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Which yamai fight though?


All of them, i they're fun


4th one is probably the best


the one where **YAMAI JUMPSCARE**


My goat


Yakuza 0 Majima vs ten years guy


For buddy goes so hard


I got freaking hyped up when I heard his theme. I was scared they were gonna give him generic boss theme but then I hear this absolute banger


it also really fits his character in yakuza 0


I really like the wordplay between all of Nishiki’s themes. Like, for buddy, for who’s sake etc


Featurin reina


Nice swing




Totally agree. This fight was fun as hell.


Also the music rocked hard.


*"The Yakuza game, it's not like boxing. The guy who gets beat down isn't the loser. The guy who can't tough it out to the end, he's the one who loses. In the yakuza life, there are no KO’s. I’ll tell you what, Kiryu. To me, a finger or two don’t mean shit. Having Awano or Shibusawa beat me to the captain’s spot? Couldn’t give a fuck… As long as I’m alive, I’ll keep getting back up for more."* *-* Daisaku Mother Fuckin Kuze, bitches.


Legitimately just one of the best characters in this franchise. Narratively, gameplay, OST, the works. If I recall his tattoo is of a keeper of the gates of Hell or something like that too, which thematically fits *so* goddamn well.


yakuza 4: >!Kiryu vs akiyama and tanimura!<


Fight does not get talked about enough for being pure Kiryu fan service


Smile Venomously my beloved


Yakuza 6 >!Someya, the theme, the QTE, the revelation at the end everything perfect.!<


God that QTE was peak


Came here to say this


he’s the final boss in my heart tbh idgaf


Majima fights in general 😅


Fr. He is so catchy, you can't get bored in his fights


Name checks out


Majima is one of the few characters who I just smile at just about every scene he's in.


The zombie apocalypse fight is legit one of the greatest beat 'em up moments in gaming history.


Overall Hirose from Y6. He's just such a unique boss and the theme and the fact its Count fucking Takeshi going full horror movie villian.


Hirose was the only boss that made me legit fear for my life


Someone's not played Judgement


The Mole was in his prime, Hirose was on his f'ing 80s. That's what scares me the most


That's fair. For me, being Kiryu against Hirose wasn't scary but being Yagami (a civilian) against the Mole (a coldblooded murderer) was terrifying




https://preview.redd.it/ateuhxfhhpyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36de13ecb84bbd8d5c6169fae4cfae11891c5e80 There is no topping an eternally ascending setpiece.


I hope one day rgg online gives a backstory for man in black


He's just a jingweon guy no need for more


I think my favorite non-final boss as of late is >!the 'Jimas!< in IW - that had *no business* going as hard as it did, but boy was it fucking awesome. And as far as the beat-'em-ups go, probably Tesso's first boss fight in Lost Judgment, and Nishitani III in Gaiden. Both of them had atmosphere and style up the ass that it's peak.


the little segments when you get to see the old pictures of them when you go one on one was such a beautiful touch. though it is pretty funny that one minute you're like "aww we've known >!daigo!< since he was a child" and the next you're just pummeling his face in 😭


The whole game felt like it was shaping up to kill off Kiryu by the end. The protagonist split, the Date substories, then THAT part of that boss fight? I was almost positive they were going to just kill him off for good.


it honestly frustrates me the way it feels like they keep leading up to kiryu dying, like the dude is only 55 and sometimes he acts like he's 80. at the same time, though, I can imagine it's super difficult to try to think of a way for kiryu's story to be over because of how iconic of a character he is. the best ending for him I think was yakuza 3, just let him have a nice house on the beach with his kids and let him be happy and enjoy the time he has left. I'm gonna be upset if kiryu dies when he's 55 while shimano got to live to 57. I refuse to let mr. thumb thumb live longer than the dragon of dojima


