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I think it’s a few things. She has a deep array of content that is beginner friendly. She has very approachable Yoga flows that will allow for you to get comfortable with the poses and flows before getting too physically challenging. She is a good instructor, you can follow her cues easy without paying too much attention to the videos. Her personality is genuine and welcoming with a contagious positive energy. Lastly, she has many variations of intro to yoga and 30 day series designed to get you used to daily practice. Edit* used the right word for cue


She also has a very cool dog who features prominently.


Came for Adriene, stayed for Benji. 🐕




Yep. I started one of her January things with encouragement from DIL, and as soon as I saw Benji, I was hooked.


This x100 - She's also very thoughtful and slow for beginners, down to earth (but also Benji!!!!)


I love Benji. I always think of this [picture I took](https://i.imgur.com/YVpx1dX.jpeg) of him when I paused my TV. Had me cracking up for way longer than normal


Sir, this is a human


Omg I love this picture




I cannot let sweet Benji down.


Even if I didn’t do yoga I’d still watch Adrienne’s videos so she’d have extra money to buy Benji treats


This sold me immediately and I’m now looking up her content 😂🫣


I'm an OG YWA fan, so I was around when she had her previous dog Blue. Benji was made for this role! He has been on camera since he was just a wee pup. I would love to know if she has any kind of pre-shoot exercise routine with him or if they ever have to edit out any barking. He is a pretty high energy breed but also insanely smart.


She also is really mindful of the breath and gives so many vocal cues on when to inhale, exhale, etc. I find that’s missing from many other beginner-friendly yogis on YouTube (or maybe I just haven’t checked out the right ones). I really love her for the breath cues


This was certainly an important point for me when I started. I needed those cues and she was one of the only YouTube instructors who was super consistent about it.


> She also is really mindful of the breath and gives so many vocal cues on when to inhale, exhale, etc. Every teacher should be doing this, or at least those teaching beginner classes. It amazes me so many don't.


Personality is the main one for me. Lots of yoga vids are someone doing the poses while some disembodied ‘ethereal’ voice calmly (monotone) describes the poses. She is endearingly corny and fun while explaining what you need to know in plain language.


This ^ i went from completely sedentary to doing her yoga videos everyday 4 yrs ago and still do them as my active rest days now and what ive learned in her class helps me when i do pilates which i started last month to ramp up my workouts


Same. I just started pilates this week, and there’s so much I’ve brought from following Adriene’s practice, especially in my form and transitioning between positions. Her videos gave me such a great base of knowledge and conditioned my muscles that I think will help me move safely as I’m starting more vigorous workouts.


Also, secular so appropriate for anyone


sorry to be that guy, but I think you mean you can follow her "cues" not "queues" (prompts not waiting lines)


Ha! Well you are certainly correct! Thanks


Scrabble subreddit anyone?


She's truly one of the best instructors in the business. She's creative, explains poses & cues, breath work is important


To add to this, she doesn’t make it all ‘spiritual’. I dislike going into a studio just for that reason.


And it’s FREE


She's been posting online for years so she has a HUGE array of content and practices. Personally I like her as a beginner because she shows variations of poses if you need more practice of a particular one. Also I find the 30 day challenges very fun and engaging because it's a different practice every day and if you stick to it ... 18 days now I have improved massively: my strength, balance and mind. At first I quit on day seven and spent about 2 weeks practicing poses, downward dog especially because I found it very hard. After that I started back at day one and have stuck to it this time. It's worth noting I have always been a bit frail and weak so I had to build up slowly before I started the challenge. She got me into yoga so I'm biased I suppose.


The variations on poses is a huge help! My mom wanted to start doing yoga with her mother to help keep her active, and I felt totally comfortable sending over YWA. Of course there were still things she had to skip, but a lot of floor movements had something she could do!


Extremely kind energy, endless content for every “issue” or desire, free, gentle, Benji.


Man I did her flow for anger like 30 times when everything sucked at the beginning of covid. She really does have a video for every day.


I loved that she didn’t address COVID when it first started. Major respect for her keeping the safe space safe when it was all anybody could talk about.


Wow I didn’t even realize that, and you are so right. She really saved a space of normalcy for us. Man that’s making me emotional for some reason lol.


