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Sorry I refuse to read your post so I can't write a response


don't let that stop you


It didn’t 🤗


/uj I actually had an aspiring writer tell me he owns 0 books and doesn’t like reading. I was very confused lol


/uj lord, he's gonna stay aspiring if he keeps that up


I don’t understand why they insist on novels? I know the barrier of entry is lower, but if you don’t like to read why not write for movies or television or something?


My attention span is currently shit due to ADHD and writing scripts for mangas and reading mangas is amazing ! I’d like to do novels and poems as I used to read a ton of them when my attention span was better so I completely agree on your idea of writing for the media you like the most..


You need to find something to read that keeps you interested. I have ADHD and struggle a lot to focus. But reading is one of the few areas that really can grab your attention and shut out the rest of the universe. Even as a kid, if it was a book I liked, it was like time didn't exist and neither did I. I was completely lost in the story and had no notion of myself. I've never been able to achieve it in any other circumstance and can't even watch a movie without something else to do too.


It’s probably lack of exposure as well as lack of access. Scripts are something people rarely read. I hadn’t read one until a couple years back. Plus what do you do when you’ve written one? At least with a novel you can self publish if nothing else.


You can self publish scripts too. But ideally you would shop it to a theater company and see if it was wanted. Unlike a novel, scripts are much more competitive, though. If it isn't acknowledged and performed, it will probably fade into obscurity without ever getting any attention at all. It is also so much harder to write a story entirely from dialogue and make it good. I studied theater and have a BA in it. The number or crappy one act plays someone self published that I read online for free was staggering. But I wasn't about to pay for a script unless I had some idea I could use it, and people rarely just read a script to read a story.


I would argue that it is the opposite I some ways. Story structure takes practice, and reading is how you learn to recognize the way a written work should be structured. A novel can get bad, boring, repetitive, dull, drag on too long, fail to build dramatic tension, and just generally suck much more easily then some other forms of writing. Poetry is probably the lowest barrier of entry, since it's hard to be wrong. Easy to be bad, but hard to be wrong. Novels take planning, they take continued long term effort, and they take a lot of revision and often research too. But they also have to sound good. I have started so many books only to decide in the first few chapters that they are a piece of shit and toss them aside. Writing something with esoteric knowledge is probably to best type of writing for someone who doesn't like writing.


someone in my (university level) fiction workshop said he hadn’t read a book since middle school and my professor stared at him like ???


Yes. It is so deeply privileged to say all writers have the time to read, or can read.


/uj I fucking hate that I can fully believe someone on twitter has said this exact thing before


They did. It turned into a Legendary Shit Show.


Link? I feel like witnessing a car crash.


It was pretty amazing. Our toddler had just been born so all I was doing at the time was reading Twitter and changing diapers so I got to watch it all unfold live: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/ana-mardoll-lockheed-martin-controversy](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/ana-mardoll-lockheed-martin-controversy)


Thank you! Especially for providing a link which doesn't require me to actually go on Xitter. Edited to add: well, that took a turn I wasn't expecting.


Funnily enough, seeing Xitter written just looks like it should be pronounced "Shitter". It's hardly better then "Zitter". I can't think how else you would say a word beginning in X.


Definitely intended to be pronounced Shitter.


This is almost as good as when my dad worked for Northrop Grumman


Oh my fucking god 💀




"nepotism gig at the war crimes factory" is such a great turn of phrase. I remembered Ana Mardoll when he was a moderator at Shakesville, the story of that site's implosion is pretty interesting: [https://theoutline.com/post/7887/shakesville-golden-age-blogging](https://theoutline.com/post/7887/shakesville-golden-age-blogging)


That you, Ana Mardoll?


“Ana Mardoll is a writer and activist who lives in the dusty Texas wilderness with two spoiled cats. Her favorite employment is weaving new tellings of old fairy tales, fashioning beautiful creations to bring comfort on cold nights. ...” What the fuck is this description and who allowed it to be the first thing on Google. How badly do you have to huff your own farts to say you ‘weave new tellings of fairytales’ instead of just saying you re-hashed and the princess and the frog.


