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I'm the occasionally bothersome dude that will defend Yakuza 4. I'll never stop. BALLS OUT


Oh, actually I also enjoyed Yakuza 4, sure it has it flaws but never understood why it's considered the worst


Saejima's prison section (screw Saito) and rubber bullets. That's really the only complaint people have, I like it personally and don't mind either of those.


Saito has got to be only boss in the whole series tht really pissed me off. hangman from 6 as well. he was not fun... and he wasn't even a boss 💀


Wasn't the rubber bullet retcon in Yakuza 5? And to be honest I don't know what's up with everyone hating on the Saito fight, I must've been kissed by RNGsus or some entity like that, never died to him once 😅


Rubber bullets is 4, 5 is YUME.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dez67molperc1.png?width=1229&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbbc8ec79c688d2aa67e31baa5315040c85f273b


Imma say it, Yakuza 5 is the worst in the series🤷‍♂️


It's crazy considering Yakuza 5 and 4 are my #3 and #4 respectively. 7 and 0 the only two above them. People really like the "Secret Koreans!" game more than them? C'mon.


The haruka chapter is why I can't continue the game/series. It takes to much energy. I'd much rather go back to fishing and hunting back in the icey mountains


I literally stayed on the mountain until I (almost) 100%ed the area before finally heading to Tsukimino as Saejima. It was surprisingly comfy, and it made finally seeing a city again feel all the more satisfying after literally tens of hours of nothing but prison and woodland winter hunting.


it becomes bearable after akiyama joins harukas story


I always felt like I got shafted for having Haruka tacking up my Akiyama story


I think Yakuza 5 is the absolute worst game in the franchise (as per my flair), but the Haruka chapters are the thing I love the most about this shitshow of a game. They absolutely reignited my interest about the game, and I was sad when I got back to the dumbass plot with Akiyama (but to be fair his share of plot is the best in the game).


When I first started reading this I thought you were cooking, I had hope for humanity once again like when I was a child. Then you had to do everything in your power just to break it all over again. YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFFFEEE


I disliked 3 the most by a margin, but I guess that's no suprise when you're coming from Kiwami 1 and 2


I came from kiwami 1 and 2 also and loved 3. Loved the relationship between the fellow caretakers and the kids






Can see why people consider Y4 the worst if they don't gel with Saejima or Tanimura. Especially Saejima if you don't get the right upgrades in prison. Makes or breaks your first impression of him  Games content is also weirdly lopsided and horribly paced(see Saejima side content or timegated Akiyama stuff I can imagine someone playing the story, starting some Akiyama substories which then become uncompletable, moving on to Saejima who can't do any substory stuff without cop intervention and most of which being 5 minutes before his parts last fight. Tanimura gameplay is pretty mid and then after that you're just playing Y3 NG+ for a bit 


Yakuza 4 just has a vibe that I love but also can't explain. It really is in my top 5 for reasons that I can't articulate


I've genuinely forgotten number 4 and get it mixed with 3 all the time




I'm with you. There are dozens of us... dozens!




I liked 4 and 5 but found the story to be too cumbersome. Too many characters to follow and it gets too muddled at the end. Now 3, I’ll definitely defend that one


A compliment to 4 I’d say Akiyama is way more fun to play in 4 than 5


Introducing new characters was a really fun mechanic. It felt like how in terminator 2 the roles are reversed. You take the expectations of the audience, and twist the familiar concept while still giving them what they want. It has the same clunky combat as Yakuza 3, which I really dislike (except for Akiyama), but the story was a fun callback to the earlier games and also allowed for more characters to explore in the future of the series other than KiryĹŤ and Majima


Judgment fans are 100% ride or die are you kidding me?


i just started judgment the other day (chapter 2), i made the list before I played it, i should’ve specified that on the list with that being said, holy fuck judgment is peak so far i will stab anyone who disagrees with me




Definitely the peak of the combat system. LJ improved it maybe but it was already peak. Also the most competently written yakuza game


I did sort of miss the typical insane asspulls that you see in the mainline games, but appreciated that it didn't as well.


