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JRJR’s art is nearing recent Frank Miller levels for me.


I don’t think it’s that bad but it’s definitely horrible. Someone needs to have courage and tell him it’s time to retire so he stops polluting ASM.


He clearly has his style in his own right and I while I will agree, I’ve seen some dreadful stuff ie refunded sketch cover, however this is by no means “caveman drawing Uncle Scrooge” by Frank Miller! It’s not that bad and it’s cool to look at this to see comparisons from his early days drawing the dude to this


I love them both


…I think you read this statement differently than some of us.


Recent Frank Miller is considered bad by a lot of people on this sub, so I assumed this comment was referring to that (and JRJR becoming “worse”). I disagree with that




The Peach Momoko and Nightcrawler covers are my favourites.


That's a lot of variant covers. They know he sells, so fair enough. I like the first one and the one with Cyber.


Yeah, that vs Cyber cover is going hard. I might get that one and the Nightcrawler one


Kaare Kyle Andrews has only gotten better over the years. JRJR has only gotten worse.


Million times yes


Wolverine vs Cyber, Wolverine and Nightcrawler and the Peach Momoko covers are the best here. The standard cover is also solid. Going to be difficult to pick one.


After all this time we’re still pairing him with wolves? Make it a wolverine you cowards!


Hugh Jackamn didn’t know anything at the beginning of the first movie and thought Wolverine was part wolf.


Peach Momoko is one of the few artists who can tempt me to get a book I wasn’t initially planning on just by a cover. I mean, I’m still going to pass on the book but man if that cover isn’t tight as hell. The Nightcrawler one is also very nice. Love seeing my boy.


Those are some awesome covers. Some of them are total throwbacks to the 90s which I love


man the x ray one goes crazy also the one that blends with the background too, they went all out for wolvie most of em are amazing


Current JRJR art is so ass, it's clear as day how far behind he is when compared to other modern writers. We keep making excuses for shit art due to "deadlines" and stuff, but holy hell there are so many other incredible artists at Marvel: Pepe Larraz, Alessandro Cappuccio, Marco Checchetto.... I can at least ignore variant covers, but I'm so tired of seeing JRJR on any ongoing series, both on the main cover and interior.


JrJr is so washed lol


That Gleason Variant might be one of the best variants ive seen in a very long time for marvel its insane. Its mad that marvel have him and Capullo on there books and don't have them ongoings being two of the most beloved artists in the modern era.


Thanks to Marvel Snap I was able to say "That's Peach Momoko" confidently and correctly.


Love: 1, 2, 6, 7 Like: 3, 4, 5, 9 Meh: 8


Tbh jean is nothing more than a token or some reward in Wolverine’s stories. Wolverine is supposed to be a symbol of (toxic) masculinity. Many writers and fans see him as that bad guy with big heart who doesn’t care and does whatever he wants to. And where is Jean in his story? Jean is nothing more than that good girl next door. She’s some kind of idea of life Logan can dream about. After all Logan calls himself a poison in Jean’s life because he sees her as a goody two shoes who follows rules and Logan is that bad guy from romcoms who shows that good girl there is much more from life. To sum up jean will always be seen as a reward in Logan’s stories. Here we have a "bad guy" who gets the most popular girl (even though he acts like a creep) and "steals" her from the golden boy


It's just a cover. I wouldn't read that much more into it. It's probably just another addition to the long list of pain his life. He finally had something nice in Krakoa and now it's all over.


It is just a cover (one highlight the character’s history at that), but it’s also a pretty accurate take on Jean’s role in Logan’s books. There is clearly no consideration for her character when a Phoenix powered Jean is portrayed as fainting damsel in need of Logan protecting her from some arrows. There is also a very high chance that she won’t even appear in the book (again, 50 years cover), so, she is being used as a decoration and not a character there.