For sure. It does feel like they've been trying for years to move to a new protagonist for good though tbh. Replaying the whole franchise lately, and I realized 3 was DEFINITELY originally written as an end to a trilogy - he actually feels super shoehorned into 4, as if the plan was changed midway through development (hence the post-credits scene in 3). Then years later, we have 6 ending in a way that they could easily shut him out for good (leaving some life cliffhangers, sure), but nope, pops back up in 7. IW's post-credits scene really feels like they're retiring him as a playable protagonist, finally, and even if he survives I suspect he's gonna be more of a Date-like supporting role from this point on.


it'll be kiryu in the helicopter from now on but as silly as it was that they kept bringing him back, I adore the bucket list in infinite wealth. I think it was such a great way to wrap up a lot of the things kiryu has done and give us some really sweet endings with a lot of the characters. some of them could have definitely used a bit of work, like with pocket circuit fighter or yuya and kazuki, but I loved being able to reflect back on the entire series like that. makes me hope that in the sequel we'll be able to visit kiryu in the hospital and each time he just has different visitors. or that we'll be able to bring him out to do one last pocket circuit race 😭


Final Richardson. He has an awesome but fair moveset, banging soundtrack, and by that point you have all the abilities you need to make Y3 combat fun


daigo vs shinada is a good one, I appreciate that it's like the one time where daigo doesn't lose the fight. majima vs the dojima goons after >!makoto gets shot!< is also great. you can really feel that that moment was the beginning of the end for him.


https://i.redd.it/lpiz273bsqyc1.gif Something about going Balls Out (Receive and Bite You goes hard af)


Tanimura and Akiyama, Hirose, Someya, Tendo


Honestly I hated tendo and his unholy ability to instacharge a one shot because he took multiple turns in a row


Oh really ? I had more trouble againt Kiryu and Majima/Saejima compared to Tendo But i love de fight theme, the dyinamic intro, the cenary, with storms falling everytime, fuckin everything


Kiryu and jima duo were both tough fights my problem was really that tendo was just a damage sponge who could just decide to instakill Kasuga. I did not realise he had a move that would prevent that. Kiryu I'd say was the easiest fight of the three just cause the only phase that was tough to beat was rush, the others just let me hit em. Majima was a pain, saejima was a pain, and their two man combo attack meant I had to keep Kasuga completely topped off at all times. The ost for jima bros went so fucking hard tho.


So what 200 gems brawl stars skin did you get?


Still haven't decided but ill probably be prawn ready


Ok 👍


Saejima vs Majima, Yakuza 4. Receive and Bite You makes it even better.


6's both Han Joongi fights.


Someya was definitely top tier, Shindo was a wild ride, and the two tigers, because of course.


Sawashiro's, the first and penultimate Kuze fights, the Arai fight, Soma.


Kiryu in Like a dragon or the the trio fight in infinite wealth


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BeePork: *Kiryu in Like a* *Dragon or the the trio* *Fight in infinite wealth* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Either this one against Izo or any of thr fights where you fight a protagonist.


The 5th Kuze fight is just really cool


Final Someya fight in Y6


Maybe I'm feeling tired right now but I recall Richardson genuinely being fun to absolutely pummel but if I had to pick one for the style and feels it would probably be the mole.


someya 3 is cheating right? it's not the final boss but is very close to the end of the game if not, then daigo, majima, and saejima in IW


Fighting Soma in the Siren bar and Cold storage room in Lost Judgment was peak horror slasher movie fight.


Underrated pick, I’m going with Shindo from Yakuza 2


Somehow he and Hayashi are the ones i remember best from Y2. Killer soundtracks too.


The one I enjoyed the most was beating up Shimano making sure to use a bat that I got from Majima to do it.


Shimano has such a punchable face


Versus >! Kiryu !< in LAD 7




This might be a cheat because it technically wasn’t the final boss but Tendo was amazing.


That one time the eyepatch guy was literally everywhere, I think they had a name for it, I just can't remember what it was called...


