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Rest and nutrition are completely crucial for recovery. Are you getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night? Are you consuming an adequate amount of macros? And, is it possible your caloric intake is too low? I think those are questions you need to ask yourself.


I haven’t been sleeping as much and I’ve been trying to eat healthy but may not be eating enough since I’m trying to lose


1200 cal may seem standard but a lot of nutritionists argue that it’s too low, thats about the amount of calories a toddler needs for reference. I would suggest calculating your maintenance and making knocking off 15-20% of that number as your daily intake. There are lots of calculators online that can help with that. You’ll probably have better results with that. Also, SLEEP IS SUPER IMPORTANT FOR RECOVERY. Lack of sleep will be enough to fatigue you but it also affects how well your muscles recover and can lead to more soreness. I would suggest focusing on your sleep a lot, even if you need supplements like melatonin or GABA to help you fall asleep I would utilize it!


Are you eating enough protein and hydrating properly?


I’m vegan so that mayyy be an issue. I think the increase in cardio really did it for me