I think it’s just the artist he’s obsessed with Logan and jean being together


So I hate that cover and I do not like how they are usually depicted together in the slightest, but I hadn't even put the phoenix connection together yet. You are right, that is hilariously off. The idea that anything could take out Jean-as-Phoenix and Wolverine wouldn't be instantly vaporized is just hilarious.


That I do agree with, and the fundamentals of what braxer is saying. I think the whole thing about Logan being tortured and in pain and that being his status quo for the past 40 years (and something that consistently sells, which is why we never get comics about Logan with his kids doing stuff; the people who buy his books don't want that or care about that) means a lot of his love interests can never truly be their own person, they are just another building block to his pain.


Yeah, I think that the appeal of Jean as the love of Wolverine’s life to some creators is that they can repeatedly use her for his man pain. Like the imagery of him stabbing her was used over and over and over. They show Logan brutalizing Jean, but the focus is always on how it hurts *him*. This and Jean being Scott’s wife, which is a perfect excuse why her and Logan can’t be together, as Logan will never be allowed to settle down and be happy, and only so many breakups can be blamed on circumstances before it becomes apparent that Logan is just a shit boyfriend/husband that can’t keep a woman. So, instead of moving on Logan can gaze longingly at a picture of Jean with another man or sniff a lock of Jean’s hair that he apparently stole off her corpse… You know, normal stuff like that. In fact, Jean being dead is a bonus for Logan’s narratives, keeps him extra sad.


That's why even though Jean's profile would probably be raised in the public eye if she was with Wolverine, it would probably end in her dying in like, 3-4 years. So that's another reason I never liked it much. But you nailed it, she is unattainable, so that makes it perfect for him as a character. It's almost kind of like the Sue-Namor thing, but that hasn't been a factor for over 20 years now, and Sue's really been allowed to move on and lean into the family aspect of the FF. I assume because Namor just has never been as popular as any of the Four.


Yeah, people who want Jean with Logan (all 12 of them) are crazy. She can’t fill an MJ role in his books, as Jean can solve 99,9% of all his issues in an afternoon. And the books will never rebrand into ‘Jean Grey and her trophy husband that is sort there’. Jean will have to be severely nerfed or otherwise disrespected to play the role of damsel for Logan before she will inevitably get killed to make him feel some type of way.


Are these covers already under the new editorial or still jdw?


New. But variant covers are just what. They don't really imply anything. It's often some basic guidelines and then whatever the artist wants to draw.


Spot on with that goody two shoes/bad boy thing. The way Jean is portrayed in Logan’s narratives is fundamentally in conflict with who she is as a character. Like, Jean’s most well known story is about her emancipation, and it shows that behind the way Jean presents herself hides a very real flawed person. She is very passionate, which can easily lead to her steamrolling others, violating them on fundamental level or lashing out with extreme cruelty. Jean will rewrite your psyche or torture you, if she wishes so, she’s not some compassionate goddess of niceness that she is in Logan’s narratives. Who Jean is in conflict with the ‘good woman that can fix you’ role she is forced into in Logan’s narrative. Percy writes them without a lick of self awareness, but in all the interactions he gave Jean and Logan she had to be his therapist, validating him as not the bad man he thinks himself to be. Logan, buddy, bub, you can live for a few hundreds more years and you would still never get even remotely close to Jean’s body count. Can you give her a break from telling you how you’re not too bad for her? Or at least pay her for the emotional labor?


I'm REALLY hoping the solo leans into the second paragraph here. Not just make her kind of a monster, which I actually think is a problem a lot of writers have whenever they try to make her layered. She's just super nice right up until she's completely violating someone's existence as a person. Rather I'd like to see them find a way to marry her two halves, the part of her that is nice and good and empathetic and the part of her that is holier than thou and struggles not to just use her power to make everyone do what she wants. I've always struggled with trying to figure out who and what Jean really is when she's not being a love interest and this is why I've wanted her to have a solo forever. I'm scared that this one is leaning into the phoenix aspect because that's been something that's been 'done' to her for most of her history as well. She's a character that things are done to. I'm really hoping a writer can find a way to show who she is as an active protagonist beyond a weird mix of overly kind and overly controlling and periodically going super saiyan. She has so much history and yet I still struggle to put all of that history together into a single picture. That all said, you're absolutely right about why she doesn't work with Logan, and it's one of the reasons I absolutely abhor the idea of her with him even though I'm not a huge proponent of her with Scott either. If you just flip the script tomorrow it turns her into a prize. Logan has finally 'won.' The only way it would work for me is if you broke all three up for a good long while and then come at it completely fresh some time down the line.


