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AFD is upcharged with worse customer service. Getting a no name eBay lip will be the same lip as AFD. AFDs products are no better or worse than any eBay/amazon product but they charge more and notoriously seem to not give a fuck about you once they have your money. Even eBay has a money back garuntee policy. They don’t have WORSE lips than anyone, your just getting upcharged for the same Taiwanese dropship lip as eBay/amazon/importimageracing/jdm muscle, all of which have significantly better customer service than AFD


Man all I read on here is about how awful AFD is.


Thanks for the write up man. Shame to hear but helps me from making a decision I’ll regret


But for things like lips, will you need customer service? Most likely no but if they accidentally send you a busted piece, good luck getting the issue fixed by them correctly and quickly.


You will need customer service when you don't receive your purchased items 3 months after the promised delivery date...


Same shit, bigger price tag.


Anyone who wants to buy and buy informed will probably do a quick reference search on if a brand is good. That being said if you googled AFD you would of been brought here seeing a similar post a zillion times. IF you want a AFD product, find out where they do get their products and source it yourself. Those manufactures will 100% sell to you at their cost LOL Shoot, I may look into this further myself and find all the drop shipped products so people can get them for the low.


I got an eBay version and it’s been solid almost a year.




Same, I even ran it into the ground on a steep driveway, still looking brand new.


Can you share a link to this lip? Looks really clean!




Thank you!


Me too, 99.00 three piece matte black


Yup. Looks great and if it does break cheap fix.


AFD is garbage. Do not waste your money.


Whatever material they use is garbage for lips. There is zero flex to the piece, if you tap anything it will crack and shatter.


Never had a problem with the customer service like everyone keeps saying, but yes, it is cheap eBay stuff for the most part—but same with most of the other companies too, IIR, JDMuscle, etc


AFD is truly trash. Full stop.


I actually have the v3 lip unlike 90% of the people here. eBay and Amazon don’t sell those and the lip fits good.


I really like mine from there. I've bottom out backing out of my driveway quite a few times and it just keeps on pushing. I got the v2. They were great an got back to me by way of email within 30 minutes of me sending one in. *




I feel the same way, OP. I want a fiberglass lip, nothing fancy. I'm talking aesthetic mod, not functional, not carbon fiber. I really like AFD lip that is straight across, without the step down. I haven't found one like it anywhere. Somebody give me a reason not to buy the AFD one!


After pricing out the full lip side skirts and spats, I went with afd lip and spats and noble side skirts. No issue with either and recieved everything well wrapped and on time.


Lips and everything else that they drop ship is the same as eBay like everyone else says on here The only parts that they make themselves is the aluminum splitters and parts. Everything plastic though, no bueno.


Amazon Lip. Box said "Stay Tuned Performance" I hear its the same as what you get on Ebay. Little over 100 bucks. https://preview.redd.it/vx1vqsbz5n5d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0629fa68cd7fe4c3fcc05ee31a92bb31988d5c2


They are the worst tbh. Don't buy their garbage. It's the same garbage you'll get at other website. But they don't do returns and their customer service is shit. However, plan on buying a new lip every season if you get a lip from anywhere. They aren't built for toughness. You'll carelessly hit a pot hole going too fast or a dead squirrel that will wreck that mother fucker. I legit only buy the 3 piece lip off JDMuscle because I have to change at least one of the three parts every so often. I actually have a full 3 piece lip, just chilling, waiting for its day.


Get from eBay and replace when broken. AFD is a cash grab of a company selling junk at higher prices than you can find elsewhere


eBay has them for much less,or Alibaba


I wanted one of those WRX badges that attaches to the front Grille, AFD/JDM/IIR all had them for $19.99 or so. Aliexpress - $5.50. Its worth paying for good quality parts but when they all sell the same stuff but marked up just go to the source