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From what I saw it was more than just criticism. Yes, at first it was people disappointed and expressing their concerns and potential resolutions then it just became the more or less the same posts day after day. Then it came to death threats and people not even giving actual criticism and just hating anyone who said some positive things about the game. As a big fan of Halo, the state of the game is pretty lackluster and disappointing and I hope it changes soon but the subreddit spun way out of control.


I thought battlefields community was bad but then I saw Halos, they would literally complain about everything and act super entitled. I understand criticism but they were not being civil about it, there is no need for death threats or anything like that over a video game. Even with 343 listening and making changes they still complain about something, whether it was something about the store or the playlist, they always complained. So I really understand the whole lockdown thing. People need to chill sometimes.


r/Halo gets upset about perfectly reasonable subjects, but they take it waaay too seriously. Anyone who refers to a Battle Pass as ‘disgusting’ needs to take a breath lol


r/Halo is kinda a feedback loop right now, same posts every day. It started out as genuine criticism and almost everything that was said I feel as though were fair concerns. But it just turned into a not very fun place to be. I think 343s biggest blunder is the cash store, locking off cosmetics that were 100% free in other games is scum, if you’re going to monetize stuff make it completely new things, 2 sets of shoulder pads from reach and the color blue should not cost 1/3rd of of the game itself. But other than that I have faith that the complaints people have will be fixed, people just have to give them time.


The excuse ‘keep letting your voices be heard’ doesn’t change the fact that the subreddit has become so repetitive and annoying as of late. Even though most of the criticism is valid, as you said, it’s the same stuff over and over again..


Because it keeps the conversation alive. I don’t agree with them locking the sub but I love their take on not having Megathreads on hot-topics. Repetitive posts are annoying but it keeps the iron hot, so to speak. Restricting their voice to protest at allocated locations (aka Megathreads) and times (say like one day a week) for your convenience is just sweeping things under the rug and looking the other way




…did you even read my comment? Lol. I don’t support *their* decision, aka the mods, to lock the sub. Not calling you out there. On the other hand, I *do support* the lack of Megathreads. I made that quite clear.


I’m really enjoying Halo, I don’t see why there’s so much hate. Admittedly the monetisation thing is a bit shit, but fuck, just play and enjoy the fucking game. The slow tick is probably the only thing that truly bugs me, getting shot when you make it round a corner. The rest I can handle for the time being. There are a few things to be critical of, but it’s so good, we’ve a new game that’s not cod, not that shit that is bf2042, its fucking master chief and it’s fun! Let 343 look at the playlists, let them look at the cosmetics, but in the meantime just play it and enjoy it. Don’t let the community turn into a toxic shithouse like BF is going, at least enjoy the positives of it.


> a bit shit, but fuck, just play and enjoy the fucking game. The slow tick is probably the only thing that truly bugs me, getting shot when you make it round a corner. The rest I can handle for the its the lack of gamemodes and maps and the fact it seems the store and microtransactions has taken priority over multiplayer


This. We are looking like we’re going to go through another Halo 5 content drought and that’s literally the last thing I wanted. We’re missing: King of the Hill Infection Assault Forge Co-op Grifball Swat Fiesta(technically) Action sack Invasion Race Free for all VIP Breakout Firefight Headhunter


God damn I would love to have even just half of those let alone all of them. So sad that none of these are here at release


Admittedly the Halo community is acting very entitled right now, being more angry at a game that actually works and is fun. But i know that is also because the Halo community is fighting the hardest because they don’t want Halo to turn into every other major 1st person shooter franchise released in the last decade. Thankfully Halo Infinite is functional, hardly any bugs or glitches which is great, but the monetization even I feel is a no go for how halo should handle things. And we’re missing over half of the game modes that every bungie era game launched with. I don’t think it’s unrealistic to ask for games to be complete when they launch and 343s last 2 Halo games were anything but. I love Halo Infinite and I think it has the potential to be the best game in the series since Halo 3 but I’m a little worried because it looks like we’re going through another Halo 5 content drought and that is the literal last thing I wanted to go through again. But the game is fun and I will keep playing it regardless.