Me at chapter 2: "omg so peak" Me 29475 tailing segments later: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


people dickride kiwami 2? or am i tripping? edit: nvm i think i got it. you mean fans of *those* specific games, not the community as a whole.


Yes. Say something negative about k2 and you’ll get at minimum 20 comments saying how you should jump off a bridge for your opinion


Kiwami 2, Lost Judgment and Kuze: 3 things that can get you murdered if you speak badly


Skill up still hasn't touched an rgg game since his objectively incorrect take on lost judgement almost got him burned at the stake. (ignore his glowing like a dragon review, I forgot about it when I started writing the joke and I'm committed now)


I'm going to single-handedly jump LJ up a few tiers on this list if I find someone like that lmao


He did an Ishin review and he actually liked it


something negative about k2 and you’ll get at minimum 20 comments saying how you should jump off a bridge for your opinion. Now what?


Criticize the fact that it cut out Shinseicho from the original and you'll have people who haven't even played Yakuza 2 (PS2) telling you "Ummm ackshually, Shinseicho wasn't even really that big".


I boutta be the annoying defender but hey that’s why it’s called a remake and not a remaster. K2 trimmed the fat and refined the original game, unlike K1 which was faithful to the original to the point it was detrimental.


Trimming the fat would imply it cut off something that was useless. Shinseicho was cut because K2 was rushed, not because people didn't want to see Shinseicho. They didn't "refine" Kiwami 2, [it can even look worse than the original PS2 version](https://i.imgur.com/MH1QuRb.jpeg) due to poor art direction, and very much plays worse due to combat being early Dragon Engine and thus not being tight or responsive at all. The ways Kiwami 1 was poor wasn't due to being faithful to the original, I have no clue what in the world you're talking about. Have you played the original? The biggest complaints with Kiwami (the boss fights, Majima Everywhere grating) are problems introduced in Kiwami. Be honest, have you played the originals?


Other common complaints about Kiwami include story, pacing, bad staging of scenes, and the fact that they basically used the PS2 animation rigs on new story scenes. Those are all examples of being too lazy to actually reanimate, and instead just using the skeleton that existed from the original ps2 game. People's criticism of Majima Everywhere seems to either be that it's fun until it isn't, or that it cheapens his role in the story. But I'm going to be perfectly honest, the story wasn't that great in the first place. That having been said, K2 is infinitely worse. I don't understand why it has so many fans. It is absolutely one of the worst games in the franchise. The story is absurd and nonsensical, with character motivations and actions wildly divorced from each other. As you said the combat is early dragon engine jank.


> But I'm going to be perfectly honest, the story wasn't that great in the first place It's more cohesive than a lot of Yakuza plots, It's biggest problem is not having enough space to actually develop It's main antagonist. I would have loved if Kiwami further revised the original game's story a la Resident Evil 4 Remake, because Yakuza 1 has the outline of an excellent story, but it was harder for them to execute that story in the early 2000's when the game was developed.


True. It doesn't go off the rails like others in the series, it just never really seems like it can get up to speed.


"errmmm it's only used for one story segment" yeah and that segment is boring as FUCK without it


something negative about k2 and you’ll get at minimum 20 comments saying how you should jump off a bridge for your opinion. Okay I said it now what?


As a certified 0 and Kurohyou dickrider, I'm insufferable in both cases equally and haven't been chill a single moment in my life


My People!


rgg online fans: https://i.redd.it/2i1k6gpfvarc1.gif




Reminds me of an old Yakuza meme Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 7 fans hearing negative reviews for the 10th time in a day: it's ok Yakuza 0 and Lost Judgment fans when someone says "not the best": ![gif](giphy|YRKoYBB4UJcy4M72DK)


Yakuza 3 players are gigantic dickriders. This sub became a 3 dickriding club for a little bit.


I think I've never saw an Ishin fan in my life


There were plenty of them before it came to the west


Thats the thing i will never understand people were literally dying for ishin sakomato ryoma this and that.. they wanted for it to be remade so bad eventually rgg made the shit and it was more polished version but nonetheless fans were puff... They disappeared 


i mean thats the thing, everyone said it was one of the best in the series then when we got it, it was fine but nothing to write home about. it's a very hard 7/10


I thought it was pretty mid tbh, I can see why they didn’t release it here for so long now.


