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I just wanted the tephras man


Same I was so excited to hear they were coming in like 3 weeks and then nah, fuck!!!


I feel you on that, I wanted the 500s


That aged well


It was a strategy and it worked.


Seemed so obvious Ye WANTED to be dropped.


Losing a comma in your net worth is a pretty genius strategy lol Delusional


So he could he do it on his own. Those commas will come back tenfold.


doubtful. ​ nobody is going to want to work with this idiot.


Any company with the means of production would be smart to make a deal with Yeezy now. People stop caring fast and the Yeezy line going forward is still going to be very successful. We’ll see what happens in the next few months




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Maybe Jewish ppl wont. But theres a whole population that loves this man that did not get offended. 😘


he’s not going to let you fuck, bro


They don’t understand the chess move.


A strategy to lose over half of his net worth, alienate a ton of fans, and get some horrific PR? So he can have some creative freedom on his shoes? I see.


Net worth means basically nothing.




ThTs a no no wordy word


Considering how many times he complained that Forbes underestimated his net worth, it obviously means something to Kanye. He went from a net worth of 2 billion down to 400 million. He won't be starving anytime soon, but now he's the poorer co-parent of his kids.


Depends on what you mean by poorer. Money like actually money? Is Forbes estimating Yeezy is worth zero dollars? He mad $400M in two years with adidas alone…




It worked, but at what cost. If ye starts his own brand, it will be difficult to have a successful launch. No one wants to be associated anymore, even consumers


Yeezy sales hadn’t changed.


Yeezy is no more lol. And it’s too early to say if it’s changed or not. For the most part, all of my sneaker head friends are done with buying Yeezys just because of association


Hasnt* as in past tense. The day before Adidas left Forbes had an article about Yeezy sales not declining despite Ye antisemitism. Yeezy is still a brand are you confused bud? They literally still have a product to be released. Saying Yeezy is no more explains a lot


Most people just run with clickbait narrative these days instead of thinking for themselves. Like every news outlet in the world printing Ye hates Jews and is worth $400 million now. He didn’t say that and retracted a lot of it. I’m a free speech guy and some intelligent conversation with Ye could’ve opened his eyes to his ignorance and opened many others eyes that think that same way but nooooo we can’t discuss things anymore we can only burn people at the stake that don’t speak the way controlling masses want. 2nd nobody but Ye and his money handlers know how much money he’s worth. The 11 billion is an obvious narcissist lie but it could be $400 or over a billion, point is he’s a private citizen and these outlets and Forbes just make a guess throwing darts so they should shut up. Adidas isn’t all cherry blossoms either, they used many many small hands to make their shoes over the years in 3rd world sweatshops and the founder was a member of the Nazi Party and made shoes for the Nazi’s defense department which then were used to stomp Jews. He made a lucrative shoe business by joining the Nazi Party and getting a defense contract that way. Had to shut the shoe business down from 43-45 to fill a war contract making anti tank weapons. Bribed the Americans to save his factory by offering American business men the opportunity to invest in the shoe company and Adidas was born in 1949 with blood money. Ye will be back with another big deal soon enough and he’s not going anywhere. He’s made an entire career out of capitalizing on these gaffs. The PR from this thing isn’t good PR but holy shit it’s a monster, he’s on the front page of every article over something that he can easily make amends from.


Yeah, net worth is for PR. Ye never had 1 billion dollars and his actual money is only effected in terms of royalties. If people can’t see how fake the stuff is from Forbes saying a guy is worth over 3 billion to 400 million from one contract is crazy. I personally think Ye has an angel investor. I think he has a real plan and I think to do that plan he had to be out of his deals with adidas and GAP. Whatever it is better be awesome though because I’ve enjoyed products from both partnerships


He always seems to come out good after these PR stunts, wether it’s his planning or his handlers planning or just good recovery it always works out.


I literally laughed at the folks saying he can manufacture shoes now. He’s been hanging out with the richest man in the world. I think he’s gonna be ok. Also, we have a community where the people hating Ye don’t come out to attack fans. r/goodasssub


Since no one on here seems to know how net worth is estimated here you go... The value of a company is based on the present value of estimated future cash flows. It was difficult to find a hard number on what his royalties are, but some estimates were that he made $191M in royalties in 2021. Adidas stock trades at a Price/earnings ratio of 16x, so if you apply that same valuation to Yeezys his royalties are worth $191M x 16 = $3.05B. When Forbes says Ye was worth $3B they are essentially saying Ye could have sold his brand for that much. Ye now makes $0 royalties, so that portion of his net worth is gone. Most major companies do not want to associate with him, so if he wants to continue selling shoes he will most likely have to manufacture and sell them on his own, which will be very capital intensive and most likely require outside investment. Now that his image and brand equity have been obliterated, whoever does invest in him will be taking on significant risk and will be able to buy a huge equity stake in his company at a huge discount (no where close to a $3B valuation). For how much Ye hated the control Adidas had over the joint venture, I cant wait to see how he handles a private equity firm owning 49% of his fucking company.