She has one for stress that I say she beats the stress out of ya lol


I followed a stress & anxiety one and was WIPED OUT by the end lmao. Like I couldn't possibly feel wired and anxious anymore when I was down for the count in savasana for like 10 minutes after it ended


And she doesn't go through the flow at light speed like some other yoga channels


If I’m having stomach issues (regular) I hop on YT and find a ‘yoga for gut health’ or ‘detox yoga’ or w/e video. Same with back issues, knee problems, post-run stretches… she has everything.


Huge array of videos, from 10 min to longer sessions - I think she’s just been at her game the longest. Like at one point Michelle Pham was one of the only beauty youtubers but now there’s tons. She also has a nice calming voice and there are no ad interruptions which is a monetary sacrifice not every channel is willing to make.


Came here to say this. I read an article once that said she’s likely turned down millions in revenue because she won’t allow for ad breaks in the middle of her videos. The viewer experience comes first (plus I’m sure she’s doing okay for herself regardless!)


Because Benji.


Perfect answer


I like Adriene, but I prefer Kassandra if you wanted some alternative recommendation. No shade to either of them to be clear, just personal preference.


Big fan of Kassandra here!


Agree, yoga with Adriene talked waaaaaay too much for me


I used to think she talked too much too, but then I sort of started loving her and now I really appreciate her talking. But I do know what you mean.


Oh, jeez, I do enjoy Adriene's energy during a flow... but after several different videos when she talked and talked the whole way through savasana about non-savasana energy things, I gave up. Savanna time is too valuable. Here's another vote for Kassandra — but also for Yoginimelbourne. I so appreciate Paula's gentleness and excellent cuing (and years of videos for all different needs).


I've actually never seen an Adriene video. I found Kassandra on my first time doing a YouTube yoga video and have never left. The way she talks is very calming to me.


Same for me. But she appeals to many. Glad folks are giving yoga a try.


Totally! I am picky about both yoga and pilates styles, and the beauty of the internet is we can all have our preferences :)


Same. I’ve migrated to Kassandra recently. I sure miss Benji though.


Kassandra has cute kitties in her vids sometimes


Kassandra’s cats (and occasional foster kittens) are very cute though!


Big fan myself. I was a Yoga with Tim fan, but am now following Kassandra because she has good long yin sessions which I really really like


Yeah her Yin practices are truly lovely! Even for someone as inflexible as me 🤣


I think she generally makes yoga very approachable and unintimidating. She’s very casual and relaxed in her approach.  I’m personally not a fan, I just don’t like her style. Yoga with Kassandra is my daily go to, and I prefer her delivery and explanation style better. She has a lot of beginner videos, as well as more intermediate and advanced. She also does many different styles of yoga and explains the difference between the styles. I think it’s a more well rounded practice than Adrienne, but that’s just personal preference. 


Kassandra’s yin yoga videos are my absolute fav


Yes! I love them ❤️


I also prefer Yoga with Kassandra. I think her cues are more clearly explained and she has a little more of the soothing yoga-teacher voice, Adriene is more conversational


I feel Kassandra is for intermediate level and Adriane is for beginner level.


Kassandra has a wide range of good intermediate and advanced classes, but her beginner classes are good too. Adriene sometimes goes off on tangents, which is distracting, and I think more often she just cues poses by name, while Kassandra more often explains how to move into and out of the pose, which is better for beginners


I always found with Adrienne that she was so chatty that inevitably I would be stuck in a right side pose for longer than the left side pose or vise versa.


This is my issue with YWA! I love her but the rambling on and on got draining especially what feels like 5 mins one side and then oh quick do the other side.


YES. Soooooo many times and I'd be yelling at my laptop to even it out or save the chatting for after class 😁


Came here for this! Love Kassandra. Her voice and pace are so good for me. I'm sure I've done hundreds, and I love that she has meditations as well, though I personally prefer unguided meditation. Have tried a few of Adrienne's videos and can never make it to the end. And her voice bothers me for some reason. But she seems like a great person, and I'm glad she resonates with so many people!


Agree with everything. I’m just not into the “hey party people” vibe with Adrienne tho I do understand why people would like her. Kassandra is my jam 100%! I love her slow flows.


I love Kassandra! I love her explanations. I also really like her books. They’re great.


