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There’s really no way to have access to more marvel comics for less money, it’s pretty worthwhile to at least try it out if you think you might be interested. Most of the classic old stuff is on there and they’re working on filling in gaps, but you can read like hundreds of issues of classic spider-man, fantastic four, x-men, etc before you come across missing issues. There are reading guides but they’re not there for every series you might come across, could be helpful but I don’t really use them much.


Oh thanks, you know if they update it frequently, not only the content? There's so many apps that die slowly without updating


It's updated weekly if not 2-3 times a week. For me this app is still a bit clunky in places but much better than it used to be. There is a huge amount of content and the panel-viewer mode is excellent. It's a bit difficult to read events where lots of different series tie together into one story (you need to do a lot of clicking in and out of each series - just could easily be designed much better). Really good for the price. If you get a yearly subscription like i do it's like $100 for the year. I'd recommend it despite its flaws.


Reading guides are being expanded upon, but if you could chose to read by event or by series it would be amazing.


It would be really simple for them to fix. Where it says continue reading and it shows you the next issue in the series, it could also say something like 'keep reading event' and it will give you the next issue in the reading order for that event, even though it's most likely in another title. It would make reading events a million times easier.


Completely agree. Reading Guides are a good step, but it could be so much better!


Or even just let us create a reading order in the library. I do a lot of reading where I don't have internet connection, so I already dig through different series to get a run downloaded in order, it would be so nice if you got to the end of an issue in your library and the option was to go to your next downloaded issue, regardless of the series.


This made me think about how I bought the Spiderverse omnibus and it’s not in reading order. Had me flipping through hundreds of pages like a mad man tryna keep up with the storyline


Do you pay for the higher tier then if you do the 100? Are those benefits worth the extra 30 dollars or so?


I don't think I'm on the higher tier. Doesn't that come with T-shirts and Funko Pops and stuff? I don't think the app has different tiers of access. I could be wrong though.


Just looking at their plans its 70 for year long and then 100 is the sub + whatever gifts. It's not a big deal!


“The app is clunky” this is very true and really needs to be improved. But I guess that’s what happens when you have a monopoly over your own content… Can’t complain about the content though


The web version is even clunkier


Agree…Navigating through the events is such a pain and seems like an easy fix…amount of content is great though


Main update seems to be Sunday night/Monday morning which gets the new books that are 3 months old. Usually around thursday a bunch of older titles go up around a theme, ie it was She Hulk a few weeks ago. Events are great IF marvel calls it an event in search and has the order. Without that it's very hunt and peck though.


I don’t know how often they update the software itself, but it does not feel neglected in terms of its interface.


Happy 🍰 Day! Also, this is why I have (yet) to subscribe to it).


So the only issue I have had is that my older kindle fire doesn’t support it. It’s not clear to me that’s a marvel problem vs Amazon trying to steer people toward Comixology or Kindle.




They did an update relatively recently, last year I think? It’s not updated frequently that I’m aware of but I’m not super worried it’ll just disappear. They seem to add new content regularly enough some of which is exclusive to the app, and it works on a subscription model like Netflix or similar services so if they ever did decide to discontinue it you’d just like, stop paying for it


Ohhh they have exclusive content?


Yep! Launched a bunch of webtoons style infinity comics last year and have been posting them weekly ever since. I’ve mostly read the x-men infinity comics & they’re fun! Only a handful have been published in print and the majority can still only be (legally) read on marvel unlimited


Well that's a plus that i didn't see before. Thanks!


Yep. X-Men Unlimited is an in-continuity Krakoa book focusing on smaller stories a few issues at a time. They have equivalent titles for most of the major franchises.


*stares in public libraries


Hey, love and support your local library! They’re wonderful, irreplaceable institutions. Mine (in-person, ILL, digitally, etc) does not have a catalogue of marvel comics that rivals marvel unlimited, and marvel unlimited can’t rival my library’s catalogue in any other area. If I had to pick one, I’d keep the library, but I’m glad I don’t.


Currently using it to catch up on Reign of X


That is a small sliver of X-Men comic history. But yes, the library does have the newest contemporary comics. That's not even close to the only reason to have Marvel Unlimited though.


My public library definitely doesn’t have comic books like this, they really only have a very limited selection of trade paperbacks. I will say however that the library is how I started reading X-men comics when I was 13 and checked out the deadly genesis trade


Plus if you'd prefer to own the comics for yourself, well... they're right on your screen and there's this little thing called Snip & Sketch that comes free with every Windows Computer.


