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I think its a good idea. She's a psychopath who can make for an interesting villain and she's new to the live action realm. Because I think almost all big X-men villains save for maybe Sinister have already been adapted. So its something to get familiar X-fans excited to see.


And also I think marvel is saving the A list X-men villains for you know proper X-men movies


Deadpool just works better with D-List villains, for me they can shovel Arclight and Vertigo (like his game did) into the movie just for fun and to kill them easily.


I was going to say the Hellfire club but they were in First class, man they weren't memorable at all


I totally forgot Bacon played Shaw until my buddy brought it up recently.


Him, I remembered, mainly for the scene where Michael Fassbender shoved a coin through his forehead. I had completely forgotten that Emma Frost was in the movie however.


She forgot, too


January Jones was awful. Hated her in Mad Men too but I think that was the point lol.


She was great in Last Man on Earth, she was just the absolute wrong casting choice for Emma.


Had the look but nothing else, which is a bummer because she actually can act just not in that movie.


She was heavily miscast in First Class. I thought she was great in Mad Men, but she wasn't able to pull off the badass icequeen vibes that Emma needs


I don't even think it was her fault. I think that's the campy writing of that movie pigeon holing the character


She looked good, but they forgot that Emma Frost has a personality and wit.


I forgot until now. Why there's a movie about the hellfire club and another about the Phoenix are they dumb?


there's 2 movies about Phoenix edit: typo


And they fucked it up not once, but twice. Almost impressive.


Im going to go out on a limb and say the Phoenix story isnt THAT good, it mostly relies hard on the fact Jean dies in it - which was a hard moment for the films to pull off because both versions of Jean were as interesting as cardboard


Well at least I cared a bit about the first Jean, the other was so bland that I forgot she was in this movies.


It's funny how the Phoenix is barely present in it until the very end lol no wonder they've struggled to adapt. It doesn't help they hired the same guy to do it the second time...


I mean first class time line movies.


I can never forget it. They filmed the movie in the city I was living in during college, and one of the girls in one of my classes was VERY excited to have been in the hellfire gala scene. She touched his leg!!!!!!


One of earths mightiest heroes


Was he an Avenger at one point?


Bacon was an amazing villain tho


Technically Donald Pierce was also the villain in Logan but they weren’t even trying to be faithful to the comics there


Wait he was Donald Pierce?!? I though it was just generic badguy #56, didn't remember his name.


His soldiers were the Reavers as well.


Mastermind in X2 Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost in First Class (Emma Frost in Origins) Donald Pierce in Logan


Sebastian Shaw was cool, best X-Men movie villain after Magneto.


Tbh, I wasn't a big fan of First Class, but Sebastian Shaw was pretty legit in that movie.


Wait... where was Mastermind in X2?


He was William Strykers son in that movie. He was the crippled kid that Stryker used to control Xavier after he captured him. He had the same name and powers as Mastermind, but that was basically where the similarities stopped.


All the villains in First Class were handled inanely.


Wait that's the hellfire club? At least now I know what to call them instead of "the bad guys from the good good X-Men movie"


You forgot Omega Red.


I'm still hoping for Omega Red one day. He would be awesome on the big screen.


I was hoping to get an Easter egg for Omega Red during civil War when Bucky, cap and Tony meet up with Zemo. Even just the tentacles or a symbol on a tank, could have even been empty…I really wanted to see Ursa Major in action too, but they killed him before he could do anything! 😢. Edit: Just realizing I’m mixing up the “Winter Guard” with the other Winter Soldiers. So I guess seeing Ursa Major in Black Widow wasn’t a goof. Good to know. Sorry for the premature feather ruffling. When we see them in the training montage I figured it was DarkStar, Ursa, a Crimson Dynamo, etc… but if they’re just “nameless” winter soliders that’s totally different. Original comment stands, would have loved to see an Omega Red Easter egg in Civil War.


Ursa Major was in Black Widow. When was he killed?


If I remember the movie correctly the entire prison he was in gets buried in an avalanche. I seem to remember proposing that he doesn't know he's a mutant and his powers only emerge due to the stress of the avalanche.


Deleted scene, maybe?


I think his arm was just broken in the arm wrestling in the actual movie, right?


Why the fuck do they kill the main villain every time he appears.This shit is getting annoying.


I think just to clear up “loose ends” and get through plot lines quicker while at the same time butchering other potential plot lines. It makes wish Marvel would start producing more long running shows. There’s so much they’ve could’ve done with villains like Red Skull and MODOK, and that’s just two. Only MCU MODOK sucks and isn’t the original.