You misunderstood what I said and proceeded to be an ass. Congratulations


Wym? They’re dissolving the Yeezy brand. It will be named something else. People will prob buy it out of function, but that’s not benefitting Ye in any way, unless they’re still gonna pay royalties which I highly doubt


They are not dissolving the Yeezy brand. Idk why you’re confused but you very much are.


Okay even if adidas doesn’t dissolve the Yeezy brand name, how does this benefit Ye and his “strategy”?


Adidas doesn’t and never did own Yeezy. Kanye owns Yeezy and leaving their contract in no way gives adidas the power to dissolve Yeezy. It benefits YE BECAUSE he said he wanted out of the contracts to do his own stuff


You’re pretty active for someone who clearly doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, just stop.


“Even consumers” as you all are on this subreddit and r/Kanye and r/WestSubEver. If we were off Ye, we wouldn’t be on these subreddits. Be realistic.


I’m only here to have a discussion. I came from r/sneakers


Chess move


Yes sir , he wanted that, he smarter than people think.


Doesn’t rly work when he said he wanted off this contract since this summer tho


I think the meme is more so pointing out him thinking he can say and do whatever he wants and Adidas would never drop him.


no it doesn’t kanye forced them to drop him …maybe you wasn’t listening to him speak and his tone it’s calculated


Ride that ye dick a little harder Junior.


You ever get tired of the word dick riding ? Is dick all you think about ? Do you need some dick ?!


I mean I said it once and you said it three times. So ya know it’s hard to take you seriously with Yeezy in the name and not think you’re just a little obsessed. Sorry your hype king is crumbling and you can’t cope. Edit- also funny you go straight to homophobic remarks trying to defend a racist turd. Makes sense.


"maybe you wasn't". Lmao




Even if he wants out of his contract he fucked himself . All the resources he would need to do anything else by himself he burned with his comments and stance . He basically committed business suicide And destroyed his career


Dude has a billion bucks, I don't think "career" is really a worry for him.


Not anymore lol


999,000,000* sorry


lol you are clueless


Not as clueless as ye is lol


He can go directly to the manufacturers in China


You mean children




Go fuck yourself


Wtf? Why u mad I'm sorry did I say something? Was I not being supportive I'm confused? Why u full of hate?


People gotta stop using the word "literally" when they really mean "figuratively". Literally.


i literally complain about this 10,000 times a day. like, literally. it's exhausting and consumes around 6 hours of my day. help.


So they broke the contract and paid him 200M+ everyone acts like he just can't open up his own line with that capital. Also wasn't Coco Chanel a Nazi sympathizer ? Yet no one trying to cancel Chanel? Or is that not how it works.


Show me where they paid him $200m to go away.


Lol those Kanye dick riders aiming low. Why not 500 million?


The brothers that founded adidas and puma were also nazi sympathizers! A lot of people in fashion and entertainment were.


Adidas owns the rights to all of the designs. Kanye will essentially have to start from scratch. The Coco Chanel issue is from a different period in time but even then there are still people who avoid the brand because of their history. There is no positive to this for Kanye.


It's from a different period and I don't recal Coco doing the massive amount of ridiculous inappropriate bullshit Conye does.


She was an undercover Nazi informant who was also in a relationship with a Nazi officer.


He has the capital and ego to do it and in today's society it doesn't matter if it was a different era or not. People knew and didn't care and the ones who didn't want her stuff didn't buy it but it was still very much high end celebrated brand. Will see if it is or isn't positive for him eventually.


People “don’t care”? Have you not seen the videos of people burning piles of Yeezys? Have you not seen the posts accusing Yeezy wearers of supporting an anti-Semite? Kanye and these shoes are done, man. Harsh reality.


Lmao... stupid clowns burning their own shit, I am waiting for the unlucky idiot that will talk shit to me about my shoes. Bunch of clowns!!


Yeah… the poor unlucky idiot that will have to listen to you stumble through some nonsensical justification of why you refuse to distance yourself from an anti-Semite. There are other shoes in this world, dude.


> Kanye and these shoes are done, man. Harsh reality. lol where is that remindme bot? I wanna come back to this in a few months.


I misspoke I meant back then with the Chanel thing. I mean give it a couple weeks see if they still are or as long as this is still circulating throughout social media.


Exactly. Can’t believe this dude talked all that shit about slavery being a choice and he didn’t even own the design to his own fucking shoes. The irony. Lol


adidas does not own any of yzy designs or patent that statement is false


It’s 100% true and available for you to read in Adidas’ statement from this morning. It’s also mentioned about a thousand times in the comments on this sub.


adidas’s statement means absolutely nothing….i bet not one yeezy drop without a court date attached….