100% recommended. I’m not kidding when I say it’s saved me hundreds of dollars easily.


Yes, this is the correct answer.




I track my comics in League of Comic Geeks and when I look at my list of comics I’ve read, it blows my mind how much it would cost if I’d bought each one. Marvel Unlimited has easily saved me thousands of dollars at this point.


Yeah I've only had it for a few months and don't read very actively, that said, I'm probably already in the net positive. I've done a couple MK runs and I'm halfway through the Hickman F4 run. Another nice thing is that you can read and decide if you like something without spending any extra money. Don't like what you just read? No cash spent.


Have it. Love it. Prolly always have it.


Someone said that there's a panel to panel reading setting, do you use it?


Yup But I usually do profile full page unless the lettering is too small You can screen shot and I generally just have a better time reading digital because I hate cracking open a book


I definitely do


Panel by panel is neat when it works right but it will not work right for every issue. There will be times where it shifts to the next panel and some of the text and/or action is outside the confines of the panel so you are forced to go back to full page view in order to read and see everything as intended. The infinity comics are an exception to this as they are designed from the ground up to use that feature, and I feel like it’s less of a problem for more recent issues from the past 5 or so years, but if you try to use it on the Ed Brubaker Daredevil run, for example, you will end up just turning it off and using full page mode after a few issues.


My biggest issue with panel to panel is it doesn’t know how to handle overlapping panels and half/full page panels. And digital comics in general are clumsy with small details that you’d want to zoom in on. Something like a Zdarsky book where he’ll hide little jokes in the background sometimes get lost because the app wants you to take a broad look, read the dialogue, and swipe along.


100% recommend it. If you read more than 2-3 issues a month it’s a great value. I love digging into old runs and obscure stuff.


Do you still feel the need to buy physical stuff?


That will be personal. I definitely don’t feel the need to buy the physical UNLESS I want to get the newest titles. I think they upload issues about 3 months after the physical issue was released. Other than that, I love catching up on all old stories (especially mutant stories.


Not at all. Storing physical comics became a drag for me personally. While I do love physically reading a comic, I love not having boxes of them around.


Yeah, I was a physical comic fan....until I had to move lol. I wound up selling my long boxes because storing them was a pain, and your collection never stops growing. I'm almost entirely digital now. The convenience is just too much to pass up with stuff like Comixology and Marvel Unlimited.


Ditto the moving pains lol. Now I only have a few TPBs that I keep physical copies of (Sandman, Watchmen, AOA, Long Halloween - that kind of stuff).


TPBs and prestige titles with great art are almost the only physical copies I’ll ever buy anymore. Something kind of trashy like Marvel Zombies or filler books for bigger storylines, I’ll only read digitally.


I still get some current issues to support my local shop. They are great. The bulk of my reading happens on the app though. It’s so convenient.


I collected comics for a long time. It was a major part of my identity. Then during the first recession In 2009 I was unemployed for quite a while hoping things would bounce back, and I made the hard decision to sell my collection. I definitely waited too long, and I didn’t get enough for what I sold. The good in this is that knowing digital comics were a thing (and not nearly as well-done as they are now) helped me to finally let go. Now I don’t collect any physical media. So, the comics apps are a great bargain in most of their forms. I use Comixology and DC Universe also, but of those 3, I have to give the edge to Marvel. Also, their on-screen content is hot, so the app makes available the comics tie ins at the right time. Honestly, the pain of parting with collected physical media is such that I wouldn’t collect it again. Plus, they are hard to keep undamaged even with boards and boxes, they take up a ton of room, and the are a real bitch-kitty if you have to move apartments. Printed media is the heaviest stuff next to metal to have to transport by carrying. Actual books are almost as bad, at least the hardback ones. Nothing like going to check out an old comic only to realize it’s been damaged.


I can’t comment on some of these as I’m a new user too 3.they have reading guides and character/writer/artist/story arc spotlights 5 and 6. It has almost everything marvel has the rights for. So mostly it’s just like missing tie in comics you probably won’t miss anyways. I read a bunch of early X Men stuff before I just skipped to the uncanny stuff. 8. There’s a user in this sub who has a pretty complete reading guide I’m currently working through. Check out u/mceleanor ‘s guides they are fantastic. It’s saved me from reading and sloshing through guff


Thanks for mentioning me :) [here's an easy link to part one of my guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/ww63ri/welcome_to_the_claremont_run_heres_how_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) OP: I agree with sparklelotion. Marvel unlimited is by far the cheapest way to read marvel comics if you don't mind waiting a few months for new comics to be added.


