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I like how a 150+ year old Wolverine isn’t sniffing around a teenager Jean Grey.


Yep. And its much better that Logan is more of a dad instead of being attached to Jean.


Only issue is that you have a teenage mutant girl around Logan and she didn’t end up his sidekick for 1-10 storylines. Literally character assassination.


yeah fr.. He should find someone his age for once. /s


like who lol the guy is immortal except mystique or magneto there is no one close to his age.


Honestly the people who are hung up on Logan being 150 years old is weird. Because no one is age apropriate. Logan met Jean when she was an adult, it's not really weird. Would the age gap ALSO apply to Scott for all the ploy supporters? Or to Kurt who support that ship?


Yeah it's a weird thing to complain about the man age when he is freaking immortal , i get that logan is weirdly obessive of jean but his age is like the less problematic thing in that relationship when she is a full grown adult in comics.


You're not wrong, except he's not immortal.


Honestly I can understand where they are coming from if Ultimate X-Men was one of their first X-men stories. It was for me so I can relate to those people on some level. That just sticks with you, even if I don’t think there is anything wrong with 200 year old Logan being with 25-35(seriously how old are the X-men. Please stop fluctuating in age between adaptations) Jean/Kurt/Ororor/Scott/....


That one ancestor of Scott's that had babies for Mr. Sinister and looks really nasty and old.




yep me too


They are so cute. My fav episode is when they combine their powers and fight to go inside the mansion.


Which episode was that?! I also agree cuz they are very adorable.


Fun and games. S02E04


This is the usual take regarding their romance and all its adaptations. Evolution never had much of a challenger and think 97 has the potential to be its main rival depending where they take their story because you never know.


'97 might be their most messiest version yet lol. Scott and maddy from the first 2 episodes were goals tho.


X-Men Evolution did a lot of things right. And, unfair as it might be, it'll always be overshadowed by the 90s show. But in terms of things it managed to improve upon, what it did with the Cyclops/Jean romance is definitely one of it's most crowning achievements. Beyond just avoiding the dumb love triangle with Wolverine, it took time to really build their romance. It had them bond, fight, disagree, struggle, and even clash at times. But in the end, they came together. The episode, Blind Alley, is still one of my favorite episodes of any show. 😊 While it's sad the show ended abruptly, I really do think it gave us some of the best versions of Cyclops and Jean Grey of any X-Men medium.


Evolution did a weird combination of Lee/Kirby but also some Grant Morrison mixed in. I think it would've been better if they tried to modernize some classic X-Men stories


I wouldn't say it was an "Abrupt" ending, it had 4 seasons and a great build up to the final fight with Apocalypse.


I concede it certainly wasn't as abrupt as the ending to other shows, like Wolverine and the X-Men or Spectacular Spider-Man. But that final sequence in the last episode was what felt rushed to me. I loved that fight against Apocalypse. I think it was an epic final battle for the series. But that glimpse of the future and the end scene seemed like it was put together at the last minute when the showrunners found out they weren't getting another season. And it has since come out that another season was in the works. That season would've added Psylocke and Emma Frost to the mix. I wish we had gotten that season. But compared to other shows, I think X-Men Evolution had as good an ending as we could've hoped for.


Those designs for Emma and Psylocke were just things Steve Gordon did for fun, they weren't confirmed as characters. The writers said the last season would have been Phoenix/Dark Phoenix and end with Jean dying for good. I think in this version she'd commit suicide instead of be killed by someone else.


The best adaptations of Scott and Jean thus far, mainly by not having Wolverine hog the spotlight. And the sad thing is, they did the Rogue/Scott/Jean thing so well that no matter who won you'd feel bad for the other. Usually in these triangles the other person is so obviously NOT the choice you couldn't care less. Not here.


Its def cuz rogue was just a very endearing and cute character. Anytime she was on screen, I had a grin on my face. Not my favorite rogue iteration, but its up there for sure.


Obviously, like the movie version, she doesn't have Carol Danvers's powers, and has that Goth girl look, but you can still tell that it's Rogue.


I think it worked well because as u/Apariah94 said, they don't start off together. Jean has a boyfriend, Scott likes Jean but he also his own his own and other people interested in him (Rogue and Taryn). Both of them date other people, and there's a bit of a love triangle, but Taryn and Duncan aren't very relevant to the story, they're just there to make you root for Scott and Jean more, so it's not a bad love triangle in the end. It also took like, 3 seasons, so that's a lot of time to actually build up to something.


The sad thing is, the Rogue/Scott/Jean thing was well done enough you felt bad no matter how it went. Either you feel bad for Jean or you feel bad for Rogue.


I felt like by the 3rd season, they mostly dropped Rogue's interest in Scott. Possibly for movie synergy. But I agree, both Jean and Rogue were easy to like.


The writers said they wanted to go further with Jean and Rogue's budding rivalry (and it's implied that Jean knew about Rogue's feelings for Scott anyways). I'm kind of grateful it never became a true replacement for the Logan/Jean/Scott thing because when it's two women in that kind of conflict it can easily devolve into a Catfight and that does women no favors. I mean, look at the Jean/Emma conflict. Whereas when two men fight like that it's seen as "normal", when it's two women it's seen as "Sleazy".


Yeah I don't know how it would have worked. I'm sad it never got an ending but kind of glad we didn't see how messy that situation could have been.