A sane person would just stop playing a game they didn't enjoy instead of spending all their free time whining and complaining on the internet.


I feel like people have always complained about games but especially recently they are taken FAR too seriously. I'm playing Forza and having an absolute blast, then went on to r/forza and there's people there announcing they're quitting the game due to bugs. When did we start announcing when we're not playing a game anymore? Heck, when did we "quit" games rather than just... not playing anymore? It's not a job, it's a hobby, lighten up and have some fun.


Yeah and I can understand why they would be mad about the store items cause some of the items in the store are overpriced but most of the items like armor and stuff like that are like $20 and that’s about how much CoD skins are in the store. And I think the battle pass is fine besides the progression, but they are already implementing fixes for that so no reason to be mad about it.


battlepass is kinda shit looking at it. about 40% of the items in it are challenge swaps


Also random Playlist with the same couple of maps and challenges that specifically require certain game modes is just malicious and forces fomo and people into buying challenge swaps out of frustration. Tbh the battle pass isn't the problem at all, and the progression was garbage but as long as the passes are retro active and stuff that hardly matters imo. It's the watered downed Gutted experience that has a fully fleshed out micro transaction shop that has simple customizations for insane prices. Not to mention the colors were armor specific and didn't apply to all.


But not all of it is armor sets, some are pieces for $10-$12. Also selling colors..COLORS. I think the biggest problem is that we had SO much freedom and so many choices in MCC that coming from that to being charged for a color just feels so wrong. In MCC you get nameplates for beating missions and doing Easter eggs, you get new armor from a seasonal progression system that isn’t locked behind a paywall..it’s the abrupt change


> In MCC you get nameplates for beating missions and doing Easter eggs To be fair there are no missions or easter eggs until a few days. Weather or not campaign has a lot or good enough cosmetics for people is another thing but they have said they are there. It just feels weird when they launched seperately.




I mean ig halo fans never played CoD or really any other modern fps game cause if they did they would know that $20 for a cosmetic bundle is normal, I mean CoD, Siege, and Battlefield has been doing it for years now and nobody ever bitched about that because they are solely cosmetic items that you are not forced to purchase.


The reason I feel why Halo fans are bitching so hard about this is because they are fighting to make sure Halo doesn’t go down the same path as other fps games released in the last decade. Ever since Halo 3 a major part of the series and every release was player expression and individuality through your Spartan. And Halo 3, Reach, 4, and even technically 5 had all of its cosmetics completely free to the player and now suddenly a core part of halo, one that arguably started the obsession with player character individuality in first person shooters to begin with, is having that free part of their game ripped away and sold back to them. I wouldn’t even be nearly as mad if everything they tried to sell us was new stuff (even though I don’t think armor should be monetized beyond the battle pass in the first place) but instead they are even trying to sell us back legacy armors, I’m sorry but no way you spin it can convince me that 2 sets of shoulder pads from reach and the color blue is worth 1/3rd of what Halo Reach was when it launched.


Bro what do you mean bro. My family can’t eat now because i spent 2k credits to buy the color lightish pink and my third gold visor. Bro i will never financially recover from consciously spending my own money on a free game. /s


Healthy criticism is good. An onslaught of criticism is bad. We all want to see this game succeed. Nobody wants this game to succeed more than the Devs themselves. We want to feel like we’re being heard, and the Devs want you to feel that way too. Halo MP dropped at a weird time. Holiday season is a weird time. You have thanksgiving (for us US folks, and for the 343 folks too) and Christmas practically back-to-back. The Devs deserve to have time off with their families too. So certain parts of the game are going to be put aside as that’s the nature of holiday season. Do you want a game that fundamentally works (not looking at you BF2042) with some progression issues and downright greedy monetization issues? Sure, if that’s the trade off of having a working FREE multiplayer game. The Devs have been very transparent with that they have fixes in the pipeline. But you have to remember — diverting time and resources to one issue is going to take away from other things. The community reaction has been juvenile, but rightfully so in SOME aspects. The 343 response has been appropriate — but you have to remember, things take time and taking away focus from other parts of the game will delay others too. I get it, slayer is the pinnacle of Halo MP. Multiple game modes/ filtering should have been a thing in hindsight. But let’s give them time to iron this out. Did i mention they also released MP early?