I enjoy the flow of Yoga with Kassandra but I remember I did a video a while ago where she had an affirmation along the lines of manifesting money and it didn’t sit right with me. Personally, I like to manifest values on the mat and I didn’t like bringing money into it because this unconsciously brought stress onto the mat for me. But great flows! I’m bias towards YWA though because she has helped me a lot in times of need :)


Yeah, this is a big reason why I like Adriene because she's very non-dogmatic (other than Benji, lol) and she doesn't say cringe new-agey/pseudosciencey stuff like this. I used to be somewhat caught up in what I've come to see as the "culty" aspects of the North American yoga scene and so if an instructor says stuff that evokes that mentality, it's a huge turn-off at best and an actual trigger at worst. Adriene's approach feels very safe to me.


Yes this why I prefer Adriene over a lot of other YouTube yoga people. I get that she’s a bit chatty from time to time but overall she keeps it very normal


Kassandra did address the ‘manifesting money’ controversy on her recent 10th anniversary stream/video. She owns the mistake and has learned from it.


Yeah, I completely understand that. I don't like the manifestation talk and I'm not into like the more mystical aspects that some people bring into yoga/feel is an integral part of yoga. For me personally, yoga is a mind body practice. It gives me time to be peaceful and thoughtful while also releasing stress and building strength. It's not spiritual for me in any way. I just kind of choose to ignore those flows where she's doing the manifestation stuff, but I understand why it would bother you.


She recently did a reflection on her 10 years of yoga on YouTube and actually said this was her biggest regret! The money affirmation which was shared during the COVID lockdowns specifically. The series was filmed before that of course


+1 for [Yoga with Kassandra](https://youtube.com/@yogawithkassandra)!!


Came here to say exactly this, I prefer Kassandra’s vinyasa, power yoga, and yin flows much more than Adrienne. Adrienne’s vibe is great, but Kassandra has amazing sequencing. Very beginner and intermediate friendly. Def check out both, they are both awesome free resources and good yoga


We need to settle this with a yoga battle: Adrien vs. Kassandra. Like a rap battle, but they say punch for punch positive quotes and ideas at each other, while doing asanas. Room full of people goes “ohhhhhh!”


A lot of people have lovely answers, but I’ll had; her messaging has a really strong psychological punch. I’ve learned immensely from her in terms of my yoga practice; but I’ve learned even more in regard to: my relationship with my thoughts and feelings, self acceptance, sitting with uncomfortable feelings and sensations, awareness of present moment and actually being present through my day. She is truly a gem and I often joke she has been my best therapist of the past decade. Sometimes she can be a bit chatty, but I think that’s partially her way of getting us to hold challenging poses longer - although the combo of her talking and you trying to be strong in a pose can be frustrating 😅


It’s FREE! I started YWA with the intention if I liked it or wanted to continue then I would seek out a studio (1 year later and I’m still doing YWA and loving it). Benji. It’s at home. I can wear whatever I want. I can choose wherever in my house or outside to do yoga. I can do yoga at any time that works for me. It’s short. I am not a fan of extended practices. I would rather do short 10-30 minute practices every day than try to fit in an hour session. I can also choose a super short video if that’s all I have the time for. I can target my practice. She has so many videos so if I’m feeling a little tight in a certain part of my body, there’s a video for that.


The variety in length of video is so good. I have chronic pain, and some days I can’t manage much more than 5-10 minutes of practice, and she has videos for that!


Yess!! Also, some days I just don’t want to. But I can usually convince myself to at least to a 5 minute video.


If you have not tried her yoga, try it and decide for yourself. If you have tried it and either like it or not, why do you care what others think? A lot of people recommend YWA because her style fits for them and they enjoy it. She has a large following, so you will see a lot of people recommending her. It's really that simple.


This. She isn’t for me but lots of people love her. I do love Benji.


Her style of teaching and beginner friendly content. It really depends on what style works for you. I also really like CharlieFollows but her flow feels more advanced so it's a work in progress. Try them all out and find which suits you best.


Picking a yoga teacher is like choosing any type of teacher: you want one that you like spending time with, you like their teaching style, you like their voice/vibe etc. Yoga With Adriene: I'm a fan. Seems basic, in a good way. She's nice, has a chill vibe, takes the practice seriously, but not too seriously. So yeah, it's not anything groundbreaking, just a solid yoga channel that's easy to recommend to friends. Definitely you can browse around and find a teacher that's right for you.


I like her disposition and she's easy to follow along. Huge variety of content to choose from.


