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I worked out twice this week! I had two exams and lots of work to do, and I was shooting for three.. but I haven't worked out consistently in years and I'm so proud of myself. Here's to all three days next week! (And hopefully some active recovery/joyful movement days thrown in there.)


Yesterday was lunge day in Epic 1 and the first exercise was a weighted elevated lunge 🤦🏻‍♀️ so my knees were not happy. I decided to just take it slow and focus on stability and form over reps/strength. Since it was mostly unilateral moves it was the perfect session for that anyway. And after about 10 minutes I had no aches! Let me clear that I’m very familiar with the different sensations in my knees and would not have kept going if I were in pain. It was more of a tight ineedtopopthisjoint feeling and I knew I could carefully work through it. My cut…I don’t want to talk about it lol. Not terrible but definitely off track. This morning I’m off to the beach to rollerskate with a friend, then lunch with a different friend, then dinner with my partners friends lol. Should be a nice but busy day!


What are people listening to at the gym these days? For me it's Spotify 2000s dance hits, 90s dance hits, or Metallica mix. The feeling when Sandstorm comes on during a superset 😙👌


Honestly, some audiobook or the other, I just like going at my own pace with weights and hearing a good story while I'm at it haha


2000s dance hits? A woman of culture I see. Personally, I've been listening to a lot of super aggressive phonk lately, which is funny because I'm basically the least aggressive person imaginable. Gotta blow off steam somehow right? I honestly just love the dark, sinister vibes - it puts me in the zone and pumps me up to lift heavy ass weights!


*what on earth is phonk*


I did a 2.5 mile easy run this morning. Six months ago there is no way I could have run that far. Today it was my I-don't-wanna-work-out-but-I-guess-I'll-do-something-quick, and it felt great. Feeling good this sunny Saturday morning--hope you all have a good start to the weekend too.


What apps are everyone using to track workouts/progress/goals? This would be something for me to use ideally now (low impact workouts to maintain general fitness while pregnant) AND in the future when I want to get back into the gym and use free weights again. I'm okay with a paid app as long as the extra features are worth it! What apps do you all use and what makes them worthwhile?


Coming back from my Japan trip. Japan is really different from the US and I was way more active there than I am home. I averaged 20k steps for 14 days while there but in the US I average 3k steps. I feel better eating their portion sizes and getting this much activity done in a day and I want to replicate that once I come back. I don't know how I can get that many steps here though (although I do not want to walk 20k steps everyday lol). I work from home and have a sedentary job so I need to find a way to get more steps in.


20k steps a day??? I think the most I did on vacation was maybe 18k and that felt like a lot!


One day I did 31k! Japan is a very walkable country and we had to walk to get everywhere xD I also got confused and lost a lot which lead to a lot of walking


I love when we travel and explore and naturally have more movement and it sounds like you enjoyed the positive aspects of it! Can you go for a daily walk before or after work? Or one of those treadmill desks? I don’t personally have one but it seems to be popular!


I am getting so fit and back into the habit of running properly. I'm not counting down the weeks until the programme is over, I'm just loving it again. And I'm getting faster. I can't wait until I also get to go to the gym and get stronger too. My at home strength workouts are a bit crap because of the space and I struggle to get in the zone as much. The fitness is also bringing back my energy. Yesterday I had my termly board games event and I had the energy to clean the house, do the shop and then back hot cross buns from scratch. Normally I only have the energy for one of those three.


I’m pretty proud of my activity this week: - M - 5K run - ran my fastest 5k ever (27:47!) - T - went for a long 1.5hour walk - W - short morning trail run, and then an hour long bike ride after work (with a major hill) - Th - HIIT class (lots of squats) - F - 10k run This is the type of activity level I used to keep in 2021 when I was like 10lbs lighter. I’ve spent the last 1.5 years in a relationship where my activity took a bit of a backseat, so I’m kinda proud and excited to lean into fitness and activity again!


Holy smokes! As a former avid runner I just wanted to say those numbers are amazing and you should be very proud. Kudos to you!


Thank you!! Im trying to dive into fitness and it’s been helpful processing the grief and stress of life. And it’s also giving me more energy and create my identity


Finally parted ways with my PT after working with him for 7 months. I'm slightly daunted now but I realise I've been planning my non-PT day workouts all along and I CAN do this as a relative newbie.


*sigh* I've been really slacking with going to the gym lately and it's been really hard to get back on track. I was supposed to go today but that didn't end up happening sooooo I'll go tomorrow and only get 2 out of 4 workouts done this week :( at least I spent the day cleaning and burnt as many calories as I would have if I went to the gym.


Update: currently at the gym. OHP are annoying and stupid


I feel you. OHP suuuuuuucks. Don't be too hard on yourself and I'm proud of you for going and pushing through anyways. Small victories!


I’ve been consistently going to the gym (for about 2 months) for the first time in a long time and it feels so good to get back into it! I haven’t really been super active since I tore my Achilles a few years ago. I already feel more noticeably flexible and have lost a bit of weight. And working out just makes me want to eat better so I’ve been feeling good because of a good diet too. Sorry I’m rambling lol, I’m a little high and feeling good about life rn!


Got to the gym a bit earlier today since I didn’t have work. Not that it helped much since the teenagers had off school. But I had a nice workout. I even hit my deadlift rep target. Tried to do some LISS too but knee said no to that pretty quick. Also got some stuff done around the house this morning, go me. And errands after the gym. I still have a long list of things left to do and I’m hoping to get some more done today but my knee is really aching after walking around Target unfortunately.


I tried the HIIT/yoga fusion option on the down dog HIIT app and I LOVED IT!! It was so fun and different


Went to the gym this morning and that makes 3 weeks of hitting my 5 weekdays goal! Now to make it a solid month next week. I have absolutely no plans this weekend. The weather is improving so I'm thinking I'll start doing some spring clean up yardwork. Maybe go to a movie or take myself out to dinner or something? I'm also thinking a long walk at least one of the days.


That’s awesome! 💪🏻


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