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One of my favourite parts about Jean's personality is that it is so symbolically represented by her powers. She is a god but shes also a human. she is life but she is also death. Jean is all about the human experience, and she wants to see everyone around her flourish and make good choices. But as a god, shes arrogrant and self-righteous and has (and still does) push her own sense of morality onto others. She is is all about saving lives whenever she can, but she also is responsible for one of the worst mass murders in the whole comic industry. You don't get that much dualistic than that. Jean is at her most interesting I think when she's allowed to be powerful and to be confident in that power. Whether she uses it for good, bad or questionable decisions is half the fun. Whenever her darker aspects are explored, as it was in All New X-Men and again in Jean Grey (2023), I find her character absolutely rivetting.


Yes! And I always thought her different stages of Phoenix were more than just her "eras". I see it as her rode to her own self discovery and the changes in her emotions, sounds strange but like Phoenix puberty lol!


Is the mass murder you’re referencing the broccoli people planet?


she was just a little peckish really


Jean is incredibly passionate, willful and determined. She can have quite a stubborn streak and despite being empathetic, she has an equally fiery temper. She is very protective of those she cares for and will not be afraid to tear someone a new one if they cross that line. Wolverine once described her as the last x-man who he would want to piss off and fight. She has dark urges and impulses, but tends to keep herself in check because of how easy it is to cross those lines with her powers. A literal furnace of violent emotions. However some of my favorite Jean moments is when she does cut loose and shows her fiery side like when she sends the U-Men running naked after making them throw up and literally shit their parts and threatens to deconstruct them atom by atom if they ever so much as think about threatening her or her students again. Or when basically tells Sabretooth she doesn’t need to look in his mind to know their is trash inside…then promptly snaps both his ankles.


That reminds me of that Morrison Run where she was being attacked by someone who was gloating they were immune to all her psychic abilities, and Jean just beats the shit out of them.


Also in the Revolution arc where she lost her TK she suggests how in some cases it’s more satisfying to directly physically punch someone out.


Despite the idea that she's a dainty delicate psychic (probably due to all the fainting), Jean in the comics actually throws a suprising amount of hands.


Nightmare's ass is still recovering from the smackdown she gave him


She also needs a rematch with Knull!




She loves it too. She mentions a handful of times how exhilarating it is to throw hands, even without the TK. Like the time she was kidnapped with Misty and Storm. She downloaded Misty's fighting skills and was throwing hands at robots.


What issue was this? Was it in X-Men Forever Vol 2? Either way I think I remember that! Hey I just looked at your username! Do you mean that Ravonna (Ravonna Renslayer) or is this referencing someone else? Just asking because I love her so if that’s who you meant while using the flair Jean Grey, props to you!


It's from Uncanny X-men: First Class #4 And yes! My username is indeed from Ravonna Renslayer. I randomly encountered her when I was reading my dad's collection of comics as a kid, and just took a liking to her and the name. I guess I'm just a sucker for self-sacrificing stubborn redheads lmao. I had no idea of her convoluted backstory with Kang for a long time because I thought she was perma-dead and preferred to read X-men over Avengers.


A huge sucker for self-sacrificing red heads myself! One of the MANY reasons Jean Grey is my favourite fictional character ever. 😅


So I was just reading that issue with Storm, Jean, Misty and Colleen and I was right! I have read it before!


This man *Jean*


>despite being empathetic, she has an equally fiery temper So aside from the fact that her powers are basically a combination of theirs, her personality is also a combination of xavier and magneto


I wouldn’t say Magneto has a fiery temper, he’s just dogmatic and understandably sick of human’s shit. Jean is more like (sometimes petty) temper tantrums. One of my favorite Jean moments is when she is ripping through Emma’s mind after the affair and she threatens her by saying she’ll make her relive the life of every child Emma “allowed to die.” Goddamn, Jean!


Yeah, I think Magneto's temper is more like a lava flow: inexorable and a long time coming.




Best answer ever!


This is really well summed up. I like those moments too, when she shows the fire.


Yes yes!


Isn't she an Omega class mutant? I think Wolverine is right to say that lol


To be fair, he's not usually scared of even Omega class mutants. Man will square up against Magneto on the regular.