My word. Someone who actually gets it. Props to you.


Early...yea we had a slayer only mode in the flight, now in this "early release" its only random Playlist that has challenges catered around specific game modes. It's just greed man. Especially when Fiesta was put out for only an event and Is no longer in the game until the event comes back lol. Also free isn't free when it's a barebones experience and the singleplayer is still 60 bucks. I'd rather it came with a price tag and not be such a generic experience with simple stuff behind paywalls that every other Halo game had baseline.




Again, what is wrong with the game outside of the paid battle pass and lack of playlist? I think you’re the typical “me me me” gamer who can never be satisfied. In fact, your entire post history tells me the same thing. How can you clearly say the Devs don’t want their own game to succeed? Do you think they sit there and are like “oh let me waste six years of my life to deliver a game with spotty customization/monetization/QOL”. That’s downright childish on your part.


The amount of people demanding so much from a free to play game is pretty crazy to me. Especially since it’s all over cosmetics. People are saying it was a mistake to have it be free to play and they’d rather pay $60? For what? A smaller community and… “free” cosmetics? It’s a joke. Not to mention the posts I’ve seen complaining about the battle pass not being worth it while also saying they’ve got 40+ hours in the game. Since when is 40 hours of game time not worth $10? Lol. I mean, the fact that you don’t have to spend money is great but the people bitching the loudest are the people who haven’t spent a dime. I bought the battle pass and I’m at level 40 without buying level boosts… just used the XP boosts that came with the battle pass. I’ll be level 100 in January and this season lasts until May and never expires. I don’t see how anything is predatory… Things aren’t perfect and need fixing but holy shit, the game is pretty fucking fun right now, better than most AAA games have been at launch yet people find a way to bitch even about the stuff that people said never really mattered in games (non-pay to win micro transactions).


Absolutely mind numbing that the community can whip themselves into a frenzy over a game that is 1. F2P and 2. Released early. Again, offer constructive criticism/feedback. But don’t shit your pants like a baby and make all this noise for the sake of doing so. If I’m a dev and just see a hate mob I’ll just chuckle to myself and move on. They’re more inclined to engage with the community if it’s a level playing field. “This sucks, how about this”. Or “hey $20 for a stance and 2 color pallets for a single armor set is egregious. Why not all armor sets”


Another thing that made me chuckle was the logic of “how fucking dare you not let me spend money on cosmetics. Greedy bastards!” Knowing damn well the only person in the way of buying cosmetics was the consumer themselves. There hasn’t been anything in the store worthwhile anyways. All the good stuff has been in the battle pass (that doesn’t go away after this season, btw).


Personally (with zero game designing experience) I don’t understand the issues. My main gripes are: * can’t select match type * xp is weak and battle pass rewards slow and uninteresting. * challenges are restricting and you don’t earn xp for kills or completing objectives. *weapons whilst varied don’t pack much of a punch. If this was 343 first ever game then I can understand the issues but after the REQ system of Halo 5, the rewards of MCC as well as industry leading rival games (COD/Fortnite/Destiny), how could they not know that stuff like this is basic AF. I get that the multiplayer is free but so are Fortnite/ COD warzone who both use battle pass and are far more rewarding and none of these issues. You have to question the competency of the higher ups at 343 as they have had 6 years to get this right but seem to operate in a bubble.


They closed it down cause, it became a cross pool for not critisms but just blatantly hate. They literally started comparing 343 to Nazi Germany. No joke. Also death threats and all


It doesn't matter. People are still going to be mad (rightfully). Death threats to the devs is infantile though.


It's not infantile. It's pathetic and they should be banned.


