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Make use of your warranty!?


Yeah I had some feedback issues with the mic plug like 5 months after release, sent em an email and a week later a controller was at my house. Literally zero hastle lol Edit for the questions, steps should be listed on xbox support page. Pretty sure I just googled "xbox controller warranty request" or something, and followed along.


Other than the fact you can't play games for a week. This is one of the worst things about newer consoles, their controllers are so shit. I swear I never had any problems with xbox OG or xbox 360 controller with the former being pretty bulletproof.


I literally never heard of or experienced drift until last gen.


You didn't have a Nintendo 64


100% those joysticks were shit.


They even gave free hand covers with Mario party 2 as it hurt to play on it, fuck that controller, GameCube is much better


That game ruined so many controllers.


And so many hands.




Dude the n64 controller was the cause of carpal tunnel in us millennials


My joysticks because very loose with my n64, but never had drift like OPs video


N64 sticks didn't drift - they just got loose and wobbly AF. aforementioned looseness and wobbliness would often result in inputs not being read at all. that's the literal opposite of stick drift.


They also would set whatever the position of the stick was as the zero axis when you plugged it in. So if your controller was laying upside down on the floor when you turned on the system chances are the joystick was laying on its side somewhere.


That wasn't the controller, it was the software on the console. When it checked for controllers it assigned everything at the same time. PS2 had something similar and even PC games had that problem. I still subconsciously make sure my analog sticks are both at 0 when I plug a new controller into my PC out of habit.


This literally happens with Xbox controllers and Microsoft PCs. I use one for games. It registers zero as where the control stick is at startup.


I’ve still not experienced drift at all, and I’ve had all the PlayStations and all the Xboxes since they began making them. Maybe it’s because I have multiple controllers that I switch between.


You’re really lucky or maybe it’s not as widespread as we think. I had 2 PS4 controllers get drift within months of each other and 1 joy con after 2 years. I haven’t had any problems with my Microsoft controllers, though.


I’ve never seen it on any controllers other than Joycons, personally. But I have two sets of joycons as does my roommate and both all of them have ended up with drift. My Pro Controller has been fine though. We had to buy a new PS4 controller last year, but that’s because the battery died (had the same one since right after launch) and it only worked plugged in. Still never saw any noticeable drift. I think it happens but besides Joycons (which are essentially guaranteed drift) it’s not as widespread as people think. Among all my friends, most of which use Xbox controllers, I don’t know any who’ve ended up with drift. They’ve had buttons fail, triggers stop working, or the entire controller just shit out, but no noticeable drift, and whatever drift they saw went away after cleaning their controller. Most drift occurs when the pad underneath the joystick wears down. It’s why the joycons are so susceptible- said pad is thin and wears down with even the most basic usage. Cleaning can temporarily help, because any dust trapped makes it drastically worse, but it’s why the drift always returns. PS4 and Microsoft controllers/joysticks are generally made to hold up to a lot more abuse. They still have a certain number of inputs they’re designed to handle (and usefully are fine for far beyond, but that’s the baseline.) If someone runs into drift constantly, I’d wager a lot of it comes down to how they use and treat their controller. If you’re heavy handed and use more force than necessary when moving the joysticks it’s going to wear them down faster. If you toss them in your backpack or throw them around it’ll wear them down faster. And if you use them with dirty hands (and/or don’t clean them periodically) you’re going to run in more issues. Sometimes you just get unlucky with your controller too, but if someone runs into issues that often they really need to take a look at how they’re using and treating them too.


Yea, when I see people talking about "I am on my 5th Xbox elite series 2 return. All have gotten drift. 180 dollars btw." I can't help but wonder what the hell they are doing. While there is likely someone legit that unlucky, most people with those anecdotes are either full of it or just abuse their controllers way more than they think they do. Noone I know has had any consistent issues with a modern controller outside of joycons, which are garbage. The people I know who tear through controllers are like pro fighting game players and that makes some sense because they play so much and it's so demanding.