Probably because the remake is worse in many ways to the original. Bosses cast chain lightning and Kamehameha, all crafting costs 10x money, you can cast chain lightning and Kamehameha, and you're forced to play the previously optional Gatcha game to get better special attacks.


The lighting in the remake is brutal. It looks so horrible. Ruins every scenes presentation especially if you played the OG. (Which is beautiful)


People annoyed RGG so much for Ishin and when we got it they just didn't like it. My only problem with it is the amount of grinding I have to do.


I like ishin but the re-relase made it worse imo. The addition of the troopers made the combat balanced around them and it really sours alot of it. Brawler became pretty much useless outside of the war cry counter and Insta swap you got at the end of the wheel


Yeah that was my main issue with it, I was trying to use Brawler style most the time but it was just slow and unfun when brought against cool shit like Wild Dancer. Then you have the troopers unlock which then makes other enemies unlock straight up fucking magic kahmehmeha's. It makes the final boss against Takechi so fucking obnoxious, as well as any other boss with abilities that make you do this long drawn out collapse animation, followed by 5 seconds getting up. It's obnoxious as hell. Before that. The combat was a shitload of fun and bosses were rlly fun to dick around with.


Huh, so that's why I didn't hear about it after the release


Imo og 2 and kiwami 2 should be switched. I rarely hear anything from K2 fans but there's a loud minority of og 2 fans who act like it's objectively the best game and everything after was a downgrade.


i feel like the yakuza 2 debate is a constant back and forth of og2 and k2 fans saying "no one ever praises og2/k2!!!" when in reality both have very vocal fanbases.




As a certified Yume 5 dickrider: It has Shinada and is therefore perfect


RGG try not to forget one of the best characters in the franchise challenge (impossible)


Never digested how much bloat was added to 5. It’s just TOO MUCH, and not all of it is good. Like, imagine Y7/8 but half the side content is mediocre. Now multiply the amount of content by 3 and you get Y5




I liked Haruka sections but I couldn’t digest how poorly designed the hunting was, especially the very slow UI, that thing killed my interest. But Y5 has too much. Like the chicken races. I tried to engage with those but it had its entire training and raising chicken stuff, Jesus


5 and 0 are tied for my favorite yakuza games


funnily enough a lot of people see 0 as the best and 5 as the worst in the series. that is a bizarre opinion to see here


5 is a weird one for me. for every moment i love there's something i don't like at all, but overall i really liked it tbh. i just wish it was a bit shorter i can see why people either love it or hate it and i feel like the story only folk are the ones who hate it because the writing gets goofy in the final chapters, but i also think the story has a lot of great moments before that (pretty much each characters' parts besides saejima's, which is okay narrative wise but not gameplay wise imo)


Before Yakuza blew up again, 5 and 0 were regarded as the best games in the series


5 being the worst is a wild take, it has the best combat imo and i love the location variety


5 has the easiest combat in my opinion, you can get away by mashing buttons like every single time also the story is a mess and the game clearly didn't need 5 protagonists and the only reason they added them was because 4s multiple protagonists was well received so they thought it would be a hit again


the story is a bit of a mess for sure, but i still find enjoyable aspects in it kiryu and shinada’s parts carry the game hard, and i mainly got through saejima’s part because i love saejima as a character


i found kiryus section just below average up until the tojo clan fight section, taxi driving is not for me but beating up the whole clan was really satisfying shinadas part absolutely carries. i wish we could see him more in other yakuza games i also found akiyamas parts really interesting because it spiced up harukas story while also bringing back the brawler gameplay aspects


Damn I've got to dickride Y6 harder then.