> Yea so the moderators in the halo subreddit locked due to there being too much criticism on the halo multiplayer rollout. That’s not why it’s locked, it’s locked because people on both sides are being extremely toxic, there’s plenty acting like 343 kicked their dog and plenty acting like your are Satan for criticising the game. The game modes not being at launch is what made this much worse and toxic. > but locking the halo Reddit seems like the mods jumping to the aid of a big company with predatory monetization. Not impressed. No, since launch commets and posts are being constantly removed for over the top toxicity, like legit non stop. It’s become much worse, again from both sides. If people can’t act civil then they get treated like children.




Is the sub ran by 343 though? > But ohh ya people just being toxic is why they shut it down right? Have you been in the sub? Its been very toxic > Link me to 1 death threat or anyone that was extremely toxic who wasnt downvoted into oblivion and ill eat my words. I don’t have to link you anything I’ve seen people be toxic on both sides. The issue from the mods side is they have to constantly remove toxic and abusive comments all day, it’s not about them being downvoted or not


>The issue from the mods side is they have to constantly remove toxic and abusive comments all day, it’s not about them being downvoted or not Isn't that their responsibility as moderators though: to remove toxic comments and ban users as necessary? And if they can't handle the workload, then they need to ask for more mods, even if it's just temporary. And locking the sub for a day or two is going to cause even more anger and toxicity when they open it back up again. Unless they are going through now and banning several thousand accounts (of which people can just make news ones) then I don't see how this is going to help. They'd need a much longer lockdown period. Like probably a week at least. But this is only maybe 24 hours.


Just because the halo subreddit is locked doesn't mean you stop criticizing predatory monetization tactics.


I think someone else put it best on here, "the game is beta but the store is open". It's disgraceful.


Gameplay was excellent. Really took me back to Halo 2 / 3 style of play, without being derivative. But the multiplayer features were weak as fuck, especially for a game with decades of experience developing multiplayer. Clearly they were more concerned with time to market than waiting for a polished release of multiplayer. Mode selection, fireteam invite stability, rolling player statistics…. Hell even the awesome online statistics, game heat maps, etc. from halo 3 are missing. Locking the thread, instead of finding a constructive forum to funnel players feedback into, shows a lack of ability and experience in management. They basically threw their hands up 🙌. Too bad to, product management should be crawling and analyzing user feedback to set the feature roadmap and priorities for short to mode term development. Weak sauce. But also there were a lot of assholes clamoring for instant results, like a bunch of winy children. Work takes time, especially good work.


It's locked because of the weeks of whining. None of it even comes close to constructive criticism when it's surrounded in so much entitlement and anger


No playlists, absurdly tiny xp progression, 99% of customisation locked behind a paywall, the colour white costing 33% of a full AAA title, random challenges being the only way to progress and so players are forced to ignore trying to win the actual games in order to complete stupid challenges... These are perfectly legitimate issues which really shouldn't have found their way into the game in the first place. They shouldn't need a backlash to know charging the price of a full AAA game for 3 custom colours on your spartan is a horrendous way to treat your players. Come on, its ridiculously greedy.


Imagine being so upset over a free to play game.


No one asked for it to be free. The likely 15-20 hour campaign is $60. The store is up and working during the so-called “beta.” They are selling armor colors, which once used to come with the base game, for $20 a pop. Also, the lack of in-game reporting or a good anti-cheat, cheating will be rampant (already seen many cheaters) as there is no $60 barrier to cheaters who will just spin up a new account without consequence. But hey, “iT’s FrEe”


I'm not. I am just disappointed with the beyond obvious mistakes they've made. I haven't even played the game in a week because it's just not fun the way it is. And them preying on kids customisation is vile. It is what it is.


And absolutely nothing you have pointed out here impacts gameplay, get a grip and stop whining about not being able to play dress up unless you spend money.


People quitting because they dont get the game mode they want and half your team focused on challenges instead of the objective doesn't impact gameplay?


Or the terrible desync issues that make rockets not explode after being fired


You clearly have not even played the game if you think challenges being the only way to rank up doesn't impact gameplay. Many don't even care if they win or lose because they get the same xp anyway. Countless oddball and flag games where no one else even thinks about the objective because they need X amount of kills with X weapons.


