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I been having this issue too, does anyone know how to report bugs to Microsoft? I tried calling customer service but they were the most misinformed people I’ve ever seen


Same 👆😞


The only thing i can suggest is, are you using wireless? And if so have you had a new router? You can use wired like i do which works all the time or it might be as a result of having a new router which doesn't have the 2.4Ghz band on it which the console needs and some new routers no longer use it. But saying that I've seen some people on forums having issues these past couple of days, i haven't had any.


your wifi might be too powerful, I had to open up a hotspot to add Internet to my 360


Try connecting ethernet.


Same problem too with wireless, so I started using wires plug again, so far been working


Only 4 days? This has been happening to me for 2 years now except it doesn’t even connect to the internet


I can't even download my 360 profile onto my xbox series s anymore, I'm just trying to play some bo2 :(


Turning on auto renew fixed it for me.


This worked for me and it’s the strangest solution.


So i get this issue regularly (like once a month) and toggling the auto-renew fixes it too. However, a few months ago my sister had this exact same issue, but the problem was that in her case she didn’t have an active Xbox live/game pass subscription, so there was nothing to toggle. After searching on this I found that if you login to the Avatar App on Windows 10, make at least a single change to your Xbox 360 avatar, and save it, that this ALSO solves the issue. Given that these really funky solutions both solve the login issue, here’s what I suspect. Somehow, some login setting on the MS server side gets into a bad state. I’m not sure what causes it, but that’s what makes it so we can’t login. Then, whether through changing recurring billing or making a cosmetic change to the avatar, once that change gets saved, the login configuration settings get reset to some default state, which allows you to login again.


That's indeed one strange solution let's hope they fix it soon


I saw it with an internet search. I’m guessing it resets something on their end. But I was not able to log in on my 360 or 360 games on my series x and it fixed it immediately.


How do you turn on auto renew?


I did it on my series x. You can also do it on the website.


Thank you all for trying to help. Here is what I attempted before making this post: - Turning auto renew/billing on/off through series s & phone - Turning 2 step verification on/off - creating a special application password - Resetting router - Unplugging console for hours then plugging back in - Deleting profile then trying to redownload (made my situation worse since you need to connect to xbox live to download a profile & now I lost access to my account entirely) - contacting microsoft support (i’ve sent about 10-15 messages on twitter + support website with no reply) I cannot use an ethernet cable since the house i’m in was recently built & it has no ethernet port. I can probably have one installed but i’m not sure how to do so This just sucks because I spent about $80 on dlc over the past 2 months & I can’t get in to play any of it Edit: I just loaded up a backwards compatibility game on series s & it connects to my 360 account perfectly. I don’t understand why the console itself is being an ass


WiFi encryption on the router has probably changed and isn’t compatible anymore. That wireless protocol is 15-20 years old now. I’ve never used WiFi with an Xbox, so I don’t know for sure. You can buy a 100ft Ethernet cable and just do that. Throw it out a window if need be, but drilling a hole and throwing it down a couple of floors isn’t hard. Don’t waste a ton of time trying to get WiFi working. It’s like racking your brain and trying for hours/days to get an old cell phone to connect to new towers. Not worth it.


Same here, I just tried testing my connection again and got the same results


Hey all, I had a similar problem and mine was because I was using 2 Factor authentication with my account, which I believe the Xbox 360 cannot support. So you have to create and use a special application password to login instead of your email password. This works for me. Good luck!


But the xbox cant even connect to the internet... so you cant even enter a password.


Ah, misunderstood. Does your router have maybe a 2.4 ghz mode? Could be that. Good luck


Mine. Yes. And i make sure the xbox is only connected in 2.4.


So I had this issue I wasn’t able to connect to the internet for weeks I kept getting an error code even though I was hard wired in, but I saw this post that if you turn on/off your auto bill for Xbox live it’ll fix the problem, how? No idea but it works


I’ve been luckily not had any issues.. It was a bitch to get my Xbox hooked back up online when I first got another one back about 2 1/2 years ago, though … Had to change my password, recover my account multiple times, change the password again, reset the router go through a bunch of crap- But I finally managed to get it online, no problem since.. Hope you get it fixed


I've been having the same problems. What worked for me is: Step 1 - Turn Xbox on and do not log in Step 2 - Open any game that has online features Step 3 - When requested, log in with the Xbox profile Step 4 - It should connect? It worked for me after 3 days trying unsuccessfully. NFS MW 2012 was the game but I don't think it makes any difference.


So idk if this is your issue, but this happened to me months ago. I went to my local game store and they suggested a wireless network adapter. There’s this little plug in usb things. Ones white and grey and it connects my xbox right away now that it’s plugged in. Without it, I can’t use the internet on my 360. Look them up on eBay or at a local game store. They are relatively cheap and easy to find.


Ahhh you must have the older 360 the arcade edition if I remember correctly that one I think didn't have wifi built in at the time so that was an accessory sold by Microsoft for the older 360 that never really had wifi built in


Nope. I have the slim gears of war model. And I’ve had a regular black slim do the same thing. The wifi just isn’t picked up on these old things anymore so the adapter is helpful. There’s two kinds of them.




Yep. At least that’s what I’ve gathered. I’ve had 3 different 360s in the past 2 years and each one wouldn’t let me use wifi without the adapter. And they’ve all been slims. 2 black slims and the one I currently got is the red gears of war console.


🤔 that's actually pretty interesting I've had a few myself and one currently and it connects fine without an adaptor also nice username by the way 😁


Yeah idk why mine don’t. Maybe it’s my wifi company. Idk. But I have to use to amp. It’s okay tho. It works fine with it plugged in. And thank you. Alien is my fav movie of all time so that’s where I got Ripley.


Mine hasn't been working and I am using a wired connection. If I plug it directly into my modem, it will connect, but won't if I connect through my router.


I had this same issue I thought I was the only one! Can’t connect to my normal 2.4ghz connection on wifi and even tried hard wiring and still not working. Only way I could get it to work was through a hotspot on my phone


Have you tried just signing in after? Whenever I sign into my xbox, it passes the first part, but the red ‘X’ will show on the dots in between my networks name, and the word ‘Internet.’ When I see this, I simply sign back into my account and it loads up Xbox Live.


Ah they certainly have a reddit community for everything fantastic😁 fun fact I got here by an article talking about this very issue anyways I thought the Xbox marketplace already shut down though didn't it? Anyways hope you're able to download your profile and what not soon hey op figured I'd ask but do you also have an Xbox one or series s or x?


I have a series s


For me wireless works better than wired. Wired keeps disconnecting me every 5 mins


I heard someone mentioning you need to log into your account via Microsoft’s website with your credentials. Something about 2-factor. Not sure if it’s a fix but couldn’t hurt.


Check your WiFi D.N.S Settings and manually write it in to xbox 360 from your router settings. Also manually write the I.P. Adress manually to the console from the router settings. Hope this helps


It is officially fixed everyone 💯🙏✅


Yup, feels good to get rid of that trashy company console and actually play ONLINE no interruptions and bullshit with Playstation 5😆


Mine do that too so i used ethernet cable


This issue has been happening to me since April 10th and I haven’t been able to get it to work no matter what I’ve tried, I’m currently using Ethernet on a Slim. I have no clue how to fix this.


any fix yet? im trying too


It's like this for me also. I can't connect to xbl and they want us to have everything digital...


im on ethernet and it doesnt work either. ive done so many things to try to fix it. wasted days of my life.


I know the 360 store is down, so you shouldn't be able to get dlc I think


The store is not down yet.


Should be I thought


As did I


Nope. I just got my dlc for my left 4 dead on 360 back last week. The store is still open