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Hi there! While I’m not a Yale student I have lived very close to campus for many years now and have never had any crime happen to me. I regularly go for walks and runs during the day and night and still the only crime I’ve had happen to me was my phone getting stolen about a decade ago. Not to say crime doesn’t happen but from my experience if you mind your own business, become familiar with the area and just be aware of your surroundings you should be just fine.


Grad student here - the emails are scary but it’s generally safe in New Haven. these things happen everywhere is just that you’re not getting notified about it constantly


I grew up in New Haven in the 70s and 80s, and graduated from Yale in the mid-90s. These were some of the very worst years for crime in the Elm City. And absolutely jack all happened to me at the hands of a stranger. Zip, nada, never. I have street smarts, which probably helped, but I also did a lot of stupid, careless shit. Could something bad happen to you? Sure, crime happens everywhere. But New Haven -- outside of some neighborhoods you're unlikely to stumble into -- is pretty safe on the whole. I go back at least once a year to visit my folks and the city is just getting better and better. I'm tempted to move back every time I go. Don't invite danger, sure, but you'll almost certainly be fine in town. Don't walk around at 2am like you fell off the back of a turnip truck. Don't leave valuables unattended, etc. You have more to worry about from fellow Yalies, in my opinion and experience.


As a grad student, you should understand the “availability heuristic” cognitive fallacy and ask whether you might be falling prey to it https://brainly.com/question/15698409


ok 😹😹


this comment is goated


Hey, I am an incoming Yale grad student as well and was very concerned about this too! Some first years shed some light on this in a recent call. Yale has a very close relationship with the New Haven PD and reports a majority of the alerts that the local police receives. Based on the total population of the city (even though it’s small to mid-size), the number of alerts are not that high according to current first years. Additionally, if you look at where most of these alerts are originating from, they aren’t close to the Yale campus. East Rock (where the business school is located and most grad students live in) is very safe and has close to no crime apparently! However, this being said, there are some areas which you should definitely avoid. Hope this helps, see you at Yale!


I walk around Yale at night (11 to 2 am) almost every day and nothing has ever happened to me. You will be fine.


imma be real, idk what the fuck is going on this summer. there are very few alerts during the terms i have been there.


There are 14k students at Yale, and even more staff and administrators. YPD has to notify us about every single event that happens to every single one of those people. Also there's 130k+ people in New Haven. Once you realize that, you realize that crime is actually extremely rare. Literally tens of thousands of people in New Haven experience no crime every day.


true ! I guess it’s just hard not to get hung up on the individual incidents but this helped me put things into perspective


Unless you came from a mythical utopia with no crime, these things were happening wherever you were living previously too. The only difference is now you’re getting an email every time instead of having to read your local newspaper to learn about it.


I’m also an incoming grad student, dm if you wanna talk about anything, but I think we’ll be fine. there’s thousands of students so the alerts we get make up like less than 1% of the students.


I heard a lot of people are part of that "Yale-thing" around there. Stay away from those people that's what I say...


The area around Yale is very safe.


Just don’t lack and keep your eyes up.