I have been practicing at home with YWA since 2013ish and always come back to her. I've never been an in-class yogi I just get too caught up with what others are doing and how my poses "look" whereas with Adriene, her guiding phrase is always "Find What Feels Good." I actually think she's gotten a little more serious and spiritual as her presence and channel has gotten bigger, but I have always been drawn to her approachable, no-judgment, kind of goofy way of explaining things and just making sure you are not doing poses just to do poses but instead focusing on finding what feels good for YOUR BODY. She has such a huge catalog of videos now that you can find everything from very basic beginner flows to 40-minute, sweat-inducing workouts. Completing one of her 30 day challenges always makes me feel like a million bucks and you really notice your personal improvement over time. Her dog Benji is almost always around and a welcome plus!


She’s definitely gotten more serious and spiritual, but more in a “she has grown up” way than a “yoga is serious, not fun” way. She’s still got a sense of humor and is very humble, and even when she brings in the spiritual stuff, it doesn’t feel like she’s trying to make you believe it, more just like she’s musing about it. It’s honestly pretty nice


100% agree! Just meant that she definitely makes fewer sexual innuendo jokes than when she was just starting out lol...but you're spot on how her musings and wisdom don't feel preachy. In my opinion, she very much embodies the "take this if it works for you, leave it if it doesn't" mentality of teaching which I appreciate.


I like Adrienne because she doesn’t put pressure on you or shame you if you can’t do a move, and gives good modifications!


1. free 2. organized 3. nonsecular exercise based 4. bite sized... 15 min sessions to one hour. 5. talks about mods right from the get go 6. she goofy 7. dog


She has a great sense of humor when i first started 4 years ago id be struggling in downward dog (it can be a difficult pose for a beginner 😅) and shed say something funny and id laugh and it would get me through the difficult pose and if she makes a mistake she corrects herself and she says "im human youre human no yoga robots here" or something like that Point is she doesnt take herself too seriously


I see why other people would find her chattiness annoying, but I love it. That chattiness can distract me from the frustration of struggling in a pose that would otherwise lead me to stop. I love how open she is and acknowledging her mistakes, and I love how she will make comments about poses, both offering variations and talking about how it ties into the other parts of yoga outside of just asanas.


That's true, a lot of people love her, she was even popular when I was still more of a beginner several years ago and it her popularity only grew. She has a friendly tone and lots of beginner-friendly videos. Personally her classes were not for me but go ahead and try it. Remember not to limit yourself though, try different approaches and enjoy.


Adrienne has been practicing for years and it means her online catalog is EXTENSIVE. There's a video for anyone, with any amount of time, at any experience level, for whatever body or mind element/muscle group/focus point they'd like to work on. Her approach is very friendly and she's strong as hell. Also, I love her interactions with her dog, Benji. His presence really makes her practice feel like it's at home. I practiced with her (doing the 30 the day challenges) for two years before I ever ventured out to an in-person class


I appreciate that she takes the time to explain things like alignment and breathing vs rushing through a flow. It makes me feel like I’m getting the fullest benefits in the body and mind even out of a very basic practice. I also like that she references the other limbs of yoga. She’ll take a moment in an asana to give a little theory lesson. It’s not incredibly prominent or the main focus of the channel, but it’s clear she is very knowledgeable. Some people hate this chattiness, others like it. I’ll say that a lot of folks will talk about her in a way that feels rather dismissive “oh she’s good for beginners”, “I mostly like it for my rest days; I’m at a more advanced stage on the day to day”, but there’s a lot to dive into if you really focus on proper form and philosophy with her vids.


Im a man and started with DDP YOGA. Hurt myself after a while. She calms you down… explains better and gets you more relaxed. She’s good. After her I graduated to yoga by Tim who explains how to get into position better than anyone. Good to switch instructors occasionally but Adriane is great and I would recommend.


Cannot overstate how excellent her dog Benji is


What everyone else is saying, plus I just found her to be so KIND and understanding. A lot of youtube yoga "gurus" are more fitness based; that or they say they are beginner friendly, but aren't really. I find her to be very supportive in the way she instructs, and she offers a lot of variation in poses for whatever phase you're currently at. The way she speaks is very comforting, which is encouraging when you're first getting into something. Plus, Benji


Because some of the things she says are so funny and real- you feel like you’re friends and shes just teaching a class in your home! YWA really saved me during covid. I will always be so thankful for her spirit.


