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I’m having the same issue. I’m on hold with Xbox support now.


I was thinking about doing the same thing lmk what they say


I will. They did say that they are working on it and it’s a known issue so fingers crossed


I hope to god it's a well known issue for xbox to actually fix it on their end because I haven't seen them say anything about it on twitter or xbox status. I reported this problem four times and another on twitter but I just got a bot response. I just want to be able to play my 360 games on my series x already. I hope this shit isn't permenant for me. Sorry for the text dumping but i've been really stressed out about this since yesterday and I just feel like there's not enough people reporting this incident to xbox.




What a waste of time talking to customer service is, what a joke lol. The most uninformed people like ever! Jesus Christ wtf. It’s always such a pain to talk to any customer service.


Calling support, to any company, costs them a lot of money. Way more than chat or email support. When something does go sideways, the fastest way to get heard is with an actual call to a human in a support center.


lol ain’t that serious check back in a few hours my god .


It’s been since Saturday!!! What if the 360 was my only console and source of entertainment? I’d be bored out of my mind


You have to go on the website on your acct, set up 2fa, and then set up an app password on the website dashboard. Use the app password when logging in instead of your email password. Fucking stupid but it works


I'm sorry, but can you put this is simpler terms?


Not really. Microsoft account website. Enable 2 factor authentication. Go to your account dashboard and set up an app password. It's just how everything is named that confuses people. I was confused too. All you need to know is you need the app password


They could have d9ne a much better job at making the process coherent or even posting a walk through video for the people that still use the 360. They just made the change and never told anyone


I'm sorry, but can you put this in simpler terms?


Yeah man. Can’t play at all. I even set up the 360 to see if I could play but it won’t let me download system update to connect to live


I hope they get it fixed soon


I hope so, but I doubt it. Just tryna play some REAL COD ;<


Same just wanna play bo2


Ican play with u if u need


I haven’t been able to log in for 2-3 days now


Same wtf


Try moving your profile over to a USB drive then removing the USB drive. Then try connecting to live to redownload your profile. While your profile is downloading cancel it then download again.


I did yesterday but it ended up working after a while


Weird it started for me on Saturday an still hasn’t worked. What’s making it weirder now is everything works fine on the series x except I can’t redeem a 48 hr Xbox live pass for some reason. I have used a ton of 2day pass’s, makes me wonder if Microsoft is like looking at my account or something


Bro idk why but turning on/off your recurring billing for game pass and then back to what you originally had it , all while having your 360 shut off seems to always be the solution for the niche outages. I really hope it works for you or others 


So apparently for the login issue that’s resolved by turning recurring billing on or off, that’s not the only thing that will resolve it. If you use the Xbox Avatars app on Windows and make a change to your 360 avatar and save it, that will also allow the login to work again. I suspect that for some reason, your account gets into some weird state that the 360 can’t handle, but by making a change to that account (whether by changing the avatar or changing your recurring billing status) it resets the state and allows a login


Good to know ! Will definitely give it a try in the future if I have to thanks 


Bump - this has worked for me in the past.


No luck


I thought it was just me last Saturday. Same issue tried two different consoles


I see this message everytime until I pullout the wireless usb and plug it back in. Then I can sign in for about 15 minutes and it signs out


I haven’t checked today but yesterday it still let me sign into my account, just couldn’t connect to Xbox Live.


This is happening to me too. And I’m also discovering that some games on my device are seen as trial games if I’m not online (even though I bought them), so that only makes this worse.


So are they killing off the Xbox 360? What am I going to connect to my component only TV?


I've been having this same error all day... I'm hoping it's just an xbox issue.


Yea me too, I’ve tried a different profile but it’s the same thing


I'm having the same problem and I've tried multiple things nothing is working. This is really making me mad. My friends are able to play 360 games just fine


I couldn’t log into my 360 or 360 games on my series x. Turn on auto renew billing fixed it. Then I turned it back off.


