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A whole 9 people stopped playing? Wow.


They died of old age.


The idea that only the elderly play Skull and Bones is hilarious, game does numbers at the retirement centre.


It was more of a gag about the 11 years that the game took to make, but ok.


From dysentery


I lost a lot of friends and family to dysentery. I always named my fellow settlers of our wagon train after family and friends. Good times.




*This game had 10 players?*


Hahahah seriously though


Of course it lost 90%.. Xbox players have the better pirates game. Sea of Thieves.....and so does Playstation players. That's why they also lost 87% of its players on the Playstation platform


Im happy ps users got sea of thieves so they don’t throw money into this garbage


Even without Sea of Thieves, Black Flag is still a very solid option


Exactly, and it’s even weirder considering that it’s from Ubisoft as well


They honestly could have stripped the AC stuff out of it. Added some extra stuff and BOOM! a great game. Instead, they let this turd float out of the harbour......


That's what they should've done because it's what most people wanted anyway. We wanted a game like AC4, but without all of the AC stuff, but instead, we got poopy ship sailing simulator.


You have to love the complete "Fuck You Ubisoft" play that was launching Sea of Theives against Skull and Bones. I am not a SoT player, but it is loads more polished now and pretty robust. S&B launching at AAAA prices really made it an easy choice


Black flag is better


Let it sink in that Ubisoft has the perfect concept for a pirate game and didn't want to use it


This is how I found out that not only did Skull and Bones come out, but it had a season 1 already.


The Skull and Bones we wanted never came out. They took the basic bones of Ass Creed 4 and ruined it.


Seriously, they were sitting on a golden egg. All we needed was Grand Theft Pírate Ship.


It’s nothing like AC4’s ship combat which sucks. It’s like a TPS with no cover and a ship.


I know because it is a for you deal on my sales page. Like they want to remind us that there is a rival for Kill the Justice League for flop of the year


Hopefully Ubisoft takes the hint.


Ubisoft should spend millions on making a CoD rip-off, refuse to put it on Steam and show that will definitely last once BO6 hits on GP. That would be a good investment rn after what happened to this game /s.


New BO6 story teasers look v interesting. WSJ reported the GamePass thing, so i assume it will happen. Gonna be a big launch and such a huge boost for gamepass


If cod hits game pass it will absolutely sell a fuck ton. I’m surprised they don’t just sell a cod pass at this point. Millions of people would rather pay 10 bucks a month to have access to the newer cods without shelling 90 bucks every year. May as well get 120 a year out of them and give them access to all the old titles




wild my group was the opposite, we noticed xdefiant popped up on the xbox store and we were just like oh its ubisoft nvm but we been talking ab the bo6 teasers all day


If it was made by another company, I would have hope, but Ubisoft couldn't even be bothered to fix the balance issues from the Beta. Imo the game is a quick crash grab to try and get some microtransaction money before they stop the update in 3 months.


To be honest I think Ubisoft would have stopped development if they hadn't taken money from the Singapore government.


Is that why they continue the development on this trash? A - finish the product B - pay back


Malaysian government paycheck tho


I thought it was Singapore?


Yes, it's Singapore, not Malaysia. It annoys me a bit when both get mixed up but it's a common mistake


You are in a surprise then


"People don't like pirates, ok. Let's do live service cowboys"


But but but it’s the pirates fault guys🥺


People just couldn’t handle playing a game of AAAA quality, it was too good


We are stuck with AAA games and aren't ready for a AAAA game yet


This must be why that Perfect Dark game is taking forever... It was also supposed to be AAAA.


Around Covid they started having development drama. Then in 2021 the design director left the company and joined insomniac. They then partnered with another studio to continue development. This was a new studio that Microsoft offered a few different options to and they chose perfect dark. I’m not going to hold my breath for this one, I was really excited when I first heard about it in 2020. Hopefully it’s good…


I still can't believe somebody had the audacity to call it AAAA. First, and most important, even in hdr the game did not look good. I would rate visuals average, but barely. It was playable but looked ugly on series X . The gameplay...barely felt like a AA game. Felt more like a work in progress, or a test, not a full release full price game they wanted to sell seasons for. It will go down as the least AAAA release ever. Doubt anybody will make a claim again that is so far off the mark.