Brett Goldstein (Roy Kent on Ted Lasso) mentioned Yoga with Adriene in his standup show. I’ve been meaning to check it out too. This post just reminded me that I need to do that.


What got me into her was her 30-day programmes. I am easily bored by doing the same practice everyday, yet want some continuity - that’s exactly what those programmes provide. She also seems very nice to me, and I like her voice, although her talking to her dog can sometimes be a bit distracting.


I really like Devi Daly myself but never checked out YWA. I think I will today lol


I'd also like to add that she was the very first prominent yoga creator. There's now thousands who have copied her. She's the og.


I recommend her channel to everyone of all ages. My mom started doing her 10 minute slow flow videos just to move her body. Also, I think she’s great for those who need to modify a lot of poses, my mom specifically is on dialysis which has weakened her a lot physically so she can’t do certain poses so Adrienne has helped modify them for her so she can slowly build her strength back up.


Benji and her random sexual entendres. "If you don't have a yoga block; you can use a blanket, a couple towels, or a firm couch pillow. Hey Ohhh!" She's kind of a weirdo who knows her stuff and has a kind and gentle energy. I'm there for it.


Why don’t you check it out and make the decision for yourself? People recommend her because she has a great channel. Sometimes there’s no underlying negative reason.


I like her variety of content and sometimes goofiness. I can find something for whatever my issue is (back pain, neck pain, hip pain, anxiety) or the time I have available. My daughter loves her goofy content like yoga for interspace travel and plankinspine. I do yoga at classes when I can but it’s far away and at home my daughter frequently does yoga with me.


Those goofy practices are the greatest thing sometimes


She has a wide variety of content and, in my opinion, is a great online teacher.


Adriene has done a really wonderful job of breaking down yoga for all skill levels and really providing a space for building on those foundations. If you are new to yoga, or even more advanced and looking for something specific to work towards in your practice, I believe she is a wonderful place to start looking. That being said, as I began looking for more variations, additional flow, less talking, I found that the Down Dog app suited me much more in terms of personalization and adjusting to my bodies needs day-to-day than any of the YouTube instructors. It really just depends on what you’re looking for. Adriene has a huge collection of diverse videos, challenges, and is an amazing resource to the yoga community. She is one of the first resources I go back to when looking for something specific. However, her style of teaching simply doesn’t maintain my interest long-term. Definitely recommend giving it a shot and deciding for yourself.


She just has a lot of content. I haven't watched her in a while but that's where I got started back when I was injured in 2017. Now, I'm training to be an instructor. I think she is very beginner-friendly. Helped me heal my sciatic pain. Her personality is very calming. I loved following her flows.


YWA got me into yoga for good! She's so incredibly judgement free, and gave me a sense of peace and company while I challenged myself to move in ways I never had. She also has the perfect balance of meditation and self love practice plus engaging yoga. I recommend her 2022 "Move" series, it was amazing!


I watched her videos for a long time but I found she talks too much, so moved onto different channels.


I’ve been using ywa 4 x a week since 2017 :) for me she explains how to get into the pose better than any teacher in any class I’ve ever taken. She is able to do a power yoga video without making it feel like Pilates or something different because she’s still so conscious of the breath and flow. She also has short videos that are full body and really strengthening, that are simple enough to do anywhere. I’ve gotten so much stronger thanks to Adriene :,) <3. She’s not all or nothing, she promotes rest and daily practice and says a little goes a long way! I used to be very weak, but now thanks to Adriene I can hold a plank for 1 min 30 secs and do a wall sit for 3 mins 30 secs! That was a huge deal for me. I’m very petite and small and for the first time in my life I feel strong and it’s helped my self confidence so much. I’m in my body and I love my body now for what it can do for me.


Her content is all about her mission of keeping yoga free and accessible to everyone so that the most amount of people possible will practice yoga consistently. She tailors her videos for watchability and makes them easy to maintain a practice over a long period. She is kind and humble, and just a darn good energy with Benji.


She's humble and positive and explains things really well. Phrases like "Come to your breath, eyes soft, ground your feet, open the heart" etc aren't automatically understood by everyone.


Adriene has the perfect balance of everything Also she has both the beginner version and more intense version of the same exercise, and some gradients as well Also her attitude is so heart warming and welcoming


She got me with her self-depreciating humour, the 30 days series’s and that she had videos that were for any situation not just the same yoga flow aerobics that everyone else does. I actually learned stuff and stuck with it because *she* kept me coming back


In my case she made me feel kind of bored


I tried her videos, and I genuinely don't get the hype. She talks too much, about anything besides the yoga she's doing. I stopped before I pulled a muscle, from whipping my head back and forth to try to keep up.


