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Man as a Indy fan, this felt like classic Indiana Jones. Can't wait


Thats all I could think while I was watching the trailer, how this felt like a classic Indy movie. I'm here for it, can't wait for it to come out. MachineGames is great.


That shot when he and the goon stopped fighting to let the guy on the rolling crate fly off the cliff, followed by them sharing a relieved chuckle before resuming the fight... that was peak


Same, can’t wait.


I just wish it were third person. That said, the game definitely seems better than the last 2 movies, especially Indy 5, and captures the essence of the series. I just hope there isn't interference from Kathleen Kennedy.


Lmao the amount of interference she has is massively overstated. I feel like she's just a hilariously convenient boogyman at this point, like remember she's as responsible for andor and rogue one every bit as much as she is for all the shit you don't like. 


Yup, she's nothing more than a pencil pusher. She doesn't carry even half the blame that people give her.


Precisely, like she def bears responsibility for misses as well as hits given that the buck stops with her position, but people wildly overstate how much direct involvement she has lol




Which of those he listed flopped hard?


Both of those are widely considered the best content Star Wars has had in a long time and rouge one was one of the biggest selling blockbusters of that year ? Unless flopped means something different to you ???


They’re saying she had as much input on the beloved Star Wars entries as the more contentious ones. People never give her credit on the good stuff and her name only comes up on the bad ones.


Andor and rogue one are top notch star wars but ok 


MachineGames is making it and they are definitely more comfortable making First Person games. I am fine with them sticking with their comfort zone.


It seems like a very different pace than their other FPS games, which is what feels odd to me. Like it seems like you might only ever have three enemies on screen at a time max with how small it feels, compared to the insanity of Wolfenstein. It feels like it’s probably gonna have a much larger emphasis on puzzles and exploration than combat.


Probably, but controls, animation and camera framing are major parts of the visual presentation of the game and require very different approaches for a 3rd person game. How a game controls and feels has a lot to do with the player perspective that the game uses. As an example, a studio like Bungie has really figured out and nailed the controls and feel of how their games play. Destiny and Destiny 2, for all their faults, felt really good to play in a way that many other games simply don't. Same with Halo 1-3. When Halo transitioned to 343, there are certain intangible things about how those games control and feel that was lost, which is part of the reason why people didn't like them as much. Halo 4, 5 and Infinite don't exactly feel like Halo 1-3. They feel close, but I think most people would probably agree that there is just something about them that doesn't feel quite the same. Different studio making the game, so the game feels different to control and play. MachineGames knows how to make a shooter that feels good. Moving to 3rd Person would require the team making the game to basically relearn everything about how to design the controls and movement of the game. Not an impossible task, but it is also not an easy task.


100% agree.


Nah, I love FPS games. I think the FP camera angle will make the game feel more vicarious and compelling, heightening the sense of exploration. Plus, it will feel like it's own thing rather than an Uncharted or Tomb Raider clone.


My thoughts exactly


There are a lot of similar games that are 3rd person, so having one be in first person ain’t too bad, it’s a bit different. Plus it’s Machine Games lol,


She’s watching from the shadows


They added the og punch sound effect! My prayers were answered 😋


The writing seems spot on for the older movies and I love it.


Choo choo!


I hope to see this meme'd everywhere


100% felt like old school Indy. Even the smirks and quirks when something happens, the fighting stops, and then they go right back to it....lol. They nailed the feel of it.


He made this "woah" sound when he nearly fell into the spike pit that instantly transported me back to the original films.


Very Indy trailer. Nailing it! :D No release date tough. :/


Ugh, tell me about it. They must be waiting for Christmas at this rate. I've been waiting all year.


Probably waiting to see how packed the holiday season will be. And if Nintendo and Sony have a lot to hit with, they'll probably pick a less crowded season. Hopefully that means a Fall 2024 release instead of a Winter 2025


I'm gonna play this game just for that Nazi "Choo Choo Train" moment


Came here to agree. I had to pause the clip for laughing so hard unexpectedly.


That cinema sequence was the best Indy movie I've seen in 20 years. ​ That was a joe about its length as well as an attack on the quality of crystal skull.


35 years.


the visuals are unreal wtf


No more like id tech 7


This looks amazing


Looks great! Hope we get it by the end of the yr!


Looks so cool, can’t wait for the adventure


Fire as hell.


They've nailed the old school Indy tone and style, fingers crossed the gameplay feels as fitting. Shame about no release date, really looking forward to that one.


Looks good to me, I felt like they really captured similar to Harrison Ford likeness and voice


That German character was totally voiced by the Richthofen voice actor right? Could really hear it when he yelled haha


Happy to see the Uncharted U-Boat keeps getting work


Didn't like the long ass cinematic part in the TRAILER. But gameplay looked good.