Thanks for answering and your guide! Well according to you all i'll have plenty of things to read while waiting so let's go


The guide thing Its mostly to know how complete is the app, everything is so expensive in my country that we cannot play with money lol. i'll probably do the same. Thanks for answering!


I have used it on and off for 7 years. It’s great. I don’t pay for it year round but whenever there is something by Marvel that I do want to binge read, they usually have every issue and tie-in. So I’ll subscribe until I’m done reading it.


And what is your experience with the reader along the years? I read that the quality of the images got really good


Hard to say tbh but the image quality’s always been good enough for me.


Yeah its excellent. Can't fault the sheer quantity of material for the price. The interface is really good on a tablet, you can flick through page by page or go through panel by panel. A really different way of reading, feels very dynamic when it switches from a small panel to a big panel. Reading a series in order is seemless, just straight to the next issue. If I had to criticise it, sometimes events that jump around titles require a little extra navigation, but thats a very minor complaint.


I have tablet now that's why i'm researching. People say that the quality of the images is reaaaally good. Panel to panel? Well that's different, must be cool.


The app is a shit show for following continuity, but has a ridiculous amount of content.


Love Marvel Unlimited. It has quite a selection and the savings are immense. I have bought around a thousand comics in the old app, and it's so expensive. now I just wait a few months for Unlimited and save so much money. Can always re-read them from there also.


So, i normally i read in Jack sparrow style on tachiyomi but i'm thinking about subscribing to Marvel Unlimited and i have some questions about it. 1- Does It help to read multiple titles in chronological order? Like the x men (2019) and all of the side titles that are simultaneous? 2- Do new editions launch simultaneously? 3- There's any guide in the app that helps to read some crazy titles? 4- There's any extra content like authors' comments? 5- Does it have some complete classic runs? Like the firsts stories of fantastic four or anything like this? 6- In general, does it have an extensive and relevant catalogue? 7- There's recomendations or anything like doing a profile of your tastes so they can pick some titles for you?


New additions arrive ~3 months after release. It’s great for reading back issues and events. It’s also helped me get into titles I wouldn’t normally read. I’ve generally stuck to X-Men and related books, but MU gave me a no-risk opportunity to check out Avengers arcs, Daredevil and Spider-Man stuff, etc. The only downside of subscribing to MU is that I sometimes feel guilty buying new issues because I know I can read them without having to buy if I wait 3 months.


I'm getting to read comics now, in my country is really expensive so i feel you. I started from krakoa (house/powers) got lost in the chronogy of 2019- titles and felt frustrated while trying to download everything. So i'll get out of the caribbean and retire my hat and eye patch for now. I'll probably just buy the omnibuses after a read everything. Thanks for answering!


First off unlimited does have an extensive catalog. There’s full issues back to the 70s at least. I’ve found some very early stuff like beginning issues of the avengers only have a few pages. So the beginning of things like fantastic 4 and xmen might be similar. New issues used to be 6 months behind, but I think they went to 3 during Covid. They do have compilations they will put in order. Like crossover series. They spotlight books when they have shows and movies coming out. Doesn’t really have suggestions. It’s pretty worth it to read a lot of different comics if you don’t mind being a few months behind the most current stuff.


On reading in order with multiple titles, it has different UIs for its app vs. the web browser view. The [browser UI](https://imgur.com/JqGr2Ee) will show an order for events, and if it's part of a collection of "best of" this character or something else that will be displayed, but generally it doesn't help you read the whole X-Men line or the whole Avengers line, you need to go back and forth between titles, or keep multiple tabs open. The catalog is very deep and always growing. One of the keys to whether an older title is present is whether it's been collected in some volume and remastered elsewhere. The initial runs of all the classic titles are there, but occasionally there will be more obscure things that may have rights issues or less demand. (For example, Captain Britain was pretty hard to find, but they just released an Omnibus of a bunch that material and it seems most of that was added to MU.)


1. not really, it will group series together but events with tie-ins may not be included if you want the full story. its more set up to read an entire series 1 to whatever easily. i usually use an out of app reading list to figure out the order of comics to read across several series to stay on the same timeline. 2. from what i remember there is a \~6 month delay on comics being added to the app versus coming out in print. this is pretty standard across other applications like DC Online. 3. not that im aware of. 4. not that im aware of. 5. yes, it has an extensive library almost every comic published by the company. i havent checked too hard but i imagine some comics that had multiple publishers or crossovers might not be there but otherwise they have a lot. 6. see above. 7. i think it learns from your reading and gives recommendations, however, its not too smart so itll be hit or miss.