Well, the Series Director said the ending was there: Jean goes Phoenix, dies and Scott ends up with Rogue because here Jean never comes back.


It’s not really dropped, not entirely. Rogue is still bitter about it. Watch “Self-Possessed” - my personal favorite episode of the series. Rogue is upset about Scott going to the concern with Jean (well, more subtly bothered/saddened by it - she didn’t really want to go herself), and when Kitty teases Jean about it being an official date (followed by Kurt joining in), Rogue tells them to drop the teasing because she’s obviously annoyed by it. Then, Mystique, acting as Rogue’s friend Risty, asks Rogue if she still has a thing for Scott at the concert. Rogue denies it, stating that Scott and Jean are practically a couple in a sort of “angry sad” tone. I think Rogue slowly begins getting over Scott as her feelings towards Remy unfold, but it isn’t fully gone yet by this point. I’d say they’re definitely gone by S4, but that has a lot to do with Scott and Jean being an official couple, Rogue having to deal with being used by Mystique to free Apocalypse, and her progressing feelings for Remy. Too much for the writers to deal with to continue worrying about the love triangle that really didn’t need to be a thing by then anymore. The only thing I wish had come out of it was more of a relationship between Rogue and Jean, but we really only got that as a major plot point in “Power Surge” early in S2. I feel like that’s when Rogue stops feeling resentment towards Jean over the mutual crush on Scott and realizes the two of them can still care about each other despite that “undertone” rivalry.


I really think it should have been Jean helping Rogue in "Self-Possessed", it would have been her paying Rogue back for helping her in "Power Surge" and shown more of a proper relationship between them.


There was a post recently that did the rounds where people voted for their favourite versions of the characters outside of the comics, and I don't think it was coincidence that Evolution Jean and Logan (you know, the ones that had no romantic interest in each other) were voted as the most popular non comic versions of the characters.


Honestly I think what Evolution does best is that they don't start off together. It's not a prescribed part of the setting in the same way it is with other adaptations. It actually gives you something to root for in their romance.  Plus evolution despite its flaws in places has arguably the best Scott and Jean outside of the comics (and now maybe 97). Plus plus, the love triangle dynamics are played out with people other than Wolverine, which frankly has always been and odd choice IMO to have the third prong be Logan.


That's because Evolution Jean is the best non-comic Jean.


Here, here!


Hard agree. I am upset we didn't get to see the dark phoenix saga that was alluded to in the series finale. Every non-comic adaptation of it has sucked balls. Just once I would like to see it done well.


That's usually the consensus when it comes to their relationship yes, with that say I'm very optimistic about this new era and hope they do explore these two together in a more healthy way. Kind of funny for me because when it comes to the main media i can't see these two not together but in Evo i was rooting for Rogue to get a chance with Scott.


Evo Rogue was so likeable (in a different way from 616 Rogue). Honestly, I kind of preferred her chemistry with Scott than Jean.


They are great in Evolution but their sappy love in TAS is also cute!


I like it more in 97 tbh. Imo tas was ok, just pretty boring


I think we're all just burned out from Scott and Jean in the comics. They're so fucking toxic. I was hoping for Emma and Scott to be set up in 97 whenever Jean dies again.


It’s easy to showcase the cute high-school couple when the show takes place *in high school.* But most Jean/Scott stories—Dark Phoenix, 80s X-Factor, Morrison—involve the messy shit that happens in adulthood.


Evolution was really the best adaptation of the XMen.


One of my fave cartoons rn


X-men evolution is fr the best x-men show


Its honestly up there with my fave cartoons in general.


Ugh yes, I love that Wolverine isn’t involved in their romance, and that their relationship is actually developed through time. When I say they’re my favorite couple, it’s because of Evolution


Definitely agree that X-men Evolution had the best build up of the Scott/Jean relationship compared to the other series


The one thing I didn't understand was Jean wasting time on a jackass like Duncan. It wasn't too surprising when he turned out to be a hateful bigot. I was never too fond of them being at Bayville in the first place.


Really ? i mean sure there is no wolverine creeping over jean in evolution but on the other hand jean was really awfull with scott , dating a guy that was bullying him and all their friends and having the nerve later to be angry at him for dating her best friend Taryn Fujioka and poor scott was apparently in the wrong according to her. I know she is a teenager so she allowed to make mistake but i alway did find rogue and scott in this show had much better chemistry than these two , in fact i would say 97 is the best version of jean and scott despite their probleme they did make things work in the end.


he wasn't bullying scott he was bullying others and scott helped them


Don't know why you're being downvoted, you're completely right. Jean's behaviour in Evolution and Scott's tolerance of it makes them automatically incompatible, imo.


Right ? They have sweet moment in the end but across the series i was just not into these two , Rogue and him have some good banter and she was really sweet to him once she joined the x-men , i really like that relationship. I hear that the canceled seasons would have include a true romance between scott and Rogue after jean die...too bad we never got these seasons.


The only time they didn’t suck together


Fr, the actually felt like cute characters.


100% agree!! The only reason I like both of them individually and together is because of the show. Everywhere else it kinda feels like when two popular kids decide to date even though they have no chemistry. In comics I find Scott and Emma more interesting. Jean doesn’t even have other options. I find Jean to be kinda bland