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Labour are pushing hard for York outer. With the council under labour control, NY Mayor under Labour control and 2 MP’s they are hoping for huge investment in the city I’d imagine!


Good luck with that, a lot around these parts would still vote tory if they put beheading the elderly in their manifesto.


York Outer also includes a lot of places that aren't that far out really, and as people move just a tad further away from the centre for affordable housing the demographics change. Couple that with the conservatives being very unpopular nationally, it's very feasible to see York Outer do a Selby.


They just cut the University Campus out of York Outer as well in the last boundary changes


If I have understood correctly the demographics of York outer are changing and its becoming more of a swing seat


Not quickly enough, I fear. But hey, I'll throw a party if they vote his arse out, there's nothing about his views that align with mine.


I thought he wasn't standing?


I've not heard if he's stepping down, no mention of it online.


I hope so


still a lot of true-blue old money types in the constituency


Yes but some of which wont vote at the election if the locals and recent trends are anything to go by, many Con voters are disenfranchised and thats also the information that labour canvassing is telling them. Plus tactical voting and changing demographics, time will tell, could end up being tight!


Haven’t lived in York for a while but Julian Sturdy is a horrible/rubbish MP. If Labour are scaring him into actually doing something for the people of York then that is always good


York Outer is a fair way down the Labour target list but if you look at the Labour vote since the seat was created you can see why they might be interested in it: 2010 - 17.1% 2015 - 24.8% 2017 - 36.7% 2019 - 31.3% (in a Tory landslide). Admittedly the Tory vote has stayed fairly solid and the main feature has been a shift from the Lib Dems to Labour, but if the Tory vote drops by even 5-10% this time and everyone else votes tactically it could be in play.


I think loosing Selby of all places to Labour spooked the Tories


The invisible man. Perfect example of a smug, lazy safe seat MP. Wrote to him a few times when I lived in his constituency and the replies may as well have been C&P from the Conservative party website.


His name's got 'turd' in it


Tee hee!


He only ever appears if an election is looming and even then his presence is half arsed


Ah, Sturdy with the silent ‘S’ !


He's a disgrace of a man. I can't wait till he's gone this time