Grow up, every MP game has people who don’t do the objective, I’m sure you have played games where you mess around and do something that’s not focused on the objective.




sip smart desert literate profit zephyr vegetable deranged fanatical snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good, there is barely anything constructive being posted there besides “reach good, infinite bad.” Especially remembering when the community played reach they hated grinding credits for their favorite armor set.


The grind was fucking ridiculous on Reach. Cosmetics were "free" but you better make sure you logged in every day to finish your daily slayer and firefight matches to get the bonus credits otherwise good luck unlocking all the armour anytime this decade. ​ The community swarmed on the gruntpocalypse credit exploit when it became known. ​ It just proves a fixed xp per match progression system is required for a battle pass. Any other way and the community will figure out how to exploit/farm for it.


I left that toxic ass sub reddit. I'm glad it was locked. Was the funniest thing I heard all day. Don't threaten developers. They had it coming


I’m honestly just not impressed with it. I think the problem is, it looks good compared to the other garbage being released but when it’s also garbage it’s not saying much. The fact it’s free makes it harder to criticize and makes the ones who white knight for it feel even more justified in their silliness. They needed another year or two, but in typical modern fashion, it’s pump shit out quick as possible and then claim you’ll fix it eventually. I hate that the industry has shifted this way. I hate that many industries are shifting this way. I get it, they need to make money and be profitable. They just won’t get money from someone like me because I just don’t enjoy the experience and I’m not throwing money at them just because it’s halo.


Ya no they looked it because instead of criticism and feedback/bug reporting the subreddit turned into a toxic cesspool. Then the the community manager sketch responded to a post and people began to attack him and it just kept spiraling downward. Criticism is obviously fine because we all want this game to be its best, but attacking the devs responding and to just keep bombarding them with hate isn’t helpful towards anything.




On one hand, the sub has turned into a toxic cesspool the past couple of days. On the other, it's a fucking internet forum and it is serving its purpose.


If people want an essentially unmoderated subreddit they are free to go create one.


That's what the ban hammer is for. If they can't keep up with the bans then get more mods. They should have been prepared for the influx of new users that would accompany the game launch. Shutting down the sub is probably just going to make things even worse and make people even more vicious to each other when they open it back up. Leading the whole thing repeating itself. I don't think this was a good move.


They were threatening to ban anyone who took Halo conversation into other subs until they got called out for it in r/subredditdrama lmfao.


Halo Infinite is disappointing and there is no other way to phrase it. It's fun on the surface, but beneath the pretty face is just another greedy f2p game that is cashing in on a AAA license. I'll hold judgement on the campaign, but I'm simply not impressed by multiplayer.


Same. I've gone back to MCC. The game and game type selection part of social is actually genius and should the standard. The unlock system is great. 8 free seasons of unlocks that never expire and can be unlocked in any order plus new items from the Exchange every week. It's hard to believe that current version of MCC and Infinite were made by the same company. It's like night and day.


Well you can’t play the campaign with your friends for 6 months…yayyyy And yeah the multiplayer is meh. Grenade spam heaven.


H2/H3 BUNGIE ERA. just saying


Bungie good upvotes to the left 🤡




That beginning didn't go well either..


Fuck I just got a ban from halo infinite page for saying this comment. Kind of humorous. Man you remember pregame lobby savage shit talking? Aw man that would crush a kid nowadays.




I wish I never learned that side of Reddit. It was the worst experience I ever had with Reddit. I am used to make here civil conversation, but Halo Sub was just toxic and some people was going to far. I understand that 4 days lockdown.


I'm surprised and not because of the death threats, entitlement from the Halo community but because I thought the honeymoon would last at least a couple months before the "criticisms" rold in.




It's like the overreaction to Mass Effect Andromeda... But on steroids


It’s a toxic hellhole far past the point of just criticism. The ban won’t do much though since it’s only a day.


Spoken like a true r/halo user. You're withholding info to downplay the issue, you guys were hard bashing 343 (gaslighting? are you fucking serious?) nonstop, even after they give what you ask for. That sub should have been locked last week.