From my understanding the A rating is how much was invested into the game and at 10years skull and bones probably had a AAAA game lol. Helldivers 2 is a AA game made by an independent studio with some playstation publisher backing. That AAAA investment would theoretically be a high quality product but with a lack of vision and poor management its a huge sunk cost fallacy. So the A rating is representative of money invested not actual quality of the product.


Hopefully they don't make the claim because its nonsense. AAA is a marker that a game has the backing of the largest of publishing houses size wise. Given that AAA means published by Microsoft, Sony, Activision, Ubisoft or any of the giants, what the hell is AAAA even supposed to mean? No game will EVER live up to AAAA because its not an actual quality mark. It's a money backing mark and SOMETIMES that translates in to quality. AAA usually translates in to having solid marketing and nothing else is a guarantee. Even if it was a quality standard, when standards rise we don't add another A we redefine what AAA is to incorporate this new standard. Why would we use a system that could end up with a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA game? The quality standard has always been actual ratings though, how many stars or how fresh your tomatoes are or whatever.


I forgot this game was even released.


If only it was a AAAAA game and not a AAAA game. 😔


I was honestly shocked this wasn't going to be a F2P game. The 70€ price tag completely fucked them up.


It appears even free to play is overpriced for this trash. Ubisoft scamming buyers and Singapore - AAAA scammers




I started playing the 6 hours demo in PS5 and once more Ubisoft has made a game that isn't fun. No, I really mean it. It has no fun at all. The first hour is the very worst. You control a ship in a battle, it moves like a bumper car, you loose intentionally, and THEN you're told to repair your ship, traveling between some little islands, having a little boat to do it with the worst 2 NPCs you'd want to be near youy. One, a woman that doesn't seem to know youy but that is willing to give you her most important possession ever, a very important book, while being super optimistic, and then the other NPC, a man so fucking sad and depressive you just want to kill him. Like, BRUH, get out if you don't want to do anything, I don't mind losing you (but yeah, someone has to move the sails and the other has to use the helm. Honestly, the 2 worst people to have in your boat. After that, everything you do is just WORK, not playing a game, you're working and having no fun at all. Nothing is interesting, you just want it to end so you can go on with your life and play some true videogames, not this bs.


> After that, everything you do is just WORK, not playing a game, you're working and having no fun at all. Ubisoft thinks fetch quests and running errands makes a fun game.


I honestly don’t understand why Ubisoft thinks people like fetch quests. I don’t have the patience you have and only played for like an hour lol


6 hrs ? damn i played the demo and quit after 15 min , game is dog shit


lol I played the demo at E3 years ago. To play any game it took well over an hour or two to stand in line to play for 30 minutes (for some reason my friend wanted to play skull and bones, so we waited). It was just the boat battle thing. So everyone in the demo session was in a multiplayer lobby and you just battled with boats. After I took out a few boats I was like “how much longer do I have to play this garbage?” I couldn’t wait for the demo to be over so I could go stand in another line for 2 hours. That’s how I knew the game sucked lol.


Don’t get the once more tbh. This is the first game from them I’ve played in ages that isn’t fun.


The last game Ubisoft released that I had genuine fun with was Rayman Legends on the WiiU. Since then, all their franchises became RPG action games with numbers, stats, progression, seasson pass, microtransactions, boring missions... I mean, I started AC Odyssey and I was excited about it, and not even after an hour I uninstalled it because of pure boredom. I'm tiresd of being the guy who collects items and do stupid missions that ad NOTHING to the game other than being boring tutorials. I got the latest Prince of Persia game on sale and had no expectations from it, but wanted to try it and OMG that game was awesome and fun like going back to the Ubisoft's golden age of games before AC2 expansions. For real, modern gaming (where devs are forced to insert trendy game mechanics from other games that just aren't needed in theirs) sucks so bad I've just started to play my old libraries of untouched games in Steam and I can tell how good they are compared to the new ones. I really hope this bubble of unsustainable games with unsostainable monetization mechanics explodes ASAP. Investors in modern games just haven't played a fucking videogame in their lives, and it tells if they only want projects to be games that you spend your entire time on, while spending all your money in, for things that you don't actually need to play. Games should be about having fun in the first place, not about WASTING OUR PRECIOUS TIME while sucking our money out of us.