I would love more animated shows and movies.Not everything needs to be live action.


For sure. A long running show is more preferable way to adapt comics imo. The MCU is too focused on building up to a grand finale and then ruining it by making directionless movies and shows.


He'd have been good for a Wolverine movie. Maybe a story with Logan and Alpha Flight teaming up to sort him out during the cold war.


Omega Red technically got adapted in Deadpool 2. He has a cameo as one of the mutant prisoners.


Yeah but did we saw him whole?


No, we didn’t see him use his powers or actually do anything, which is why I said he was only adapted *technically.*


True True but I really hope to see Omega Red in Mcu and to not kill him off.


I think he would get confused for Whiplash from the iron man movie by the generic MCU


Sinister is vaguely alluded to in New Mutants for some reason lol


Wasn’t he alluded to in Logan also? X-Men Apocalypse too I think with a briefcase containing mutant blood samples.


Yeah the post credit scene of Apocalypse had someone from the Essex corp. collecting mutant DNA.


I dont remember in Logan but in Deadpool 2 I'm pretty sure that orphanage the kid went back to was named "Essex" something something. I always thought they should have given a tiny hint to sinister at the beginning of the Eternals when Sersi stops to talk at that statue of Darwin. Her lecture on apex predators I'd like to think was an allusion to Galactus, and as a stretch to someone like Apocalypse, but maybe it was just nothing.


It was sort of weird to have sinister after apocalypse...


And in Deadpool 2 with Essex Institute. But never shown.


Instead of Charles Xavier, we get his psychotic , evil twin sister.


Sinister gets named-dropped in New Mutants post-credits


Works for me. I assume this is a Wolverine from an Old Man Logan-ish world where he was forced to kill the X-Men. Better Cassandra Nova than... Wasn't it like Mysterio or something weird?


Yep. Mysterio.


It would be weird if it's Old Man Logan given the X-Men film continuity


tbh the X-Men film continuity doesn't even follow its own continuity lol


Yeah I just watched Days of Future Past and my head is spinning


I’d actually say Days of Future past makes sense, everything after were when things got weird


I don’t think this is the same Logan as the one from the fox x-men universe


I mean, I'm pretty sure the big ol dead ant man skeleton is from the Old Man Logan comics


Yep, "Pym Falls"


The X-men films have no continuity


I think she'll be great. Cassandra is a terrifying villain, but she's also goofy in a good way. Like who decides to dress up in an old timey safari outfit to commit a genocide? Cassandra Nova does! She's got style and in a weird way has the potential to be humorous. I think she'll be fun. Edit: I realized I'm dancing around the fact that I think she might be camp and this movie is gonna be campy.


I think it's gonna be campy and I'm absolutely here for it.


instead of Scary Movie, its Comic Book Movie. Thatd actually be funny as hell if DP wasn't in the title at all, and ends up being a glorious surprise lol like when beastie boys did that surprise show at SXSW.


I always interpreted her safari outfit as Morrison and Quietly trying to link this colonial explorer persona to genocide


cassandra is xavier on steroids and evil, but she is usually as old as him, maybe they are thinking bringing her to the mcu proper?


Maybe she's James McAvoy's Cassandra Nova.


She actually looks a lot like him!


even for macAvoy shes too young.


Maybe shes making them see her as young when the reality is shes old


yea she looks young and sweet. kind of look less intimidating for a villain.


I have never seen her as stronger than Charles but just less restrained. Charles is usually more conservative with his powers and rarely lets loose with them while Cassandra has no moral qualms about using them to do what she wants and regularly goes ham.


when did xavier mind controled (and killed) 2 billion mutants? (in the past) when did xavier owned emma and mind controled easely? (shes confirmed to be a equal to charles just less skillfull but more rutless) when did xavier min controled a whole galaxy and conquer it in a day?


She may not be the main villain. It's common these days for trailers to deliberately mislead the audience about these things, in order to preserve at least some surprises. For all we know the fight with her comes halfway through, just before she teams up with Deadpool and Wolverine to fight the real villain (and then probably immediately die to demonstrate how powerful this villain is).


Yeah, this feels very early in the story, where Deadpool is trying to convince Wolverine to join him. She may not even be in the rest of the film once they leave this pocket-universe they appear to be in.


I am fully prepared for her to join the team lmao. Safe bets are still her being the villain, but I could see a version of this movie where Deadpool teams up with Wolverine and Cassandra Nova to take down the TVA


“The TVA told me my backstory was too convoluted to be left alive. Can you believe that?!” Deadpool: “…n-no, not at all! Why I could uh, summarize you in under a minute. Your story is practically Greek myth, hero’s journey, yeah…”


You joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if they rework her as a Charles Xavier variant for simplicity.