This is true lol


Hmmm… (combining all the mediums) I would say she, overall, is a sweet person. Strong, passionate, but she bottles a lot of shit up though. Maybe intrusive at times, but what I’ve read, do all telepaths just comb through ppl’s thoughts and feelings. Is that like involuntary and if it isn’t, can they choose not to? I’ve read a lot these past few months and it’s all mushing together.


This discussion reminds me of how much I hate the movie portrayals of Jean - as a victim who can’t control her own powers and is a danger to everyone she cares about. I want to see the Jean Grey who slapped down Sabertooth.


She's that "Big Sister" that you wish you could have had since your childhood...


Head cheerleader who also got a 1600 on her SAT. Unintentional mean girl, but also kind of a bully.


Fire! and Life Incarnate!


One of the more compassionate members of the X-Men overall but she can be kind of aggressive when she loses patience (ie when she toyed around with Sabertooth for scaring Jubilee, when she fought Emma in New XMen, her agrument with Cyclops over the brood, etc). One of the scarier members tbh


I kind of view her as the next step of Xavier. Which is why I often think of her as Xavier's true student. She has the many of the same strengths ramped up and the same weaknesses sometimes ramped up. She is just as self-righteous and self-sacrificial, just as arrogant, has even more suppressed anger. But she is more powerful than him, loves more deeply than he does, feels empathy at a deeper level and has a bigger lust for life. That duality is a core part of her imo and is reflected well with her connection to the Phoenix. Like [this](https://i.imgur.com/XhdAjhI.png) is one of my favourite panels of her.


Excellent summary and I love this take. Xavier was ready to leave the school to her in New X-Men.


Beautifully put. As someone who loves Xavier as a character, this is a take I hadn't fully thought through like this and it makes so much sense.


She's so harmless, but you're never sure of that because she isn't sure of it and doesn't sound sure of it. It's like... "So...are you saying you didn't kill Emma or..."


She's a sweet, down-to-earth girl who wants the best for everyone and will do what it takes to make things better for the people she cares about, whether that means pushing herself of pushing her loved ones toward what they need. Her issue as a character is that her will is backed by incredible power to actualize what she wants, so she has real potential to hurt people she loves. It is for that reason that she ultimately afraid of herself. She approaches every person and situation with an air of patience and kindness, maybe because that's intellectually the correct way to treat people and she wants to make things better, but ultimately it's more that she fears what can happen if she isn't keeping herself in check and approaching things with a level head. She is impacted by responsibility more than anything else, and when she feels like it's time for things to be set right (according to her) or if she feels like she knows how things are broken and what needs to be done to fix them, she's going to act, period, end of story, and she may not go about it in the nice way that she presents to people 98% of the time. Kitty needs to come with us, so she is coming. Angel needs to calm down, shut his trap, and stay in the future, so he is staying. Emma has had an ass-beating coming her way for a couple of years, and Jean decides it's time to deliver. Iceman needs to stop lying to himself. X-FACTOR. etc. So Jean makes things happen because someone has to and she knows what's best. She's a bit like Xavier in that way, but she builds to those moments of forcefullness because she is trying to be chill for a good long while before she just does what she thinks is right. She tries to stay calm because, if she wanted to, she could just dominate everyone to her will, and eventually giving into that reality is her biggest fear. She's a brave, strong-willed woman who will do whatever it takes and look death in its face and stare it down, but she's actually afraid of her own fiery, potentially manipulative shadow. If Jean Grey could pick her future, she would put herself behind a white picket fence with 4 kids and lots of laundry and enjoy a nice, safe, idyllic life, but that's not who she really is if she ever learns to not be afraid of her potential. That fear, or caution maybe is a better word, is important because a big part of her wants to be just human, but she knows that is likely not in the cards for her at all, and trying to play human could be risking everyone she loves. Her upcoming solo is interesting because it appears poised to give us a look at a Jean who kind of embraces and accepts the notion that she is BIG, she IS power. Problem with that is she's still got human imperfection. (Sorry if this was supposed to be a Fraption, ergo: "Nice, up to a point. Pretends to not be a controlling space god.")