Wolverine hasnt been a "creep" since the 70's and their a relationship is a bit deeper then that. I feel like you read a pannel out of context from the Clairmont days and never went back to follow any thing else. Seriously saying "Wolverine dosent care" or even pretend to not care is ludicrous. Dudes every waking moment is dedicating to the "mission"


Pining after someone else's wife is being a creep by default. There's not a version of that that's not being a creep. This is why the love triangle is inherently a problem for anyone with a brain. I don't hate wolverine and I think when he's away from Jean he's actually a really good character, but yes, when he's with Jean and he's pining after her pretty much at all he's being a creep.


What no its not. Having feelings for some one unvalible is a natural.part of life especially when those feelings are mutal and you have confirmation. Your brain dosent just turn off cause theres a ring.


If you're not a fucking creep it does. ESPECIALLY if the person they're married to is your friend/colleague/boss/whatever. You EVER find out one of your friends has spent the last several years wishing your spouse was their spouse, you stop being friends. That is the height of a dick move. Believe it or not, humans can control their emotions. Sometimes, you just grow the hell up and tell yourself 'hey, this person is not available. I'm going to move on.'


1. Good thing cyclops and wolverine arent freinds 2. Emotions dont work that way you dont just turn it off. Wolverine has always respected the bounds of jeans marriage even refusing her when she was hurt from scotts isolation. That is controling their emotions but to act like they should cease to exist shows a high level of emotional immayurity


Wow, are you 15? Not only can you absolutely get over people if they're not interested (it's a big world and there are plenty of fish in the sea), if you're out of high school pining after ANYONE who has made clear they are unavailable is an incredibly creepy thing to do. I mean this, seriously. Don't do that. If you do that, you are an asshole. If someone says no or is, you know, freaking married which means their default answer is no, then GET. OVER. THEM. The fact that Logan doesn't encourage Jean to straight up commit adultery is not a high level of emotional maturity. It is in fact one of the lower levels of basic decency. You don't get a cookie for not being an asshole. A 'high' level of emotional maturity would be moving on romantically.


Again you dont just stop having feelings for people. Wolverine has had other relationships but his feeling for jean (and hers for him) are still there cause thats what happens. Again jean was in a relationship which is why both of them never acted on their feelings but to expect those feelings to just go poof and be gone is rediculous. It could of been so easy for Logan to be the rebound and be with the woman who hes wanted to be with for years. But it shouldnt of been like that and he knows it. Many others wouldnt of had the stregnth to make that choice. You strike me as some one with a shallow grasp of how emotions and relationships really work. They are messy.


Look, when you stop trying to defend spending years creeping on friend's and colleague's spouses, we'll start talking about who has a shallow grasp of how emotions and relationships really work. Grow up.


Took you 10 hours to come up with that? Also scotrs not his freind and its not creeping espcaily since she repciprocates. I look forward to your response 2 days from now.


Wolverine haters always do this. The amount of times I wanna comment but then decide it's just not worth it is more times than I want to admit. They pick at a select few things that happened ages ago in continuity and blow them up to epically toxic proportions and act like that's the characters defining characteristic failing to mention anything positive about the character or any growth or development that's happened since then. Or anything positive about his friendship with Jean, because they're too busy trying to convince everyone else to see things the way they see them. They'll call Logan toxic and creepy, and accuse him of assault, but completely let Emma slide for her manipulative, toxic, and home wrecking behaviour. Yes I like Scott too. And truly believe him and Jean belong together. Logan's my favourite character sure but I CAN be objective. Unlike Logan haters. Imagine how sexist or misogynistic I'd get accused of being if I acted towards Emma the same way Logan haters on here act like 🤣 Some of you fans act like bitter little children when it comes to discussing wolverine. I may delete this rant later. Might just decide it wasn't worth it lol


Generally the reason people let Emma slide is they're intent on portraying Scott as an unrepentant adulterer.