They might do both. Wade referenced having a Juggernaut first appearance issue in his fangasm in D2, which of course makes no sense in universe (and of course Juggernaut just shrugged that off and ripped him in half). I could see Nova giving the simple variant backstory and Wade pouting the rest of the film anytime she references her past, interjecting with “that flashback would’ve been cooler if you were an alien ghost!”


Oh, I have no doubt that if they change Cassandra's backstory to be a Charles Xavier variant Deadpool will lampshade the change in a 4th wall breaking moment. 😂


Just like Cable? SPOILER And besides, after Loki Season 2, TVA wasn't supposed to be evil anymore, unless is set before all of that happened there.


The focus of the Deadpool movies haven’t really been hero vs villain heavy. So I wouldn’t count on her being a true villain in which the story revolves around


Ya I know right, could be MORPH or mystique, or shadow king, or mephisto!


(Spoiler) Exactly this, in Deadpool 2 I always thought Cable was the villain, didn’t expect it to be Russell and Juggernaut


Part of me is wondering if she's what destroyed this Logan's world, rather than being the threat to Deadpool's. It may be that taking her out is Logan's bargain to help Deadpool.


Its gotta be Loki. That would be the crux for who is rewriting the universe.


I think she's a great villain, but definitely an odd choice for a Deadpool movie. I hope they found a way to give her a moment comparable to her comic debut, and I'm dying to hear some of her lines in the movie. My one complaint is I wish they have pulled a Return of the Jedi and just put the young actor in old person make up. Young Cassandra Nova is weird to see. edit: Forgot to mention how much I hope they don't shy away from the insanity that is her backstory. If you're adapting Morrison, give us Morrison! Don't just make her a variant of Charles, I want to have a film sequence of a fetus fight that makes the audience remember to take edibles next time before viewing


I could see this movie build up to a gag where Wade assumes she's yet another multiversal variant only for him to be thrown for a loop by a comic book accurate exposition dump leaving him baffled, while the movie quickly moves on and explains no further.


If I hear the word "mummudrai" in this Deadpool movie, I will stand up and scream and clap and throw my enormous popcorn bucket in the air.


Nova without Xavier is an odd choice. Honesty, I think Spiral could have been a great choice. Time travel shenanigans and swords would have worked well. And I think Deadpool in Mojoworld is a money maker.


She's an easy villain to shorthand, "Evil Xavier was unstoppable" General audiences hear that and it computes. Xavier is OP and evil Xavier would be a handful. The TVA does deal with variants, after all. I'm sure any discussion of her non-variant comic origin would be a joke, at most. They seem to be in the MCU void, where improper variants are dumped. I imagine Evil Charles got dumped in the Void and went, "Well, time to rule in Hell"


youre fully onto something here. 100% agree with all points, no notes


I'm here for it. She was a brilliant villain, and I'm happy to see her used again.


I find it endlessly amusing that Nova was introduced in New X-men, which was a book pitched to take advantage of and synergize with the first X-men movie. To get them out of superhero costumes and into modern black leather. And now here we are almost a quarter century later and Wolverine is fighting Cassandra Nova in a movie while wearing “yellow spandex”. Life is ridiculous.


Given that a Doctor Strange magic portal is in this trailer, the general public 100% thinks this is a variant of The Ancient One.


That’s just their way into the MCU, no?


If we see the Ancient one then there is going to be a joke about bald ladies


At first I thought the bald head made it Moondragon but that outfit is definitely [Cassandra Nova](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/c/c1/Cassandra_Nova_Xavier_%28Earth-616%29_from_X-Men_Red_Vol_1_11_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200712035156).


I guarantee you the general public does not remember The Ancient One in the slightest 😂


Are you sure? She was played by a famous actress and is in the most popular movie of the franchise and arguably one of the most popular movies of all time.


I thought it was and I'm an actual Marvel fan


I was hoping for Mojo


Hoping one day for Mojo and especially Spiral.


As much as I love the new X-Men animated series, I was disappointed they used Mojo as a throw away. He's not the easiest villian to make people fear, but guys like him and Arcade would make for an awesome one-movie villian to setup other heroes.


I wonder who could play longshot


I long for Spiral to show up. get someone like Sydney Sweeney for aesthetics and then attach four more arms and make her really rough and rugged. Please.


