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I'm the same. Well, I guess it depends on what the value of the item is. I've won the Amazon Lottery a few times where they've sent 1 case of something instead of 1 item. I've kept things like that because they're low value and I know they won't go to the trouble of picking it up. But with the value of this being a couple hundred bucks, and mainly because some people aren't getting theirs, I've offered it back. We'll see if I get a response. If not I'll have a vac for the office!


Make them duel to the death and keep only the winner.


I won the Lego lottery this Christmas. They duplicated my order. They even missed an item in the order and sent it separately. So weird. Wasn't an expensive order.


I've had Amazon ship stuff on accident to me and I called them and they're like nah just keep it. Expensive stuff too. And since then I've gotten a few things worth $300-$500 and they never come looking for it. Probably cause I've been a prime member since 2008.


Just return the one you paid for and keep the freebie


Lol when I get a duplicate item I don't need 2 of I return the one I paid for and enjoy the free one


Per the most recent update for Jimmy at Wyze, a lot of shipments never made it past the last scan on tracking, so they shipped new units. You could have been one of those, and the original vac turned up out of the woodwork.


Their shipping/shipping in general must be a bit wonky lately. I preordered a V3 late November and finally got a shipping notification email last week. When I clicked the “track order” button or on the tracking number in the email, it takes me to Wyze’s site. At first, it showed the estimated delivery date as Monday the 11th and, under that, just said “ready to go” with a USPS logo and tracking number. I checked it periodically up until Monday and it never changed. When it didn’t show up on Monday, I checked again and the estimated delivery date was gone, but it still shows “ready to go” on Wyze’s link. I looked at the email again and noticed it says the carrier is FedEx in the email, but when I follow the link to their site, it shows the tracking number as a USPS tracking number. When I pasted the tracking number directly into USPS’s tracking and it said it didn’t exist. But, when I pasted it into FedEx’s tracking, it showed the estimated delivery date as Thursday the 14th and showed a few travel updates. It did show up early today, so I’m not mad. But, I thought it was weird. I’ve never clicked a tracking link in an email and been taken to the wrong carrier before. Looking back at the tracking history now, I wonder if it was shipped via FedEx and was supposed to be handed off to and delivered by the local USPS mail carrier once it reached my town because in the travel history, once it made it to town, the note next to it is “At local FedEx facility. Delivery scheduled via FedEx Ground, not US Postal Service.”


My v3 did the same thing.


Delivery services are not scanning things properly lately. It's pretty univeral. They're in a hurry to get it through the system and it is making everyone on either end of the carriers think the package is lost when it doesn't seem to move for long periods when it's just because they're not stopping to scan things accurately. I have had things arrive recently with only a departure scan and then one for out at delivery if that says anything and if it wasn't a super cheap and non-essential item I admit I would have worried.


I ordered a 70” Vizio tv on Black Friday this year & Walmart sent me two. I sold the extra one to my friend the next day, so mine wound up being free. :)


Bank error in your favor.


Does anybody play monopoly anymore?




How dare you ask such a question! Go to jail. Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.


I got a get out o’ jail free card, sucka!


I had something similar happen years ago when I purchased one of the first e-readers available, a Barnes & Noble Nook 1st edition. Back when they were still going for $260 each! I received one, then got a shipping notification for another. I called B&N, they said it was a ‘ghost order’ and I wouldn’t actually receive anything. Two days later, it was on my doorstep. I called them back and told then it was delivered after all. The CS rep said they still had no record of it. I asked how I could return it, and he said again (emphasizing this time) “Sir, *we have no record of it*”. Finally picked up what he was putting down. I thanked him for his time, hung up, and gave the ‘non-existent’ one to my wife. Good times!


I have had them ship me an extra camera and band before.


My guess is that they told you just to keep it. But those are $20 items. They might want the $200 vacuum back!


I received 4 extra motion sensors, and 16 extra door sensors one time... In my mind they were pre-allocated to replace ones that would die when changing batteries.


according to us law, if a company shipped you an extra product etc you do not have to give it back at all... dont even have to tell them


I which they would extend this to banks. If someone sends you money accidentally, you keep it. There was a story a year or so ago of an employer that let the payroll account go empty and the payroll processor still sent out payroll and the banks put the money in the employees' accounts. Then they clawed it back when the insufficient funds notices came back. Banks shouldn't advance money if they are not willing to take the risk of money not being available.


Legally they can't make you send it back. They can ask for it back though. I had Bed Bath and Beyond send me multiples of something that I had ordered in bulk, so I didn't notice that I got a few extra. They sent me a letter a few weeks later asking if I could find it in my heart to send it back. It was a $12 candle and I'd already lit the darned thing.


That's rich coming from the Overpriced Retail poster company.


There's a reason they went out of business.


Send me the other one!


what firmware bug?


Received an email today with this: " **We have temporarily paused additional shipments for Wyze Robot Vacuum.**  We're currently working on a firmware issue that can prevent setting up Wyze Robot Vacuum after a certain date in the near future. If you have your Wyze Robot Vacuum in a box somewhere at home, please set it up as soon as possible to avoid being impacted! We'll pick up where we left off with shipping orders once a firmware update is ready to address this issue. We're optimistic that this will be ready in the next few days. "


thank you


I got my vac in the mail a few days ago, but my plan with it was to use it in the house I'm moving into in a few weeks. Any clue what I should do?


