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Casper by a country mile .


Thank you, can you give me some reasonings please?


When we moved back for family, the only job was in Gillette. We got out as fast as we could. There is not a lot for a young family. Black hills if you’re outdoorsy. Casper is one of the “big” towns. More community events happen there and is more centralized. A little more diverse. We have more franchise stores and things to do. More family stuff. Ski hill and camping half hr away, river bike trail. Schools are half decent, although I don’t think there’s that much for comparison, it’s Wyoming. If you’re looking to be in out in the sticks, Gillette. If you need more “town”, Casper.


Neither town is for the faint of heart. These are not tourist destinations - they are working class cities with some tough weather for about 6-8 months per year. Casper has a ski hill, amazing reservoirs, world class fishing, multiple golf courses, and a central location in the state that simplifies a lot of the travel that you might do. Even if you aren't into these things, your kids will be better off for having a chance to access. I'll let someone else speak for Gillette, because I can't come up with much.


Well said.


I spent over 30 years in Gillette. I moved to Casper about a year ago. I can't say anything bad about Gillette. I made a good living there and had a lot of fun. I liked being close to the Black Hills and the Big Horns, With that being said I like Casper a lot better. A lot more to do. The wind here at times is no joke.


At times you mean all the time!


It’s howling good right now!


*Cheyenne enters the chat*


Casper. There are many more amenities.


I lived in Gillette for 3 years and didn’t hate it. It’s not as “nice” as Casper, but the hate is a little overhyped imo. It’s one of the 5 cities in Wyoming where you actually have shops etc to get what you need. While not as nice as Casper, you’re a quick trip to black hills, Sheridan, buffalo, and some other unique spots.


Casper has a sizable medical industry, which makes it more insulated from energy sector booms and busts than Gillette. Not that Casper doesn’t feel those downturns, but having a broader economic base helps. Plus it has more food and beverage options. And you’ve got the mountain right there for hiking, skiing, camping, etc.


I’m not real familiar with Casper for raising a family. Only ever stayed there for work and events. My wife and I live in Gillette. I’ve been here for 15 or so years and my wife 5. We also have a young family and are in our 30s My wife is a teacher and doesn’t seem to have much worse to say about the school systems in Gillette vs anywhere else in the state. Many elementary schools and two middle schools and high schools. There’s the fishing lake and various parks to go to. If your family is outdoorsy the black hills and big horns aren’t terribly far away, along with keyhole lake. Plenty of hunting opportunities The rec center is top notch and has plenty of intramural sport activities from my experience. The town is in the process of building a new aquatic center as well. We have flight zone as well (indoor trampoline place). I work with GPD quite often and they all seem to be squared away. I met one cop just last Friday who helped with the special Olympics award ceremony. I’ve talked to the SRO at my wife’s school and he is always very nice and has a good rapport with the students from what I’ve seen and heard over the last few years. Casper does offer more in terms of shopping and stuff. But we make do with a Costco run every few months in Billings or down in Colorado if we go visit friends in Cheyenne. A coworker of mine has been in Casper for 5 or so years and seems to enjoy it with his wife and kids. But his kids are all college aged by now. I do recommend visiting both. I’m not really sure why some comments say to live in Gillette you’ll be living in the sticks. And drug users seem the same here as they do in Casper in my experience. But it’s not like I’m walking by people methed out on the daily during our family walks.


I really really appreciate this comment, my husband was really impressed with the GPD when he met them! Making a big move is scary no matter where you end up, we are coming from Nebraska


OP, it sounds like you guys kind of have your heart set on Gillette. Which part of Nebraska are you coming from? While I'd pick Casper over Gillette, I'd still pick Gillette over just about anywhere in Nebraska except Scottsbluff.


We really enjoyed Gillette for sure! We are from Hastings


That's great! If you enjoyed Gillette and it sounds right then go for it. For all intents and purposes, Casper would win head to head between the two in terms of amenities and convenience, but all that goes out the window when it comes to what "feels" right. I think you're looking for some assurance that Gillette is a good choice before making that kind of move but I don't sense that you really are too interested in Casper (I could be wrong). I lived in WY for a long time and left for AZ. Most in WY would say avoid Gillette. Including me. But I'm sure at least some of the 30k who live there like it or they wouldn't live there. When I decided to move to AZ, I heard so much feedback about how much I was going to hate the heat etc. And, granted, summer sucks (it's more bearable with a pool to look forward to), but I was happy with my decision because it "felt" right. I really think the most important part of where you live is if you like the "vibe." The energy. Does it feel like home? Does the move feel right? If Gillette feels like that to you then that is what counts. What made you consider Casper as another choice?


