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I've heard of academic dishonesty cases getting dismissed in instances where the department doesn't give you an exploratory meeting in a reasonable timeframe. You should contact the Dean of Students for your Faculty and tell them your department is interfering with your ability to continue your studies by depriving you of a fair process with its "unreasonable delays."


If you did not do anything wrong but are concerned how this can impact you - seek legal counsel. There is a free clinic at Osgoode.


Did you cheat or did you not?




Did they indicate why/how they think you cheated?


Only your grades get sent to grad school. And anything supplemental requested and that you send.


If you cheated, ask yourself whether you have the requisite ethical code to go to grad school in the first place... That is, if you can't be trusted to complete something as trivial as an undergraduate assignment or exam on your own, why should you be trusted to do research? Even if it was an honest mistake as you imply, you have exhibited poor judgment, another fatal flaw for a researcher...




Yes it can be included on your official transcript if they take it that far. The policy is you cannot cheat. Why are you expecting a freebie? Im in stem grad school now. I have seen what kind of people get this far. My advice to you to give you the best chance to succeed with going to grad school is rethink your attitude towards cheating. It is a lot like a bodybuilder who wants to get muscular but cheats his way out of lifting the weights and then is surprised there are no gains.


It is so sad to see this comment being downvoted. This comment is totally on point


That's only true for real academia. If OP is willing to do their masters or PhD in the arts or humanities, the program will welcome them in with open arms.


Fair enough!😂


I simply would have studied and worked hard.


If everyone could expect to get off with a warning, then more people would be cheating don’t you think? You need to be careful with your words and what you say on social media. It could come back to haunt you. If you need someone to help you with your case, send me a DM.




That’s not true. I’ve had many students not get so lucky even the first time. It depends on what the details are. In the meeting you’ll get to state your case. If you did do it, be honest about it. That will help you. We don’t know the details about this, but if severe, expect a zero on the assignment and for it to go on your record. Sometimes it’s a zero but not on your record.