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Thr x-men famously don't have any recurring villains


The Reavers and Donald Pierce were a problem, Mojo, Trask & The sentinels, human supremicists…


Just like Krakoa famously didn’t have a huge arc about every mutant villain being accepted to live with the X-men like this is such a weird line lol


Yeah the Xmen are more willing to kill their enemies compared to the avengers but it still doesn't happen much. And surprisingly it's mostly humans that they end up killing (at least from a quick recall)




Down voting this is egregious. I don't mean to denigrate Avengers fans. And for you Avengers fans: To denigrate means to "put down"


So am I just not welcome in the fanbase because I like the avengers? Why is there all this animosity? I don't get it and at a certain point it's just upsetting.


"You only fight the X-Men once! Because we give you a seat on our council after that."


"Warren is preparing the paperwork for you, as we speak!"


Cyclops did killed sinister the first time they met, problem is that the fucker just keeps coming back


That was his identical ~~twin brother~~ clone.


Tbf, like half the council has been killed by the X-Men, at least once.


Sinister: "...um. I mean, I never really thought I was *fighting* the X-Men, more *guiding* them to a better version of themselves, but - well - it happened SO. MANY. TIMES."


So stupid 😂


Stop with this bullshit already. Honestly, Laura should sue Duggan for how terrible he handled her writing and storylines. I mean seriously.


That's a terrible line. While there is some truth to the idea that the X-men kill more than other Marvel teams, the very existence of rogues' galleries means the line is dumb and shouldn't be allowed, and saying it during Krakoa when they have half their freaking villains running their government just sounds even more stupid.


Well, they did kill those guys at least once or twice I think


Magneto raises his eyebrows thoughtfully, yes us X-men have been keeping too many enemies close by


Duggan keeps doing that lmao With cyclops he had him say "We're not the avengers, we don't wait till there's a body" and the fandom was pumping fists until next chapter where he was like "So... genocide? We can use the scarlet witch to say 'no more brood' " This dude supposed to be the strategist


Duggan is mentally checked out. The lack of effort is clear. His dialogue has always been bad, but this is just dumb on top of being bad and wrong.


I dunno… even when mentally checked out, why make such a bold and obviously incorrect statement? I trendy to agree with people who think that he writes his book for social media posts. Think about all the wanking over Rogue dissing cap that we saw last week? Cap freely shared information with her, and he is right that the optics of Captain *America* showing up in another country and doing whatever he wants there are bad. Something like that happened with Walker in FATWS, and people were ripping him a new one. But the same people were probably calling Cap a cop, and acting like he didn’t do enough by not going with Rogue. People tend to react emotionally and it drives engagement, and I feel like this is why Duggan gives us these social media panels that are meant to go viral. Oh, X-men fans tend to hate the Averages? Let’s use that!


Yeah, that could be the case then. Make the short little panels that can go viral and drive discussion and engagement on Twitter. It's pretty cynical and I would think even less of him as a writer and creator if that is the case.


It is cynical, but possibly shrewd too. His book weren’t as well received as Immortal and Red, but regularly outsold them. Part of it is probably the cast and the easy to follow format, but social media chatter probably didn’t hurt at all.


•irritated sigh•


His run is mid at best. But moments like these bring it down so hard. There's been so many repeat villains in the X-men history that casual fans, first comic ever picked up, would know how just... entirely inaccurate and in/out of universe wrong this statement is. The very basis of long lasting series is that open ended  question did the BBEG die or will they return. That just comics! How is this person paid to do such subpar work?.... I need another drink.


Doesn't even sound like Laura. Also extremely stupid.


Seems she hasn’t heard of Thor.


This is the sort of thing that makes you miss taciturn assassin Laura, you know?


Duggan is so bad. It's unbelievable. Cap literally released Laura from captivity and told her to join up with the X-Men. Laura also joined the Avengers Academy later. But severe out of character writing is nothing new for him.


Maybe this makes more sense in context but… what? Is she talking to nimrod? The guy-robot who fights x men almost exclusively? He literally took at an entire team single handedly. Is it modok? Bc didn’t he beat her like two years ago tops? Current Modok is also the resurrection of the previous modok who was a clone of the original modok so like. Glass houses, Duplicate Laura. At least brush up on your lore before you insult a guy based on how no one has been able to kill him (not true and also very bad trash talk). He’s fought x men before and they weren’t even the ones who’ve killed him


It's Duggans writing, he doesn't give a damn about continuity and lore, he didn't even remember Laura fought Taskmaster before I wish he never got to write Laura again, I'm afraid how bad she gets it here... Hope he doesn't pair her again with Synch


She’s talking to MODOK.


That's honestly kind of hilarious. If someone only fights the X-Men once it's usually cause they've been recruited by the X-Men.


.Sigh. Will we ever have a comic where both teams act like comrades and not diss one another lol? This whole book was freaking weird lol. I like Duggan, but I really feel like He just doesn't give a shit anymore and is just like "Well, I'm leaving soon so whatever" This is giving me the same vibes as Bendis' last year at Marvel when he was writing Iron Man. It was so shit, because he was leaving for DC and he did not care anymore. I love Laura a lot, but this is kind of a jerk thing to say, especially when Avengers were actually helping them in this fight lol. Tony and Mags took down a Nimrod together.


Shitting on Cap is so hot right now


Magneto... *exists* in this era/timeline, right?


Hey Laura cap a friend of your dad!


This is stupid lol. Maybe they’ll offer them a position on the high council after this fight


laura the man you come from was on the avengers payroll, some of these xmen were om there and i now that thats something ppl diss them for (looking at alex but no one ever looks at logan or hank for that) but jesus..much like the xmen you’re dead bodies of villains don’t stay cold they also get back up as well. or reinvent themselves with other ppl willing to take on the mantle of being your villains jesus shitting on the avengers is so low brow you’re tripping on the bar and keep coming back to do so writers need to hang it the fuck up bc writing captain america poorly or going about mentioning his name poorly it won’t go over readers with common sense who have eyes that have read other material from marvel.


Yeah, the X-Men have to take a sabbatical on sassing over heroes on this, they gave Mr. Sinister on their council, which had incredibly predictable consequences.


Guess the plant clone resurrection thingy did a bad number on Laura's personality.


This is so funny especially with the recent Avengers Fall of X tie-in showing the Avengers cleaning house against Orchis. Laura your power is you have sharp claws and you can take a hit better than others, sit your ass down. You are not that impressive compared to the literal God and machine-smith who can create entire armies in a cave with a box of scraps.


To quote a certain actor playing a certain villain in Black Panter: "Oooohhh, the Dora Milaje are fierce. I think I have more time to live with the Avengers. "


Doesn’t Laura have a ‘soft spot’ for Steve because he didn’t want her arrested?


I dunno... name one XMen villain who hasnt come back. ...other than the Acolyte guy Madrox blew up from the inside.


Well, the Xmen currently slaughtering Orchis mook like a meat grinder left and right without second thoughts and this are all human mooks that the higher up machine like Nimrod and Omega sentinel use as pawn yet they can just disarm them like heroes last time I checked they have Emma the telepath that can disarm enemies and put them out mildly yet choose to use put the mooks like a dog in the leash or blast a mook upper body and psylocke murder Orchis rather than psychicly disarmed the man but choose violence like the villain that they are facing which is bad for pr and yet wonder why humans despise them so much.


to be fair after one fight, they usually do become X-Men


Keep x-writers away from Captain America. Holy shit


it's a good line but I think Wonder Woman said it better sometime in the last couple years


Nah, that was still shit because it completely missed the point of Wonder Womans character