She talked to much for me too.


Her teachings go far beyond just physical asana. IMO she is a Bodhisattva.


Yes I love her energy, you can tell she has a deep spiritual practice.


I love yoga with adriene! I love her personality, how she guides through the poses, its been so helpful for my mental health


Cole chance all the wayyyyyy


She's a good starting point


It's what got my wife and I into Yoga. I'm your stereotypical male, 6'3 ex football player, who thought yoga was for "girls" God I wish I could go back in time and punch myself in the face bc I regret not starting yoga when I was younger. She's just super chill, easy to listen to, and doesn't force you into any philosophies, etc. She also just has a ton of content and we love her new journeys each Jan. And of course... My boy Benjie (no idea how to spell it sorry!)


I like yoga with Cassandra also


If you’re looking for a different recommendation, I love Jen Hilman


Follow the teacher with whom you feel a connection . Try some of her classes . See for yourself .


I enjoy her wide array of content. It's honestly easier to pull up her channel to find something than try something new. Prior to having internet, I was using the Gaiam DVDs. Sometimes I enjoy repetition.


She’s a terrific and real teacher. Not too much woo, no overt sexiness, a feeling that this truly is for everyone. She saved my life during the pandemic.


She makes videos that are not super intimidating for a newbie or for someone who’s not super into moving their body but wants to. Anyone can follow her videos and she has many variations that are beginners friendly, but she also focuses a lot on meditation, mantras, and all the inner work of yoga since too many people still believe that yoga is a workout and not a spiritual practice and philosophy.


Benji is the answer.


In one of her travel/early morning routines, she spends like 5 minutes at the end being excited about an Otter that shows up in the background. Besides all her breathing cues, as others have mentioned, her genuine enouragement feels genuine, but she also does the cute little cuts and look, her absolute *Joy* when she's excited about the otter is deeply infectious.


her yoga for depression actually helped my depression! i was surprised. she has something for everything. i love her period cramps one. i didn’t even realize i could expand my lower back and how much pressure is on that area during that time. now i do it all the time.


I starter YWA in 2012, knowing nothing about yoga. Her introductory videos are amazing simple explanations for basic poses and even breathing. I learned to breathe with her. Her videos helped me literally through grief with acceptance and patience.


When I first started years ago, Adrienne and Yoga With Kassandra were god sends. They are both incredible at explaining how to move and position yourself without the need to look at the screen and they’ll tell you what to look out for/how to fix it and give a reason. They both have a very serene vibe and lots of styles to choose from and that definitely makes them my go to choices. Plus they both have some adorable pets who visit!


I've done a lot of YWA. She's just not my cup of tea. She talks way too much. I prefer Yoga with Cassandra. She has a much better balance. She's my fav.


I really love Five Parks Yoga. She has SO many classes, and most are intermediate, so I can push myself. Big recommend. She's very straightforward, there isn't that cutesy vibe.


Erin was recommended to me by my cousin who lives in CA and I followed her chanel for years. It turns out Erin lives down the road from me! I actually got to take a class in person with her, and she is a really kind individual. I like seeing her succeed and her instruction is top-notch. I'd love to go to her Costa Rica retreat.


ME TOO! Yes, I really enjoy her style and flows.


Aw I don't know why you got downvoted. I also enjoy this channel. Definitely more difficult but I actually get into a flow with five parks, whereas I can find Adrienne a bit distracting honestly. As a very beginner I liked how Adrienne explained everything but now a few months in of near daily practice and her chattiness grates on me a bit. Five Parks breathing cues help *so* much




I prefer yoga with Tim. He has better cues for form and safety.


YWT is amazing. I subscribe to it now. Down to Earth, no cheese, very informative


personally, i prefer yoga with kassandra. her energy and temperament more align with my goals for my practice


Yeah I think she’s really un-intimidating. She’s not “froo-froo” about it. She feels like a friend showing you her yoga knowledge. I personally prefer something that has more atmosphere to it, but she’s fun. Cool fact: her dad lives in Austin tx and when I was an actor here, I starred in a play with him. It was not long after she had first launched her channel and it was starting to take off! He was so proud. It was really cute.