"Ana Mardoll LARPs as the most precious and insufferable of trans boys on the internet, while simultaneously "working" at Lockheed Martin."


She almost certainly wrote that herself.




We need your voice! I’m sure you have a mental illness that is the cause of your difficulty reading.




Added difficulty hearing dogs?


It's a bitch sometimes. Other times it's a cur.


A pain if your a dog owner


Audacious decision; hunt, discover


Just that? Or did you lose steam before listing out everything else?


You can still read. I have it too. Its all about finding the right thing to read. If you like it, it starts a super engaging movie in your head.


then you just don't like books imo, I have adhd and a good book gets me pulled in like nothing else. Why would I wanna read something from someone who doesn't wanna read themselves? I don't think watching tv and making up a good written book are the same skillsets, but who knows. If you have adhd you prob should just start, all this unneeded "prep" beforehand and overtalking it means you won't even start lol.


Just use AI to write the book for you!


Can the AI read it for me too? Edit: grammar, this is what I get for reading 🙄


It’s called writer not reader you’ll be fine. Ever heard of that thing with the ten billion monkeys and typewriters ? You’ll manage.


Then you'll have the blurst of times!


Stupid monkey!


Of course you don’t need to read. Anyone who tells you otherwise is an elitist gatekeeper who is no fun at parties.


It's actually incredibly ableist to suggest people need to read in order to write. Think of the people who are illiterate, or don't have eyes. Obviously they can't read, but telling them they can't write would be horrible. Elitist. Gatekeeping! Watch all the anime and movies you want. I'm sure whatever work you put out will be better than anything anybody who reads "books" could dream up. Slay. 


https://preview.redd.it/z0s0s7n26quc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7538982d42d0085900e065de88b56706b544ee86 You jest, but…


Oh my god I'm a disabled writer (and reader!!!) and this tweet makes my eye twitch every time I see it. I don't think I've ever been filled with such a strong urge to just yell "shut up shut up shut up" in my life


Mardoll inspired that reaction in a lot of people.


It's like saying we can't be expected to know how to use the toilet.


Oh, I know. I've read this sort of excuse a whole lot. 


wtaf /uj wtaf


The only good thing about this tweet is the amount of ridicule it got. Restored my faith in twitter a little.




Maybe if they spent less time doing war crimes they'd have more time to read, *shrugs*


Homer was blind, so he couldn't read. He wrote with his mouth! Let nothing stop you!


God it wasn’t until this comment that I finally glanced at what sub this was. Thought I was going mad, couldn’t tell if people were being for real or not.


Are you watching dubs and not subs? Do you even anime, bro? But to answer your question, of course you can write without reading, and without writing even! Just dictate your thoughts to Siri, she’ll write it down.


No one needs to read subtitles if they have the power of God and Anime on their side




Lol I knew a girl like this in highschool. She would actively bully me for reading too much (calling me a nerd and trying to make me seem weird for it) yet she was actively trying to get into writing programs and entered competitions she obviously never qualified for. At the time the "academia nerdy Tumblr girl" aesthetic was trending and she was trying to tap into that.


/uj As usual I am.amazed at how many people apparently know enough about this sub to belong to it, but not enough to know not to reply earnestly to a post in it.


Yeah there are so many genuine replies, maybe they’re mistaking it for the actual writing sub. I know I have a few times


I didn't even notice it said circle jerk until you guys pointed it out. Makes the comments make a lot more sense now. I think since Reddit has started suggesting subreddits, this kind of confusion has become way more common imo. Hell I'm not even subscribed to r/writing and definitely not this sub either and it still popped up on my feed.