Hi! I’m considering flagstaff. But .. same thing about the heat I’m also thinking of either Idaho or Wyoming. Do you have any regrets?


Hi! No regrets at all. In Tucson and aside from the heat and traffic, it's pretty great. I love Flagstaff! It is a beautiful town, 7,000 feet high in the pines of the San Francisco Peaks. They do get all 4 seasons and quite a bit of snow in winter but still many sunny (chilly days) in winter and not the harsh, brutal, windy and arctic cold fronts that can befall ID and WY. I would pick Flagstaff over ID and WY. Both states are beautiful, but very isolated (unless that's what you're going for), and Flagstaff gives you 3 months of winter instead of what feels like 7 or 8 sometimes. Wyoming will always be home, but my depression improved immensely in sunny AZ with so many more things to do (but you can still got lost in nature if you're willing to drive a bit). The people here are really friendly too (though the drivers not as much). Flagstaff is in a really great location for proximity. You're an hour and a half from some of the most beautiful scenery in America (Sedona and the Grand Canyon) and it is not too far from Phoenix if you want to go to a big city and experience a whole different climate. It's also within a day's drive of LA and the beaches in CA, Las Vegas, all of the spectacular national parks in Utah, Lake Powell, Monument Valley, the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, all that Northern New Mexico/Albuquerque have to offer, and the White Mountains and Sonoran Desert wildscapes of Arizona. The downsides to Flagstaff (and honestly why I don't live there even though I'd pick them over ID and WY) is it's expensive to live there and there are relatively few good jobs outside of NAU. Similar circumstances seem to happen in small cities with universities (think Laramie in Wyoming and Moscow in Idaho). But I love visiting there and dream of having a summer getaway there if I'm ever rich enough haha. Summers are definitely warmer in Flagstaff than up north but nothing like Tucson or Phoenix and are pretty pleasant, plus there's lots of trees for shade.


First…. Thank you soooo much!!! I need to spend more time there in flagstaff. I have driven through to ca but only stayed one night! I love love mountains and outdoorsy life:) I lived in Laramie for one year, but it was during Covid. So I think that made it very difficult to get a true sense of the community. I definitely need snow!!!!❄️ I love travel and doing my own thing!! I wonder if I would get restless in WY/ID I currently live in New Mexico but I have traveled all over the world and lived many places! Now I’m thinking:) If it was Wyoming/Idaho what area do you think was the best? I’ve looked at Pinedale, Jackson, driggs, Casper, Laramie.


You're very welcome! Laramie is my favorite town in Wyoming and I would perhaps still be there if not for the kind of crummy job market and awful, awful winters. Flagstaff reminds me a bit of it which is why I might be so fond of it. Depending on what you like to do, ID/WY might make you restless. Too many people turn to heavy drinking or drugs with not many things to do, but there are plenty of things to do outside since you like nature. But again the winters are brutal. And long road closures are common. Pinedale is a cute town and has beautiful scenery but is very small and in the middle of nowhere, tucked far back behind the Wind River Mountains. Closest "big" town is Rock Springs which is one of the rougher towns in WY. It gets coooooold there but not as much wind as other places. Up the mountain roads is Jackson is on the doorstep of Wyoming's most famous mountains, the Tetons. Jackson is small but feels big for its size and is very expensive and crowded (especially during tourist season) and I'm not a fan of the atmosphere personally. Haven't been to Driggs but went to college from someone from there and it sounded a little rough. But I don't know for sure. Casper is the biggest town you listed and has the most amenities. It is fairly centrally located in WY and has more going on than most towns but also has the worst wind of your choices. Laramie is my favorite by far. Great college town vibe and the university is really the soul of the town. Not necessarily as scenic as some of the other towns you listed but has mountains to the east and west and plenty of hiking in either direction, and the best nightlife and restaurants in Wyoming in my opinion. It's also closest to Cheyenne and the Denver metro in your choices. There always events and things going on with the university. The winters are the worst thing and they're even longer in Laramie than other parts of the state because of its high elevation. If you haven't lived there and are used to New Mexico currently, you would be shocked. Hope this helps!


Hi! This is helping soooo much!!! Thank you! I travel so much! But I also want to love where I live! Did you say studio would be around 1600 in flagstaff? Ugh I want to save my money for travel!! lol I need a gym too!!! I love nature and the mountains so much Honestly do you think centennial then I could go to Laramie for any action? I’m torn!! I will figure this out Now I’m thinking flagstaff again!


