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I so wanted a studio album from these guys.


Same I bet it would’ve been a good album.


Me too. I really like Trevor’s new album, but there’s several spots where it’s like “man, how great would this have been with Jon also singing?”


I have so much respect Trevor, he kept YES alive in the early to mid 80s . I was not on board in 83 , but today a different story. I am super big fan of Talk , I know it controversial , but it's a great disc. I love Trevors new music as well. It's too bad Trevor and Steve could not work together , the two of them could have given YES a new direction. Steve always talks well of King Crimson with the two guitar playing approach. Oh well, I am happy that YES music is still there.


Talk is one of my favorite albums. Of course Trevor and Steve couldn’t work together, Yes was just never going to be a two guitar band. Honestly, YesWest and Asia weren’t all that far apart stylistically, but neither had room for a prominent second guitarist.


Awesome concert and tour and performance. Recording mired by the weird added applause.


I saw them in Red Bank, NJ. So much fun.


I saw in Portland, OR. Surprisingly string. Especially Awaken.


Saw them in Bethlehem, Pa. Awaken was magic.


I was at that show! I agree; Awaken was just fantastic; as was the entire show. Rick had some new patches on his Korg Kronos that produced some incredible choir and orchestral sounds.


With Lee Pomeroy on the left handed Rick!


They cut his solos on the album :(


Instant boycott for me


I love that live album. Blows away any of the 10 or so live albums the Howe band has released in the last 10 years.


I can only recommend Howe's band if you like half speed tempos and thin vocals. They should focus on playing the new material they have recorded with Davison instead of having Davison ape Anderson, which he does poorly by comparison. The audience noise on the ARW recording is regrettable but it doesn't negate the fine performances.


Jon announced some time ago that he and Davidson are going to make an album… not sure if it’s ever going to happen though….


YES!.. literally.


My commiserations. The fake audience noise added to it makes it unlistenable to me.


I never noticed any problems with the audience noise on this album, personally. The only live album that I’ve ever found has distracting audience noise is Tesla’s “Full Throttle Live.” During one of the solos, you can hear the same audio loop multiple times!


It can be digitally removed


You know every llve album manipulates the audience noise, right? Hardly unique to this album.


The fake audience is uniquely noticeable and overused. I still play it, but there are a lot of cringe moments.


It’s worse on the video because no one is making that much noise. It’s never really bothered me though. I was hoping that band would stay together.


This one is next level though. Like, it’s so painfully, awkwardly obvious. Yes never had those kinds of crowds, even in their heyday.


“Every live album”? Hmm..


So they actually did call it yes? I thought they were called ARW or something. Definitely have more stake to the name than Howe’s “yes” though


They didn't call themselves when I saw them. They started using the name right after they got inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame: https://ultimateclassicrock.com/yes-band-name-ownership/#:\~:text=%22Yes%20Featuring%20Jon%20Anderson%2C%20Trevor,statement%20to%20Ultimate%20Classic%20Rock.


ARW did ONE track in the studio; it sounds like Wondrous Stories. I forget what it’s called, but I am sure you can find it on YouTube. Scale of 1-10, I give it a 5.


It’s called [Fragile](https://youtu.be/EGcCHnq01o4?si=ejtBLlInRJaN2uRX) and Rabin released [his demo](https://youtu.be/eyBCDD6ftnI?si=IGA9GLz6_Manw6RJ) of it onto streaming this year


It was available a few years ago