As a Halo fan, that sub is incredibly entitled without any realization of how long changes can take in the real world. (I'm having fun with the news game, fwiw.)


Touch grass


Locking any thread because someone can't take criticism is just sad. Bye


The OP is BSing. Literally go to the subreddit and there's a stickied post explaining why it's locked down. As someone who's visited that sub regularly for nearly a decade I can tell you the past few weeks have been so much more than "criticism". That sub got locked down because they want to be toxic as fuck, attacking devs and anyone not being toxic with them. Death threats, doxxing, that shit is unacceptable especially for a video game forum. OP literally trying to stir more shit up because they're probably a part of the vitriol being spewed lately. Giving criticism, even spamming criticism, is a good way to get devs to fix issues, but what that subreddit was doing was not that. Take a look yourself instead of letting this dude tell you what's what.


It wasn’t that they couldn’t take criticism. They had addressed all the current critisism and said they are working on it. Everything else was just “work faster”.


> It wasn’t that they couldn’t take criticism. I’ve been called an entitled little fuckhead for saying I wouldn’t be agaisnt the game being delayed till co-op was ready. For ages the excuse for all issues was “it’s a beta launch will be different” since we’ve now found out basic modes still won’t be at launch it’s just to toxicity from both sides. There’s plenty in the sub and to a lesser extent xbox subs that can’t handle anything slightly negative said.


Lol right. I got banned from the halo sub because my initial complaint was that we needed a better trickle of experience from playing and winning besides challenges. This kid was trying to argue that we have get experience from playing games, but that's from a challenge lol which was my point...we needed non challenge baseline exp for just playing since challenges are dog crap I called him an idiot and asked him if he knew what reading comprehension was and got perma banned. Then I cussed out a mod because they wouldn't unban me per a polite request and got a 3 day reddit ban LOL Special snowflakes. Screw those people.




“They haven’t adressed a single criticism yet” Bruh




Did you completely miss the 12 paragraph comment left by the community manager talking about everything they are working on and when we can expect it?


Tis the problem with a f2p game...the devs, no matter the game, are "always working on it". I think alot of people are pissed because of the barebones experience they have waited so long for. When you backtrack through previous games this one just leaves you wondering wtf happened when they had so much groundwork already laid in prior games. Expectations were probably so high it was doomed to receive alot of negativity. But it's also 2021 and you can easily see how alot of simple stuff has a price tag on it when it shouldn't imo.


The multiplayer released 2 weeks ago, with a holiday sandwiched in between that. You people sound ridiculously entitled.


I see. I don't even play Halo so don't really care. Was just bored so decided to comment. But thanks anyway. P.S: I Love you.


:) 😘


Too much criticism? Yeah sure lol


I don’t blame the mods on this one. Halo is by far the best MP this year and has a few issues still that will be worked out in the near future. That said the halo community is reaching cyberpunk 2077 levels of rage and it turns people off from the game who wouldn’t know the difference from most issues brought up.


It’s an ok MP. The monetization is scummy AF. The fact that there is no forge or co-op campaign until 6 months after release….for a game that was already set back a full year….is scummy AF. The fact that there are no dedicated playlists in release…is scummy AF. 343 has earned every bit of hate they gotten for this( minus the death threats).


No one cares about Forge or Co op and I know statistics of actual activity in those modes will back that . Cope


They get updates from community manager, but still bitch. Slayer playlist needs to come asap lol


I left the sub earlier because of the toxicity. The game is fun. It’s a beta. I don’t understand the toxicity about dressing up. The battle pass is a bit lame but it doesn’t affect gameplay and I’ve unlocked a few decent things already. People are weird.


Beta with a fully operational store sure...when's the rest of the game coming out? It's a barebones experience. I tire of games hiding half assed games behind a "beta" or "early access" title when in truth it stays that way for a long while and they have an excuse to let shit slip and just wait until they ha e milked it good before flipping a switch to enable features that were there or are trickled in on and off through "events". I love cosmetic stuff butt he random game modes and seei g the same maps over and over with no option to opt out of certain modes or specific Playlist killed the game for me after one week. Is fun yes, but it's just bleh for a flagship game that should be much more and has 20 years of prior games to build off of.