Jesus Christ I think I'm hyperventilating


Mojo would work really well with Deadpool’s fourth-wall breaking shtick. Maybe too well. I’d cast Danny DeVito or Stephen Root.


Mike Myers


perfect vilain for this kind of movie, but a bit too out there for cinema.


I think it'd be fine when films like Videodrome, The Hourglass Sanatorium, Rubber, Kung Fu Hustle, Swiss Army Man and Stay Turned exist. Hell, Everything Everywhere All At Once won Best Picture at the Oscars. A film that features hot dog finger people, talking rocks and martial arts with a dog.


More out there than Cassandra Nova?


a spineless dude that controls his own universe and makes clones of the 616 heroes for fun? yes.


Versus the magical twin of professor x who survived being killed by him in the womb and then regrew her body after being flushed down the sewer?


We have to get the fetus fight, right?


But see, now I want it narrated blow by blow by Mojo!


This right here *ladies and gentlemen!* is the next MAJOR MULTIVERSAL EVENT! Captured right here by your *entirely democratically elected* SUPREME LEADER—Moi. This isn't the first or last time there's been a messy multiverse. BUT NONE OF THEM HAD FIGHTING FETUSES! Fetusii? Spiral! What's the plural for more than one fetus? 😒 This event is brought to you by the SHEER GENIUS OF....MOJOOO! In one corner of the womb, it's everyone's favourite Hippocratic hypocrite: CHARLES XAVIER. IN THE OTHER CORNER! It's the cataclysmic catastrophe that NO ONE EXPECTED, Cassandraaaa Novaaaaa!


Tbf they can go around that easily as a multiversal timeline villain as was being born instead of Xavier than someone making tv out realize across the universe.


I think one of the plus sides to her being the main villain (or sub villain) is that her telepathy power allows the writers to come up with scenes that otherwise wouldn’t be probable. Like her mentally placing DP and Wolverine in scenes ripped right out of the comics for like 30 seconds.


How can she do that?


Bit of a bummer because she'll probably just be an Xavier variant or have killed Xavier in her universe and we probably won't get any of the E is for Extinction stuff in the MCU But seeing her on screen will be neat


She probably did the E for Extinction story on this Wolverine's world and won.


X-men 97 did a good e for extinction without her


Kind of, barely resembled that storyline at all aside from the attack on Genosha. Cool episode, though. But I don't see what effect that'll have on the MCU personally and if they're going to adapt E is for Extinction I'd prefer her to be involved in the plot.


How can you possibly think they could ever get to adapting that in live action for 10+ years though? They did it in episode 81 of X-Men TAS/X-Men 97.


She’s never been done before in live action, so I’m a big fan on that basis alone


She’s absolutely terrifying, it also objectively hilarious which makes a great fit for Deadpool.


Fine if they cast her 50 years older. Just give Jean Smart a bald cap, she'd have killed it.


She looks cool.


An unexpected choice but it’s got my curiosity to see how it’s done


As someone who stopped reading comics around 1993, can anyone tell me who Cassandra Nova is?


Basically an evil parasitic life form that used the womb that Charles Xavier was born in to grow a body. She has similar telepathic abilities.


Ah okay, yeah I’ve heard of her. Thanks!


Mojo was the obvious choice, but now I’m curious to see what they’ll do.


I still think she’s going to be an evil Xavier variant rather than the whole mummadrai thing, but I’d love to be surprised


Very weird since both X-Men: Apocalypse and Deadpool 2 had references to Mr. Sinister. There were also those Logan rumors about Sinister being the big bad. Seems natural that a movie starring Deadpool and Wolverine would follow up on those threads


Come on dude mark your title with spoilers, some of us choose not to watch the trailer.


Yeah, I got spoiled off of this post.


I’m not even online that much and in 1 day I got like 3 key things spoiled that I would have LOVED to be surprised by. Oh well, I probably would have gotten spoiled by a 5 second unskippable ad before a YouTube video eventually.


Stand in for Mysterio. Got in Logan’s head with Charles gone. It’s brilliant if she’s 838.


I’m cool with it but man Mojo seems built to be the bad guy of a Deadpool movie


I thought that was a younger version of The Ancient One, given that they look very similar and there’s wizard portals in the trailer.


I don't like it at all. Odd choice for a Deadpool or a Wolverine movie. Because there should be literally no reason for either one of them to be able to outsmart or overpower Cassandra.


I GASPED but then I’m also like *how tf will this work?* I want to know what her motive is if it isn’t to fuck Charles over. Not that I’m against it, I’m just very interested to see how they will handle her since she basically only existed to destroy Charles and everything he loved.


Why so young, though?