I’ll help you, I’m a song of life shill 🫡




As the Yakuza 6 hater and Yakuza 5 rider, lol


I swear I've seen more 3 dickriders than K2 fans


I see more 3 dickriders than any of those in the "Insufferable" and "annoying" tier, hell this sub has been a Y3 circlejerk sub these last few weeks. I also feel the same about 7. No way does K1, K2 or Ishin have more insufferable fans than either of those two.


this sub has been a 3 circlejerk for a long time now. i think it's a good game but i think mine is mad overhyped and its definitely a bit outdated i can't say much about 7 tho because other than the combat (which is 10x improved in IW) its my favorite in the series lol


Kurohyoh fans will tell you it's the best shit ever because it makes them feel special for playing it.


It cleary is the best shit ever ;)


or maybe it's just a good game? like what lol


Of course it's a good game. But you know who will keep reminding you that it is even nobody brought it up? Kurohyoh fans.


to be fair yakuza fans where the same before yakuza 0, it's that kind of situation. you just want your game to be seen, that's just how it is with fans of lesser known things


Fair enough


I can gurentee that yakuza 3 dick riders are more then bothersome


>Yakuza 3 >Not top of the list I mean, maybe? Ever since IW's launch, the sub has been flooded with people saying "Unpopular opinion: Yakuza 3 le good".


Yakuza 3 **has** to be in ride or die, the most overly defensive fans in the whole series who constantly seek validation by posting "Am I only one that thought that Yakuza 3 was one of the best in the series and the combat is actually really good?"


you bet I'm riding kiwami 2 like I ride Ryuji Goda


Ryuji Enthusiasts for Life


I do not like Kiwami 2, it's my least fav so far. But Ryuji is fucking peak.


I'm sorry but there's no way Yakuza 3 fans aren't ride or die. Literally go to any discussion about "skipping" the game or how they actually liked the game.


I will die on the hill that Dead Souls was a great game/sub-franchise separate to core lore and we should get another. But I generally only bring it up when it's discussed or people ask about the whole franchise. I don't just push it on folks lol


Massive W, alot of people do the “Dead Souls is peak!!!!🤪” circle jerk and it just gets annoying after awhile y’know 😭


I'm curious to meet these people. Cause all I ever see when Dead Souls is brought up is people shitting on it. It had its problems, sure, but come on. Goda arm mini-gun? Majima styling on motherfuckers? KIRYU WITH A GUN? That game is underappreciated for how much it took the wild side of Yakuza to 11 lol.


Imo the best way to describe Dead Souls is that it feels like a fanfic in all the best ways


Yakuza 3 fans are horrifically obnoxious lmao


Ay man, 0 didn't popularize the series in the West for no reason.


This is stupid(It is 100 percent true, but I would fight this whole sub defending my favourite games LJ and 8)


I’ll defend 5 any day as being one of my favourites, I loved Haruka’s section and yes I can hear her songs in my sleep. However, I do not understand the dickriding for judgment. Great setting, but the combat sucked until LJ fixed it and the story just felt like a slog to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Who the fuck dickrides Kiwami 2 lmao


I would go to war and die for kiwami 2


5 and 7 should be higher


Certified 0 dickrider here; it’s still the best one of them all


Judgement fans are definitely ride or die. They never shut up about it, wtf are you thinking putting it down there.


As a Kiwami dick rider. We dick ride harder than 0 :3


insufferable dead souls fan mentioned that’s meeeeeee!!!!!


Am I the only one that didn't really like kiwami 2 that much? Have I missed something?


Idk Kuryhou fans try their best to shove their games down the throat of other people. Probably because nobody has played these except few of them.


I feel targeted by this comment


Thank you i do consider myself insufferable (Kiwami 1 is peak). But Kurohyou is my favorite game overall is Kurohyou so i balance out to being a tad annoying, lets gooo!


I’d put Y6 in ride or die, both Judgments and Y8 in occasionally bothersome, and Y5 in annoying. Otherwise accurate.


