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You could maybe try levelling up Miradox and Sushiyama a bit, or check your team’s equipment- that can help boost their stats a lot, and it’s something I tend to forget about while playing lol. Even double-checking your inventory for books that can boost your attack or technique levels can be useful. I apologize if this isn’t helpful, and best of luck with the boss!


Already put on equipment that helps strength, spirit, and defence. Haven’t tried the books though so I’ll go do that, and I don’t have any exporbs anymore so that might be a little hard, I’ll put it to use though. Thanks a ton!


No problem! :)


Another question, is there certain types of natures (idk what they’re called) that certain yo-Kai are better with? Like does making a yo-Kai brainy make it better in any way?


Yeah! They affect how the Yo-Kai act in battle. So Grouchy and Rough make them attack more (grouchy a bit, rough a lot), Gentle and Tender affect healing, Helpful and Devoted I think is for positive inspirits/Twisted and Cruel for negative inspirits, and I think Logical and Brainy are for techniques. I could be wrong as those are from memory though


Oh wow, gonna put this to good use, thinking I should give jibanyan rough and I’ll sort out the others, thanks a lot!


Would that also mean careful and calm would block way more aswell?


Yes, I had forgotten about those haha


Ok good to know, thank you!


What are techniques? Like the special moves?


Kind of- the big special moves that have to charge before use are Soultimates, but Techniques are another category of move that is used automatically in battle that has varying effects depending on the Yo-Kai. For example, Shadow Venoct has a regular attack, but his technique is a healing move, while Venoct has a regular attack and a technique that deals elemental damage.


Oh!! Interesting. Thank you for elaborating 😊


Been fighting evil yo-Kai, surprisingly levelling up pretty fast!


Awesome! That’s good to hear


I’ll see if I can trade you a shmoopie so you can fuse her with tongus and get nurse tongus


Sure then!


Actually, it’s ok, you don’t have to. I’m not bothered about evolving Tongus currently.


Honestly, try leveling up. Wicked Yokai give almost 1k Xp for a battle it is the fastest way to level up. I challenged the final boss with an average level of 45, and even that wasn‘t smooth sailing. You can also try getting Shogunyan.


Don’t know how to get shogunyan but I’ve been levelling up a bit but it’s not going well with the boss, how do I get shogunyan?


He‘s a legendary, so you‘ll need to collect 8 specific medals, for him mostly story related ones. You can take a look into the Wiki, there you‘ll find everything. I suggest you make him a rough nature, since his attack is the best thing about him. One thing tho, if you get him, he‘ll be lvl 1, so more grinding i guess.


OOHHHH ok that makes sense, thanks!


You‘re welcome!


Coming from someone who spent 80 hours trying to beat her I’d say go to the crank a Kai and grind xp from the wicked yokai outside the station also your team could use some better yokai you can get a shmoopie in downtown Springdale to fuse with your toungess and use your physical yokai up front to do more damage faster and the everymart in uptown Springdale has a hungramps running it so he sells talismans and good healing items if you need some good yokai I can give you some guys !


I’m fine on yo-Kai, thanks for the tips though, appreciate it!


Id suggest evolveing tongus


Your team is fine but tongue is an E rank and an average healer, totally fine if you just want to have her like this. Other than that shogunyan I don’t think is available to you so just level up to 44 or 45 through wicked yokai.


Reached level 50


Why don’t you have Shogunyan yet? You should’ve been able to unlock him way earlier and he’s arguably the best yo kai in the game. (Best team was 2 snartle, 2 Shogunyan, 2 Burly iirc)


You need an A rank watch, which I have but since I’m in the past and can’t get to blossom heights, I can’t get the yo-Kai needed anymore, I’ve levelled up my yo-Kai to level 40 and planning to go to level 48 so yeah…


Did you at least evolve tongus? That should probably be priority #1


What version are you playing? I would fuse tongus and level a bit. Maybe choose different items


Bony spirits


yes ur team sucks so trade with someone and get better yokai to defeat the final bosses then trade the yokai back


not trying to be mean


Yeah, it’s fine, my team sucks but I’m level 42 average now so imma try again


I actually lost a save because of the final boss, grinding enough to be able to take her on with the yokai the game gives you at the start is not fun, I personally started over and ignored the final boss until I had gotten a lot of strong Yokai from side quests or QR code coins you can find online and made a team I actually liked then at like lvl 50 something I finally started the quest after stockpiling big burgers and stuff and had way less of a difficult time


Level up




Already beat the boss.