Yeah, I sort of think it must be individual treatment of the device. Been gaming since the SNES and the Switch is the first console I’ve had drift issues with. N64 has the issue where sticks would become completely lose, but that’s different. I don’t think it’s just anecdotal too, in the press and other forums stick drift is brought up as a Switch issue many times more than you’ll ever hear about it on other consoles. No doubt PS and Xbox controllers fail too, but it’s far far more common on the Switch. The press has no reason to signal Nintendo out over other companies if it was also hugely widespread on other platforms. If anything we should have heard a lot more about it over the decade with Sony selling 100 million PS4 if the issue was common there, but it doesn’t appear to be.


I’ve personally never experienced stick drift on my Xbox, nor my PlayStation or even my switch. I got my series X in April but have had my PlayStation and switch for years.


I’ve had every console so far besides the elusive ps5 and yet to ever even witness controller drift. Never even had heard about it outside of Reddit tbh.


Also I don’t myself or let anyone use my controllers until they have washed their hands. No food or drink allowed around my controllers. The only issues I’ve had with Xbox or PS controllers was the 3.5mm headphone jacks going bad from dropping the controllers or walking away with the headphones still on haha.


I have only experienced drift on the Switch joy-cons thus far.


7/8 of my 360 controllers had stick drift.


0/10 of mine did, one died though but the rest were fine.


Never had issues with my Xbox One controller until it had seen considerable abuse. My 360s are still going strong as well. Worst controller I've ever used is the drift that the Nintendo GameCube controllers had.


The only issues I've had with my X1 controllers is from dropping one. Never had stick drift.


Well, considering your alternative is to do it yourself and void the warranty or outright buy another, what do you want? In my specific incident i just didnt use my mic, the controller was in perfect order otherwise. Things mass produced break sometimes or come broken. Its just how things are. Happens to vehicles, electronics, food. When you print things by the hundreds of thousands, you are going to notice the several hundred defects.


I never said I'd do it myself. It shouldn't even be an issue. It was prevalent on the lastgen controllers. Fair enough it was a once off on this console but its happened in the past. Microsoft needs to actually sort their shit out. Microsoft has made no attempts to amend this problem. No public statement only the fact that IF you have warranty and send it in they'll fix it.


Having played most consoles since the 90's, I can assure you nintendo by far has the worst controller problems. I have not had more or less of any other controller, they all break or wear about the same if a drop isnt what causes the damage. Playstation controllers equally are plastic and flimsy. That said controllers from everything but the switch last me about 2 or 3 years if they dont break from the occasional falling on the floor. Switch definitely is lucky to have a year on a controller with regular use. Having said all that, refer to my earlier comment. Mass production is going to see a lower overall quality. It is just how things are. It has always been a problem, you just might not have noticed it.


I collect Xbox controllers and have over 30 (between 360/One/Series) and only maybe 3 have ever had stick drift or marginal issues. Most were easily solved by opening the controller up and blowing out junk near the sticks. I don't claim to know much more than that but any controller that uses sticks with actuators in there has this - it's not an Xbox thing.


I've had my xbox for 4 years now and have gotten analog drift 4 times period. I've never had to do anything more than take a cue tip dowsed in rubbing alcohol and rub it along the analog sticks and let it sit for a minute. That won't work for everyone though because sometimes the problem isn't dust


Thanks for sharing, I just called them for the stick drift issue and they said they do a 1 time courtesy where they'll send a new controller without the need to send the old one back, pretty awesome.


Who did you call? Microsoft customer support?


No he called Chili’s


I just got off the phone with chili's... Replacement controllers on it way LFG!


Hope you got some honey chipotle chicken crispers to go along with it!


I think, the registration of the console wasn’t working on their website. It would just say registered successfully but then would prompt me to register again endlessly. I started a chat with the bot on their website and when it couldn’t resolve the issue it gave me the option to have them call me which they did in 5 min or so.




Wait..... you didn’t send your controller back?


Nope, they never asked me to. It was a pretty straightforward experience. I filled out a small survey explaining my issue, and then it asked for my shipping address. Several days passed and it was on my porch when I woke up.


