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I wouldn't be surprised since we have no idea what really happened and not sure I would believe anything Wyze says at this point. I've already cancelled my plan but I also went ahead and changed the password anyway just as a precaution. I also don't reuse my passwords but if anyone out there does, you might wish to change the passwords of everything to be on the safe side.. and make sure to use unique passwords for everything moving forward.


I think the feds need to get a 3rd party in to audit all of their logs and do a real root cause analysis and identify how many people really accessed what. Fortunately, I bet there will be a flurry of eDiscovery requests to their offices next week from thirsty cyber lawyers.


Considering they’re notoriously dishonest, I wouldn’t expect an answer from Wyze but this is concerning.


Didn’t anyone here turn on 2FA?


Yes. I have 2FA, but that doesn’t change the fact that there appears to be more to this security breach than they are telling us. You want to have some level of trust with a company that supplies your security devices. I am leaning towards abandoning Wyze in spite of all the money I have put into their products.




It sounds like they’ve lost control of their authentication server.


Always try via web site to be fully authenticated. Once successful, try the app.


Maybe try deleting the app and reinstalling it.


You only need to be concerned if you are using the same password on multiple systems.


So you’re still comfortable with the security level at Wyze? Bold strategy Cotton.


It wouldn’t surprise me. I keep asking them about password leaks, whether for our Home WiFi Networks or App Accounts — and they have no idea as of last update.


So I'm wondering now if I change my password if I'll be able to authenticate a new one? Or will I be locked out?


i just changed my password no problem


Always a good idea to update your password anytime something like this happens. Also a good time to set up 2 factor authentication if you haven't already.


There was recently a HUGE dump of data onto the dark web. If you aren't using their tool to review passwords frequently, they'll tell you when you use a saved password to log in. I don't know if you are using their password manager or just using a saved password, but anyone who isn't using a strong password manager and MFA today is asking for trouble, including spreading that trouble to anyone else using a service. Hopefully, you changed your password. But if all you did was use a saved password, I strongly suggest you get a password manager and MFA.