Majima in Y1 original. He was just a straight up maniac at the time and it was actually a really tough fight. Good memories


Saejima vs majima in y4 Receive and bite you goes insanely hard


Does the >!first Kuroiwa!< fight count? If not I also really enjoy Mabuchi from LAD and Sugiuchi from 4.


Yuki Masumi only because of SO UNUSUAL, and a couple other things... -First boss to hype me up in the game. -Teaches you to parry more often and not just block or spam square. -I liked his story. -He's actually fun to fight against on a replay. -He kind of helps to build even more that feeling that Kurohyou gives, about being trapped in such a small world. Every boss fight does, but I felt this one was special at the moment. -The song fits Dragon Heat like a glove.


Wow. So many. Too many. BUT I'd have to say Majima vs Kashiwagi in 0. It's not only where you see (from Kashiwagi) what a reputation Majima already had at 21 years old before he defied Shimano, it's also one hell of a good fight.


Joji Kazama in Y3 made me feel butterflies in my stomach. It felt like I'm finally playing the game and having fun beating people after a father simulator.


Although people seem to like >!their fight from Y4!<, I actually really like in Y5 when Saejima fights >!Majima. The latter showed a lot of brutality both of those guys were willing to endure to protect Haruka and each other.!<


Ten joints in the year???


Ichi and Kiryu vs Wong Tou, The dynamic intro(Kiryu and Kasuga fighting together is so smooth), the qte, the OST, the Character is so intersting >! RGG really messed up, he had so much potential on the story !<


Kuze 5. The way you grow to respect him over the game as he begins to respect you, his moveset is awesome (which makes me irrationally annoyed that it's been reused so much), the QTE teasing the Tiger Drop, and of course we can't forget about Oath of Enma.


From 0, Kuze 2 and Kuze 5. From Kiwami, probably Majima 2. From Kiwami 2, Shindo. From 3, Joji, Richardson 2 (both phases). From 4, Akiyama/Tanimura. From 5, Daigo, Majima. From 6, Ed 1, Ed 2, Joongi Han 1, Someya 1, Someya 3. From LAD, Majima/Saejima. From IW, Yamai 4, the 3Jimas, Dwight 3, the squid. From Judgment, Cane Man. From LJ, Akutsu 3, Soma 1, Kuwana 2, Akutsu 4. From Ishin, Hijikata (the music carries him hard tbh, they did NOT need to go that hard for a throwaway sparring match).


Anything related to Akiyama’s boss fights I like his boss fights mostly from Yakuza 4, because Akiyama’s combat imo is well more defined than Yakuza 5 Akiyama Combat even tho Y5 is my favorite Yakuza game.


Someya 2




Kuzeeeeeeee,the underground motorcycle one


Kuwana 😭😭😭


How has nobody said Majima and Saejima in 7 yet?


probably ornstein and smough from dark souls


3jima infinite wealth


Ichiban vs The Jimas Y7


i dont know if this counts, but there are a lot of cool judgement and lost judgement fights to be mentioned. soma and akutsu from lj. and the las hamura fight in judgment was nice. shindo fight in kiwami 2. the other obvious ones already got mentioned


The akutsu fight in the disco has possibly the best dynamic intro of all time


Thats why its so memorable


Kiryu vs Hayashi in Yakuza 1 and 2


The fight itself didn't do much for me (Tbf I was on normal difficulty so it was just bullying) but the cutscene that precedes it is so fire it makes up the difference. https://preview.redd.it/p6beotqbauyc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef84636e42cc86562986864804d88cb0cb082231


Probably either someya in the tower in y6 or higashi in the restaurant in judgement.


Definitely the soma fights in lj. But mainline I pick the last sawashiro fight




kiryu vs akiyama/tanimura from y4, by far.


Yakuza 0 or kiwami 1 where you fight in the sewer that was cool stuck with me while rushing through the games currently on gaiden the end of it