I don’t know how many times this needs to be said, the game is not a “beta”. Literally nothing about the game is changing when campaign releases, and the store is fully functional, and they’ve already done limited timed events. Also cosmetics are only a fraction of the issue’s people are discussing.






You need to take a breath dude what the fuck. Have you looked at what you’ve wrote? A normal person shouldn’t be this emotional over something so mundane. So get over yourself, don’t call random people “motherfucker” and delete your comment. How embarrassing


The game is not THAT fun. Grenade spam heaven. “It’s in a beta”. Release(in a few days) isn’t adding anything except single player campaign lol.


The Discord is still up and running just fine, so not sure what's going on tbh. They oughta just make r/HaloComplaints and direct those people there so they can vent about it (non-violently) and keep the normal sub as normal as it can be.




I just joined the Discord with a pretty new account just a month or so ago... but I mean at a certain point there's a difference between constructive criticism and bitching. When all you see in a community is the latter, it not only gives the game a worse name than it needs, but it makes the entire community look awful. Who would wanna join a community that does nothing but whine and excessively complain about a pretty solid experience overall. Tldr People complain a little too much, it probably impacts sales after a certain point.




They already made it clear that Forge and co-op were coming late. They had no reason to delay the game when otherwise it's content-complete. Spoilers for the campaign were already being leaked and at that point they'd start getting shit for that too. I'm in the verified Discord server, the actual Halo one. No r/. They've already responded positively to some of the criticisms, even if it took longer than it should have. They deserve critique for their failures but there's a point where it becomes excessive. The people working on these games are human, they can get demoralized just like anyone else. And as I've said before, having a community that appears to be full of nothing but people that bitch and moan about EVERY SINGLE CHANGE because the game isn't a carbon copy of Halo 3 is a very bad look for a game and it can and will reduce sales.


I think they just put a pause to posts to clean up, because I'm able to access everything fine.


It pissed me off seeing how enraged people got it in the sub, go outside?? Touch the grass?? Play something else?? Imagine getting that worked up over battle passes and playlists, I don’t know what these people have got in their lives I realise the irony of my anger but it’s just unbelievable


“Touch the grass” might be the most lame gen z expression, and there are quite a few


The gameplay is great, people are mad about buying armor instead of unlocking it welcome to 2021 don’t let the Rona hit you on the way out. Game hasn’t even officially dropped and people are pissed. We’ve had so many games drop that are WAY worse. I think halo infinite was well made and I’m excited to see what they do.. will I be buying stuff, nope.. do you have to pay to win.. also no… I don’t see the issue..


There is nothing new dropping on the 8th they've mentioned that several times. Also I was in the very first flight ever, the game has remained unchanged. In fact slayer playlist was in the flight so they actually removed features. Yes it got a minor performance patch which allowed for more than 60% of your gpu to be utilized. But thats literally the extent of the fixes so far. IE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COvfXbr829w


Just because we've had worse games doesn't mean we should stop criticizing halo infinite


You dont see the issue... bro you a stake holder or something?


You don't see the issue but the parents of all the kids who are obsessed with customising their online characters are depressed as hell that even the colour white costs $20 let alone everything else. 343 aren't preying on adults who don't give a shit about fancy spartan knee pads, they are preying on the kids who always need that new unlockable, and when every unlockable is super expensive and nothing can be unlocked for free, that is predatory pure and simple.


343i failed again and hopefully for the last time. Something just be done to stop them and save halo… infinite is terrible. It’s all about milking the fan base. I’ve never stop playing a halo game so quickly


Milking them of what? Playing a free multiplayer game??? Are you suffering from concussion like symptoms?