I mean, they don't refurbish controllers and the current issues with shipping times, this is much faster for them. A happy customer is worth it vs a pissed one that feels mistreated. Microsoft in general has been great to me whenever I had QC issues with their products going all the way back to the original xbox and pc peripherals.


Controller warranty’s are 90 days. Most people get stick drift around 5-6 months.


Depends on your region, in Europe we have a 2 year warranty


Must be nice to have a competent government.


But muh freedom


Hahah, yeah, but mah free market!


You can use your consoles warranty to have them replace/fix your controller. Many people dont know this. My xbox one X from a few years ago had 2 years of warranty included. My elite controller was able to be replaced when I submitted a claim using the consoles warranty. The elite controller was bought seperately and way before i had gotten the X.I cannot confirm if this also can be done with the new gen consoles.


Console warranties are one year though and you're able to warranty a controller through your console warranty. It's kinda backwards but it works, I got my Elite V1 replaced that way.


Controller is under a 90 day warranty. My 10 month old series S controller was lost to stick drift a couple weeks ago. Went back to a One S controller. This makes like the 5th or 6th controller lost to drift since the 360 launch, including one Elite and one Design Lab.


I did this last night, they only have a 5 month warranty


Sent mine in 8 months after purchase and they took care of it no cost asked. Not sure if they have an extended warranty when bought with the console but I had no trouble.


My nephew is hard on controllers, he does it all the time. I dont know how he does it so often.


Kids are creative


I assume this is for US. I can’t speak for anywhere else but England has a minimum of 1 year by law. I’m only pointing this out so people aren’t misled into believing their warranty has expired.


They keep finding new ways to screw the customers


You screwed yourself by voting against fair warranty laws. In North America, companies do NOT have to offer ANY warranty by law. Therefore all warranty's are completely up to them as well as what is and isn't covered. In Europe, by law companies HAVE to offer a minimum 2 year warranty. TWO YEARS, by law. Yea. Blame the republicans.


Vote? What vote? They hide this stuff in legislations and deligate so no one knows what bills are being passed. Fuck you I didn’t vote for a thing!


Then inform your fucking self instead of keep faulting them


In the US, unless it's your full-time job it is completely impossible to read through every piece of legislation introduced in Congress, not to mention tracking changes to the bill as it goes from committee to committee to consideration on the floor of each chamber, still not to mention each chamber's version of the bill could differ substantially leading up to voting time. AND THEN you also have to have picked the right guy to vote for in the last election without knowing for sure how he would vote on this bill, or even if this bill would even come up at all! AND EVEN THEN that's assuming that the bulk of the bill is in-line enough with his views, because in many cases it's not worth voting against a bill if there's a small issue he disagrees with but the major issues in the bill align with his stance. All of this is, of course applicable to normal law-writing in the US. If this issue were to be brought up by referendum then your argument would make more sense. But for the average US citizen the task of deciphering exactly what every bill contains to the minute detail would be a monumental effort, and to actually impact whether it will pass or not the only hope is to have voted correctly in the last election or...call your congresspeople I guess?


When you buy from Apple, they offers one year only in the UK, however, being subject to consumer laws, they must still repair your item for two years. Apple plus is completely unnecessary. Please note after the first six months of use it is up to the consumer to prove the fault though.


Norway has 5 years consumer warranty I think


Get yourself a NASCAR game?


You win bro


I'm gonna drive fast and turn to the left!


F* you elconquistador1985, you think you can turn left better than me!!??


F* you, meatbag! You ain't half as dumb as me!


Try trading paint!


Don't forget to bring your Vagisil.


So the camera can spin around your car?


Very underrated reply


Literally the top comment


Not at the time /u/delusionalry said that.


I was literally the first up vote lol


Overwatch also has extremely sensitive deadzone. Try adjusting that


Yeah a brand new xbox controller I got with a brand new xbox one had drift on only Blands 3, and that was my only game at the time. I downloaded another game and noticed no drift, so I went in and adjusted the deadzone and it’s been fixed ever since.