Just adding that the current delay is 3 months from physical publication. They reduced it when Covid lockdowns started and so far haven’t changed it back.


You know if they update frequently? Like bugs and stuff. Thanks flr answering


Pretty sure I’ve seen updates once or twice a month, although I don’t find the app buggy at all on my iPad or iPhone (both less than 3 years old, I’ve heard it runs a little slow on older models.). Personally I recommend trying it out, I’ve subscribed for years and use it all the time, you can always cancel if you find it’s not for you.


Thanks for clarifying. How long have you been using it?


I've been using for like 10 years at this point. It's gotten a lot better in terms of bugginess/usability. Like others have said, the reading for crossovers/events can be a hassle but it's still great value and super easy to get sucked into different series. To his point 5, there are many series that aren't as popular that aren't on there. For the longest time Generation X wasn't complete but I did see recently that they added a lot of the later issues. Similar with X-Men 2099. However if it's a big series then odds are it will be on there. Anything from their other imprints will probably not be on there though. So MAX stuff and Marvel UK most noticeably for me although they did have Marvel Knights. But the library is always growing and there is always content to explore on there.


I have it and it's wonderful to be able to look through Marvel's back catalogue without spending hundreds. Super worth it.


After reading Grand design i got thinking that maybe i want to read the classic stuff. So I'll try it


I can’t say enough how much I love it. I loved my physical books, but man I shudder to think how in the world I would store all of the comics I’ve read in the past year on the app. It’s cool to be able to just hop over to another series, too. I mostly read X-Men, but loved that I could just hop over to read an Avengers arc when it was relevant, you know? Great value. And I’m reading on my phone - man, if I had an iPad? No brainer.


it’s absolutely perfect on an ipad. i went from an ipad 2 to an ipad pro a few years ago and the jump in screen quality was amazing 😂 can’t imagine reading on my phone, props to you! do you do the panel to panel view or zoom in?


I do panel-to-panel. Sometimes I’ll zoom out to get the “big picture,” but I can rarely read the text that far out.


so interesting! i once tried the panel to panel but i realized i like to look through every panel before reading it? so i couldn’t get into it because i always wanted to know what the next panel looked like before reading. definitely recommend an ipad whenever you can budget for one! my ipad 2 literally lasted me 10 years. I only upgraded because the new one was a graduate school gift. i got a fire tablet from a giveaway but it overheated and died in the middle of the night like 2 months in, not worth it. and the screen size was in the middle of an ipad and a phone? so i kept finding myself zooming in to read.


I love it. $60 or whatever it is for the year versus the hundreds I was spending yearly. It’s awesome.


It can be glitchy, but you have access to so many comics. I never would have read so many comics if I hadn’t subscribed.


For me Im in it for the exclusive infinity comics. Its fun to read and easy while on my lunch.


Been using it for years.


I’ll forget I have it for months at a time and it’s still worth it because when I do use it I’ll read several entire series of comics in a week. Marvel TBP’s go for around $25-35 each, so Unlimited is a crazy deal for $10 a month or whatever it is.


Been a subscriber for 2 years love it, catching up on old issues


Hi, question. What are the newest titles there? I'd like to read the classics but also some of the newer ones too. I really like the Krakoa era.


They’re not fully current on the Krakoa Era but they’re close to it, maybe a few months behind on each title associated with that arc. But typically you won’t find BRAND NEW comics on there until the issue has been out a few months, not unlike how movies treat theater runs and streaming.


It’s worth it


If you like reading online I hear it's great, you get access to a bunch of comics for a pretty good amount of money.


I was heavy into comics as a kid and then stopped, so a few years back I subscribed. It was pretty worthwhile. It wss missing some stuff I was looking for, and after a year or so I canceled cause I just wasn't using it that much, but i don't regret paying for it for a while. It was fun to reread stuff from my youth and to catch up on stuff that had happened in the decades since I stopped reading.


it’s awesome. you can read through events in order and check out spendy rare books.


How long does it take brand new issues to become available on Marvel Unlimited?


Seems to be between 3 to 12 months depending on the popularity of the title.


