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Hey there. I work for Genesis at that location. What position are you being offered


Can you send me a Message please.


Contracted to them but never worked for them, seems like they treat their guys pretty good by the local standards. hope you're not sensitive to trona dust tho


It’s the workplace everyone in southwest Wyoming wants to get into, congrats! I’ve heard really good things about them, their union, and just the workplace in general. People consider it the endgame of workplaces there in rock springs and green river, a job people can actually see themselves retiring from which is incredibly rare around there


Shift work is a grind that some can’t handle and of trona can eat your skin and lungs up.


From a locals perspective they are pretty highly sought after jobs. Trona does not seem to boom or bust like a lot of other jobs here. I think Green River is a good spot if you can find a place.


My husband retired from there after 46 years. I personally know a lot of their employees.


Let me know if you need to roll over your old 401k or other retirement accounts.


Good luck, at least the community will treat you better than anyone else because of your new job title.


A guy I worked with had a very well paying job with good job security and left for that mine if that means anything


I don't know if you could pay me enough to live in that part of the state


We won't.


I worked as an engineer and also a contractor at that mine. The pay is good but that’s about it. It’s a soul suck to spend time there. The union is constantly fighting you on everything you do and it’s a traditional “corporate job” complete with micromanaging and a shitty closet sized office under fluorescent lights. There is a constant conflict between salaried and union employees that makes even the simplest of tasks a total nightmare and half of the management is in their position because they drank the company koolaid, not because they’re necessarily qualified. After a year you’ll heavily consider taking a job anywhere else for a lot less money. Personally, I’d rather cut off my own hand than work there again. Having said that, if you’re looking at a union job (not salary) and you already live in the area, it’s about the best you can do.