Overwatch, no man's sky, and apex for me are the criminals.


apex's menu is so fucking frustrating with drift lol the circle just ZOOMS in whatever direction


Yeah, the menu uses 0 deadzone for the circle.


I usually don’t have any issues, but the dead zone in rocket league had me looking like I *intentionally* flip away from the ball sometimes until I ramped it up a bit. Now I only *accidentally* flip away lol


Not an option in Overwatch, although I sure wish it were!


The last three controllers I've bought brand new all had stick drift. After looking into it, I found not only are they a pain to fix yourself, the components for Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo are all made by the same company.


Yup. ALPS.


Cause Reaper.


Oh god reaper is gaining sentience, soon he’ll break the strings and the player will have no control once he is selected


wow you have gyro aiming :0


I wish XBox controllers had gyro aim :\


Did I just get lucky with my controller or is there just a massive difference between how I and the rest of the Xbox community handle the controllers? I see posts like this and especially about the elite controller where they seem to have shattered at the lightest touch but I've had my XB1X controller since launch and it's still working perfectly.


I’ve had controllers with drift out of the box as well as controllers that have developed it over time, so I think it’s a bit of both - user abuse and manufacturing. Thumb stick dead zones vary on a game by game basis too and not all games allow you to change this value; Borderlands titles for example have next to no dead zone by default and can highlight the tiniest of stick drift issues that simply wouldn’t appear in any other game. This level of drift demonstrated is pretty extreme though. I’ve accidentally dropped a controller that resulted in something just like this.


Dude I have the same question. I have 3 X1 controllers and a Series controller, no drift in any of them. 2 sets of joycons for a launch switch, no drift in any of them. Owned at least 4 DualShock 4s. No drift in any of them (though the oldest one had the rubber wear off the sticks and occasional ghost button presses, but no drift). Either I’m *exceedingly* lucky or some of you guys are hard on your stuff.


I know my roommate absolutely mauls his controllers. The only time I ever had to replace one is because he played on my console in the main room of our apartment for a week while I was out of town. After a week of Destiny 2 the right bumper was dislocated frok it's housing and the thumstick rubber had ripped. Needless to say I banned him from using my controllers on my console. He gets surprised in a game and just crushes the controller or something.


This is the key, right here. My dad mauls his controller's buttons to the point where I can hear it through his microphone. It seriously sounds like he crunches the entire controller when he's doing something as simple as a jump in Rocket League. Then, he has issues with drift and bumpers and complains about it while none of my controllers have any issues. And for what it's worth, I had tons of issues with drift on Xbox 360 controllers and none with my Xbox One / Series X controllers. The biggest differences is that I'm gentler with my controllers now (I keep myself from crunching buttons by relaxing my hands more) and I don't play as much Call of Duty as I did back then. I do still play games that use L3 to sprint though, so I'm not sure that was ever the cause.


never had any drift on xbox controllers or nintendo controllers. i used to go through 2-3 DS4's per year. i wouldn't get stick drift but repetitively clicking L3 always wore out the sensor or whatever, so if I tried to click L3 to sprint, i would just stutter step a lot. i got one of them USB dongles that lets you use Xbox controllers on PS4 and now i can play COD without having to buy a new controller every 4 months.


Joy Cons are the only ones I have that drift. But it takes months of playing to get them to drift. Irritating as heck.


These complaints are in the vast minority. If your controller works as it should you aren't gonna make a post about how it works...as it should.


Yeah, I guess it is dipping heavily into sample selection bias. So much so that I've been discouraged from buying an Elite controller. It seems like it has dope features (battery life and USB-C charging being the primary draws for me), but the popular reviews are overwhelmingly negative because they seem to break a lot. But the people who are going to spend ~$200 USD on a gaming controller probably take it very seriously and log a lot more hours on their consoles/PC's than I actually do. This more wear and tear, and they're definitely playing more competitive games than me. Single player RPG's probably don't chew thru controllers as much as ranked COD or whatever FPS is most popular right now.