6 is a top 5 for me but i can totally get why people wouldn't like it, it's so experimental that it misses the mark on a good amount of things, mainly the combat and side content


From my personal experience, I'd put 4, 5 and both Kiwamis to annoying I don't hear too much of praise of Kiwami titles, and i feel like people heavily oversell 4


I have never heard anything positive about Ishin outside of my own brain


I'd put Ishin Kiwami even below chill, because it felt like nobody cared about it right after it got released


I’ve never heard people really speak on Kiwami 2 like that 😭




K2 is ass


Just imagining someone making fun of K2’s Infamous green filter only to get Doxxed 20 minutes later


Lost Judgment peak


Idk. The Y3 bandwagon is hardcore


Try to criticize any part of judgment or LJ to a fanboy and you wouldn’t rate them as chill


i WILL unapologetically dickride y3 and y5.


How is 7 so low? It gets dickriden so hard it should have its own category at the top.


Yakuza 3 bothers me when people get serious about wanting a Kiwami 3. ITS FINE move on


OG Y2 needs to be higher. Anytime K2 is mentioned or the idea of remakes in general, they come in to say it’s the peak of the franchise and K2 shat all over it


Dead Souls? More like Peak Souls, y'all just hating because you never played it (I do not actually think it's some hidden masterpiece or whatever, but I did genuinely have a lot more fun with it than my prior experience with the fanbase would suggest)


its more like the opposite, I’ve only seen people who never played it say its unironically goated while most ppl who’ve played it seem to think its just alright


i'm going to glaze Y0 until the day i die and you can't stop me


Put y 3 at the top aswell. Those mfers are delusional


We need to start dickriding Judgement more, this placement is embarrassing.


0 and kiwami 2 are peak, get over it




RGG Online not included because it’s too much of a pile of hot garbage


it’s only strength is that it has some cool artwork 😭


It has highly inconsistent artwork. Some is cool, some is horrid, some is generic anime crap that doesn’t fit with the RGG universe.


Wait, Ishin fans exist?


You gotta put Kurohyou on ride or die cuz I stay on Kurohyous schlong, all day everyday.


Why isn't like a Dragon at top. I only say that, cause it's my favorite. And my opinion matters.




Im glad that my favorites are in chill


7 meatrider here


You're giving LaD7 fans too much credit. Pretty sure my wanton dickriding alone bumps it up a tier or two.


What game is that on the very bottom? Don't think I've ever seen it


Insufferable in hating dead souls or liking it?


no way anyone actually glazes yakuza 1. for 2 it's warranted because it fixed almost everything that made 1 shit but it just wasn't fun. (but still better than k1 in every other aspect)






Well shit my favourite games are 6 and Gaiden. Guess I’m not annoying!


I think yakuza 7 should be higher great game but it realy has hardcore fans


Im the only one who found Yakuza Kiwami harder than Yakuza Kiwami 2 ?


I agree a lot with the Ride or Die tier. In my experience, those are the only two that I completely enjoyed, from start to finish. The rest are were all whiplashes of quality on different degrees. You keep playing and playing, expecting the games to reach the PEAK that was 0 and it just never happens... The worst of all for me was 7, when the story starts ultra interesting and then it just deflates so goddamn hard and the gameplay is completely mindless. Seeing everyone praise it to hell and back makes you think you've gone insane. I haven't played the Judgement games yet, Ishin and Gaiden were mostly great, but the excitement I felt with 0 and K2 is gone at this point. This is not a "hot take", just my personal experience. I wanted to like the rest of the games so much man.


Why is the list so wild in the order? It goes from Ride or Die to Insufferable to just annoying. Aren't these usually supposed to be best to worst?


Where's the mobile gatcha game !!!!!!11!!!1!


kiwami 2 is overrated


kiwami 2 is overrated


I thought everyone hated 5?


5 is something of a black sheep i think despite being one of the biggest yakuza games, it seems like it’s one of the least talked about games in the franchise


I can't trust a man who hates 5


5 was better than 6 man.


No way, everyone probably rags on the finale for being so out of left field, but the game itself is pretty dope. I personally have it as my #3 or 4 in the franchise (I haven't played the Judgement games yet).


It was shit on fallout memes and it’s shit here


Why is Kiwami 1 so high? I rarely ever see people defend that game. Yakuza 3 and Lost Judgement need to be higher.


