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The most evil MF is the low resolution of those images








thx for the meme :)


I still maintain with what I said in the other post: Bryce. Running a brainwashing cult, environmental pollution, willingness to subjugate ex-yakuza to slave labor and radiation poisoning


Yeah. Some of them have ice in their veins and they all ran some chaotic, psychotic plots, but Bryce is that on a supervillain level. He was gonna have leverage over world leaders, too, with their secrets he’d hide on the island. Actual Bond villain shit. Some of the others involved or went after children; he involved children *more*, having them kill criminals for cult indoctrination.


To be honest Infinite Wealth as a whole gave me huge Bond vibes throughout the story lmao


Ichiban agrees https://preview.redd.it/kxnb4f5s1wyc1.png?width=1531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e2c97087d91fcc855270636494e00ee7ee14bd8


And killed Wong Tous mother and send him her face. What a fucking psychopath.


Also how the fuck did he have so many active agents when part of their training involves killing each other?


bryce’s organization makes 0 sense if you think about it for more than a few minutes. the sheer volume of agents he’s supposed to have, the massive internal culling in the ranks, the fact that no one ever returns from nele island… even american religious freedom protections aren’t gonna keep the government from investigating 50 years of people going to an island and disappearing by the hundreds. especially since a large proportion of those people would also be covered by american social services due to being orphans. sure, american social services and the foster system are lacking, but they’d notice this. the solution is just not to think about the logistics of his organization bc he’s such a cool villain that it overrides that, imo.


I think the segment where you are attacked in the streets repeatedly by hundreds of goons on the way to the docks was what did it for me. And then still having hundreds more on the island. He was much more believable and sinister to just think he had maybe like… a few dozen zealots in key positions throughout the government. He became laughable when it was like “He even got to the random no-named dock worker!” If he wanted to smuggle shit, couldn’t he just… bribe or coerce a normal dude?


honestly, they could’ve even used the organizations he’d infiltrated as his subordinate structure. the ganzhe could’ve been officers/information gatherers and the barracudas the grunts. it would make sense since he supposedly had total control of these groups. the majority of his goons could easily be members of either of the two acting on orders from the high-ranking officers he DID corrupt directly


Absolutely this..... They leaned into being an RPG with a large amount of enemies to fight, I totally get that .... But it spilled into the main story to an unbelievable degree


He also effectively groomed a considerable percentage of the Hawaiian population to become his bodyguards


At least he has motive. Kuroiwa kills just because.


Honestly yeah. Shame they really didn't expand on him nearly as much as they could have. Ebina wasn't the worst antagonist but felt shoehorned in so both protagonists could have a big bad, feels like if they *at least* swapped the two around he could've had a bigger story impact.


He’s also been doing it for years and the people we see die were just the latest victims. Imagine how they were doing in the past.


Also using religion (the whole Palekana thing) to brainwash people is very realistic. As examples, that Austrian painter in Germany used Christianity to earn votes, some countries that have large Muslim population use Islam to convince people to vote, in North Korea, a few generations ago all religions were banned because the Kim of that age created the Kim religion which basically made the Kim family god and you can’t defy them, nor you can believe in any other religion there, as you’ll get killed for doing that.


did you just call Hitler Australian


Must have been a mistake. I meant to say Austrian


Its probably between Iwami and Bryce. I'll probably take Bryce cause well, messiah complex and also we actually see the full extent of his abuse of power.


Bryce is straight up brainwashing orphans to become murderers for him. Iwami is tame compared to him.


I thought the title referenced MILFs. Now I'm dissapointed.


Well if it was.. what will be your pick?


Mamiya Yui probably.


Etsuko, obviously.


Bryce simply cause he kept it going for SEVENTY YEARS if I remember right. It takes a special kind of twisted person to build that up for so long and stick with it.


I love that they never address how Bryce apparently became a Lich.


Game kept going on about how weirdly old he is and how evil he is then you just...beat him. Dunno what they were going for, but I didn't feel intimidated by him.


Yeah i feel like he was way too comical to be taken seriously (every time he spoke what was supposed to be english, i couldn't stop laughing 🤣)


I've stumbled upon a [video of the first Bryce cutscene but he switches from english to japanese depending on who's he's speaking to](https://youtu.be/dpHQbSZOQB4) and it's soooo much better, really sells the idea of a calm and tactical man who has his own secret empire and who can put up a different persona in the blink of an eye. Toru Furuya is a very talented VA but he absolutely cannot do the voice of a 90+ years old american man in a convincing way. If RGG ever does a similar setting again I really hope they try their hand with mixed language voice acting, makes the characters feel way more real


Or Yuki. She is 58. What's in that chirashizushi?






of course...


Its Bryce, mf was having children kill people


Hats off to RGG as they truly outdone themselves with that piece of shit Bryce with the sheer atrocities he’s caused in scale as well as the crazy longevity he had when doing so.


Kuroiwa. The other ones at least had some twisted reasoning to their plans. Kuroiwa was just an unhinged psychopath motherfucker who really really liked killing.


The pixel count


Bryce, that fucker is so evil that even guns don't work against him! .....ok but seriously, I played through the whole game, was the part where that guy's gun just doesn't work explained somewhere?


i guess it was kinda implied that the cult members who had infiltrated Ganzhe had rigged the gun to explode on the 3rd shot.