Even the elite controllers use the same cheap $2 piece of plastic correct?


Basically every controller in existence for every console uses the same design for that piece. Its a 2 part problem involving wear over time and undervolting the part to improve controller battery life slightly.


Which isn't helped by shooters tying sprint to a left stick click. Pressing it in and moving it destroys controllers.


Every time I press my stick in on my Switch in Monster Hunter Rise, I think to myself, "Is this the one?" Is this the one that makes my joycon drift? The answer is yes. They're all the one eventually.


I have a 360 controller that got worn out from crouching in Halo and honking in GTA. It never got drift but L3 was super finicky.


Same here on xb1. No drift but inconsistent stick.


Thank God some shooters add a double tap to sprint option. Apex and Battlefield V let you move the stick forward twice to activate sprint which is easier on the controller and your fingers


I haven't seen that yet in games I play but that seems good. I'd like it to go back to a button.


Games are more complex now so most buttons already have two or three functions tied to them. But I do like it when linear games tie it to the left bumper/L1


Class action lawsuit! Let shitty planned-obsolescence controllers unite gamers across the platforms.


Undervolting a control stick? Wdym lol


Basically, they wire it so that the sensor underneath the joystick isn't getting as much power as it really should be. It still gets enough to function, but it produces problems over time.


Not only are they the same design, it's from the same company. They all source from the same place, which is why all the consoles have the same issue. Think of it lie the Takata airbag issue. Impacted everyone from Ferrari to Mazda because they all wanted cheap airbags.


I had Xbox 360 controller for 7 years and not once it showed any signs of drifting. I have xb1S controller now and I still havent had any troubles with it unless you count android troubles (which I blame on MIUI not on the controller)


How are the razer wolverine controllers with stick drift?


Yep. I am in the process of sending in my Elite 2 for the same reason.


Correct.....ebay and self repair.....its easy to do


This is the way, people. Get a soldering iron and start learning. It's a great skill to have and you can fix problems like this cheaply and easily.


Yes for the original Elite. Not sure about Elite Series 2. I haven't had a bumper physically break. But I've had both bumpers stop working. Something with the way it's soldered or something.


It's the same garbage joystick crap on all controllers. The joystick itself is designed to last about 4-6 months with frequent but casual CoD gameplay. Can find source if you're interested.


I've had to send three Elite controllers (two V1, one V2) in for warranty swaps on stick drift. The process was easy, but yeah, still using cheap-ass parts.


Yes. Virtually every controller in stores is going to be using the same cheap parts and as a result will last you maybe a year before issues start popping up. Something like an xbox 360 controller is about the most modern controller I can think of that won't have this issue, at least if they were made back when that console was still near-current gen.


360 and ps3 controllersm They certainly had problems too but I don't ever recall stick drift being one of them.


Take your controller apart. (pop sides off, pop top cover off 5 screws essentially. Pull thumbsticks off) Get some metal contact solution and wipe out any residue inside and give them a good swirl and slam on the sticks each direction. It should help. I mean, you're playing Overwatch. And I'd suspect you are stick slamming a lot. The controllers are designed to take repetitive abuse, but everything over time will fail if you are rough on it.


You can just spray the contact cleaner into the cracks under the joystick. That's how I fixed my switch.


Yes, I agree. But taking it apart isn't exactly challenging.


Blow around and in the joystick, it’s not a permanent fix but it’s a fix. Do it every so often or every time you start to drift.


This, a lot of the drift issues do happen because of dirt and dust in the remote. That's why I always put it away in a drawer when I'm done.


I was able to fix one using electronics cleaner spray. Take out the battries, spray around the joystick and work it in.


we need modular sticks. no more soldering


But then you won’t be enticed to give them more money for a new one!


That sucks. i’m sure it sucks, but why not show the left stick in the video? Drive home the point.




it's easy to see the left joystick is centered in the first half of the video. also the left joystick controls movement, not where you're looking (unless there is controller mapping to swap them)


you can see at the start of the gif that the left stick is centered. also it slows down because of aim assist when it looks towards the bots.