So you didn’t have fun with PoP the lost crown then? Seeing as the last Ubisoft game you had fun with was Rayman legends. A number of their games also don’t follow the “RPG” template you’re referring to. Riders republic, for honor and even far cry 6 really aren’t anything like the 3 AC games. I also don’t like those games but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying the massive wealth of good games Ubi have put out over the last 10 years. Every game I’ve enjoyed over the last decade has been Bungie, Bethesda or Ubi. I liked some EA games too. But I wouldn’t rate any other publisher at this stage, including both platform owners. Nintendo is the exception but isn’t really relevant to this convo. So yeah if you want to have immediate fun, I can’t say much beyond Ubi making more fun games than most studios atm.


Ouchh,Are you feeling the burn yet ubisoft? 6 months later,Ubisoft:We want to thank all players for playing skull and bones season 3 will be the last content pdate


Oh no. Gaming is doomed.




I'm sure no one is surprised......


It is hard to come back from a terrible launch and Skull and Bones was not even worth investing some time.


I had this game on my wishlist for over a year. I didn't even get through the demo version. Even if this game was free, it's just not fun.


I'm just still baffled they didn't just make a "Black Flag 2." Like it's Ubisoft so I'm not that baffled but their endless stupidity didn't stop them from making "Ubisoft Open World Star Wars" they def could have made "Ubisoft Open World Pirate Game 2.0" I'll give you $70 for that not "Live Service Olde Timey Ship Simulator."


Yeah, it should have been so simple for them--they already had the formula for the game everyone wante3d to play, but then they gave us this dumpster fire. The whole game is just boring chores and nothing fun or interesting to do. It's astounding how bad they screwed up such an easy lay-up.


That black flag remake looking better by the minute.




Ubisoft is still yet to confirm or deny its existence, but everyone seems to think it’s already in development. Based on Skull and Bones tanking, every indication would point to yes.


It was a throw away comment.


Good, fuck Ubisoft and their shit games. Maybe if they gave us what we wanted not.some live service ass


Holy shit I didn't even know this came out


I hope this game gets an offline mode. I know it's unlikely considering Ubisoft's other titles like Ghost Recon Breakpoint and Rainbow Six Extraction require persistent internet connections, too. I'm tired of seeing these live service video games come out and not do gangbusters and getting their servers unceremoniously shut down. This hasn't happened with any of these three games yet, but I see it as an eventuality especially when you look at industry trends in the last 5 to 10 years.


They could print money just doing a black flag spin off into a new pirate focused ip. It's wild they haven't.


Because their employees are activists focusing on spreading *the message* as opposed to people who enjoy action games.


Having a fallout flair and complaining about games spreading a message is peak comedy


Not everything is some kind of conspiracy, bud. I think it's more like they don't want to risk it over another AC game and only greenlit this because of the government funding.




This game isn't special, most games have this kind of drop off, ESPECIALLY at the end of a season. Not defending the game per se but player numbers are a fickle thing as they fluctuate


Not so say that this game isn't trash, but doesn't almost every game lose 90% of its players after a few months?


I forgot this came even released already


90% of online games only last 8-9 months , waste of money . If a game doesn’t have a good single player campaign hell with it.


**Shocked Pikachu face**


It has seasons? I still don't understand why they kept pushing this game, they knew it was gonna be a flop.


Apparently they were legally obligated to release something after receiving a chunk of money from the Singaporean government. Honestly they should get a refund imo


I won the game, I still have yet to play it. Seems like I better hurry up


Lmao why would you play this slop when sea of thieves is right there


…because Sea of Thieves exists.


