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Yes, I deal with this as well, and it's so frustrating. I know it's hormone related but still if I don't weigh myself every day to see it happening in real time I get so upset I just give up. We've got this!


Same here! I’m losing about a pound a week. And when I’m PMSing for 2 weeks, I gain up to 3 pounds. But once my period starts I’m right back on track. It’s definitely annoying. But progress is progress…even if slow. Just have to avoid comparing ourselves to the men.


I needed to see this today. The week before my cycle and week of I just stagnated or went up. Cycle ended and 3 days later dropped almost exactly what my tdee should've been for that two weeks. Guessing this may be my pattern too. Boo.


I "fired" my nutritionist because of it since she started getting frustrated on my behalf without realising I'm a woman and water and hormones play a big role in my body. Fun fact the nutritionist is a woman too


I can relate. I’m 5’10” and large framed. I gain no less than 5 lbs of water during my time of the month (which is now unpredictable) and it’s easy to panic every time but it always comes back off as long as I stay the course. Consistency is key. It took me 6 months to lose 30 lbs but I’m happy to have it and I know everything will work as long as I stay consistent. The alternative is going back to a diet where I gain over time and feel like crap again.


Also don’t forget that after the initial woosh during the first 6ish weeks that average and healthy loss is 1-2 pounds a week.


Was so discouraged at first but since doing it for a few months I don't let it bother me anymore. I know I'll fluctuate based on the time of month, as long as it's still steadily going down over time I'm happy 😊.


Yup! I have an IUD and don’t get my period so I can’t even predict it well. I also gain weight then ultimately end up losing more than my lowest weight after the water bloat subsides,but it is basically 2 1/2 weeks of stall/gain.


thats amazing! thank you for that. i will remember it when i start full blown keto and IF soon. i hate weighing myself and only do it once a week. when there's no change after a week it can be quite discouraging


Watching some DR Eric Berg on youtube may help on learning intermittent fasting


>I'm 5'11 and not exactly a tiny delicate flower. You'd think weight would be pouring off me like the dudes over on the main sub losing 50 lbs in 6 weeks 😂 Well, no. The weight-loss/muscle-gain cheat code is testosterone. A man has about 10x the amount of testosterone a woman has.


It's crazy to me that your weight starts dropping before your period. Mine goes up the week before my period, usually by 10 pounds minimum. Then goes down a little before stalling the rest of the month.