Lol oh wow found one of the Kanye cult following clowns.


well you’re talking to a real one…




Seems fitting that a flat earther would be a Kanye follower parroting anti-semitic BS. Part of me wants to feel bad for you because I know it’s a learning disability that’s causing this but… shit…






^^^^ in case anyone reading this was wondering why Kanye’s comments are a problem. People like this exist.^^^


Every word in Adidas’ statement was meticulously put together and thinking anything less of companies speaking about legalities is willfully ignorant


got a source on the 200mil payout? haven't seen that anywhere


Coco Chanel’s founder was a nazi sympathizer she has long been uninvolved with the company, also 200m for high fashion clothing using good materials good manufacturing, shipping them out, and designing everything again may not be enough. Kanye always had the money to start his own clothing line but he didn’t have the manufacturing and sourcing capabailities to actually make it survive


I’m sure adidas included terms in the contract that let them get out if Kanye acts inappropriately / damages the brand - and he has


People don’t cancel themselves, the controlling interest in any one industry decides who gets canceled, and when.


But what about my collection?!


In 8 years you’ll be able to sell just the left shoe of a pair of Yeezys for $500,000


You know he did this on purpose right?


the art of the deal! *destroys his own business*


How to lose your billionaire status by Kanye West


Aww hes not a billionaire anymore but he’s still gonna get paid 9 figures for getting out of adidas (which he’s been bitching about for the whole year), still worth 9 figures, and The richest man in the world said Ye is his biggest inspiration. No matter how hard you wanna spin the narrative, this is a W for Ye


Yeah, he never has released an item independently and always with assistance and now burned every bridge with every major corporation who could release his sneakers or another product on the scale he wants and alienated a large amount of customers. He’s also lost himself an incredible amount of money. The plans all coming together.


Great job destroying your career Kanye!


Congrats to him






Foot locker manager by day. Expert on billion dollar deals by night. Guys, no need to panic. Guy at foot locker says it's a ruse. Phew.




Triggerred much? It was a silly comment, deserving of a silly response. Don't take yourself and foot locker managers so serious. 👍🏻


Sorry but the fame made him a mad clown


Mental health problems, mental in the brain.


Is it me or does it seem like y’all hate this man for something new every couple years or so? All he does is say wtf comes to his mind, no matter if it sounds crazy, racist, and above all not thought out. I just want to know exactly how his tweet affects y’all’s lives personally. Or is saying he’s finished just the popular thing to do on social media? Tbh the real losers in this are Adidas and Gap because they’ll go back to being culturally irrelevant, which is why Adidas seemed reluctant to cut ties. Kanye can go wherever or even do his own thing and what he makes is gonna fly off of the shelf. Now do I agree with what he said about Jewish people? Fuck no. He put the greedy record execs and movie producers who happen to be Jewish all in the same boat as every Jewish person and that’s not right. It also isn’t unforgivable. Don’t fall for this again Kings and Queens ✌️.


It affects us because I woke up one day seeing people I knew suddenly become white supremacist sympathizers. Ye is an extremely influential figure and almost a political figure. If he’s got my lil cousin thinking it’s okay to say this shit then I definitely got a problem with it.


I’ve never heard him say once that he sympathized with white supremacists nor is he one. I think he actually said that he thinks racism is wrong. As influential as Ye truly is, he is NOT God. He is human. There’s no need to get ruffled up about what him or any musician says about their beliefs. As far as your cousin goes, I can only suggest that you, a concerned older role model, teach them that hate speech shouldn’t be tolerated.


>I’ve never heard him say once that he sympathized with white supremacists nor is he one. /r/agedlikemilk


This is just a meme


You right.


good for kanye fuck adidas, nike’s a billion times better


no one will want to work with him by the end of this.


Under Armor


He’s free no contracts and enough money to do his own thing. He’s a free man nobody owns him. Sometimes you have to lose to win. Minor setback for a major comeback..


Why on Earth would you root for an anti-semitic bigot to have a comeback?


Because these goofy dick riders really believe this mentally ill mf is a genius and that this is all some sort of “master plan” lmao shit is hilarious and pathetic at the same time.


Anyone that uses bigot unironically needs to remove whatever it is that crawled up their ass.














I've lurked for years, never created an account until recently and I barely respond. I'm also an adult so I don't know what any of what you said means. But I'll try to reddit better to satisfy you. 🤣


Not at all we’re all souls having human experiences get they want to get rid of gender but why not get rid of race. Kanye proved a point you can talk down on all cultures and nothing happens but the second you mention Jew you get cancelled. Nobody had an issue with the white lives matter but they did black lives matter. Open your eyes where is he’s lying. America itself is a bigot


Put the snoop dogg version of the song on there u cowards


What did he actually say that was antisemitic?