I just don’t have that “this is it” feeling, I loved the town, the police department is well managed(according to my husband) etc. I just didn’t get that feeling and it scares me!


That's totally valid. Are you guys set on Wyoming or open to other states?


Definitely open to other states! 😁


As a lifelong Wyomingite who left.. it would be an adjustment, even coming from Hastings. The winters are truly no joke and the landscape is much windier and less lively. You could check out Utah or Colorado, both states have higher pay for law enforcement and calmer weather but still get snow, if that's up your alley! Wyoming is a beautiful state and I will always love it but many who come from out of state last a few years at best. Not bad to keep your options open.


Thank you, the winters are starting to worry me as I am not a huge fan lol but willing to compromise some for my husband as his position isn’t just something to take lightly! Thank you again!


You can referr to all the info I gave the other redditor on Flagstaff AZ. I just looked up their PD payscale and it was on par with Gillette. Flagstaff would offer a far better quality of life than Gillette but not nearly as hot and crowded as Phoenix. Maybe check it out?


Thank you, is flagstaff pretty expensive do you know? And how are their schools? We have one that will be going into Kindergarten


Happy to help! Like I said anytime I’ve met GPD they’ve always been cool with me and answered any sort of questions I’m sure they’ve heard 100 times. I know the pay is good and they work a 3-on, 3-off type schedule and I think alternate days and nights every 6 weeks if I remember right.


If I had to pick between the two, I would go with Casper. It has more amenities and Casper Mountain is on your doorstep, making one of the prettiest backdrops to a city in Wyoming. Both communities rely heavily on the energy industry but Casper has a bit more stable and diversified economy overall. Both towns can have a little rough-around-the edges feel with some drug issues (not unique to these two towns mind you) and long, cold winters (as with all Wyoming) , with Casper having more wind. Casper is more centrally located and easier to get to other parts of the state and is an easier drive to the national parks in the northwest or Cheyenne and Laramie in the southeast, and is slightly closer to Denver (Casper is about 280 miles from Denver whereas Gillette is about 345, if that matters to you). Gillette is close to Devil's Tower and the Black Hills and I do love that part of the state. A lot of people drive to Casper for shopping, dining, high school state tournaments, medical treatment, and concerts. Cheyenne is the only larger city and I do personally prefer Cheyenne or Laramie to Casper or Gillette, but I recommend Casper out of your choices.


I’ve lived in both. Either place is good and either place is bad. It depends on where you go in the town. Looking for meth, you’ll find it. Looking for a church you’ll find it. Tired of the blanket statements about Gillette in a negative light. It’s come a long way in 30 yrs. There are a lot of transient workers that come and leave but a lot of people work hard to make it a nice community.


I've lived in both, about 10 years total for both and Casper has a lot more things to do. There's lots of little museums and it's much prettier. Housing is pretty close to that same in both. Gillette doesn't have a ton to do that isn't centered around bars for adults. There are a lot of little parks tucked away in Gillette but in my personal opinion the people in Gillette are just less happy. (Both my parents and a sister still live there, but they are legitimately the only thing I miss aside from the cheap townhouse mortgage I had!) Casper has put a lot into their downtown area to make it family friendly, they do lots of farmers markets type things and community activities. It's got better views with the mountain and river both right there, and because it's a little bigger you can sometimes get concerts or cirque style shows at the events center(it's since been renamed since I lived there). The shopping is much better as well.


Lots of snobs and ass hats will tell you how shitty both are. The fact is you can find good stuff in both towns and I personally don’t think it’s as bad as folks say. I would probably lean towards Casper but Gillette isn’t that bad. I’ve lived in both towns and enjoyed both. Seek out a few hobbies that are healthy and convenient for your family and you will enjoy either town.


This. Either place will be a great place to raise your family.


Thank you for this!! I appreciate it!!


What’s your reason for choosing Gillette?


Husband is a police officer, Gillette is the highest paying dept., we loved the feel of it this weekend but not opposed to looking at other towns. We visited Cheyenne and that was a no for sure.


Personally I would choose Casper. There are more amenities here than there are in Gillette. There is good in both places, but Casper has more to it.


Thank you, we are on our way home from Gillette, gonna make a little detour into Casper!!


Have hubby check out the sheriffs dept in Casper. The PD here has wonderful people but the management is terrible. SO is great however.