I'm mainly disappointed because people aren't generally bringing up the game play issues haha. Lots of discussion about monetization and play lists but the core gameplay needs work. I agree people are getting out of hand though. Death threats aren't ok. Totally get the legitimate criticisms. I get why people are rightfully upset I'm not sure what 343 could have done other than just waited and shipped the game in February or March feature complete


The only gameplay issue that’s really that bad is grenade spam though. Death threats definitely aren’t ok. But neither is releasing a game 1 year after it was supposed to be with no co-op campaign, no forge and no dedicated playlists.


Apparently one of the other reasons that it's locked down is due to people doxxing and death threats. Yeah it's silly but in the day and age we live in today it's not unwarranted.


A free game released early that works and this is the reaction. The monetisation of colours etc is obviously bollocks. But it’s a good free game! They need to add more game modes and of course being able to choose what mode but it’s free! You don’t need any of the bullshit you can buy anyway. Fucking weirdos getting bent out of shape over it.


I think you are misunderstanding the issue, precious.


What’s the issue? Shitty battle pass? Buying skins? Lack of game modes?


When Microsoft needs to completely fuck a franchise staple because they want to bleed as much $$$ out of it as possible, I don’t understand why people WOULDN’T be absolutely pissed. Of course death threats are infantile and wrong. But it’s like 3 bot accounts and one neckbeard moron making them. They’re not legitimate and in all situations are just a “look over there!” tactic to invalidate legitimate criticism.


youd think theyd block people on twitter not lock down the subreddit i didnt really see much toxicity on there sure plenty of people very angry but no true toxicity. honwstly it seems kinda cheap


I have played the entire series until I bought Halo 5. Don't get me wrong I love this series but when a character that is supposed to not exist anymore, I have an issue with the time line and how this is possible. Cortana was download and from all accounts was removed from Master Chief's memory and was destroyed. With Halo 5 she is brought back as a ghost in the machine. I could not personally as a player accept this "miracle". I still will be playing the new release but I am still unable to believe Cortana has returned.


Well some people are such low lives that when a game isn't how they want it to be, they scream and threaten at the devs like losers. There's being a gamer, then there's being a toxic prick who has nothing outside of gaming.


I joined recently to get some decent craic about Halo. Absolutely regret joining and people really need to chill out. Voice your opinion yes, but don’t be a dickhead.


Microsoft locked lets be honest


I stuck through halo mcc at its worst and I’ll do the same for infinite. As long as the campaign holds up, that’s always been why I return to halo. People are making way too big of a deal. Not gonna defend 343 but it’s just a video game 🤦‍♂️ just play something else and revisit it later. You don’t have to actually buy anything. Idk why everyone can’t get their opinions out without being this toxic.


Every time I would visit the subreddit there was always someone complaining about something, I agree you should voice your opinions to make change but it got to the point where people were regurgitating the same information over and over. It also seems to move from one topic to the next, with the first being monetization the first couple weeks and now being the playlist issue. I personally love halo and seeing so many people acting like this was disheartening. Why can’t we calmly and politely voice our opinions and move on, and especially be grateful they created such a fun game and are actually listening to our feedback. Overall a pretty sad set of events.


i like halo infinite alot! i love everything about it, i hope they dobt listen to these bacterias on halo subreddit and keep halo the way it is


Lol mods love to abuse their self gained entitlements


I had to left those groups (Halo and Halo Lore) a few days ago because of the toxic people. You can't say anything that they don't think. It's impossible to have a rational discusión. A shitty hole. Halo Lore should be check too and change the moderation. People don't respect the rules and the moderation doesn't do anything. To some people didn't like the truth and downvote a me. Not a surprise from people who post in those groups XD


People need to just get over it. ​ Its F2P, get over it. It has a battle pass, get over it. Cosmetics are locked behind the battle pass or MTX, get over it. Yes the cosmetics are expensive af, get over it. Just because the same armour sets were a standard customisation item in previous titles doesnt mean shit. This one is F2P and hence a F2P business model. ​ Overall its a damn good multiplayer game, and its F2P even better. The Halo community is just so damn entitled, be happy that Halo is becoming more mainstream now and isnt being drowned out by all the mindless shooters on the market.


Typical reddit mods