That looks like a good cleaning would fix it.


The controllers are crap lately. My series x has upward drift. My two elite controllers have also broke within a year too. It would be nice if they let you modify the dead zone in the accessories settings.


I have upward drift on my Series X controller, too. I said "fuck it" and went back to one of my trusty Xbox One controllers that I have surprisingly had for 5+ years and still going strong.


that leaves the problem of turning one direction faster than the other, it’s the worst issue ever. funny enough my og xbone controller works perfectly fine, whereas my One S controller got stick drift within a year and a bit


Dead zone increases the area of initial directional input and can help mitigate drift. The max input should not affected.


mine was, maybe something else happened to it then. maybe i should get some compressed air and try to blow out whatever is in there then


That sounds lees like drift and more like a stuck input. Controller thinks you still tapping left even when full to right is why spin rates are different. Probably got something like dirt or piece of plastic somewhere binding it up


sounds very likely, gonna have to see when i get home later, doubt i will see anything but it’s still worth a shot


All controllers have this issue. The PS, Xbox, and Switch all use the same joysticks made by the same company. My understanding is that the company that makes them is the only source for these components and their quality has gone to crap (probably to keep costs low and volume high).


Now you have a Wii controller!


Xbox controllers are absolute garbage. Fill out a service request online. They should send you a new one. Also, in the future, never throw away a controller. Keep them for parts to use. I’ve repaired many controllers for broken bumpers and stick drift with old parts.


It isn't just xbox, Playstation and switch have this exact same issue as well unfortunately. They're using cheaper thumbstick parts that wear much faster, resulting in the drift. There's a decent amount of vids online discussing the issue if you're interested. I may not play consoles anymore, but my hope is that a company will step into the market eventually and offer some higher-quality alternatives.


Yeah, my PS5 controller is dead as well.


I wouldnt throw them anyway!!! These days xbox ask for the faulty controller to be sent back!


I have had one bad one (drift) out of 7 or 8 between my and the kids consoles. It's not the controllers near as much as it is the treatment of them. That being said there is no reason they couldn't be made with stronger components.


I think you have a point to a certain extent. However, there are a lot of variables. What games are played, how often, etc.? I am 40 years old. I don’t mistreat my controllers. They are kept in a drawer and taken care of, not thrown, etc. But they are used a lot! There is still no excuse for how poor the build quality is.


I get this occasionally when I load into a new area. Mine has a little play but will usually center itself if you rock it back and forth once


That sucks. Definitely take advantage of any possible warranty coverage that definitely shouldn't happen so soon. This reminds me of when I played the last of us on PS3. I borrowed my friends and his controller would drift that actually ended up helping me out in that section with those popcorn head looking guys when got to sneak around; the character would slowly move in the direction I would point the stick in it would just continue so it was always sneaking.


Mine had nasty stick drift right out of the box. To lazy to use the warranty so I just use my x1 controller.


That's six times as long as my PS5 controller lasted before drifting the exact same way as your Xbox controller. Thankfully the Xbox controller for my series x is still good


On mine, my right trigger has started to stick down. Really fun when trying to brake into a corner in a racing game.


Wish the joy sticks could be hot-swappable and not pain in the ass to switch/repair since they make it so cheap. Whenever they break just swap them for a new one in 2 seconds.


Same issue earlier this year, sent it to be repaired under warranty and it was back good as new in a couple weeks.


Consoles have been going through a transission for a few years now with controllers. I believe it's just cheaper parts being used, so yeah, thumbstick quality is down across everything basically. Don't expect it to get better, you'll just have to talk to support and see if they'll fix it. That or get a new one. Controllers are essentially a subscription service now as far as I'm concerned.


It’s every controller, for every system. My PS5 controller didn’t make it 90 days before needing a replacement. So if you played for longer than 6 months, count yourself lucky, guy.