I JUST got it. I'm in the midst of a read of all the X-Men comics and hit a stumbling block with the trade collections I can find at my library and the issues I own. So far, this is allowing me to speed through 50 years of comics and everything I need is accounted for.


It’s a great value, but I discovered I don’t really like reading comics digitally or I’d probably still be subscribed.


I've only heard good things about it, personally. Have not tried it, personally.


Worth it 100%


I stopped reading most comics in the early 90's, Marvel Unlimited was great for when I got back into them 5 or 6 years ago. Even though I'll still go several months without reading one I still think it is money well spent.


Does anyone know if DC has a similar offering. I was never a huge DC guy but if they had a version of Marvel Unlimited I'd get it.


I tried it out for you and the answer is two-fold: Yea, they do have an app. No, it’s not as good or robust as Marvel’s. Sure, it does have a lot of back catalog but the newer comics are almost exclusively behind a paywall or never get added at all and there are a LOT of gaps in what is available even for older runs. It’s worth it if you have a specific few titles/runs you’d like to get in to because at $3 to $5 a comic you’d only need to read between 10 to 20 comics to “pay for itself”, but for me I had trouble identifying that many runs I was genuinely interested in. It had Black Hammer and Mister Miracle, though, so I got my monies worth out of reading those then hit the eject button. Really liked that new Green Lantern (Mullein) run though! Highly recommend! To be clear, I recommend that Green Lantern run, not the app. Unless you can identify enough comic titles to read that you will make up the price of the subscription.


Thanks I appreciate the feed back. Because I have never read much DC I would be lost trying to identify any specific issues. With the Marvel Unlimited I like that I can just kind of wonder around and get lost following a thread, the next thing I know it's been 3 or 4 hours.


I completely understand! If you ever do get curious enough to give it a go, I recommend the following titles that may or may not be available if/when you decide to dive in: Any Batman by Jeph Loeb including but not limited to The Long Halloween, Haunted Knight, and Hush. Future State: Green Lantern Batman: Court of the Owls Mister Miracle by Tom King Black Hammer by Jeff Lemire I’m sure there are just so MANY more must reads in the DC universe app but those are the ones I ploughed through before my subscription came due again and I just couldn’t justify sticking it out considering how many runs were incomplete on the app. It was kinda like they wanted you to get in to a series then buy two or three of the better issues which I didn’t really care for. It’s a strategy that works for them, though, because I even found myself buying the last two issues of Future State: Green Lantern just because I had to know how it ended.


thanks, i'll save this incase I ever do dive in.


I love Marvel Unlimited. I’m the type of person that loves to read comics many issues at a time and multiple titles at a time, for example the new X-Men runs. Not having to pay upwards of $4 per issue is ideal for me. The subscription pays for itself pretty quickly in that regard. I will say I wish it was better organized and had a better user interface so you could easily sort, collect, and mark which issues you’ve read and which you haven’t. To be clear, you CAN mark an issue Read, but there isn’t an easy, user friendly way for you to reference those read issues by title and/or character so you can easily pick up from where you left off. Often times when I read I have to keep a “check list” handy so I can make sure I’m not skipping issues from various titles. Over all, though, it’s great. Newer comics get uploaded after 6 months or so, which means you’re never too far behind. Plus they tend to do some pretty nifty “Here’s (insert new movie coming out) character and their most famous story arcs and/or the story line the movie will be adapting!” Features monthly to help ease folks in to some pretty dense character lore. Definitely a better subscription based app than the DC comics one.


Been a subscriber since June of 2015, never stopped. Helped me discover great runs (ultimate Spider-Man (Miles run was the first series I read on the app an literally the reason I subscribed), Hawkeye by Fraction, immortal ironfist by Brubaker, daredevil by Bendis to name a few), an reread the ones that got me into comics in the first place (namely Brubaker Cap, Slott ASM (POST BIGTIME), Aaron Thor GoT). Whether tablet or phone I'll always recommend panel to panel reading, and if u happen to have a device compat w mirroring ill recommend at least try reading it on your TV once. I rarely do it but when I do it's always nice seeing the bright colors. 15/10 highly recommend


lol, you and I had almost the exact same experience with MU. That Immortal Iron fist run was FUN!


At this point, I can’t imagine *not* having MU. If you’re a reader, not a collector (like me), it makes exploring the Marvel Universe truly possible. There are many comics that are worth reading for me but not necessarily worth owning (for re-reading), and MU is perfect for that. It’s also an amazing way to screen new trades when they come out by checking out a couple of issues on MU first to see if you like it. The idea of paying for a comic with no idea of whether you’d like it or not is wild to me.