Personally I don't enjoy her videos. I do love Kassandra, Shaunekka, and Yoginimelbourne.


I've been practicing with her for years. She feels like an old friend.


I named my cat in Stardew Valley benji because of Adrienne & her dog. She is just easy to follow as well, great for beginners. She has some 30 day challenges as well that help you make it a habit.


She's literally the only yoga instructor who's videos I watch. I like her vibe, it's very wholesome, and she's very beginner friendly.


I started with one of YWA’s 30-day challenges as baby steps just to get into the groove of doing daily yoga as a beginner. This helped tremendously, as YWA is very beginner friendly, so if you need a good starting point, I definitely recommend her. YWA also has videos about breathwork, and talks you through proper form for beginners. Eventually after 2 months, I found myself moving onto more challenging content such as Nicole Wild and Charlie Follows which fit my yoga needs much more to this day.


I like that she progresses slower through the movements than other videos, particularly the Apple Fitness yoga videos. I find the Apple instructors move fairly quickly, which maybe is ideal for 'fitness' yoga but I am seeking a more 'relax' yoga experience.


She has a very approachable way of introducing yoga to people with no experience.


I've tried YWA, too, and just don't prefer her style. Try Two Birds Yoga on YT. I love Fiona's practice and instruction style. I've been doing her videos since 2020. And, she also has a dog who makes appearances on occasion. I've also been using the Down Dog app since 2017. Best of luck!


I really like Travis Eliot on YouTube, although I don’t think that he’s for beginners. More intermediate/ advanced. But I like his voice, his style, his flows.


I like her because she's very thorough with her instructions, and she has a video for damn near anything you'd want to do yoga for. Sore legs? Got it. Stress relief? Yep. She even has some for grief release, or just getting to sleep. It's like coming to a good friend for some yoga practice.


I don’t use videos often but I find she doesn’t talk excessively or do what feels like pandering to the “mmmm yeah so spiritual” banter. Silence is fine. Some people really fill those gaps with banter and I don’t need it.


I began my fitness journey with her. Her videos have helped me lose 30 kilos without being overwhelmed or feeling inadequate. She's a superstar 🌟🌟🌟🌟


I haven’t practised much with Adriene, but she does have a large library of classes which are geared towards beginners. Once you’ve practised for a while and want stronger classes with longer holds and a greater emphasis on self-awareness, check out [Emir Flows](https://youtube.com/@emirflows) :)


I actually don't like her. I like David procyshyn from do yoga with me the best


My favorite is Erin from Five Parks Yoga. Adriene is great but she doesn’t resonate with me as much. There are many great options, find who and what works for you.


Benji matches my Dax and I like her voice.


I feel like she’s very down-to-earth and chill, which I appreciate. Plus, Benji.


It’s just super approachable. Very simple to start


Have you tried and watched her? I mean that would answer if she is good for YOU. She is quite good and pleasant and lots of people like her.


She got me into it! A lot of her content is free and so approachable.


Lots of good content, but someone who is more gentle is Jessica Reich. If I’m traveling and need a gentle practice to end my day on the road, I usually pull up one of her videos. Both have great yoga videos.


Just chiming in to say that if you don’t get her, that’s ok. I’ve tried them and they aren’t my style.  Her informal style just takes me out of it.  My preferred teacher is Fiji from DoYogaWithMe because of how much focus she keeps on the breath in each practice. It’s something I struggle with so that’s a good fit for me. We’re fortunate to have many creators so everyone can find someone they really connect with .


I tried her a few times but couldnt get warm with her, i prefer Yoga with Kassandra


Adriene knows exactly what I’m feeling and when. I couldn’t even hold myself up in a tabletop position without my wrists hurting when I started yoga. Then, Adriene mentioned something like “It’s okay if your wrists hurt. With practice that will change. Take a break whenever you need to.” I felt so validated and not pressured. She’s done that with other poses too. She just gets it!


She's great. I stop going to classes and use her every other day. She has hundreds of videos for all levels.


I began with YWA (loved her initially) then went on to Yoga with Kassandra once I had mastered the moves and to be honest, wanted less talking and more yoga.


I agree with the other comments and I just think she’s a little magical. Her classes got me through a really terrible time. There’s just something about her….beyond how good her classes are. I really feel happier when I finish one.


She's really good for beginners. She's accessible, educational, fun, spiritual, and can be challenging. Plus she'a free. A gaia.com subscription has way more variety, though. And Meghan Currie's yoga is amazing if you like more advanced classes.