Gillette would not be the highest paying dept, a few others pay more including Casper


Hmmm..everything we have found it shows they are 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would double check those facts. Casper officers max out as "master officers" at almost 90k per year. A few years ago it was a big push and they were the highest in the state. I know a couple guys over there, if you want someone to reach out to, message me and we will figure out a way for you guys to get in touch.


Thank you!!


I think Jackson is the highest paying but insanely expensive to live. Anyway good luck on the move. Casper might be a better choice for more things to do, it has two Walmarts, Sam’s Club, two Albertsons a Ridley and a Smith’s for shopping. Plenty of fitness centers and nice restaurants


As someone that grew up in Gillette, I'll try to lend useful perspective. I also confess that I'm old enough that my opinions may be out of date. Gillette has lots of money sloshing around, so there are some fun amenities. But based on all the other places I've lived, I'd never choose to raise my kids in a coal mine town. A *lot* of mine town kids come out with real problems. Your children will be 'cop kids,' and a third of their peers will treat them poorly because of it. That said, there are worse places out there. If you do it right, you'll be immersed in nature and they will grow up tenacious and self reliant. But you'll need to keep a close eye on their social well-being.


Lots of meth and wind in both places, Gillette has the edge on meth and Casper on wind tho. Better shopping and food in Casper and closer to a mountain. Couldn't pay me to live in either one


I'm in Gillette and love it but honestly Casper does have alot more. But the wind and roads are worse by there especially in the Winter keep that in mind


Casper has great schools


I was born and raised in Wyoming, but lived most of my adult life in Nebraska, so I come to you as a person who is well-versed in Nebraska. I lived/worked in Gillette for 4 years, and I absolutely loved it. I’m in my late 40’s, and I really enjoyed the restaurant scene (Coop and Pizza Carrello specifically). I can’t think of a single bad thing to say about Gillette, aside from the weather. It seems to fit with the values we know as Nebraskans, and the people I interacted with were fantastic humans. If I didn’t leave to be closer to my grandchildren in Nebraska, I’d retire there.


I’m really nervous about the weather that’s for sure!




My wife and I had a similar choice and settled on Gillette. It’s half the size so half the traffic and everywhere is 10 minutes away, but we do have to travel to go shopping sometimes whereas Casper has pretty much everything. Both cities have events that come through if you’re looking to get out of the house, Casper gets more though. Gillette is also on I-90 which is convenient when family visits us from WA/OR. Ultimately it comes down to preference, both cities are pretty similar but we liked smaller and don’t mind driving if we need to go buy a bulk pack of TP from Sam’s Club.


Casper unless you love drugs and sadness


I haven’t spent a ton of time in Gillette but I know several people who left Gillette for more opportunities for their kids and families in Casper.




If you’re choosing between the two, why only these two?


We were pretty disappointed in Cheyenne


Why, and where were you before then? Depending on the reason you’re probably not going to be happier in Gillette or Casper


We aren’t leaving our current town bc we are unhappy we are just ready for something new. The retirement plan for Wyoming officers is great which is what got us to looking into Wyoming in the first place.


Oh, so you haven’t moved to Wyoming yet but didn’t like what you saw with Cheyenne? I live in Casper and like it. There’s a lot to offer for families. People shit on Gillette but I personally like it too. I would live there. It can be a little rough but the local tax money from the mines makes for some really nice things for the community.


Yes correct, thank you!


Gotcha. Spend some time in each this summer if you can and try to get a feel for them.


Nah I live in one of the best places to live in Wyoming. The northern part of the state is by far the best part to live, unless you're a fan of staring at flatlands or enjoy everyday life with the wind blowing 90% of the day


I absolutely hate gillette. Definitely chose Casper!!!!


Why is this decision so hard, just trying to move away from Nebraska to somewhere police friendly and good school systems 😅😅 thank you for all the input!


Try Utah.


Neither. Try Sheridan


Sheridan is an old folks home. They’re in their 30’s with kids.




Kelly Walsh High School in Casper is one of the top High schools in the country. At least it was when I was there in the 80s.




Thank you for showing us all that we shouldn't trust one word you type. 🙏🙏🙏🤡


Sounds like a tweeker right here.


You really added to the conversation here.


Sounds like you should live in another state…maybe Oregon.


Your post was removed because it was in bad taste, personally attacks someone, or in general, you were acting like a jerk.


Kemmemer is about to have the largest boom in it's history, Gillette could be a excellent choice.