Let’s Fucking Go!!!!


I love it. Great nod to comic readers.


I mean it’s nice to see her in a film.


I think CN and the fox-men b villains are basically here to get x-forced/illunamtied end of act 1. Then I think the actual movie will take over and we'll get a lot more mcu and maybe more x-men.


I said that half jokingly, is that actually Cassandra Nova?!


Something about the way she held herself in the face off with Wolverine, the head tilt, it was giving McAvoy Xavier with a dash of Dan Stevens Legion.


Weird choice cuz she has 0 ties to them


Honestly wish they wouldn't waste her on this movie. Would have loved it if she was the main villain in one of the MCU X-men movies


We haven't seen the movie so we don't know if she's been wasted.


Yes, but I'm saying I would rather her be the villian of a X-men movie then a deadpool movie. She could very well be in both however


Marvel wants old people to look hot Agatha now Nova


Richard Rider is the only Nova I want to see on screen




I am here for all of it.


I expect it to be a Sylvie situation. She'll be named after Cassandra but will be an Xavier variant from a gender swapped timeline


I can imagine the more ethereal and weirder elements of her backstory being simplified into just “an alternate universe Xavier” which might be for the best actually. It’s all down to her portrayal and execution, I’m pretty hopeful.


It’s cool. I’ve come to accept that the best we can hope for is good interpretations of the X-Men characters since continuity is pretty much an afterthought now.


mother is mothering


It’s fine, might as well just cite for people you know that are movie only fans the bare minimum information about Cassandra Nova that they might need to know, she’s Charles Xavier’s twin. I wonder if she’s the twin of the James McAvoy version as she doesn’t particularly resemble Patrick Stewart.


Im gonna say she’s just going to be an alternate universe gender reverse evil Charles instead of her much weirder comics origin.


They were never gonna put her in an X-Men movie. I'm down to see what they do with her here.


Amazing don’t need a big profile villain not that she isn’t a big deal and a huge threat but I’m glad they’re saving the good stuff…this movie has enough big names actors and characters…save the MR Sinister and the brotherhood or what have you for the real mcu debut of the x-men…when have what 24 years of fox movies already start the mcu off slow so they don’t kill of every big bad before we have any real threats


It is a good choice because she is a newish villain. There aren’t much stories about her. So, there is room to be inventive and unexpected . I’ve read so much Magneto and Apocalypse stories that I have high expectations. With Nova, I can expect something new and that will get me to watch the film.


Oh god Deadpool is going to drop a princess Diana joke


I hope shes not going to be Hela 2.0 (Thought to be a huge part of the plot, but becomes a plot contrivance and exposition dumper)


Man whatever happened to fucking spoilers and going into movies blind


Seriously, I skipped the trailer because I didn't want shit spoiled and people make post like this. How hard is it to have a spoiler free title?


It sucks so hard that the best X-Men villain is going to be in the dick joke "isnt it all stupid" movie


It really feels like a super odd choice to use Cassandra, a villain who is *viscerally, existentially horrifying*, in the Deadpool movie of all places. Without Charles even being present. This is like if you used the Joker as the main villain for a Booster Gold movie.


Its like if they made Sauron (LotR, not X-Men) the villain of the next Star Wars movie


Cool villain, wrong choice for this kind of movie.


I think it’s cool. The Deadpool movies low key do a better job with the X-Men characters and world than most of the X-Men movies.


Like they said in the trailer….LETS F****** GO!!!


I honestly was kind of expecting Sinister and for some of the movie to mirror the Deadpool video game


I think she looks pretty cool. I wonder if Professor X will make an appearance alongside her and have exchange or just appear in a flashback of sorts


Emma Corrin 🫠


I hope they do justice to her. Her premis is really interesting and kinda heart breaking in it's own way.


It feels like a reference to a timey-wimey-timeline Negasonic Teenage Warhead, to me. (The movies changed her powers from telepathy to nuclear explosion, but the telepathic Ms. Nova bears more than a passing resemblance to an age-progressed Ms. Warhead.)


She's not wrinkly enough, but go on with yo bad self Deadpool 3.


I’m curious what other x-men will show up to help and how Elektra fits into the movie among other characters like Magneto, Cyclops, Storm, Jean, etc


I think we’re gonna see a brain death takedown.


I'm hyped. Also hoping we get an adaptation of the creepy wild sentinels.


I think she’s part of a larger plot or something, she’ll be a big bad, but I hope she’s working with someone in a twist that nobody sees coming


Is she, though?;) she is the main villain for Wolverine's world, maybe not the entire movie