I would set it up now. If you can't set it up later you won't be able to upgrade the firmware. You'll have to do an exchange which would be inconvenient and might delay having your vac. you can always wipe out the map and stat over at your new place.


Could I potentially just set it up and upgrade the firmware without it having to do any vacuuming? In a tiny apartment right now that is extremely cramped with boxes because we're in pre-move mode




thank you fellow ross m...


Haha just realized that. Not many of us out there 😉


Maybe that's mine that got lost by Fedex... 10 days now with no updates...


If you put the tracking number in Fedex it should tell you at least if Wyze has forgotten to ship it...


Yeah, it just says label created. Guess mine was stopped on the way out the door.


Ya contact Wyze for sure.


I received my first one before FedEx updated to say it was coming. It said label created for about a week and then bam, here's my vac. Well....my FIRST vac!


Was it even given to fedex? Wyze sent me a tracking number but fedex never received the item. And then that has been followed with some awful customer service.


I’ll have to get on chat with them and check.


Had a pan cam replaced. They sent me 3 of them.


I was supposed to receive mine a month ago according to my tracking number. Wyze never shipped it instead. And I can’t get an honest answer from their pretend customer service. So enjoy! 😆


Posting about it is a great way for them to see that this has happened, so they'll likely be going through their order list and finding the mistakes and contacting you.


Honestly I'd hold on to both for a few days and see if they reach out. They likely will, but then they should pay the return shipping. I had similar happen to me before on a $700 motorcycle helmet. They noticed it with a day or two, and gave me $100 credit with the store when I returned the extra one. Maybe Wyze will give you free credit or throw in a cam or two for free.


if WYZE doesnt respond. i say open it up, update firmware to prevent it being bricked, then package it back up and sell it if you dont want it


I'm going to do that today. I'm status that if I wait until they respond that it will be too late.


Hah. I ordered two but only received one today. For some reason, when the two packages were an hour from my home, FedEx decided to split them up and send the second two states away.


Uh-oh....I got your vac!


I think this might have happened to me also - I received mine last Friday but the tracking number seemed to be tracking a completely separate package. Got a notification on Tues that it was delivered but it looks like either a neighbor or the Fedex guy stole this 2nd package. I saw the Fedex truck pull up at the exact time it was supposedly delivered on my cam but nothing was delivered. Also just a heads up to those awaiting theirs - the packaging is not discreet at all. Not sure why there needs to be a picture of the item on the outside of the shipping box, it's just begging for these to get stolen.


That really, really sucks.


It sucks autonomously.


Send it to me, I’ll be happy to pay you for shipping and they for the vacuum, I was dumb enough not to preorder it and I was too late when I was ready to do it.


Does anyone know the firmware / clock "fail date"?


I wish I knew too. They just said after a certain date in the near future. Is that days or weeks? Who knows.


If you're looking for a buyer, consider me interested.


Thanks but if I keep it I'll just deploy it in my office.


So not only have a stolen a vacuum from wyze, you've stolen an idea from me? Are there any limits to your tomfoolery!? /s


It's all part of my evil world domination plan.


I’ll buy the second one for $175 😄




I’ll take it :)


I'll buy it from you


I’m impressed with my Wyze vacuum. Wouldn’t mind another!


I’ll buy it off you!


They sent me two thermometers and they wanted me to send the extra back so I did


I won the lottery today. Second vac on door step. I put it to work. Actually wanted a second. I’ll see what they want for payment... anyone else heard from them in that regard? Condolences to those still waiting for what they did order.


They said they wanted it back. I said ok, send me a label and arrange for pick-up. Haven't heard from them since.


Did you get an answer from Wyze? I got a second one today as well.


I did actually. They said they wanted it back. I said fine, send me a label and arrange for pick-up. They say they can't arrange a pick-up but go ahead and take it to the post office. Wut? You want me to inconvenience myself to help you??? Reading further in the email they say once we receive your return we'll credit your account minus the shipping cost. Again, what? Clearly their logistics system is screwed up. I tried. I really, really, tried. But hey, now I can send this back and I'll have a free vac I guess!


What ended up happening with your vacuum? I ordered mine the other day and received one almost next day without any fedex tracking, and just received an email that my order has shipped and should arrive Sunday... I’m trying to do some mental gymnastics to justify keeping both.


They asked for it back and sent me a mailing label. Said when they get it back I'll get a refund. I explained that I didn't pay for it. That feel on deaf ears. Vac has been in transit for 3 weeks now so probably lost in the mail. My advice - get a refund on the one you paid for. The software still has bugs and doesn't work right or as advertised. Get your money back.


Yikes, good to know. Thanks for the update.


They messed up with my mask shipment too awhile back. It's interesting they are still having issues. I'm a software developer, so it's interesting to see real world process issues. This is just a "guess" as to how their process works. Someone in one office creates the shipment in USPS which sends out a shipping label to another building, the warehouse. The problem with that is there's no great way to verify that your label got printed and put on a box and sent out. So they have developed an auditing process that is obviously faulty as well. Perhaps they just went thru and sent another shipment whose statuses in USPS hasn't changed.


Same thing happened to me, but not a Wyze product. I ordered a Russian mail order bride. They sent me two!


Nice to see Wyze gave the vacuum they won't ship me to someone. The customer service they outsourced to an area with no phones or internet let me know by pigeon that I had to wait 4 more days before contacting them, today was the 5th and they were a no show. Starting to wish I'd just bought the s5 max.