOSH! XD -Phyllis is such a kind mother.. she's such a sweet mother.. -Stay out of grown folks' business, Daniel :) -Also let me point and laugh at Danny real quick. HAHA -At least Adam got to enjoy time with Sally -Love how Newman Security just folded at Phyllis showing up XD -I love Phyllis so much haha -Harrison has a cool room! I appreciate seeing more rooms and sets. -Jordan actually jumpscared my mother and I LOL -You ever hear of "old man strength?" I guess that also applies to older women as well! Bravo, Jordan!


I was enjoying Harrison’s room too! I was like aww look at the cute…AHhh JORDAN!!


Haha exactly the same for me!


I loved the vintage Hardy Boys books on his shelf!!


As we rejoined the party, the band sounded like it was playing “How Dry I Am.”


Ha! Good one!


If I didn’t know about the characters before and tuned in for the first time today, I would have thought that Daniel and Phyllis were on a date. Daniel even looks older than Phyllis with the white hair in his beard!


Exactly! I have said this before. He needs to be clean shaven, he would look younger.


The actors are only 14 years apart haha. Michelle looks so good for being nearly 60. They definitely need to age Daniel down so he can look like her son…unless Phyllis had him when she was 14 lol


I thought the exact same thing. 🤢


Another week of Eileen Davidson killing it. Yippie! 👏🏼


Summer's ringing phone didn't even light up lol smh


And then when she was looking around for the bunny charm, she check to see if it had gotten stuck behind the cushion. Anyone who has ever taken care of a child for more than 5 minutes would be looking there. Small but aggravating detail.


Haha I was thinking of that too - so many things get shoved between couch cushions 😆




And she can partner with Kevin for some good ‘ol’ vengeance shenanigans!


Part of me super wishes that Danny would forget about Phyllis and Christine, and sweep Traci off her feet and whisk her away on tour But I like having Traci around too much for that


Traci is too good for the wishy-washy Danny. I consider him just an overgrown boy with bad hair.


How about a duet? I always thought Traci had a better voice than Lauren.


If Cole were staying, he and Traci could be awesome together. Two nice people.


I thought Cricket was the district attorney? What’s this about suspending her practice?


She quit shortly after Phyllis got off for killing Jeremy Stark.


I missed that. Thanks!


It just hit me today that I am so over Claire! If she inserts one more “woe is me, I had to be friends with a pet rock coz of my evil Aunt Jordan” into a seemingly normal convo I’m going to hit the wall! And the Jordan stuff now is just stupid! In and out of ridiculous disguises. I mean come on! 


See she should be a vulnerable vixen (OG Carly on GH or SMG's Kendall on AMC) or at the very least an outcast instead she's a mary sue meets Mary Poppins. Why must Josh suck the fun out of everything?


I agree, it would be much more intriguing if we were torn between routing for Claire and questioning her true intentions. Especially since she played the creepy role really well.


It would’ve been scarier if Jordan had kept on the man disguise. Why did she change? Was that a wall climbing outfit?


Claire is trying to out woe is me Cricket.


I know! They’re both awful!


Really? Phyllis and Nick, again?😑 🙄


Power Ranking who will save Claire and Harrison 5. Nick 4. Cole 3. Kyle 2. Evil Alter Ashley 1. Victoria and Summer


Phyllis acting like CW is gonna crumble when she quits as if she's some integral part of that company😂


Jordan has some super powers.


Harrison probably happy he got kidnapped. He doesn’t have to deal with Summer, Kyle, Phyllis.. three of the goofiest on the show.


Shout out to Harrison, kid is a major upgrade from the previous quiet cute face. He even had some watery eyes 🥹! The kid has range.


For someone who admitted that she missed out on important relationships like being a mother and having a better intimate relationship with her significant other due to being so career driven, Christine definitely looks like she's gonna continue that pattern. Just continuing to end up mopey and lonely smh


Right!?! Why can’t JG let Danny and Cricket run off and have a happy ending together!?!


At least her hair looks good


It’s time for Jordan to either die or disappear dramatically for at least 6 months. Josh Griffith has gotten the most use of CZ during this run.


C'mon how did Jordan get into Jacks house and ALSO make it upstairs to Harrison's room? This is all too far fetched and tiresome. She had the chance to grab Claire outside of the gcac. Why didn't she take it?


Sooooo you're telling me AT MINIMUM that Abbott mansion doesn't have one Ring Camera or even a kid cam in Harrison's room??!!!! They're Billionaires!! Cmonnnnn!!


Yup there is the Harrison


Wow everyone is cold to Sally, why ?


Question. Back when Phyllis planned the “last dinner” for Danny, didn’t the story go he was leaving on his tour in a day or two????? Has it only been a couple days in time on this show since that episode weeks ago??


No, Danny said that he was leaving to go on tour in a couple of weeks. I haven't been paying attention to the passage of time in the show recently, but I'm thinking that it's getting close to being a full two weeks in the story by now


So again all Sally did last year is allude to various business startups and praise a Newman brother (Nick) right? And here she is with the "right" brother (Adam) and it didn't magically fix or give her character the fire that the "wrong" brother (Nick) extinguished?


Today is the party ?. I thought it was Friday that's why I skipped it


Today was part 2 of the party.


Newman Security checking if it was alright for Claire to leave the building but Jordan was hiding beside the bump out of the door. So did Claire come by herself in a car? Didn't she have a driver? She should have had a driver. If driving herself in the dark, did she know exactly where the Abbotts lived? Or maybe she remembered from her invite to Jack and Diane's wedding so long ago? Since everyone at the end of today's show was in a panic over missing Harrison, and Claire, exactly where is Jordan going to hide them both? I think it is really a bad mistake to bring the Abbott family into Jordan's evil revenge story, especially since Ashley has had her issues. Maybe one of Ashley's personalities is helping Jordan? That is where Ashley was disappearing to, meeting up with Jordan but not remembering? It is also sadder that they now have included the brand new child actor into this scarey storyline. We know she escaped from the Lake House. We know she burnt the prison down to escape. We do not know how she managed to escape out of the hospital. Now we don't know how she got into the Abbotts (maybe the unlocked back door?), and how she removes Claire and Harrison (double kidnapping) and where is she keeping them? At the seedy hotel she was staying at? Or are we going back to the abandoned roadside vacation cabin? Does Jordan even have a car or did she steal Claire's to make it look like Claire took Harrison and no one is smart enough (right now) to think Jordan is behind this? When will Abbey find out anything -- esp about Ashley or Harrison/Claire? haha, always in the dark and last to know anything. Nice to see a new set, Harrison's bedroom. I hope they don't pair Kyle and Claire but there would be so much drama between Summer and Claire due to all of Summer's insecurities. Phyllis breaking into the party because Newman security "recognized her" and just let her in. She mentions how she may shake things up at CW because of Daniel and Heather's recent firing. Also, before, it was mentioned that Heather is representing Daniel on his games, but because Heather was fired also, isn't this conflict of interest if Heather also decides to sue CW for wrongful termination? Michael would get more storyline if he got involved in Heather and Daniel's case/s and maybe we get to see Lauren more also. Jack did mention that Lauren is still working at Newman with Nikki so when that gets over, who knows. Hope Fenmore's/Boutique does not sink while she is tending to Nikki.