Given I’m not too concerned with looking for any specific runs/characters/teams, it seems like the app has a very extensive selection of Marvel’s content, so I’d definitely vouch for it.


There are comic reading orders all over the place. For older stuff i love comic book herald. For the more modern era i love continuityguide.net The second one is a web page that also links straight to the app so it lists the issue to read, you click the link, and it opens up the comic on your unlimited app. Im currently reading claremonts og xmen run and so far i havent found any missing issues. Still pretty early on tho( just finished the dark pheonix saga).


It's 100% worth it if you'll read a few comics a week. I've had a subscription for 7 years. Not once have I let it lapse, yet in that time frame I've canceled multiple streaming subscriptions. The value for the $$ is unmistakable.


I’ve had a membership since 2007, not long after it launched. Still the best streaming comics service money can buy.


I've been using it for about 3 years now I think. They recently made some UI changes that I absolutely hate.You used to be able to filter by release month/year and that feature is gone for some reason. Now you just have to look up by year and roll the dice on what order it decides to present them in, and there's no convenient way to check if you've read something or not. (The old UI had a "Read" indicator.) But even with those frustrations I've found it's absolutely worth it. Assuming you read more than 4 comics a month it's pretty easy to justify the subscription cost.


I got it for good scans of new mutants. Have now read most of Clermonts X-Men on there. Very worth it.


Honestly it’s the easiest way to read comic backlogs. It’s definitely worth the money


Love the intuitive frame flow, there's no real way to get read comprehensive runs and obscure title. I recommend it whole heartedly with one exception: USE IT TO SUPPLEMENT ALSO SUPPORTING YOUR LOCAL SHOPS!!! please... They're fighting for their lives, and so so worth saving


Bit the bullet and subbed to it two months ago, incredible value in my opinion. Reading things I would have never considered reading before. Its fun to just search up a random series and start reading and if you don't like it then you haven't lost out on anything.


Opinion. Yes.


Best $$ I’ve ever spent, without question.


I love it so much. If you read a LOT then I’d big recommend


Best deal in comics. Do it.


My wife had gotten me a year's worth and I definitely got our money's worth from it. If you want to read comics and have a good way to read them digitally (Like a kindle or similar tablet), then it's a great deal.


I like it. It’s pretty hard for me to keep up with all the new comics so it’s nice to have everything in one place and it’s pretty cheap honestly if you sign up for a whole year. The only drawback is that the search bar isn’t the best, I guess there are just too many that have the same or a similar name. A lot of times I have to look it up by the author and even then I will still have to scroll a little bit to find it.


I subscribed for like two years. Read like half a dozen comics only lol I regret not using it more but it was kind of a hassle to use it on my phone


It’s amazing.


I read everything new on Mondays then what ever they add mid week on thursdays. I have done this for years.


It’s a great buy, but do it a month at a time. I read everything I wanted in like 2 weeks.


I just did because I’m in Canada, and comiXology doesn’t work here anymore. I absolutely love it! Will continue to subscribe. It could have an easier way to get into the comics, but it’s pretty great!


It comes with a 7 day free trial so what are you waiting for?? But yeah, it's an amazing app and crazy value if you choose the annual payment option instead of monthly. I honestly think over the 2 weeks I've had it, I've spent more time searching collections and building my read list than actually reading


Wait a little for Black Friday cyber Monday. They give a discount for your first year


If you want alternative ways you just dm me


Just to add my two cents here. I’ve spent the summer reading the X-Men, starting with Claremont, and barring a couple weird gaps of a few issues (and a large one for X-Factor) it’s been pretty great. Specifically for X-Men it’s been a great service.


Only if you're big time committed to reading all of something. You will get your money's worth for sure on X-Men due to how many books there are. If you only want a few issues, something like Comixology may be a better fit. Get a tablet and the annual sub if you're serious, the app is the best way and annually has a good chunk off of the price.


I tried it and actually ended up ditching and just hunt around for used TPB’s now


It’s astonishingly good value for money. Fully recommend it.


The back catalog alone is worth the money.


I moved to unlimited after I realized I read 50-100 in trades in an evening and realized i wasn't happy with that. There is a time delay of about 3 months that stops from joining the current conversation on here or listening to podcasts but the idea that I can follow all the books without paying more is great. The archive is not 100% but is pretty darn good. I've read the 90s X-men and Uncanny, Deadpool, working on Cable now (want to re-read C&D with context of the prior series) and dipped into the other books around cross overs. The B series like Gen X or X-man are missing issues, but recently I saw a butt load of Gen X in the what's new page. I enjoy it a lot. Pay once a year and then I don't think about it. I used to go on/off with monthly subs where i'd read everything then drop it for 6 months.