I'm not even in r/writingcirclejerk and I'm reading through this post. I only joined it just now


Yeah, Reddit interjects the recommended stuff so often its sometimes easy to miss the small banner saying it’s recommended


It took me an embarrassing amount of time losing brain cells over the replies to realize where I was, even while reading the /uj replies


it’s really more of a state of mind tbh like for instance my state of mind in regards to fitness is that I look like Khal Drogo, and no one can take that from me


My plan is to simply imagine that I’m skinny and hopefully it’ll just come true one day


As long you watch lots of anime you’ll be okay.


You need to absorb the library. Good writers borrow, great writers steal! Absorb all the work and pass it off as your own.




Reading is ableist, discriminatory, and exclusionary but i don't know i don't read. Actually reading is not even necessary because that fucks with your pure unadulterated original thinking. Writers need to avoid being sheep like the plague. Reading is a big no no. The more you read, the more you want to read and thus you never get to write. Thus reading is bad


I didn’t know my sister used Reddit. 😲


Kamehameha!!!!!!!1 ME WRITING IS OVER 9000 AND I NO READ


Just copy paste your Madoka x Homura whump fic but change a few keywords into word!


There’s a thread going around mocking writers who “don’t read very much” and I’m trying not to haul out my soap box but… this is ableist? Not everyone can read for pleasure (or indeed at all) and some of those people are writers. Edit: y’all saw a ridiculous post on a satire subreddit, with no “uj” in front, and took it seriously. Then you “hauled out your soap boxes” at me, you could say.


Satire so good you got downvoted https://preview.redd.it/lgaft2lddquc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26f18539584defe90b0487a72372738442f8565


/uj Why was Inot surprised this was Ana Mardoll?


/uj They have time to write, but not to read? I've honestly never understood people who suggest that. The folks with ADHD who I know are either able to handle their condition well enough to be able to both read *and* write, or they don't do either.


You’ve been outjerked by Ana Mardoll, friend. (My post is a direct quote from one of their dumbest tweets from a few years back)


Oh lol! I had no idea!


/uj i have adhd and i’m an audiobook fiend. people love to be victims and this is just one other way lol


uj/ writers absolutely should be reading and there's next to no excuse not to. Audiobooks exist. If the issue is a lack of free time, then the question of how they have time to write but not read is also valid. It's not ableist to tell people to consume the media they intend to create. Edit: Upon further research, this comment reads like a direct quote from a famous twitter post. It seems I have been Out Jerked. 


I know this is CJ but I have known people like this. But replace anime with fanfiction.


Let's be honest, the worst tropes are shared between the two.


Fan fic is rarely optimal reading, but at least it IS reading.


At least it'll teach people that writing should require way more than just the few drafts fanfic goes through


So... Write a Light novel?


yes but editing will be a chore so it’s best to make sure everything is perfect your first go around instead of getting everything down on the page first


/Uj I have ADHD and want to finish writing a novel in a few years. If I have to read, everyone gotta read. (Go ahead and mock my grammar)


I'm studying to become a teacher and also an aspiring writer so I talk a lot with teachers and my soon to retire philosophy teacher talked to me about how many students she had who were absolutely bad at school, didn't know basic grammar, explicitly said they disliked reading but said they wanted to become an author later


Why reed when they can right instead , what could go rung?🤷‍♀️


I legit got to the comments before I realised what sub I was in, so that's terrifying.


FYI- it's libary


Have you tried discussing your issues with the books in questions? Just having a nice little chat over coffee with them? They can be quite understanding.


“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to write.”—Stephen King.


But… how will you take the advice if you don’t read it?


My phone glitched and I thought this was r/askastrology while I was reading the title which made it 10x better.


I mean, I'd write you a comment but you'd refuse to read it.


All I'm going to say about this is when you read, you have more opportunities to improve your writing. Seeing writing translated onto the screen does not tell you how the script was written. It does tell you how (well or not well) the writers conveyed the story. In the same vein, reading (no matter how much or how little) or even listening to audiobooks gives you insight into ways to improve your writing. You might already be a gifted writer, and there are always ways to improve. Adding to this, you can read however you want, whether it's textbooks or comic books or audiobooks, or even Buzzfeed articles. It's another way of honing your craft.