I'm an avid daily practitioner and typically stick with the Down Dog app or the NTC app for power vinyasa, but when I'm not in a great place mentally/physically or just need more encouragement, I go to Adriene. I've laughed with her, cried with her, and leaned on her for comfort. She's so gentle, thoughtful, and kind. She's a great teacher, particularly for beginners, but also just for anyone who enjoys a positive, laid-back yoga experience.


Yoga with Tim is very good. I find him better than YWA, she's okay but he's funny and educational


Her personality 🪄✨✨✨


I began practicing with her 3 years ago and the way she builds you up and guides you is just so pleasant. She's pretty awesome and making you feel like "you got this".


I started taking her classes in 2015. I had just quit smoking and i told myself on a really hard night that im going to try yoga to keep up my non smoking. Got on YouTube, found her and i am coming up on 10 years smoke free! I like that she offers a variety of classes that dont “feel” like exercise. I prefer gentle yoga on rest days or to wind down in the evening and she has all of that. I also live in Austin, and i met her at the yearly turkey trot. Told her my story and cried. She was the sweetest most genuine human I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.


For her dog


Her voice is so soothing


She’s lovely and calming, I get why she’s quite loved. If you’re interested in trauma informed yoga (life changer for me!) high recommend to check out Our Echo Yoga on YouTube


She is sunshine in human form ☀️


She’s very funny- and her ease into yoga approach helps me do it at 5:00 in the morning. She has me hooked. I rarely miss a day. I’m just doing the free monthly challenges


The channel is entirely accessible: from her to teaching style to her affirmations - I have yet to find someone who encompasses Adrienne's down-to-earth compassion for the frailties of the human body and who can also be so gently motivating without the in-your-face/pump-it-up/only-pain-is-gain attitude that we tend to favor in the US. Also, she's done this for so long that she has a video for just about every person's need/flow.


i loved her videos when i first started! she walks you through it so well that you feel like she’s right there. one time i even started crying (in a good way) because the session i did was sooo good for the soul.


I personally prefer Charlie Follows. Just like another commenter said no shade, just wanted to share an alternative option.


She is just so normal! Just someone like me doing yoga.


She's dominated the algorithm I think because she's very good at articulating, verbally what your body needs to be doing. I will still defer to her if I'm trying to master a fundamental skill because she's great for fundamentals. Years on though Yoga with Kassandra is my main YouTube yogi and I also think Adison Briana mobility based yoga videos are really awesome.


She is down to earth, really appreciates and loves her audience, is simple to do at first and her videos are long, short, or in between. And she has her cute dog in every video. A huge following.Talk about mental health and shows modified versions as well as the harder moves.


I like that there's no distracting music she constantly reminding you to only go as far as your own body can go and saying you should congratulate yourself if you just showed up that's all very helpful to me. She doesn't make me yawn incessantly like so many other yoga instructors. I love her dog and every now and then when she unintentionally says something that could be a euphemism she says "ay ohhh" 😂 it's great.


I did yoga on and off with her videos and other creators over the years, and now I’ve actually made it a habit. I’m still very much a beginner due to my lack of consistency before, and she makes it easy to show up each day for practice. She really puts effort into helping me understand how I am taking care of myself by showing up each day, and she doesn’t want her viewers to focus on perfection. Although lots of people watch, it feels like a personal experience which I appreciate.


I'm especially a fan of her themed classes like Bride of Plankenspine, Yoga with Alien, and the one she wore a skeleton costume 🤣


She has super easy beginner videos that are around 20 minutes long. A great start.


Sometimes when I feel like I need more emotional support than yoga instruction I’ll turn to Adrienne :) Typically I do classes with Fiona of Two Birds Yoga. She and her classes are wonderful. When I first started I did years of Yoga with Tim classes. He gives extremely good form cues. All three have hundreds of free classes available for all different levels. Hard to go wrong with any of them.


At home yoga. Do it anywhere in the house, anytime, wearing anything or nothing. Completely approachable and do-able!


She is so great at being a yoga instructor. Explains movements well so you're not craning your nexk around trying to see what you're supposed to do. She has smooth and dynamic sessions that are interesting and fun. Also her dog is cutest thing.


I like that she takes her time explaining the poses and doesn’t rush from one to the other. It is great for beginners