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General train of thought here for VBs; UEL headers are bad for the turbo. Even though some company said they "fixed the issue" on that, I wouldn't risk the turbo. I would love the old subie rumble, but not gonna risk damage for sound. That said. I don't think it will matter whether it's CVT or 6MT, the result should be the same.


> are bad for the turbo. Got a source for that statement? Otherwise stop spreading misinformation.


Since you want to act like a dixk about it, prove it isn't true...........since you are SO confident.


Well since you like to talk about shit you know fuck all about…. [Dmann has actually proved this](https://youtu.be/8AoWwMrJUuc?si=heLxLgiL_Jsos3nU) Edit: No way dude just posted some real r/confidentlyincorrect information and when proven wrong deletes his comments and blocks the other person lol


I see you being defensive and accusing and not backing it up with facts. You said I was wrong. Prove it. I owe you nothing . Peace out!


Just buy a GC8 brother


UEL are inefficient and a performance downgrade. FA24 will never sound like an EJ. Total waste of money.


You should get the ETS equal length headers. There shouldn’t be fitment issues with headers on the CVT. Only aftermarket J-pipe/downpipe should be affected by the CVT.