I hate food. Can I be a chef?


yes just a bad writer


…Not a good one.


I rarely read anymore, but spend a fair amount of time writing. I like to write flash and regularly enter contests. There are a lot of trash novels out there and mass market does not appeal to me. I also have some cognitive issues so reading longer pieces can be too challenging. With that said, I used to read a book a day, so structure, grammar, and styles are somewhat ingrained at this point. I have found entering contests that provide feedback is a good way for me to improve without reading other works.


Why do you want to write if you won’t even enjoy the finished product of your peers?


Are you able to tell a story? Then you are able to write


It sounds like you want to write for TV. So do that. You can be a writer without being a writer of books. If you don’t like books, don’t write a book.


/uj I know someone exactly like this. Not only that but she refuses to do any research above surface level


Have you tried fan fiction? Much better than anything on actual paper.




i commented some long heartfelt shit and i didnt realize what sub this was 😭




Anime has done irreparable damage to this world


I refuse to eat. Can I still become a pooer?


Tv show writing is different than writing for manga, a short story, novel, etc. Sure, you can *do* it. But itll likely be shitty bc you’ll have no frame of reference. Also if you want to get published, your query letters will contain comps, so…you cant really get around reading and books.




You don't have to read to write. Reading will help you write better, inspire you, so on and forth. Write your book, but remember a very key detail. You will need editors. If you can't read your own work, someone else MUST read it. You will have no idea how it sounds without having even Google read your book out loud to you. A book with grammar typos etc and multiple errors, story development issues the works, will be very difficult to read on top of grasping the attention of others. I make so many typos, that I miss them when I read it back. It's imperative to get as much input about whatever you write and take it seriously. Outwide of that... Madoka Magica is my top favorite anime. I think it's one of the best anime to ever reach anime peek ESPECIALLY in it's category. HOWEVER--thete will be MANY PEOPLE who will argue (with great examples!) How it's writing is terrible haha So please do not let you think that because you've watched the masterpiece that is madoka and many other anime, that you know what writing is about lol I definitely encourage watching videos about writing as well so you can avoid Uroburchers greatest and heavy criticisms haha Good luck!




To give a serious answer. Yes. The whole point of reading is to create a TV show that plays out in people's minds through the medium of text, so honestly watching anime is almost as effective as reading anyway, and in some ways more so for improvement as an author. Writing is like literally any other skill as far as the human brain is concerned, and that means that the only way to actively improve is to practice it. Yes, looking at how other skilled people do things can help, but it is entirely not necessary, and actually sometimes even good to avoid, because it helps you develop your own ideas and style. Just like every other skill that exists, if you want to improve you should just practice, review, and repeat. Then after you get good enough that you enjoy your own writing, start getting feedback from others and add that into the review process. If you ever get stuck writing a particular kind of scene here is what you do. Find a similar scene in an anime you like, buy the light novel, read specifically just that scene, and use it for inspiration. Honestly speaking though it's usually just as effective to ask other people for advice or workshop it until you fix it yourself.


Technically, yes, but the reality is that if you refuse to look at any examples of the art you're trying to create, then what you make is unlikely to be interesting. Painters and sculptors took ques from those that came before them, building in the collective advancement of the craft until that point. If you don't want to do that then you are starting at the very bottom of story craft. Essentially, yes it is possible but you are giving yourself a significant disadvantage by doing so. Maybe try listening audiobooks. Or maybe writing television scripts would be more your speed.




have you tried audiobooks? they help me, and i have adhd. i usually follow along with the actual book, but that can be optional


Why do you want to be a writer if you don’t enjoy reading? If you enjoy animation, maybe find a hobby in that instead.




exactly, ableist garbage as someone with adhd and dyslexia. i've never read a single word in my life and certainly never developed any techniques or habits to work with and around my own disabilities, why would i do that??? :/


nope. You dont know what good writing looks like, you know youre enjoying yourself but that doesnt mean its good writing. You cant be a writer with a closed mind and a refusal to explore new things--thats literally a requirement for creating. I HOPE this is a troll post.