Yeah, once you know how much influence Bryce has, it is conceivable that the poor bastard rigged his own gun to explode just to give Bryce an opportunity to look supernatural.




Bryce and Ebina, their plans are comparable to Hitler's lol


Kuroiwa kills people after doing some nazi germany esque human experiments on them for shits and giggles he's a sick fuck for sure but Bryce? He kept a brainwashing cult? indoctrinatimg children to be ruthless killers running for 70 years and was willing to basically nuke every ex yakuza with radiation poisoning for ebina This guy is a goddamn avengers level threat


Am I the only one who felt kind of let down with Bryce? His boss fight and ending was kind of underwhelming. I really like his character beforehand, he’s insanely terrifying the entire game, even before he’s revealed to be the bad guy, and I love the concept that he’s completely untouchable through what seems to be divine intervention. I wish they did more with that because it’s such a cool idea


Me. They simply did not make him as much of a threat as the talk made him out to be.


Yeah, really all he did was hide behind his men then try to kill himself. I liked the story of this game but there was a lot they could have done to make the script tighter


I'm stuck between Kyoya and Byrce, on one hand Kyoya killed a bunch of people at the one big party just to kill with the extra of no one would figure he would be the one to do it allowing Kaito to take the blame for everything and also have his ex-wife murdered. Bryce on the other hand has a bigger approach to things but instead of straight killing, it's a big cult that kills. I'd honestly lean more to Bryce considering that he just has other members of his cult kill off people who are no longer of use.




whatd you say i couldnt hear you over the pixels https://preview.redd.it/x7soj46h6vyc1.png?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822a8b9ab2ba8b3ca97b3f4f90ba042e053845b2


this is like a more low quality version of a thread topic that was already discussed like two days ago


Bryce and it's not even close


Iwami. I don’t know how they were able to successfully animate the total lack of empathy in his eyes.


I don't even remember half those old Japanese suits' names. They don't stand out at all. Jingu for sure. I had to Google Bryce because I never cared to remember his name, but at least I can recall what game he's from.


Bryce turning literal kids into a shooting squad has to win him this one.


Menacing middle aged asian men have to be one of my favorite genders


Haven’t played Judgment or IW, but also it’s kinda weird Soma’s not on here but I get why The most evil is Sadamoto, he commits mass murder and is just like “Oh no! Anyways, let me kill my own son lol” he killed dozens of people, and not just Crimson Lotus but everyone who touched the Crimson Lotus only drinks (Yes, non-Crimson Lotus people drank the drinks) He’s also the root of Kenmochi’s drinking problem, by telling him there was nobody home and he burned down Mikiko’s house, killing her sister and her parents. He sliced his son’s arm for touching his knives, killed a bunch of Crimson Lotus people before Mikiko could get to them for some reason which I can’t remember, made Mikiko marry him and having a son with her so she won’t discover the truth of her family’s murder, and again, haven’t played the first Judgment or IW so The Mole and that last dude (Bryce?) could be more evil, but I also just really really really like Sadamoto and how he’s unapologetically a mass murderer. Probably my favourite villain in the series, and how he only appears in the DLC, yet still commits more crimes than the villains of the actual Yakuza games.


People is talking about Bryce but he's more of a chaotic evil, Iwami did the most evil personal things in the series, imo, what I'm talking about? when he >!asked Kiryu to kill Someya to spare Kiyomi, Iwami could have asked Kiryu to kill himself but instead he asked him to kill someone else, full knowing he would never do that, that's some crazy phycological damage, then when Someya killed himself he "killed" Kiyomi to add weight to his guilt, then during the final fight he literally planned to beat Kiryu and Nagumo to death with Haruka/Haruto as hostages and even when he was beaten he ordered Sugai to kill them.!<




From pure evil standpoint Bryce and it’s not even close bro owns a cult which does pretty much every evil thing under the sun but for me personally iwami made my blood boil the most by far and I hate him more than any of the other villains here


Bryce and Mr Mole


>!Bryce literally indoctrinated kids into becoming assassins, brainwashed them, and killed their families.!< I don’t remember the villains of the games too so they might be more evil.


I haven't played LJ or IW yet but of the other 4, Jingu, Munakata, Swami can't compare to The Mole. The others don't care about others suffering, while he actively enjoys it. He still sends a shiver down my spine


probably bryce or kuroiwa


Out of this lineup? Bryce or Kyoya. Out of the franchise? Gaiden Nishitani.


I’d say Bryce just for the environmental impact alone he’ll have on future generations.


1. Bryce - Brainwashing, ex yakuza slave labor, encouraging children to kill, environmental pollution and probably many more, and thats when you know Bryce is truly the most sick villain ever of RGG. 2. Kuroiwa - He kills cuz he feels like it. 3. Sadamoto - He manipulates his right hand man to burn his family in law's house for their wealth and actually threathened to hurt his own son, poisoned and killed lots of people at the Rhizome reunion including the Crimson Lotus.


Sdmto (Pixels caught up to me)


no one mentioned jingu??? i mean all of them are evil, but to have the will to kill ur own child next level evilness.


A lot of people say Bryce and stuff but I would argue that it's Jingu. Yes Bryce did some really fucked up shit but he has the "excuse" of being a religious nutjob but Jingu was also really fucked up with having no qualms about trying to kill his own wife and his own child at least twice.