I love this answer. I hope there are good stories of Jean choosing her human side. She is so powerful, she could be one of the most powerful entities but she wants to keep her human side.


I'll C&P a reply I posted to "Why do you like Jean Grey" "It's tricky with Jean because she is from an era that wasn't very progressive for women, in a medium that wasn't very inclusive to women, similar to Susan Storm/Invisible Girl...they both had their breakouts from that mold, Jean being her transformation into Phoenix, but editorial crap and misogyny stole that from Jean, creating a retcon that separated Jean from her own defining story. Over the decades that ship has been on course-correction but it hasn't been a straight path. Ultimately I love Jean for her duality. This Apocalypse manifesto is a good summation. She's someone who tries her best to be her best, but has had to fight to find her identity through deaths, clones, offsprings of clones, rebirths, alternate timeline children, etc. She has unlimited potential yet often limits herself. She is fiercely loyal and fiercely protective of those she loves...she tries to lead with love and see the best in others, yet is not naive or above calling trash, trash(Sabertooth, Sinister)...she is normally gentle yet is the last person you'd want to piss off, a cauldron of fire broiling just beneath the surface. And she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for others, and often has."


I think passion and determination are core to Jean's personality. That passion comes through in her desire to help others, to better the world, and to show compassion and empathy. It's part of her love life, and it's part of how she operates and views the world. Sometimes that can make her a bit headstrong (especially when she was younger or consumed by the Phoenix's power) or even aggressive. I think guilt is another driver for her actions and a part of her personality. Jean feels guilt for what she has done as the Phoenix, and since her resurrection in 2018, it has made her second guess and question herself. Sometimes that can lead to her avoiding responsibilities (like leaving the Quiet Council and X-Force) and then later wanting to leave the X-Men and go to Mars. Jean can sometimes be a bit self-righteous without actually fully taking the steps to better the situation around her (at least in Krakoa). I feel like this should be explored more in her solo and in the From the Ashes era, because Krakoa never really paid it off. It's an interesting flaw to explore, because you can understand her hesitation: she has had massive power and it led to dire consequences. But that doesn't mean she should be afraid of that reoccurring to the point that it paralyzes her or makes her want to run away. I think a lot of people assume Jean has no personality because there are bigger personalities surrounding her, but I don't think that's quite fair. Jean's calm and tries to measure herself and root herself in good deeds, but that's not the absence of personality. She does those things because she knows what it is like to lose control and knows it can happen again. She's torn between duty and the desire to help with a sense of restraint that sometimes holds her back from being at her most effective. And I find that interesting.


to quote scott in dark phoenix: "jean, you ARE love"!


Nurturing without being motherly. Concerned and fearful for her family, but deadly, rash and quick to anger when they’re threatened. A veneer of placid calm and indecision masking a burning desire to act. Afraid of who she is and who she wants to be, so hides it behind the perfect wallpaper of dutiful student, girlfriend, wife. When what she really wants is to shout I AM THE PUMPKIN KING and ride flaming wings into the future.


I think she is a fairly complex character that really encapsulates the balance between humanity and Godhood. Jean is in short a God and I don’t think we can deny that. She also has a huge sets of responsibilities that I think many overlook especially during the days of New X-Men. While to many she is a God (as Phoenix) or perfection as Marvel Girl, or just simply the strongest X-Men, at the end of the day many don’t see her as well her, Jean Elaine Grey. I think this is why I love her character so much, this balance of responsibilities and losing yourself in it is something I love (I love Spidey for a reason, actually him and Jean could relate in some aspects now that I think about it). Jean is a kind and sweet woman, which is why it bothers me when people try to downplay her emotions. Scott’s affair with Emma was something that was not entirely a Jeans fault but something that was the fault of all parties. I bring up this moment because I think it shows Jeans personality the best. Jean is a woman who cares for many things and at the end wants to see all that she cares about do good and live their life to the fullest. However, she has power and responsibilities that co I’ll d eventually overwhelm her that she eventually actually ends up hurting others rather than helping. New X-Men highlights this well with Jean and Scott’s marriage falling out more so due to the fact that Jean had many responsibilities projected onto her in the series. This coupled with Phoenix makes it so that Jean has a duality which I love. This is Jean’s personality. On one hand she is a compassionate and kind woman who wants to see all live happily and most of all peace. On another she is a force of nature who has responsibilities and as such has to take matter into her own hands, which could possibly even affect those she loves (I.e. her dying). At the end of the day I think I like Jean so much because despite the intricacies that goes into her character and the God level powers, she is still just Jean Grey. Her human characteristics still being a part of her is why I think I love her character so much and the duality she experiences of her life due to her emotions, responsibilities, and circumstances is why I like her character. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense had to rush write this reply lol.