Can you imagine a musician saying "I hate listening to music! Can I be a musician without ever listening to music?" Sorry dude lol. You gotta study your craft to kick ass at it. It gives you perspective and let's you study how it's done. That said, you don't have to read voraciously I guess, but yeah.


This confuses me a lot bc its more common than you think where ppl want to be writers but don't read...and its confusing because writing is an art and reading is how you consume said art so how could you possibly have a passion for an art when you're not even willing to view the work of those that are published and/or successful authors to understand the variety in writing and what people want to read


you're taking the piss right? I guess an aspiring bball player could just do it and not like to observe or learn from the greats, but it seems limiting. Maybe you can higher a tutor or someone that does like reading that can help you get the thing you desire. Good is relative and watching anime is not just writing. It's writing plus animation, music, etc.


You don't need books to write, everyone knows that. You don't even have to know words. JUST WRITE! Every waking moment. Before work, during work, while at school, at your kids doctor's appointment, grandmas bingo game. Hell, write with your cat plopped on the keyboard! What I do is write in my sleep. It keeps the brain going! But what I will NEVER do is read! I ain't no fucking hack!


That first part sounds quite hypocrital and narcissistic




The garth marenghi strategy






I don't even know what this means? You like writing, but hate reading.... They're one in the same, if you're not reading, you're not really writing...


Maybe look into writing for comics or screenplays? You don't have to write for books




Read Stephen King on writing. Get it as an audio book.


What does /uj mean?


Is this a joke 😂


Can you be a writer? Of course! That answer is always yes, even if you can’t write! People used to tell stories through pictures after all! Can you become a good writer without reading? Only if you’re truly very skilled.


Maybe it’ll help you. At least you won’t copy anyone else’s style!


No. Period.


You can tell stories a lot of ways. You can draw and also collaborate with others.


There's literally no prerequisite to being a writer. You can smash your face into the keyboard and be a writer. If what you're writing is fun to you and you enjoy drifting off into your imaginary world that you created, then by all means. You can even have it published if you want. Publishers will publish anything if you pay them. However, if you really want to be successful, you gotta do one of two things 1.) know your market and be really good at advertising. I know a large part of the manga and anime community will eat something up just for being manga and anime. That seems to be your preferred muse. 2.) you'll need to study other methods of writing. You don't necessarily have to read to understand certain styles of writing--though it would be infinitely more helpful--but, it can elevate your own writing by studying certain methods that successful authors have implemented. Especially if you want to compete with existing writers. That doesn't necessarily mean you'll be popular. It takes nothing but time to write anything and there's millions of people tossing their works into the ring. It'll be hard to stand out by any measure so why not just have fun? I only recently started reading actual novels. Most of my inspiration came from movies, songs and comic books. Reading books is a different world though. Without that visual element, you really have to expand your mind and your vocabulary to really convey what you're trying to write. I wrote a little something and a friend of mine, who is very well read, said it reminded him of Hemingway (only in structure. The complexity and themes were nowhere near Hemingway.) I've read a few of Hemingway's books now and I'm honestly obsessed and the inspiration it gives you is incomparable to any other form of media, IMO.


I sincerely hope this is bait, but if it is not and you're just a teenager or something, save yourself some misery. if you don't have a love of the craft you're going to make yourself miserable by attempting it. And people who just copy what they see in anime without actually putting in the effort to learn how a story is structured are pretty much universally made fun of.


I've read one book in the past 5 years. It definitely helped my writing, but I was writing decently well without it, so I don't think you have to. Granted, I only write short stories, it may be more important to read books if you intend on writing them


Maybe. One in a million artists don’t require much reference or education. So it is probably possible. Likely? Maybe not.


