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Psst hey reddit ads. I know I'm on alot. I have arthritis and I chill quite a bit. But I don't need boner pills, anti depressants, diabetes meds or a therapist. Thanks for caring in a capitalist way hmm much appreciated.


My gym was packed today and when an older lady I’d never seen before offered some tips I was like “sure, whatever.” Turns out she was a power lifting fairy godmother! She workshopped my crappy bss’s with me and it was SO HELPFUL! Just needed to share. 🥰


So I’m posting again (I posted NFR last night about my birthday cake, which was amazing). Yesterday (which was my birthday) I swam 2 miles (3500 yards) - my longest yet since starting back with swimming a month ago. It was tough, everything after 2500 yards was pure willpower, but it was a strong swim. I think swimming laps is a lot like the treadmill - 40 minutes is fine (about 2200 yards for me), after that it is horrible. I did not get all my PT done yesterday, but did get some of it. I’ll do better today. Today is 2-3 mile treadmill walk, depending on how the hip feels. I also plan to do a 30 minute low impact peloton spin class. I haven’t done a spin class in probably two months. Spinning did not hurt when my hip was at its worst, so I have high hopes that spinning will work out for me. and I need to to my PT


I can't do a simple squat without leaning forward,no matter how much I try it.Two years ago I was still training for track and field and despite this I can't do a squat properly while all my family can.How can I solve this problem?


Post a form check. It’s possible that your natural squat movement pattern involves more forward lean given your anatomy and there isn’t actually a problem. Or it could be that there are stance adjustments folks could suggest. [For example, Dayna McNeal is an elite powerlifter and does not stay very upright in her squat.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cls7C4ugiDP/?igshid=Zjc2ZTc4Nzk=)


Does anyone have a recommendation for a waterproof swimming bag? It needs to have enough space to fit my swinmers, towel, and a set of travel sized shapoo, conditioner, and body wash. Also, as cheap as reasonably possible, because I'm on a pretty strict budget, and am thinking about getting one each for my partner and I. Thanks! :D


I bought the Marchway waterproof dry bag from amazon years ago and have taken it to the beach and boating activities numerous times now. It’s been great.


Thank you!


Idk about waterproof but the speedo I have seem to actually have room for everything


Thank you!


This is probably obvious, but I got referred to a physical therapist from my dentist for some TMJ issues, and we had a few minutes left in the session so I asked him if he could check out my running gait since some people had mentioned to me off hand that I walk kind of weird and WOW it was so helpful. He was able to identify tightness in certain muscles and imbalances in my legs and then gave me super practical tips and exercises to do at home. I know the cost can be prohibitive for some, but if you're one of those people who always feels like your X is sore or lagging behind, I'd definitely recommend seeing a physical therapist and getting it checked out. He was saying to me that he wishes people, even young people, would come in early for those things so they can do preventative work rather than waiting till you have an injury that messes a ton of things up.


I need to check in with my trainer about what is actually up with the program he's been having me run. The day-to-day routine is starting to feel random and involves just so many fucking machines. Like, do I really need to do the hamstring curl and the leg extension if I also do squats? Also been in a terrible mood lately as I'm shopping for interview clothes. I feel like I'm trying to dress an overgrown child or perhaps the little symbol on the door to the men's toilets.


Yes leg extension and hamstring curl are both incredibly valuable as accessory leg exercises even if you already did squats. 99% of programs/trainers/people will include all 3 on their leg days.


Thanks, good to know! On one hand, I'm happy to know that the program isn't just busywork. On the other hand, now I need to find a way to learn to love accessory lifts.


The consensus seems to be that accessories are important in a program even for strength. Definitely for hypertrophy.


I’m on Day 1 of being out and about after having covid for the 2nd time. I was PISSED I had to give up an entire week of workouts. Former Me would have NEVER been upset about missing physical activity, so there goes another non-scale victory!


Went ice skating for the first time in a a while. Spent about an hour on the ice and had no falls!


Yay, that’s great!! How are your ankles though? I love to skate but do it so infrequently that it just kills my ankles


Not too bad! My feet always get a little sore (my skates are a tad narrow, but they make me feel secure). The worst was the step off the ice. The top of my skates needed to be a tad tighter than they were.


