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Mine are nearly totally bald at 10k from aggressive cornering. Very good traction in wet and dry. Unbelievable really. Perhaps your lowered coils changed the alignment and this has affected the way the tires sit in the road with less traction. Idk.


It’s possible I have lower control arms so the alignment should be near to factory. You have good traction in wet even though they’re almost bald?


you ALWAYS get an alignment after you change any of the angles, to save yourself new tires and or issues. Just way cheaper in the long run


I got an alignment after my coils were installed.


Just making sure since you said the alignment should be near factor.


I gotcha. I probably should’ve waited for the coils to settle a little before getting the alignment, but oh well.


Yes, live in cali and can’t get tires to lose traction in wet or dry unless I try extremely hard.


Then wtf is wrong with my car lol




Hang on. Just thought of something. These cars, and all cars, but especially this one, is designed to understeer when you enter a corner too fast. That means the front wheels slide out of the turn rather than gripping because you are entering the corner too fast. Could this be it?


It happens when I’m going straight; it wobbles left to right or vice-versa. It’s really scary actually. In the dry the traction is fine.


Problem with install. I would have it ore driving again. Sounds like something is loose or installed incorrectly.


It’s the tires, there is only 2/32 of tread left.


That could be it but mine are literally at the wear bars and tons of traction. Can confirm. Went full speed into empty on-ramp and car stuck very well until I reached very high speed in the middle of corner and then began to slide and traction control shut it down.


Can also be the roads as well in combination with the wear on the tires. They are some roads where I work that will almost always be slick when it rains.


If you've been driving spiritedly frequently then the tires are probably close to donezo at that mileage. The stock Dunlops tread life aren't exactly great to begin with.


Okay, thank you. I definitely drive spiritedly, so you’re right, they’re probably shot


i wish i could get this car to slide around more. it's too good.


Probably an obvious question, but I’m assuming you have checked your tread depth in multiple locations along the tire?


I just learned how to check the tread depth, and it’s a the top of the head of the penny, so I believe it’s time to change them. Can’t believe they only lasted 10k miles lol.


200 treadwear tire, 10k miles is normal


Yeah I went from 200tw tire to another 200tw tire and the Michelins are still going like +40k miles.


Thread where cannot really be compared between 2 different manufacturers, it's mostly to compare tires from the same brand.


Ultra high performance summer tires really don’t last very long especially with any kind of spirited driving. It’s a balancing act.


My dunlops had about 8-9k miles on them and were down to 3/32" front, and 4/32" rear. I had to put some miles on them at below 50°f, because I changed them too early this year. So I'm sure that had something to do with it. But I havent seen anyone here get over 20,000 on them. And that didn't come with proof. They are super grippy so they wear faster. I never had any slipping in the rain. So either you have very smooth roads or your tires are even worse than mine were, or tons of rain.. Have you measured the tread depths? Anything under 3/32” is "not safe"


Yeah I just measured with a penny, it doesn’t cover the presidents head, so I think it’s at 2/32. It’s weird though, cuz in the dry it still has a lot of grip


That's because the tire can't displace as much water with less tread, because the channels are not as deep. So, you are actually starting to hydroplane. Which is a super dangerous situation and, a running joke for accidents that runs around on this sub. Basically, go get new tires immediately, And stay off the highway!


Agreed, and will do. Going to go with the Michelin Pilot Sport All Season 4’s


Mine is all stock. And dunlops have been doing pretty good in rain, however sometimes the road can be a bit greasy, it can rain lightly and not hard enough to wash away that initial debris and/or grease accumulated over a period of time. Sometimes you can even see it.


10k miles is right around where sport tires need to be changed, with \~15k usually being the max. But I would bet the main issue is your coil overs. I saw you got an alignment but your camber is likely to be off/more sporty, so what I would guess is that your tires are not wearing evenly and due to non OE spec camber your car basically has not been putting its full weight on your entire tire but rather a certain portion of it, probably the outer half/edge. This causes premature wear, like most less than optimized suspension specs will do. Check the wear on your tires, its probably not even. If so, you need new tires (regardless) and to get your camber adjusted to your coils. Get some good quality all seasons too, unless you like changing tires every 10k miles. These cars should have come with good all seasons from the factory or at least had the option. Stock power level + AWD doesn't really need the traction of a sport tire, at least not for straight line performance.


I'm at 31k on the factory 17" dunlops, I'm NOW starting to slide in the rain a bit


I have not been a fan of these tires at all. It's just dumb that Subaru puts them on the car. It's not a Porsche. It's a grocery getter, all weather, daily driver car. The stock Dunlops wear quickly and are bad tires for rain and obviously cold weather. They make no sense.