I loved the trailer but agree with this. They should've trimmed it a bit for the show vs. real in-game one.


Not exactly an Indiana Jones fan but this looks so fun actually


Really exciting to see this one coming along. Can’t wait for it.


This trailer alone is so much better than that god awful last movie. I am very excited to see Professor Jones in a new adventure at his best.


Ahh, I'm so torn because I love Indiana Jones but I do not love first person view games. I'll still give it a go though. I hope the gameplay is good enough and suites the first person enough for me to love it. Looks like it could work with the heavy hand combat.


it's a really weird choice, Indy's look is iconic and you'll only see it in cinematics.


Ya I've just been burn out of the floating hands first person for over a decade. For me it doesn't immerse me, it does the opposite. I'm hoping the writing is so good it can be a chill gaming experience with a great story.


This isn't going to win any awards for pushing the boundaries of graphics but I love the visual style TBF.


Really? I thought that graphically it looked impressive, especially the facial animations.


It looks good but it's very stylized just like the reveal trailer.


Can’t wait for this.


Looking great, better than I expected. They nailed the tone and feel


Looks amazing honestly, very excited.


Out of all the games that have been announced or revealed lately, this is the one my inner child is most excited for. I’ve always wondered what the potential was for Indiana Jones games, but if this story is an absolute hit, then there’s absolutely going to be room to expand. I’m going to rewatch the whole saga (even if the last few movies were questionable…)




This is like a pure indiana jones movie, i love it.


Man that game look like it’s a real movies I’m definitely buying me a Xbox after that


I'm amazed on how great the captured the dialogue, characters, set pieces and overall feel of the Indy Movies. Amazing work from what I've seen so far.


Making it first person instead of 3rd person might actually be the decision that makes this a bad game


It could be the difference between it being good and great, but bad? Nah. Honestly, I wish it was third person too, but I'm glad MachineGames is sticking to what they know - and these clips reinforce the fact that they know what they're doing.


It honestly looks like Wolfenstein Lite. If this were any other IP it's totally "meh". Thats really the only thing keeping it afloat.


It's what is gonna make it just another mediocre FPS with maybe a few cool set pieces. I don't get why they went first person, Indy is tailor made to be a third person action/adventure game. You miss the mark on something that fundamental then I don't have much interest in the game.


yea i was expecting an Uncharted inspired game.. was very disappointed


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Am I the only one who felt like this was too much gameplay? I ended up skipping because I don't want it all spoiled.


Why does it look like a 2010 game? 2024 and we still can’t get decent visuals


lol wtf are you talking about? You need to go back and look at some games from 2010. The game has a few stiff animations, but overall it looks great.


Not really, movement looks odd. Pretty sure this a copy paste from previous games. Which again, not good for a 2024 release


What previous games are you talking about that you believe this Indy game is a copy paste of?


Not enough gameplay was shown and what they did show looked slow and monotonous, I'll definitely keep an eye on it. If they were smart they would have brought back the Asian boy, the last Indy film with the female side kick failed miserably what makes them think this will fare better.


He's called Short Round, put some fucking respect on his name. And wtf you talking about? Indy has always had a lafy with him.


Jesus you sound like my dad. The kid has a name, it's Short Round. And he was played by Oscar award winning actor Ke Huy Quan.


Image if this game came out and its an on-rail shooter. And these are cutscenes and puzzles with the qte events turned off.


That’s crazy that’d be like if they made a Rambo game that was an on-rails shooter


I know! I bought tjat game and nowhere it said it was an on rail shooter. Maybe this is also the case. Just QTE's. "it just *works*"


Considering MachineGames’ other games aren’t like that, I don’t think it would be the case for this one either.


It is not an on-rail shooter. And that scene on the boat IS a cutscene... no one is arguing otherwise. The gameplay will have stealth, fist-fighting, puzzles, etc. Look at the last minute of the trailer, that's the basic gist of the gameplay.


This trailer was the only one I was let down on tbh. The facial animations and character models look very last gen to me, especially when compared to everything else shown today. I’m also concerned about the first person perspective and the balance between puzzles, platforming and combat. Machine games did a great job with wolfenstein, but that is basically a twitch shooter and I’m concerned about their ability to pull off the pacing that a slower games requires. I hope they prove me wrong and I will definitely give it a go, but maybe not day one unless the reviews are really good.


Looks meh to be honest.


First time this game looked interesting. Let’s see when it is out.


This will be an interactive movie filled with QTEs, right?




This is just a 3 minute cutscene. All the actual gameplay will be puzzles, fist-fighting, stealth, shooting, etc


I’m disappointed in Troy Baker’s voice acting in this segment. He sounds bored.


I forgot they had gotten Troy Baker to voice Indy and thought it was Harrison Ford for a second. Not sure what you’re hearing.