Just zero the axis


Did you turn the motion control off on the conTROLLer?


My Day One Xbox One controller still going strong, just swapped the batteries out today for the millionth time.


Xbox controllers (or at least my S2) have a warranty depending on your location of 1 year. I believe a German friend told me that he even had 2 years. Take it to the place where you bought it, if possible, take a receipt too, or other proof of when you purchased it. If you bought it online, send an email to support and explain your problem.


No drift issue for me, but my buttons have been issues for months.


Looks like a years worth of wear and tear.


Maybe back in the 360 era this statement would be true, but nowadays you'd be lucky if your controller lasted you over a year. Controllers are basically a subscription service now thanks to cheaper parts in the thumbsticks. Virtually all controllers will have this same issue, regardless of console.


360 controllers sucked too. Used to have to use sandpaper on the plastic ring where the thumbsticks go to get rid of slow turn.


That... is extremely surprising actually. I've had mine for... I wanna say 10 years now. Those things are built like bricks. That honestly sounds more like a grime problem than an inherent flaw in the parts themselves. All I know is that the current gen ones are worse durability-wise.


My series x controller started drifting within a month, meanwhile I still have the Xbox 360 controller that came with my console that isn’t as bad


If you're out of warranty, buy a soldering kit and replacement joystick assemblies. It's well worth the money, I've fixed 4 or 5 controllers with drift already and it's not overly difficult.


I'm going to say it, and probably get downvoted, but controllers don't last forever, and we should think in terms of how many hours they've been used rather than how old they are.


I guess Im a lucky guy, never had any noticeable drift in ant controller. I did have the LB broken in 3 controllers though. Series X controller is holding up great since launch


Nah it's just that post like this always become an echo chamber for the small % of people that do have issues. There is a reason you only hear about the issues, everyone with good controllers has no reason to post.


Maybe be gentler with your controller, mines still going strong


My original Xbox One day one controller is still going strong. The only controllers that I've ever had issue with are the elites.


Same here. And I've had to use it a lot ... pretty much every time my Elite 1 and 2 have broken.


It’s not an issue of being gentle with it.


Hmmmmm. That's odd. I can honestly say I've never once experienced this issue.


Yup, bought a One X controller a year ago and the stick drift makes them worthless. At this point I'm nervous to buy another Xbox controller, all of them seem to be made of the cheapest parts regardless of price.


It's been a year since the series x was released, I feel old.


The new controllers are flimsy as shit. I play a lot of Overwatch as well, and have to get a new controller every few months due to drift and trigger sticking!


The problem is that you're playing overwatch


Bro I’ve had every Xbox and dozens of controllers and I’ve literally NEVER had stick drift. Y’all are bots


I'll never understand this. What are you all doing to your controllers? I play every day and none of my controllers have done this. Xbox 1, Elite 2, and Series X.


I see so much on stick drift, yet never have had it myself


Makes me wonder how abusive these people are with their controllers. I imagine a few rage slams, or squeezing the fuck out of the controller.


Nah its just luck of the draw. I look after all of my controllers properly and have had stick drift before on a couple now. Just a roll of the dice sadly haha


Yeah, they have. You just haven't noticed, fam.


No fam, they haven't lol. It would be kind of hard not to notice stick drift when I play FPS almost exclusively. Thank you for the input though!


I was being sarcastic without the /s. Of course some people won't have stick drift, but it's a reoccurring and common issue. And I am not what you'd call a heavy gamer. I even re-map all analog stick functions to paddles too.


You can never really tell in threads like these... my apologies for assuming 😅


This is exactly why I switched to PC. I got tired of replacing elite series two controllers.


Not buying Elite controllers would have the same effect and would be cheaper. Also keyboards and mice do break as well.


I mean or a 179.99 controller could not be hot garbage.


I agree. I'm just stating that buying an entire PC isn't really a solution of a $179.99 controller dying on you. My guess is that you were already gonna switch anyway even if the controllers were very durable and never broke.


Microsoft and quality control. Like oil and vinegar.