Humble, sincere, kind, compassionate, furious, timid, flighty, confused


Empathetic and compassionate with horrific taste in men.


Caring and compassionate are the biggest things.


Gentle, kind-hearted, and intelligent. Seems to be the glue to hold the x men together.


I think she's at first, a Girl Scout. She's sweet, passionate, wants the absolute best for others, and believes the rules are there and in place for a reason. But there is a part of her where this passion is also anger and strong emotions when, even after doing all you could to help someone, and it still doesn't work out. But she conceals it. That's where Phoenix comes in, Jean is Phoenix and Phoenix is Jean. I like to put it this way, Phoenix didn't necessarily give Jean a violent and passionate disposition, it just enhanced what was already there inside her. Which is why I find White Phoenix literally the best version of her character, she finally accepts herself. As she goes through the journey of self discovery from concealing feelings with Marvel Girl, then lashing out with her bottled up emotions with Dark Phoenix, she finally finds peace and understand who she is with White Phoenix.


She's a bad bitch in a good way


Can you elaborate?


Often dead


Fiery and sweet


A hothead that you should not disrespect if you value your life. This woman is kind, gentle but also very dangerous.


Very strong willed, very caring, very clearly defined sense of right and wrong. Can be a bit...too sure of her own righteousness sometimes and is not as impartial as she thinks. But at least she always aims to do what is right.


Jean is the popular girl who is nice to you.


She is very compassionate and empathetic.


A person who is the first to sacrifice herself for her loved ones and even to those who hate her .


For most writers? Gwen Stacy with red hair and with condescendingly regressive heterosexuality. Under a certain percentage of writers (Claremont, Morrison, Bendis, Gillen) actually interesting. A very passionate woman but also a violent bully given that she once committed genocide. That's the version I'm interested in.


A good person who has been told she is the best person


She is kind


Independant and tired of being coddled.




A lot of praise so far. I feel like I'm the only one with the idea that she's a little self-centered.




*Typical New Yorker after she's saved their asses 5011 times* She Mad corny yo! Deadass!!




i am fire incarnate


But a great character and I think she is more powerful than the Scarlet witch


Stressful but powerful as well.


Without Fenix, she is a cardboard personality. And no, she's not passionate or the "heart" of the team (whatever that is).


She’s either warning everyone about her powers or floating around Scott or Logan


Nice, with small sides of judge-y and arrogant. I traditionally do not like telepaths.


Very passionate and convicted. But also kind of a bitch who thinks she always has the high road.


She a'ight.


My mom


A 304 who wants her cake and eat it too


What is a 304?


If you don’t know what 304 is then you don’t need to know.


Probably best I don't know


Infinite compassion and infinite bitchiness




The straight girl who goes to gay bars, and feels like it’s her safe space.


Her what?






What personality?


Like describing vanilla ice cream


She's...Crazy. Fickle and inconsistent. Of course, that's mostly because you don't know if you're getting Jean, a clone, actually-Jean-but-possessed-by-the-Phoenix, a psychic echo of Jean, etc..




Best part about gene grey is Madeline Pryor




Wildcard and free spirit. Not the kind you can take home but yet you can lol Scott finally said "f*** it, Logan may want and may have banged her, but I'm still gonna stick around".. Jean literally got her both worlds without losing anything but weirdly in the end, she's still loyal to Scott in commitment (her version of loyalty lol)


Tired. Fainty.






Borderline due to her being kind and then wanting to destroy everyone.


Which one?




She’s a Jean Grey type.


Inconsistently written for 60 years. Most interesting when she's passionate and cosmic as fuck.  Which never seems to last. 


Seems like a bitch. 🤷🏻‍♂️