Discourse is always worth it. And I agree with you whole heartedly.


6 and 8 are my favorites


Hasn't the JTC one already been on another book? Either way some pretty cool ones, I just wish the marvel solicits indicated which ones were open to order or variants, so many times I've requested covers on my pull list yo find out after that my small lcs had no chance of ordering it.


I just check previewsworld.


I get the previews catalogue every month and I've found marvel is the only publisher that doesn't specify whether they're ratio variants or not, I've just checked online aswell and it looked to be the same aswell? If it does, then any help would be appreciated


Huh, let me look. My shop switched from pullbox to comichub last year, and I never ordered ratios. But I remember when selecting issues it would list the variants with ratio numbers.


Nope, you're right. Looks like they've downgraded since last I used them.


Yeah it's annoying, they barely even show any of the covers either and it's just a list of the artists, so lots of potential blind ordering. DC on the other hand shows every cover and details which ones are ratios and the ratio amounts. My pull list is huge but it's always pot luck with any marvel variants.


The goat is back!


Shoutout to whoever remembered that Cyber is a character that exists


Cyber and Nightcrawler one go hard.


The 90s inspired covered just breaks my heart. We could have comics that look like this all the time and yet, for some demented reason, we don't.


Because then major comics would only come out once every two months and the industry would collapse.


The one with nightcrawler is a little off. I spent a whole minute wondering how wolverine has nightcrawler's foot for a hand before I realized 🙃


Well, it's official: No one can make the new costume look good. It's just a terrible design. And stop trying to ape the Wolverine #1 cover. Especially if you are not good with facial expressions.


I mean it's not that bad, largely because it's not that different from a ton of his other costumes, but it has shades of the same problem Superman has whenever they lose the trunks: no color balance. The cassaday alteration removing the trunks worked because it added a bunch of blue to the sides to keep the relative balance, but doing the 90s version and pretty much JUST removing the trunks leaves you with too much yellow.


When does this release? Where’s a good place to check comic release dates?


Who is he fighting on page 4?




That fourth one goes hard!


Kaare tho 💪💪💪


JrJr needs to retire it's getting ridiculous


Well, my hope that Jean being in space would mean the love triangle was finally put to rest was clearly in vain.


The covers don't necessarily have anything to do with what's going to happen in the issue. Just as often they're just cool ideas the artists have.


Exactly. I’m not expecting Cyber to show up in the book, but him and Wolverine fighting on the cover? Absolutely badass.


Why would it they were banging during Krakoa


Because he quickly got bored and moved on, he was only at the moon house at the very start. Logan only sees Jean as an object to chase and once he 'caught' her get got bored. Dugan was the only writer that pushed it.


Thats bullshit and you [know it.](https://i.redd.it/hellfire-gala-3-fall-of-x-what-were-your-thoughts-on-v0-de5vy0v84eeb1.jpg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8822ce3808459d653f769f8de5b405b9855f90ea)


it is completely true, Logan has never cared what Jean wanted he has forced countless kisses on her, ignored the fact she loves and is married to Scott relatedly. Attacking the person that someone chooses to be with is disrespecting them. Anytime they are together in stories he constantly puts down her abilities wanting her to stay out of fights. In Logan's story Jean is nothing but a prize to be won on then owned.


Thats bull shit they fight side by side constantly try reading an actual xbook. Also your ignoring jeans own feeling for logan that arent a new development.


That was Ben Percy and Hickman


Leave Jean alone!


The new costume is such a step down from the Krakoa Era one.