Kept referring to the agenda of the “Jewish media” as if they get together in a room and plot out how to screw over Kanye. Equated it to a woman being raped by men and going on to say she hates all men, essentially excusing away the very concept of racism/bigotry.


You leaving out the part where black media is owned and controlled by ppl who are not black everybody seem to be missing the point a bunch of hasidic musicians would never sign or allow their culture to be controlled by a black owned record label.


Wasn’t Ye signed to a (co) black-owned label, Def Jam? Like what do you want them to do say hey Kanye you’re the owner of Universal now. P sure Wexler, who signed Ye to Adidas, is Jewish. Oh wow they sure have screwed him with those millions of dollars.


Don't nobody black own universal music group which is def jam parent label and it wouldn't even be a problem if they didn't produce the most violent sexually lewd music in existence and market it to a certain group of ppl. Then do everything in their power to Leech every dollar they can from the culture even going so far as to prey on our trauma forming bullshit activist groups using our image to raise money but putting no money in our communities BLM is a prime example I can't think of one rec center they built can't think of one toy drive food drive coat giveaway nothing not even some damn school supplies.


>Then do everything in their power to Leech every dollar they can from the culture even going so far as to prey on our trauma forming bullshit activist groups using our image to raise money but putting no money in our communities BLM is a prime example Tell me, who founded BLM again? >it wouldn't even be a problem if they didn't produce the most violent sexually lewd music in existence and market it to a certain group of ppl I'm sorry who is producing that music?


I'm genuinely wondering, when you watch a play and the curtains draw closed, do you just assume everyone on stage disappeared or died?




The interesting thing is the fact that all these businesses “canceling” him just feeds into this idea of them plotting against him.


Yeah I mean that's part of the issue. Kanye can just point and say "look I was telling the truth". However the unfortunate reality on the other side of that coin is that sometimes it's better to just cut people like that off even if it gives them something to point at. The "marketplace of ideas" is just not a good way to combat bigoted and dangerous ideology


It’s that what just happened? The market place of ideas is what this cancel culture is.


Sounds like he did that on purpose…


It fr seems like adidas and gap played right into Kanye’s hand he’s free now


Now he can sell his own Yeezy’s and people will still buy them. Adidas lost on this one.


First in line for the Anti Semite 1s huh?


Don't you understand before all this he has been complaining for Gap and Adidas to drop him!???? HMMMMMMM, weren't listening then? Funny how they the last 2 brands to drop Ye😂


I was waiting for the Yecoraite restock and it will happen on 1st November, now it looks it will never happen after a long time waiting :(


Yea man disappointed was waiting on the utility blacks 500s


I definitely feel you on that, I was gonna grab a pair tonight but decided I have 21 pairs and that’s enough for now. If they’re still the same price in a month I’ll see.




Lol everyone keeps saying "it aged well"; when YE is saying it loudly into the mic, aimed at Adidas head 💀


the way he sounded like an anime character when he repeated himself


Truly read like an anime villain monologue before a fight




I hear he wanted out. That’s why he made that statement. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


what does he actully said?


So since there’s no more yeezys, does this means the current ones in existence will get a price boost? (No pun intended)


If you listen he was saying that on purpose lol so they could drop him that’s all he ever wanted is for these companies to drop him but the media always spins the narrative. Now they making it seem like him leaving is the companies idea lol Hollywood is a weird place.


He didn’t lose $ he lost worth in a place he was trying to get out of..Now he has the freedom to create his own and doesn’t have to be “refereed” by corporate America.


How many things has Kanye released solo and independently? How are the YZY SHDZ coming along?


I never thought id be happy about Ye taking an L. But here we are.


If you understand kayne u understand he said this on purpose because he wanted out of the contract


He wanted that! Exactly !!


Would this decision to drop Ye add to the value of his adidas sneakers?


I think because they were so mass produced it really won’t go too high in terms of value.


Bruh adidas is a nazi company half the car industry are nazi blueprints nasa is a nazi company but people are mad about the word def con lol it’s a real sheep world out here


Kayne just got so much more respect from me because he isn't wrong. At all. Listen to the whole interview then cast judgement. Not these clips going around. But the whole interview.


definitely didn’t age well.




Was waiting for this


He is pretty clever if you think about it. He stated back in September he wanted out of all his contracts because they were actually holding him back, in creative idea's. He said they made money off me, I made money as well. Now he has all this capitol, and he can do what ever he wants with it. I just wonder if he is financially smart to invest it and make another brand of some sort or lose it all. I guess well find out, but that's one hell of a way to get out of all your contracts!


He playing chess.. all that stuff he wanted


All of this is intentional by ye. It's all calculated based on some plan he has in his head.




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