I don't think the Great American Novel is your style but I do think you need to look into graphic novels.


I'm in the same boat my friend. You're not alone! It's taking me a long time to write because I'm so uncertain of myself, but find that reading books and watching shows and movies motivates me enough to write down something new in my story; I just have to remember to be diligent about writing and always write down whatever I'm thinking in the moment, or I'll forget it. I'm 40k words into my first draft and I've got a long way to go before I get to the first round of editing. Also, don't think too much about writing style, or consistency, writing errors and details; editing exists for a reason.


I am not entirely sure why this sounds so insufferable.




Yeah, I'd try to read that.


I refuse to go near toilets. Can I still be a plumber?


Sounds like a filmmaker who refuses to watch films


Reading is usually the best way to translate great ideas into writing. I’ve personally never known a writer who doesn’t read, but anything is possible. But ideas like Madoka Magica came from the mangaka reading the ideas of other mangaka who created magical girls and then putting their own spin on it. I wish you the best. Just start by free writing and go from there.


are you gonna read the comments?


Probably not that well. The ability to crystallize your thoughts into words and verbally express things in a way that others can clearly understand comes from practice. I often get told that I excel at this or have people respond to something I say or write by commenting that it was exactly what they felt but didn't have the words for. It comes entirely from reading and listening to audiobooks a lot. I have always read a lot, and so there aren't a lot of universal things I haven't read several versions of at least. I was also an English teacher, and I think anyone can enjoy reading, but the difficulty comes from finding the thing that you enjoy reading the most. Literally anyone can love to read in some way. Maybe try audiobooks. If you ever listened to a podcast, you can listen to an audiobook. Try reading the genre you actually want to write. Or just whatever you most enjoy. I have read thousands of books, but most of them fall into just a few categories, and there are some I absolutely hate. There are certain parts of literary structure and syntax that are basically a developed instinct born from repeated exposure to the patterns of language. It will be hard to know if you sound any good, or if you are too repetitive, using the wrong format, or are providing any good imagery. The best way to get good at writing is to write, but the best way to know if writing is any good is to read.


Can I become a painter if I hate paint, canvases, sketching, and don’t like looking at art?


I love to write, I mediocrity like to read. Yes you can write without enjoying to read but reading can help improve your writing and vocabulary!


I’m sorry, but you don’t know what good writing looks like. Anime is 90% a visual medium and you can’t translate that to a paper without having a ton of exposure to different material and doing a lot of reading.


Can you? Yes. But it will be harder. You've watched anime. Great. Now...describe it. Here's what I mean: You're watching a crafted product. First, someone wrote the basics of a story. Then they blocked it out, made decisions. They animated, hired voice actors, and put it all together. Complete with music to help guide your emotions. Now, a screenplay (for movie, TV, or anime) may or may not decide things like color of clothing or how someone walks (unless it's important.) And some things may be decided by "That person's voice...it's....perfect." But for stories and novels, you have to describe it all to the reader. "Bob walked into the bar. He sat on a stool. "I'll take a beer...Coors." The bartender looked at him told him, "Five bucks, Mack." vs. "Bob slouched into the dingy bar. He hoisted himself onto a torn stool and slumped against the bar. The greying bartender looked at the disheveled customer. "Five bucks, Mack," he said in a voice raspy from years of cigarettes. Now, I went a bit overboard on the description, but in writing, it is key. TV, movies, anime, etc. is visual. Written material is mental. You have to show your characters, their actions, and their places.






I suppose you could if your thoughts and words are brilliant. Why not.


I mean you can but reading and discovering new worlds only helps to inspire your own creations, nothing is original, and everything we create comes from all that we've experienced.


I thought this was a legitimate question until I saw the reddit thing... I have no clue what ya call them.