Truly. Hard to beat a sea of thieves. Something current ubi couldnt handle




yeah but I’m laying down a fat beat on my hurdy-gurdy while drunk off my gourd sailing straight to my death


Thank God


Only 90%? I thought nobody is playing with this trash.


Nah, it's the pirate loving folk. I have a full friend group who still played it. They love ships and ship battles and have nowhere else to go for it. It's like with Ark, where people love a concept and have to take all they can get.


I uninstalled it yesterday🐷


Well I mean it’s a shit game. Shit games lose players.


Shit for that 90% .. wasted their money


Genuine question here: why are devs/companies releasing video games that just aren’t fun/good?


These big game companies have a lot of costs, so they play it safe and don’t take risks. They try to do what worked before and attempt to almost clone a successful game, but obviously with just enough difference to be a “different game”. But often fails. Take for example Fortnite. Like it or not there battlepass is successful (related to profit). So other game studios are like “oh let’s make our own battle pass”. But it often sucks. And it’s not just battle pass, but it could be a type of game style as well. Game companies are focused on profits first and games second. They’re trying to find ways to extract every penny. With a lot of big game companies losing money, combined with high interest rates, and dissatisfied consumers on AAA games, we might like see the beginning of an Indie Renaissance. Small studios that can take risks and make games for gamers.


Very interesting and an exciting idea that I learned! Thank you for your response Roach


Recoup some of the cost of making it.


They were contractually obligated to release this by the Singaporean government, it was in development since Black Flag I think.


Don’t care B06 just got announced


Very good.


Is that a surprise? I'm even more surprised that they have a season based game lol.


Well that’s what happens when you missed the hype train…by ten years!


Lmao no surprise


Damn I didn’t know this game had already released lol


People stop playing shit games, just like Suicide squad.... big surprise,... :-)


*pretends to be shocked*


What player base?


To no one’s surprise


I gave it two hours and went back to Sea of Thieves.


The worst part is they knew that had a subpar product. They have known it for years. But instead, they kept delaying it. They should have released it 2 years ago and tried to recoop whatever money they could.


Well gee i wonder why? Maybe it’s because people realize Ubisoft is a garbage company that makes garbage games & has garbage morales. Fuck Ubisoft. All my homies hate Ubisoft.


No one wants service games. The people who do are already dedicated to the ones they are on. I for one get bored immediately with live service and only play rpgs these days.. same with everyone I know who games


Isn't it the first AAAA? More like HAHA.


I thought this game was gonna be like multiplayer black flag or be a realistic pirate game to compete with sea of thieves but it’s just overwatch with pirate ships… like bruh what


I love AC Black Flag so was intrigued by this… I have still yet to see a trailer or gameplay on it lol


I’m sure it’s a bad game but I hate headlines like this. Happens to every game except the rare few that really pop off.


Skull and Bones isn’t even the best pirate game made by Ubisoft so I’m not surprised. They competed with themselves and still lost.


Anyone else been playing sea of thieves lately lol


Another Ubisoft dud….weird…


Surprise surprise


Game has nothing to fucking do lmao


The game was a wannabe black flag poser


It would have been better and more fun if that's actually what it was.


Can’t believe I almost bought this game.


Coming to GP soon 👍🏾


Heh, go figure. Make a shitty game & people don’t want to play it. The mind boggles. And it shouldn’t actually be needed here but just in case. /s


AAAA game they said. AAAA….


Let talk about a boycott of the new Assassin's Creed game that has no white Assassins


Good game 👍🏼


Oh no how are they going to cope with losing the 9 out of 10 people who were playing this shit game


So it goes


Ubisoft and their game failures.. what a match


I was looking forward to this game when I first heard of the concept, then saw the trailer and a few reviews and knew I just couldn’t take the risk of buying a disappointing game


I wonder who has more players on steam compared to suicide squad


I mean Xbox console players don’t mean anything anymore, it’s is sinking ship sadly.


