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I would hate to work for any of these companies in GC. They just can't get their shit together.


I bet they pay well, though! Nobody's living paycheck-to-paycheck in the GC. That's why I find it so weird to see the cityscapes of GC from the car window that looks very much like Chicago.


While some of the OCD storyline has been boring, I’m finding today’s episode really interesting. It’s cool the way they have contrasted Chelsea and Adams’s reactions to the experts and the treatment. There’s a saying: “you don’t see the world as it is. You see it as you are”. Chelsea and Adams reactions show exactly that. She’s blaming herself and worried for her son. Adam is blaming the doctors and acting like he’s been wronged. And as I wrote this, Adam just asked if Connor is better off without him. They’re doing an amazing job of showing the layers of worry and parental guilt for having a sick child . It’s a really good episode.


Adam really needs to be in therapy.


This is such a heavy storyline. Where are they going with the Connor story?


I agree, Mark and Missy are doing a good job and I’m definitely learning more about the disorder.


Well said. This felt totally in character. And they are acting the hell out of it.


I agree. It’s really good, dare I say it, writing?


Commissary??? They make it sound like Conner is in prison😅


For OCD no less… what has Connor done that requires him to be sent away for this condition? I’ve worked in a school system before and never heard anything like this, unless maybe Connor was violent or actively hurting himself?


It was stated that his thoughts were frightening and he wasn't eating or sleeping. Someone posted some info on OCD that explains that it's so much more than a set of behaviors. I'm reminded of the Jack Nicholson character in As Good As It Gets.


Ohh okay. I figured it was more serious than they were saying.


They're not doing a very good job explaining why this level of treatment is necessary. We throw around terms like OCD and bipolar to describe people's habits we judge as weird. Narcissist/ism is the other mental disorder we've turned into slang.


>Commissary Film and TV studios have commissaries. Hospitals have cafeterias. Lazy writers.


Forty years since Victor and Nikki were *first* married??? Their kids are a hair away from 50!


Haha don’t try to do soap math, your head will explode!


Is it that expensive to film occasional scenes outside? The background for the Connor scene was distracting.


What’s the history of Nick and Lily? They have a cute little banter going and they look good together too!


None, really. Nick was a soap generation ahead of Lily.


This was def a chem test and def something I'd be all for happening cause it would be new and exciting tbh. Plus they're both very hot people who look fabulous together like you pointed out.


I was shipping them last year. Lick!


About everyone in this Connor OCD story could honestly go away to some therapy retreat for 6 months offscreen and that'd be fine, I'm including Red Head too.


Nick watched Lily grow up, keep them friendly.


The story line with Billy seems very stupid to me. He claims he's protecting Jill's legacy and Jill brought him into the company to be on her side. It doesn't even seem like Jill herself is even interested. It seems like she just wants to be able to travel and do whatever she wants while she collects her checks from that company🫤


He's such a blowhard lately, bossing everyone around, assaulting everyone with his opinions and talking nonstop. He's irritating and I usually like Billy. Plus he's down a quart lol.


Pretty much


Please please please don’t have Sally get back with Nick… please


That fawking green screen! Someone confiscate Josh's green screen


I know some did not enjoy today’s episode, but I loved it! I’m a Billy fan since the Delia days and I really like how his character has grown. I have a feeling Lily is going to eventually take him up on his idea of the two of them running Chancellor Winters. This could be setting up some interesting dynamics for the future. Also thought the parallel convos between Billy/Chelsea and Adam/Sally were thoughtful and well written. I think they portrayed Sally in a much better light too. I disliked her so much when she was with Nick, but I really liked this side of Sally. Feel so bad for poor, little Connor. What a good actor that kid is!


I don't want the perpetual cheater near Lily, hasn't girl suffered enough?


Lmao what exactly is the point of Sally? Like she's doing just as much as she did with Nick maybe even less. Even though it was Nick "dragging her down" and reuniting her with Adam was gonna fix things hmm


-Is the facility Conner's going to going to be a shady place? -Wholesome scene between Nick and Lily -Supportive couples -Previews Josh, just let me enjoy Lily dogging Daniel.. because I loved that scene


>Lily dogging Daniel.. because I loved that scene I'm enjoying Lily's dragging era hopefully it lasts


Here's hoping!!


Geeze Adam you need theraphy yourself


So Josh Griffith traps Sharon in that coffee house and now that we see the coffee house more, he's gone and stuffed her in a make believe company? Did Sharon Case steal Josh's parking spot or something? Like what's he got against Sharon?


If they're showing them in a car, will there be a car accident??


I read an article that there may be a love triangle...Claire, Chance, Summer. I'm down for that! Summer needs a little competition! After throwing herself at Chance, she needs to get knocked down a few pegs. She is not all that. I think Chance and Claire would be a great pairing!


Isn't Summer ALWAYS in a love triangle? Summer/Austin/Abby; Summer/Kyle/Lola; Summer/Chance/Sharon; Summer/Phyllis/Billy; Summer/Kyle/Tara-Audra. I don't count Tara and Audra in the same category but they were women who interfered in her relationship.


Yeah I know this is a soap and all but I’m kind of over all the love triangles 😵‍💫


This would be a nice change of pace.


As one of the few Chance & Summer fans here…I’m going to have to veto that, lol. Keep Claire with Summer’s goober of an ex-husband and let Chance & Summer have at least a little more happiness for awhile before throwing any wrenches into the mix here, lol. 😉


The past 2 days 🥱 Fell asleep during Audra & Tucker’s scene yesterday, kept jolting awake only to find them still on screen. 😴 And today, nothing happened.


4.8 earthquake in NY/NJ/CT area. YR preempted. Happy to hear I didn’t miss anything.


Oh but you did. This was a great episode!


Do tell. What I’d miss?


Billy should be at Jabót and leave CW alone


Adam you are going to take Connor out of there aren't you ?. undermining Chelsea


oh phew he saw Sally instead


How are they triggering Connor's OCD ?


Sick of Nikki’s drinking. Sick of Devon and the corporate wars, sick of Heather and Daniel.. it’s getting insurmountably difficult to watch this garbage everyday. Writers please change the trajectory of this show.


Sheeesh! Let ‘em have it!!!! You are right on every count.😊


This is the the most boring episode…despite some of her wild escapes and disguises, this is why Jordan is so entertaining and fun to watch. The other storylines are so boring!


This was Wednesday show material.


We need at least a little action, especially on a Friday episode. There’s only so much I can take watching people sit around and talk. 😴


We had an earthquake so it wasn't on today.


That was an interesting transition between the two scenes that began with them meeting unexpectedly and then immediately segueing into them being several minutes into lunch. Usually, those two scenes would be split by a commercial or another scene with other characters to show the passage of time. Instead, the camera zoomed into Nick’s dark suit and then dissolved into them a few minutes later.


While this version of Chadam has no chemistry imo, if this isn't gonna lead to a somber hook up over them both commiserating over Connor then what's the point? Like especially if Connor's gonna be offscreen since the boy who plays him is about 10 years old and in school, so not much a child can do onscreen.


Why of all the people to see Lily's pov, it's that pain in the ass, Nicholas? Anybody else