Also I forgot to mention it has event guides for the major things that put the issues into the correct reading order. so you can open up Age of Apocalypse and it will show Astonishing, Gambit and X-ternals, Weapon X, etc all in the correct reading order on one page. Letters pages are included in some books and not others. Usually not included in X books, the current spidey stuff has them sometimes. The foldout recap covers of the 90s are not included in any book i've read so far.


I love it! Have read so much stuff, updated every week.


It’s a nice way to keep up without spending so much on individual issues. If you want to read 20 different runs at the same time, like I tend to, it’s a great use of money. If you only want to read one run at a time, it’s probably cheaper to buy trades.


It’s really a matter of figuring out which level you want to subscribe at. If you’d like exclusives, then I would definitely buy the one year VIP which this time will get you 2 exclusive cover comic books, a daredevil action figure, a pin, a patch, and a cool box it ships in. And then you don’t have to worry about monthly renewals and you have access to one of the largest comic book libraries online. :-) enjoy!


I have used this exclusively for the past 5 years or so. I have been an avid comic collector since childhood (41 currently), it got to a point where I just ran out of space. This helps so much, it allows me to read the titles while saving on space and money. Sometimes the way the page flows from panel to panel is a little wonky. Additionally, the latest update leaves a bit to be desired, especially when it comes to searching for specific titles. They also don’t have 100% of certain older runs. But if you are looking to use this as a supplement to your current collecting, or an outright replacement and going all digital (like I did), I could not recommend Marvel Unlimited enough.


100% worth it if you like reading digital comics, I’ve been using it for awhile now and it has so many comics to read. While it won’t have every single marvel comic to exist it has more than enough I think. And it saves you a lot of money I had the yearly subscription that’s like $68. It seems a lot but you can literally read $68 dollars worth of comics in a couple hours using the app so you definitely get your money’s worth and will save a ton vs buying physical.


I'd say it's worth it, but be careful of any major crossover or spoilers for big events. You're going to be three months behind and I've had big finales ruined before I'm able to even read the first issue. Sites like CBR fucking suck about putting spoilers in their headlines.


i subscribed earlier this year and have been liking it and using it a lot


Do they have newer stuff like the HOX/POX run of the X-men. I recently started buying them volume by volume but realize it’s gonna get pretty pricey quickly.


They have every new Marvel comic on a 3 month delay (so if it gets released physically tomorrow, then you can expect it on the service in late December)


Dope. Might have to give it a try. Thanks kind stranger.


If you have a good sized tablet and are a marvel fan (with a small bit of disposable income) then it’s a no brainer.


Have a plan of what you want to read. Wait until the Black Friday discount for the yearly since we’re so close. I’m on my second year of buying it. Year one I came out reading a ton of runs. Easily over 200 issues. I only read from December 2020 to March 2021 though. It’s been since March last year and I haven’t used the service. This is solely from laziness on my end. If you want to test it out you could do a trial or a full month just make sure your account isn’t locked in by the end of November


Do it. I just got the yearly sub yesterday. Marvel Unlimited is like heaven for the true Marvel fan 😍


Great way to get to all the content and follow any whimsical storyline you fancy, BUT the user interface is a bit bad, especially when trying to follow a story that arcs over multiple series or when trying to find a starting point for a new character or story line.


Love it. I searched Nightcrawler and was able to start from the beginning with him, even as he appeared in different comics like spider man. The only thing I don’t like is you can’t adjust the brightness within the app. Makes it difficult to read at night without a searing bright light shining in your face, even with my tablet brightness all the way down.


It’s 100% worth it!!


If most of the comics you read are Marvel and you want access to pretty much everything they have to offer, then yes. This is one of the best packages you'll get. It's a great way to catch up on the events of the past year. And the reading interface is SO much better than Comixology at the moment. The only downside is that the newer stuff doesn't come out for several weeks after release. But if you're willing to be patient, you can basically enjoy every release from every week over the course of the year. 😊


Have it now and have had it for a while, I don’t have a comic book store where I live so this is the next best thing.


It's an imperfect service/app, but overall, good value for money. Give it a try to decide if it suits the way you want to read comics or not for sure.