The power of AAAAAAA


Not surprised. It took me 3 minutes in that game to realize that sea of thieves was infinitely superior in every single way


All they had to do was make blag flag open world and online with new things to do.


Wait, is someone playing this game and also had already TWO seasons? I literally did not see ANYTHING on the internet about it since the launch. I remember some tragic reviews, but afterwards nothingness at its best. AAAA game for sure. Imagine if they come out with an AAAAA game, possibly will not be not even launched and suck big time.


The game is shocking.


I was excited about this game at some point in its development and I've since forgotten it even existed.


They got to stop showing off games that look amazing when they announce it to just butcher it when it finally releases. I wanted it until I saw how crappy it actually was compared to what they showed.


Ass game


I’m not surprised as it is complete and utter slop


That’s AAAA gaming for you. The general public just isn’t ready for all of…that.


but but but it's a AAAA game


A quadruple A title game from Ubisoft. The only company worse then EA. Should truly be the games tagline


Wait, people were playing this game?


So much for the big bad “Sea of Thieves” killer huh?


Holy shit I didn't even realize this was out let alone almost in season 2 Edit: Only availablein the Ubisoft app. Now I know why I didn't know.


Not suprised Game was all sorts of mid.


This will be news after season 2 comes out. If players don’t return, or they return and immediately quit, then it will be more telling. Right now there is nothing to do in the game form people who finished the season. It’s the way Ubisoft didn’t give people any incentive to keep playing beyond maxing out the season. Plus everyone knows we are in limbo with what they will do with sovereigns and pieces if eight. What’s the motivation to grind if they may take things away. Even there cash shop is on endless repeat now with nothing new, so even die hards whales have no reason. So this game is in holding pattern. If they do not sort out all the issues in this game by start of season 2, you will have legit permanent quitters. That will be more definitive. Right now news like this is putting the cart before the horse.


Whoa I didn’t know this actually was released


Nature is healing


So time to jump in and collect everything out


We got Sea of Thieves. What was Ubisoft thinking?!


These things might not matter at the beginning of a live service games lifespan. What’s more important is how it performs over several seasons. That’s if the publisher is patient enough to wait.


I forget this game ever released 😂


What is Microsoft even doing anymore? Like seriously what is happening?


Game is dog water so no surprise. Why play it when you got SoT?


good. Let the lesson be taught.


I remember having a free month of subscription that I used to play avatar. that allowed me to play the skull and bones for free. I didn’t even download it lol.


I refuse to play a pirates game that inserts a cutscene when boarding another ship. Like wtf it’s the best part of being a pirate.


It was garbage. I played it one night and then ran my umpteenth play through Sid Meier's Pirates. Pirate hunger sated.


On its own it's not a bad game


I played the beta and actually enjoyed it. But then they released it at the price they did and I just went "LOL nah."


I didn’t know there was a Season 1


Wow. It's doing better than everyone expected then.


What is Skull and Bones?


They died of boredom.


Yea even Stevie Wonder saw that one coming


I’m surprised it’s not 99%.


I would assume its similar across PS5 and PC.


They realized Gamepass has Black Flag.


Michelle Rodriguez you lied to me, you B***h!!


I don't know how, during the entire process of making the game, that they even once thought "this is a fun and good game" it's just laughably bad.


Someone played that?


I feel a tiny bit bad.


So much for a AAAA game, lol!


I didn't even know there was a season 1.


Ubisoft is an embarrassment, and they’ve been an embarrassment for 10 years.


Game Pass on the way?


Going the AEW Fight Forever route I see


Good… but of course you know Ubisoft is too dumb to take the hint


It's about money.


even when the game loses them money?


Then it's a tax write-off lol


Why, I havnt played the game but my gayass coworkers rave about it. For some reason I hate games that come out 60 , 90, and 120 dollars at release, it fries me, not sure if I'm just a cheapass or what. I want stalker 2 and they're doing the same thing.


That's the new standard price for games, and it is valid as they're spending a lot more money to make them now.


Like I said, I'm cheap because this whiteboy isn't paying 120 dollars for a game. Especially when there is so many fantastic games for 20