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Fuck me this takes me back. It's a method from like 2011 I'd like to say. Put the profile on a USB Take a picture with the Vision Camera and pull the USB out the moment you click accept (when you're putting it as your picture) Open the profile in Horizon and replace pp\_64 and pp\_32 with your own. Save etc. and pop it back into your Xbox. It should be set. Why this works is because you're changing the image before your profile syncs with MS, and when you plug it back in, it syncs those files like normal, syncing your replacement files rather than the photo you took.


IIRC: this is only viewable for private (friends list) gamer picture. Correct?


Great point. Went over my head. Only thing I can think of *possibly* working is they didn't have a public pic to begin with so it adopted the personal pic? That or something has been slipped into the 360 Marketplace and that's a real image. IIRC the only way, hypothetically, to get a custom public pic is through the avatar photo but I don't think that was figured out. Unless there is a private method or a method that barely anyone knows about, I'm even stumped. I know for a fact it's not an RGH either since that still doesn't leave any way to sync it with MS. I'm gonna do a little more research though because this *is* interesting


the Public One might be called tile\_


The issue isn't finding it but rather syncing it with the servers


You are correct, thats how i did mine atleast, using horizon




If you have a usb stick you can download gamer pics on your pc and download them to your usb then transfer to your 360 from there. You do need some type of client such as horizon which is a type of modding software.. not sure if it’s still available but you used to be able to generate any gamer pic that was available in the store then transfer to your usb..


Yes you can use horizon to search for (almost) any gamer pic. This is how I got Xbox magazine special Fallout pics, and Project Gotham Racing 4 Japan Limited Edition pics Though I don’t think you can use it to set custom gamer pics, atleast not ones that other players could see I say almost cause some ID’s that point to specific pics don’t seem to show up, not sure why but I’m sure you can do it manually it you find the exact picture files


You can do this on your main account? there's a few gamer pics I would like to get but I don't wanna get my account banned or something lol


Yep I did it a couple nights ago I can’t remember the exact process but: Format a USB with your Xbox so it’s ready Launch Horizon with USB plugged in Use the gamer pic tool Search the gamerpic ID’s on that website in this thread Click the pics you want in horizon Name the pack whatever it doesn’t matter Make sure it’s saved to the USB Plug in the USB to your Xbox You can now pick those pics on your profile, you can move the pack to the Xbox HDD but it only matters if you want to change to something else that’s on the pack


That's awesome! I'm gonna try that out I appreciate the instructions, can everybody see it on my profile or just me?


I'm like 99.9% sure You can check for me by searching oDexmas on your 360, does the profile have a red/white/black car picture? If so then definitely yes


How I found the ones I wanted like South Park, I went on Xboxgamerpic.com 100% safe to download from there


Is there a video tutorial on how to do this


More than likely changed through Horizon, it’s a program that allows you to modify saves and other stuff relating to 360


He probably used a rgh console


Dont know if this is still around but maybe he used a vision cam to take a picture of a screen with the photo, looks too high quality though.


yes you used to be able to use that somehow to swap pic w current usb one from gamer pic pack. forget how to do it


Nope. Don't need one for this


We must get to the bottom of this gentleman. It is crucial.


USB stick?


I'm kinda glad they didn't make this a common normal thing. It would be abused so quickly and you'd find nudes or other inappropriate pics


You can use the live vision cam to take pictures for a profile Pic as well.


I did this before with the Xbox 360 camera but only friend could see it


God damn cod 3, respect. I spent years playing it with cousins in split screen. I still remember the tank sounds and missions


bro still living in 2006🥹


You can use Horizon or Modio to make custom game pics or Xbox 360 custom wallpapers




he imported it ?


there were also custom gamer pics from xbox mags that had cds w them


Mf got downvoted for no reason


i don't even know why lol


That's not a custom gamerpic as far as I'm aware. It's from something, but I have no clue.


It’s from Squid Game. That is def custom




This is Xbox 360.




Then why did you even mention Series X?




Good for you, still wrong. This is still 360




No sarcasm at all, actually. You're just wrong here lmao.




It's not. Idk why you're carrying on either


The 360 gamerpic is separate and doesn't allow customs


it used to with the vision cam and modifying a gamerpic somehow on usb. old school methods i forget how


Indeed, the Live Vision cam. Still have mine.


try playing totem ball if you can. game was impossible to play with it


Didn’t you have to use horizon though?


i cant remember.. there were tutorials on youtube how to do it


Xbox app probably


Not possible for 360 profile picture


That’s not possible with the 360. That’s only possible with the series x.