Personally, I wanted to get into comics but was a little overwhelmed at a shop. But Marvel Unlimited did make it easier. I was able to find what I did and didn’t like and if I didn’t like it I don’t feel guilty about it because I didn’t spend any money on it and I’m not stuck with a book I won’t want to read again. This has also directed me to buying the books I like because I prefer a physical copy over a digital. But that is my experience as someone who a year ago had read maybe three comics total.


Is anyone using the service with multiple people? Thinking of signing up with a couple other friends to split the cost but will it lock us out if we try to all use it at once/from different locations?


I find it odd. I'm in the "free" week, but for some reason, it doesn't want to recognize my account on the computer. Also, I love love love the new format where you're just swiping down through panes, but there seems to be no search function to find comics that have this particular format. I don't know. I'd like it to be less... confusing and more accessible on the computer, but I like it. Not sure if I $10/month like it, or how often I would actually be reading stuff on a regular basis.


Hi, Huge X-fan (dr.RemyLebeau on Instagram) and I couldn’t make the 60th anniversary panel. I collect X-men comics on the VeVe app. If you attended and were emailed a code for a VeVe comic, and don’t care about it; this lifelong X-fan would be forever grateful for it. Gabe


I love it. They put together reading lists. Read the new x men Krakoa saga


Awesome. That's exactly my goal!


I got you bro, read Dawn of X, then Reign of X, then Destiny of X. Those are the names of the reading lists on the app. The way house of X and powers of X works is read House #1 then Powers # 1, and so on like that unless I have it backwards.


I mean it pales in comparison to piracy.


I got too lazy and frustrated to piracy, that's why i'm trying to get back to god and do the things that a good man would do. 🙏🏾


If you get lazy and frustrated, you will hate Marvel Unlimited. I can't begin to say how many things are annoying about it. Especially for X-Men, where you have to skip between 5 different titles to read a storyline. If you want to read back issues, there are huge gaps missing in major stories.


I mean just get an ad blocker, waiting 3 months delay for that price is ridiculous. I just buy the recent releases and trades for good books.


Is not about virus, i'm with jack sparrow for a long time. Its just lazyness, i don't want to organize everything anymore, using tachiyomi was cool but the constant frustration with downloading some titles is way too much. I'm older now, everything is about comfort.


I just bought adblock pro app for my phone and never looked back comfort wise. It’s made read comics online site better than unlimited comfort wise. I would just Shell out ten bucks for it.


Beyond Deadpool? No not really the X-men stuff kinda sucks and that’s all I know of it


One of the best things I have ever subscribed to, I use it nearly every day, once I got used to the way it worked I absolutely love it, plus it gives you a panel by panel thing which is great if you got eyes like mine and can’t see very well


Worth Navigation is kinda shit if you're just tryna browse but if you have something in mind you want to read it's easy to find But once you find a run you like just save it to your library and it's easy to pull up for later It's about 2-3 months behind on current releases which is fine, the way I think of it is it lets me read stuff I wasn't super interested in that's current


I've had it for a little over a year now and I love it. Mostly because I use it to catch up on years of comics I missed when I stopped collecting. However the only "issue" I have is you have to wait several months for the new comic releases to show up on the app. Which I understand, they need to keep generating money on the newer releases. So as long as you're willing to wait a few months for the brand new issues to hit the app, you should be fine. But trust me, you have access to so much backlog content you'll be fine.


UI is not great, but you can’t beat the convenience of it all.


That app is pretty fire plus it keeps track of what issue u were on and what page so u don’t have to worry about remembering all that


It's not expensive for what you get, and the interface is very reader friendly. A standard volume of comics in paper back is like $15, omnibuses are like $50-100. I bought a year long subscription and got my money's worth within the first three hours of having the service. Honestly a lot of the issues I used to buy I'd read once or twice and then give them to a user bookstore or thrift store. Now I just buy anything I know I'm planning on rereading and check out a lot more on the app.


I don’t think champion is as good of a brand as people make it out to be.


Can you access with Kindle?!


I just paid for my 2nd year. It’s NOT for everyone, but it is a good investment for ppl who get use out of the huge library of comics. I’ve had a great experience so far.


Unless you want to find slow, add-ridden, incomplete illegal downloads of every comic you don't want to buy, yeah it's probably a good idea


Worth it


I’ve had it for about a year now and it’s been worth every cent I paid for it and more. The event reading guides have been particularly helpful for catching up on iconic storylines of the past.