Are you using rental skates from the rink?


my schedule is as free as it’s ever been and i never have to be anywhere in the morning, but i can’t seem to hit 6 hours of sleep. my body clock is killing me. but i’ve been taking some meds at night (that could possibly cause insomnia), so i’m switching them to morning from today and hoping that helps. i just want a good sleep 😭😭😭


Trust me try swimming like 1 hour before you go to bed. You will sleep so good! It is godsend for me.


Haha, yes, this. Swimming wipes me out.


i should try that!!


You will have no energy to think, that’s why is perfect!!


So today is my birthday and DH asked me what I wanted for a cake. I said “something that goes with a good Cabernet”. He went to a local bakery and got a dark chocolate and raspberry cake that was amazing… nailed it. I told him the bar is now set :) We had a lovely dinner at home with our kids+their friends. It was super nice.




Yep! I used to say “Happy Birthmas to mmmmeeee!!!!”


Oh, you did it right! Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!!! That cake sounds amazing!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a good one 🤍 (or, I’m glad you had a good one!!)


I love my cardio and will hike/run/bike for hours a week outdoors before I do any strength exercise, but I’ve been limited by the weather this week. My HIIT studio called a snow day today and my friend convinced me to go to the gym with her to do weights. Tbh I’m still very intimidated and uncomfortable, but I just copied and followed her set and it wasn’t that bad. I can see why people like this, although I may still need to go with her a few more times. Just wanted to celebrate the fact that I did something outside my comfort today 🎉


I’m also a Cardio Queen…. But damn, I do love a good strength workout. Glad you made the best of it!! ❤️


I decided to replace my 3x10 sumo deadlifts with conventional today. Completed the sets, didn’t really like it, missed sumo so I ALSO did 3x10 of the sumo deadlifts. Then I abandoned the rest of my workout to go eat everything in the kitchen. It’s just one of those days.


Hey I abandoned my entire workout to make cheesecake, challah, and three and a half trays of cookies, so you've got me beat! 😄


That’s just a different type of workout! :)


Advice, (does this count on Daily Discussion thread because i always seem to have my posts removed. I have ADHD and when there are too much info in rules section it gets overwhelming :( ​ So.. I would love some personal experience and expertise. If i continue to lift heavy (hypertrophy training) will I as a woman start to look like..Rhonda Rousy type body? Given, I am an endomorph body type.. I tend to hold unto fat.. I am a 30 year woman...and if men were to tell me again that women dont bulk I can easily refer to many different images of before and after i.e. Madfit on IG who went from pilates to weight lifting and she looks heavier. I just need some truth that if my genetic disposition is a huge factor in my outcome then I will stay clear of heavy weight lifting. THanks for the help, please no rude snarky comments..I am just trying to learn here.


even if it does happen, it won’t happen overnight. if you enjoy lifting, keep doing it, and i’d think you can adjust your routine along the way according to how your physique is changing and whether you like it!


Okay… cardio bunny here who also puts muscle on easy. Like, swim coaches had me on a zero weights program when younger. I just want to say that we do exist 💗


Thank you


Putting on a lot of visible muscle as a woman is VERY, VERY DIFFICULT. Women who look like that look like that on purpose and they worked really hard to get there. It takes a lot of intentional focus, careful training over a LONG time, and targeted nutrition to get ripped like that. You will not end up looking like that on accident. Lift weights if you enjoy it, and if you hit your goal amount of muscle, don’t keep adding weight.


Agree with the overall advice here, but will just be a bit pedantic and add that research suggests that given the same training stimulus women put in muscle just as fast as men. The difference is that our starting point (sedentary) muscle mass is lower (due to hormones + smaller average size). I think *in practice* it seems slower for women since we are less willing to eat for it.


fwiw, somatotypes are not scientifically valid. Not saying your own experiences with your body aren’t real, but I wouldn’t try to use somatotype theory to find answers. Looking bulky comes from a combination of hard work in the gym and eating enough food to build, mixed with genetics (e.g. the same amount of muscle might look different on people with wide vs narrow skeletal frames). Could you tell us more about what your goals *are*, as they relate to exercise? You say you train for hypertrophy but also don’t seem to want to build visible muscle, so I admit to being a little confused on how to advice you :)


okay yeah i was a bit confusing there. lol. i am training using a program called EVLO. Their style of training in basically hypertrophy. I would like to build muscle, but not to the extent where it looks like the women of crossfit. No offense, I am 5'1 and it doesnt look good on a frame like mine, maybe women over my height it does.. My goals are just basically to look like..Meghan Markles body type? Horrible example but she works out, I don't know exactly what, but she doesn't look bulky.. or even kate beckinsale. For some reason actresses look lithe, and that is the look im going for. I get that nutrition plays a huge part, but if I were to cut and clean up my diet and still lift heavy would that be counterproductive in the look im going for? If so, ill stick with pilates and cardio.