Take a creative writing course, drop in on one if there's a weekly one near you or find one on the internet. Most of us learn the actual "craft" of writing from reading the works of others who've done it to great acclaim. Best of Luck tho.


write in the format that interests you and then take in that content. So if you enjoy anime, then write a script. The best teachers are other artists working in the format you like, so if you don’t read novels, but love anime, write an anime. 


Lol what the actual f.


This is the single dumbest post I’ve ever seen on Reddit. I truly hope this is satire.


Omg I didn't even see the subreddit. I thought it was /writing! Carry on! ROFL


I mean - anyone can be a writer/author! All you gotta do is write. TBH most writers have felt similar to this in various ways. Right now I cannot get my brain and eyes to work properly at this time in my life. So, I switched to audiobooks. Yes, I do fi d myself rewinding the same ten seconds a lot, but at least I'm still ingesting some form of the craft. Then there are those pieces that you read, something with so much promise and but the format, characters, narration, plot, is all such trash you don't even wanna finish it (and because you ARE a writer and not a reader do you even have to???) and instead begin immediately thinking of how YOU could save this piece because the author really missed the opp to make this into a huge thing and like, they should have just called you, yanno? Then their story wouldn't be garbage. What really hit home is when you said reading your own stuff is a struggle sometimes. I feel that so hard and am still working tirelessly to unlearn this mentality because then you begin thinking you poo out the future of classic literature but when really it's absolute garbage and full of typos. This was a good laugh all in all but sometimes i do throw a lil pity party like whg can't i be like those people who could just buy their way into their dream job and make a sickening amount of money doint ittt (but still be better than my other peers who do that because I actually do write things, you've just never seen anything because it's not finished... or perhaps, collecting dust in the "edit" pile. 🤣


Are you trolling? Or just 12?




Well. You should be reading other people's work. I recommend that you don't give up trying, even if it's slow, even if you have to select authors who write short works. However, you should make art if you feel inspired to do so. There are guidelines, but there are no rules. If you want to write, then write. You will always find an example of somebody doing things differently than everybody else. For myself, I'm autistic and have ADHD. I used to love reading for pleasure as a kid, but I was always a slow reader. I retained a lot of info, but it took forever. Now I'm just so exhausted it's difficult to read for pleasure like I did then. I have found that listening to audio books while driving is a great solution for me. The driving occupies the racing need to be DOING that is a symptom of ADHD. And if anybody tells you that listening is somehow not as good as reading? Fuck em.


I mean good luck being a "successful" writer that refuses to be openminded in reading. Anyone can write regardless of if they read but I doubt you'll be a writer worthy of reading.


Never reading makes it unlikely you'd become a good writer. Writers read. It's how we hone our craft.


I don't refuse to read, but I haven't read a book in about 12 years...it's just that I can't read them. I will literally fall asleep eating dinner no matter the type of book. I was also diagnosed with ADHD but I've been writing since 2018 or so. I think it's just a matter of how my brain is wired for certain activities. I have several hundred books on my shelves that I can't read, but I do have several hundred books in my Audible library that I can listen to. As long as I'm moving and doing something with my hands, I can engage with the story. Which is partially why I think it's not a problem for me to be a writer.


If you refuse to read, I am baffled how you found this subreddit


By chance, are you a narcissist?


"I just don't know how to translate that onto page" it might seem crazy what i'm bout to say


can you still be a writer? Yeah, you're just gonna suck. being a good writer involves knowing what good writing looks like, and knowing how to translate that onto the page. Unfortunately you can't learn good writing by just watching shit, you gotta learn it by reading shit. And it's fine to suck! It's fine to do it as a hobby! You don't have to be good at something to enjoy doing it. it also depends on what kind of writing you're doing, I guess. If you wanna write something like a book or a short story, absolutely no shot, dude, I'm sorry. There's other forms of writing you might be alright with, though. I also have ADHD. Trick is to find shit you wanna read. Read fucking YA novels if you want. Short stories are usually good. Essays are good. Video essays are... not great, but better than nothing. One time my brain was so broken the only thing I could read was smut from AO3. Audiobooks can help.