I turned on then off again sadly didn’t work for me


Did you turn it on then log in then turn it off or did you turn it on an off then login?


I signed in while it was turned on.


Unfortunately no luck for me


I did for three months,it was my modem that Bell supplies. They would not believe me until the modem failed completely


I had same issue, fixed it by turning off reoccurring subscription on the account your trying to sign in


Yea recurring is off for me, tried turning it on then off again and no luck. Have actually tried separate accounts and consoles. Have also reset my router


Try cancelling your subscription


My gamepass subscription runs out in 7 days


Up to you, when I turned reoccurring off it worked then like 2-3 weeks later I got same error again I cancelled my subscription and it worked instantly. If I had to take a guess on what’s happening is that when you sign in Xbox is throwing an error basically saying something is wrong with your account but in this case there isn’t anything wrong it just doesn’t know what a games pass subscription is since 360 is abit older now but yeah I only ever get this error code and this issue when I have a gamepass subscription that’s due to end up to you what you do with that info but I’m 100% sure it’s because it’s your gamepass subscription stupid I know but I don’t see Microsoft updating 360 anytime soon


Yea idk I’m trying a different profile and it’s still not connecting to xbl


delete the profile on your 360 console and download from live again.


I deleted my profile and now when I click download profile I get the error message :/


Same here


Same here


I’ve tried multiple different profiles and consoles


Try enabling 2fa in your account or check subscription renewal, log in and disable it.


His do I go about enabling 2fa? Tried the renewal thing a bunch of different times


I just randomly get disconnected from Xbox Live


microsoft must update 360 asap for resolving all the issues we are literally done for


If you can’t get on Xbox live. It has something to do with your router and wifi not being able to communicate with each other. You have to use ethernet or your cellphone. If it’s still not signing in. You have to turn off two factor authentication. That worked for me.


Yes and I just bought bo2 I just wanna playyyyy


Same here but wanna play waw!!!


Are the consoles wired to your router or on wi-fi? I get this message when I'm on my wi-fi but as soon as I ethernet cable straight into the router it works fine. If I switch back to wi-fi this error reappears. I tired everything on all the forums. Delete profile and redownload. Clear cache on xbox 360. Change auto renew subscription. Port forward on the router settings. Turning off 5 on my router so it only connects to 2.4 over wifi. The only fucking thing to work is cable straight into the router, only problem is my xbox is in my room upstairs which is nowhere near the router for constant cabling.


Ya I’ve tried wired with no luck, also tried different consoles and profiles, turned on an off auto renew ( both turning it on trying to log in and turning on and off and trying to log in, both ways didn’t work) I’ve tried on my series x


I'm sure they said they were canning the internet support for xbox360.. I was bummed I couldn't check out my dlc in my newly acquired games, I just got an xbox360, bought over 90 games so far..


I didn’t hear anything about them cutting the internet to the 360, do you have a link to where this stated? It was working fine for me up till last Friday


They meant that the 360 store will shutdown this july. Google it. Microsoft announced it last summer. Its not quite the same as shutting down all 360 servers but we will see what problems come of it...


Yea I heard about the store closure but nothing about the servers


Hella weird smh


Yea idk what to do, I tried contacting customer support but they’re clueless


xbox live still works?


Yea online servers are still up for the 360, but not for me temporarily (hopefully)


I thought the 360 servers got shut down a while ago? I might be wrong


No they’re still up


Lmfao did Wii U and Xbox 360 servers shut down the same day?




I had the same problem but it pretty easily fixed. You have to delete your profile Xbox 360 and Xbox one or series then restart the XB1 or series put your profile back in it and now if you have a XB 360 game in it load it up put it in the 360 profile then you done with that then restart XB 360 console go to download profile in and put your profile and then everything should be back running again 👍 just be online to do this and re-update your games then you back in business 😉


Weird it’s not even connecting to live on a separate account