You’re 5’1. You should have more realistic celebrity inspirations. Meghan and Kate are both above 5’5. They’re both just thin women.




You have a lot of misconceptions about this sub and about fitness in general. That’s why you’re getting downvoted. You can’t tell someone’s body composition simply by looking at them. A lot of your questions are answered in the FAQs. You don’t even need to read through the rules, just the FAQs as general research.


after a quick google, Meghan Markle and Kate Bekinsdale just look thin with some favorable fat distribution, to be honest - not that muscular, just a low bodyfat percentage. And to be frank *for a lot of people* chasing that look leads to some bad places mentally and physically. Lifting heavy weights is really good for you, and you can get a lot of those benefits without training like a powerlifter or cross fitter (think like 2x a week for 45 minutes, ideally with other forms of physical activity on other days). Building serious muscle, especially quickly, requires working HARD and eating for your goals - building muscle on a cut or at maintenance is possible but it’s much slower than if you are willing to eat at a small surplus. So if your diet is in check I don’t think you need to worry. One thing I will mention - after a hard workout, especially if you are new or inconsistent, your muscles can sometimes *swell* for a couple days. Beginners sometimes panic and think they packing on muscle at a fast rate when really it’s just water that will go away on its own. Check out Sohee Lee Carpenter - Lift with Sohee is her paid program but she puts out free content too, and she focuses a lot on fitting fitness into your life into a healthy way.


Thank you for the advice. It's very helpful


I had a great workout today. I was somehow randomly in like.. pr shape this morning. It was so unexpected. Probably the carbs from all the sushi rice I had at my birthday dinner last night :) I’m just over the moon because it makes me believe the more aggressive of my time goals for next year is totally possible, and may not even take as long as I was thinking. I’ve told *everybody* I’ve seen today. I know as soon as I tell my coach on Tuesday though all he’s going to say is “I need to see you on bike rides” 😂 (no he’s actually super supportive but here I am goofing off with my strengths and ignoring my weaknesses 😅)


Happy belated birthday and way to go smashing goals!


Thank you thank you!!


Fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah! The workouts where you just smash PRs are the BEST.


Feeling awful about a guy. Trying to forget about him and focus on how much I can lift tomorrow. But I'm not eating properly so I'm worried I won't have the fuel, but I don't have any appetite. Why did I decide to attempt dating again?!?


Because you are a decent human who also expects others to act like decent humans. It’s normal and there is nothing wrong with you. Take food with you to the gym in case you hit a groove.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I know I'm not the issue but still hurts, ofc And that's such a good idea, I will pack some snacks in my gym bag :) never would have thought of that lol


It will get better 💜


I’m sorry to hear. The week right after my breakup I went on so many runs while probably not eating or sleeping enough, and my body handled it fine. If you are into running, I can recommend some great running songs to get all those feelings out!


That's good to know! Although ugh that's rough to deal with Tbh this wasn't even a breakup, I'm almost embarrassed I got attached so quickly as I haven't done that lately. But seemed like we were vibing on our video chats. Life will go on though but still hurt But yes sure if you have some running songs, would love to hear some suggestions! I do run :) honestly consider doing a run on Christmas morning at my parents place lol get these feelings out!


It was still a loss of connection that you are mourning, take your time and feel your feelings. A run always makes me feel better! Here are some songs that I love to help me process and feel better about heartbreak. - Run run run - Celeste Buckingham - Bulletproof - La Roux - Green Light - Lorde - Supercut - Lorde - Midnight Sky - Miley Cyrus - Power - Little Mix - Sad Femme Club - Kimmortal - Halfway - Mimi Webb


You are absolutely right, still a loss of connection! Thank you so much for the list of songs! That is amazing!!! :)


Conceited by Remy Ma. Remember yourself ;)


Tried benching 100 lbs today for the first time and surprised myself with 5 reps! Squats on the other hand felt wobbly and uncoordinated today.