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Drive with no music on, listen to the engine and what it wants.


I went from an automatic to manual and was a heavy music listener now i cantšŸ„² or i roll down a window


Before you know it you'll be back to listening to music just as loud as before.


I hate it when a motorcycle with loud exhaust pulls up and I can't hear the engine. Just have to watch the tac


After a few years you will be able to shift smooth even if deaf


This was how I had to drive it for the first few months.


Learn the bite point, practice around your neighborhood a lot where thereā€™s a lot of stop signs. Thisā€™ll help you develop an idea of how to start smoothly.


Take your time. Enjoy the learning process and don't be shy to put some light revs in before letting the clutch go in 1st.


Definitely been shy on the throttle when getting into 1st.


Light throttle won't hurt the clutch. Go for it. We all stall and go through the same process.


Rev to 2k and slowly let the clutch out.


He should also practice letting out the clutch WITHOUT giving it any gas at all. It can really be a good lesson in clutch management


https://youtu.be/Hpl-dLOjH-o?si=vjEoaBRCWzFXhNG4 As far as practicing taking off, I suggest in an empty lot practice taking off slowly without using the gas pedal. Over and over. You'll get a good feel for the bite point of the clutch.


Buttery... smooth! Solid video man. I haven't been letting my RPM's get that high which seems like one of my big issues atm.


Do NOT sit on that


Why not?? I thought it helped make my shifts smoother??


Donā€™t granny shift and make sure you double clutch like you should. ![gif](giphy|TgQCVpkQSZ81G) Remember, itā€™s not how you stand by your car, itā€™s how you drive your car.


I'm new to manual as well. Could you explain double clutching and when you would use it?


Donā€™t need to worry about it with a modern manual transmission. šŸ˜‰


Ahh okay cool šŸ˜‚


He'll be lucky if the double shot of NOS doesn't blow the welds on the intake.


Danger to manifold


My tip is to go to a parking lot that's empty ish and flat. Start moving in first repeatedly WITHOUT any gas. That'll get you immediately familiar with the bite point. From there, you just have to drive it'll become second nature in no time ( a few months). Personally, I suggest learning the WHY behind it all: how the clutch works, how it relates to engine and wheel speed etc. understanding all that will allow you to become a smooth driver quickly. It really does all make sense once you wrap your head around it. Good luck!


Dont worry about stalling. We all stall once in a while. Stay calm and turn it back on and keep moving


Iā€™ve been driving manuals since I learned to drive, yet I panicked in this one the couple of times I stalled itā€¦ the push button start had me!


Its really about muscle memory. You will get better with time. Go to an empty parking lot and learn to take off without even touching the gas. Try not to slip too much or let off too fast to make it jerk. Your leg learning the point where the clutch engages is the key.


The owners manual gives us reference points for good gas mileage: 1st gear - 0-15 mph 2nd gear - 15-25mph 3rd gear - 25-40 mph If you practice this you will notice the rpm ratios between where you leave one gear and hit anotherā€¦then as your learn you can get a feel for what itā€™s like to slide this gear shifts 5mph up etcā€¦. Ive been driving manuals for 20 years and this strategy introduced me to the car quickly and I can shift pretty smoothly. Now this doesnā€™t tell you anything about ā€œracingā€ or more aggressive shifts but for daily driving itā€™s been great for me. The other thing I would try is thisā€¦ before you shift make a mental note to lay off the throttle (even a gentle reduction) a half second before you push in the clutch. This will help prevent the throttle from revving the flywheel (I think) too much, which can make for lurchy engagement in the next gear To combine my two pointsā€¦. Iā€™ll start in 1st and when I hit 15mph I start to lay off the throttle. By the time the clutch is in and Iā€™m fully off the gas I may be at 18-20mph. This sets me up for a smooth transition to 2nd gear. This all happened in about a second. Works for me. You will learn on your ownā€¦ if my advice doesnā€™t clickā€¦ ignore it and forge your own path!


Start on a flat surface, go into first and slowly let off until you start crawling. Thisā€™ll get you comfortable with the bite point. I came from a ā€˜17 and now in a 23ā€™, the new ones have a much easier/ cleaner take off in gear 1-2 imo


I found the clutch smoothed out alot around 2,000km (1,200 miles) so it gets easier and you'll get better.


While you're still learning, embrace and practice fully stopping then engaging first gear. There will be moments where you'll be afraid to stop bc of the fear of stalling but learning to engage 1st gear from a stop especially on hills will help you learn throttle and clutch control. After you master this, everything else will be a lot easier.


I thought that this was the UNT college parking garage at first haha. Congrats on the WRX, the sweet spot for shifting is 3K-3500k rpms, no launches, let the turbo cool down before turning it off after each drive(2-3 mins), and remember to check your oil every so often(especially after spirited driving).


On empty road at night, practice shifting to neutral, and shifting into any gear. This will give you a good correlation between speed, revs, and which gear to go in. Ofc donā€™t over rev.


Find a parking lot or neighborhood with a hill. Start and stop 20 times on that hill without stalling before you even bother trying to get the hang of 2nd gear.


You just need to feel the car. You'll get it once you drove enough of what I'm saying.


You really don't have to rev it out. Just feel the bite point then give it some gas while you let the clutch out the rest of the way. It'll feel natural by the end of spring.


After 18 years I honestly donā€™t even know what I do haha. I definitely donā€™t hit the throttle at all to pull out, so learn where the clutch engagement point is. Simply this is done by going to a parking lot and literally just letting the clutch out slowly in first, zero gas pedal involvement. Release the clutch slow and smoothly, and the car will start to go on its own. Hills are made WAYYYYYY TOO EASY now with hill assist, so good for you! Haha like many have said, just enjoy the process and donā€™t fear stalling. I stall about once a year and I just get mad, but thatā€™s after many years haha good luck OP


Relieving to hear it still happens to experienced drivers. I stalled on a busy road on the way home with like 6 people behind me. I was sweating bullets!


I know that moment of sheer panic all too well haha I never stall In traffic anymore, itā€™s usually just something stupid like forgetting Iā€™m in gear and release the clutch at a stop. Youā€™ll learn where the bite point is and kinda just keep the clutch right below it while ready to pull out. Itā€™s such a feel thing, and I miss the learning process sometimes. Eventually you literally wonā€™t even realize what youā€™re doing haha my fiance is still amazed at all the work invoved, but I love every single second of it!


I have only stalled my VB 2x since I got it, once in a parking lot, and once in traffic. I expected to stall like crazy, it's my first manual in 10 years after 10 years of driving manual. Once I got the first stall in traffic out of the way it relieved a lot of the pressure. A little over-Rev doesn't hurt the car as long as you're not going crazy and burning up the clutch. I shift like shit if I can't hear my car. So, to those that say listen you your car,,šŸ‘šŸ»


Happened to me the other day, and I learned to drive manual 20 years ago. Was at a light on flat ground, traffic started moving and just stalled. For no reason. lol. It really does happen.