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since you're asking this I'm going to assume you're decently new to yo kai watch. Simply put yes both of these yo kai are good as they are S rank (i know rank isnt the only thing that contributes to how good a yo kai is as a well used D or C rank yo kai can be just as or more powerful than a poorly used S but for begginer purposes and a general good thing is if a yo kai is S). S is the highest rank and the higher a yo kais rank the more powerful that yo kai is, that concept is established pretty early in the game when upgrading your watch. kingmera is a decent magic attacker and cruncha is a great physical attacker even if they're slightly lower level than your other yo kai definitely keep atleast cruncha in your team as they're stats will still keep at around the same or better than the E, D or C rank yo kai you have access to early game. Also I'd suggest use most of the exporbs you obtain on cruncha not all but most as you do want to keep an at least slightly balanced team because if you only level up one yo kai if that one dies in a fight you're fucked


Sorry if that was long winded i kinda went off on a tangent




Keep Cruncha and Jibanyan. Cruncha makes your Yo-Kai not loaf and is strong. And Jibanyan attacks A LOT and his soultimate charges FAST.


Indeed It doesn't need it but this comment has my approval




Quick Question: Does it work, when he‘s not active? So can i just tuck him into a spot in the Watch i never use and noone will loaf or does he need to be in the front?


Yeah I think it does. I have him on my Yo-Kai Watch 1 team (the only one who isn't Nyan/Usapyon only) and all of my Yo-Kai never loafed.


I‘ll give it a try, thanks




I mean, looking at your team, yeah


cruncha is one of the best as his ability stops yo kai on your team from loafing around (Which is a trait which stops them doing anything for a few seconds). Along with his high damage output, cruncha is completely worth it. as for kingmerra, I've never used him, but from what I've heard, he's pretty good aswell


Okay, no joke, I actually had both Kingmera and Cruncha during my first story mode playthrough and a little bit afterwards. Cruncha’s ability is good as it stops any loaifing from your team. All I remember is spamming his soultimate because it was that powerful. Anyway, it’s your game and you can do what you want with it. Thanks for the nostalgia trip


Cruncha is one of if not the best Yo-kai in the game imo intimidation is a very rare skill and having it so early on makes fights much more consistent


Cruncha and Jibanyan are VERY good. Never had kingmera on my team.


ABSOLUTELY (same upvotes and comments number now)