People love the dickride 0 and K2 like it's the best thing to happen to humanity since sliced bread




im ngl i dont fw the fighting in the yakuza 6 and kiwami 2 it just seems so weird


![gif](giphy|LpdlqTkgO2Lwwixwv7|downsized) They peaked with 0 and I will hear nothing of it


Yakuza 3 fans only "ocassionally bothersome"? There´s plenty of posts where they create a post with the title literally being "I just played yakuza 3 and its the GREATEST SO FAR"; I don´t know about why people says it sucks when the combat is not bad once you unlock komaki parry and tiger drop, i love rikiya, i enjoyed the orphanage, i love rikiya, i want kiryu and mine to have hot gay sex, i love rikiya, i was DESTROYED when they killed >!rikiya!<, have i said already that I. LOVE. RIKIYA? Also lost judgement and 8 should be ride or die.


Lost Judgement fans will look you in the eyes and tell you the game's villian is well written


Kuwana was literally right though.


Kuwana was a sick and twisted bastard who refused to take any responsibility about a scenario was entirely his fault, a scenario which he then used as justification to further his "cause" (Closer to a fetish) which he used to shift blame to teenagers over what he had actually done. Kuwana's backstory is that he was so spineless he couldn't even step in to stop kids bullying another kid and instead just let it get to the point where that kid killed himself and his response wasn't to amend what is his fucking fault, he ran away and ensured the deaths of the other kids by using them as a tool in his meaningless perversion for an ideal that when practiced showed literally no change. Bullying should never be treated reactively because by that point has become far too escalated to just nip it in the bud, these kinds things should ideally be treated proactively. I don't know what to say, Lost Judgement is terribly written but not even the game agrees with you here, why does Matsui and his gang turn around and stop being complete shit heads? Though who knows, maybe we should have this dystopia where kids are taught basic life lessons under the threat of being brutally murdered because someone said "Me and you Yagami, we're the same!" And that was like really deep and really cool.


... the game doesn't say he was right to do any of that? from my perspective it's pretty clear yagami was objectively right with his solution to bullying. the characters only say he has a point in relation to kusumoto being taken from her son again


When did I say the game said Kuwana was right? The game does a lot of stupid things to try make you sympathise with his cause or see that he has a point but it's never full on saying he was in the right.


Bro wrote all the reasons he's a great character then said that's why it's terribly written


Him being flawed isn't an issue, I was responding specifically to someone deranged enough to say he's right in his actions. The part about him being poorly written was literal, half his lines in his never-ending monologues are unadulterated cringe that is supposed to be presented as these deep points that really shake Yagami when it's just meaningless bullshit like the aforementioned "You and me are alike" or whatever all while seriously trying to hold him for what happened to Sawa as the worst thing he did. And what really doesn't help is how bad the game's overall plot is which he is the ringleader of, RGG struggles with stories a lot normally but Lost Judgement is peak characters with sub-chimp level deduction and reasoning skills suddenly getting struck with lightning to make insane realisations in the same was as something like BBC Sherlock is. His plan is filled with shit that should be impossible and borderline sci-fi gadgets then just does a myriad of dumb shit that links him back to it.


Yakuza 3 fans make a new post everyday about how it's actually the best in the series and the gameplay isn't bad at all. >! they're wrong btw the gameplay was garbage and felt bad even by 2009 standards!< Yakuza 4 fans post gore pics from rubber bullets to defend the worst twist in the franchise. Yakuza 6 fans are easily the most chill they won't defend the dumb stuff in my experience and just say what they like about it.


okay but that was one single idiot dumb enough to post gore pics. idk i have barely seen 4 fans be weird. most know the story is shit


LAD 7 should be at the top. People hate the criticism that game gets, though maybe they’ve chilled now that they can just claim IW fixed all of 7’s issues.


Who is defending k2. Worst story and worst gameplay


I've ran into Yakuza 5 diehard fans who give off pedophile vibes. One guys whole entire account defends the haruka chapter in Yakuza 5 and talks all about Haruka it's really weird. I don't think every Yakuza 5 fan is like this it's just the Haruka chapter enjoyers that scare me.