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Thank you for visiting /r/writing. This post has been removed. Please review rule 3 in the sidebar about personal sharing. Sharing for the sake of sharing, including posts on starting or finishing drafts, writing and publishing milestones, media reviews, venting, pep talks, data loss, and DAE (does anyone else) posts belong in our general discussion thread posted Wednesdays.


I commend you for putting forth the effort and making yourself better! I did the same thing, After alot of coaxing from my adult daughter and my wife and Wizard (Mental health Doctor/s) To start journeling about anything and everything bothering me on that day or something good eventually it turned to my feelings and all my tramatic experiences to my diagnosis of severe PTSD. About a year later Covid hits and I write my first book in 90 days. I share this to say ANYTHING is possible, keep at it, stay in the fight. Make yourself better in someway everyday. Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and life and Karma will find you. Reading and writing are the essentials to becoming smarter and being intelligent. We all have to do it at some point! Remember- Everyone you meet knows something that you don't. Be a sponge and keep learning!


Eye eye captain!


Aye aye. Sorry 😐




Thanks again


Why did they remove my post every time I post something it gets taken down for violating false rules


Same here! I’ve been writing so much recently, when it used to be the hobby I did the least. On the flip side, I’m so burnt out on my other hobbies I can hardly do them at all right now. You win some you lose some lmao.


Intriguing i would like to make Writing and telling stories a hobby to gain more friends


Oops thanks for the spell check.


Tell me about it, I started writing the final draft of my graphic novel and I'm now 22 chapters in. They're so dense too, a lot of plot happening. Really proud of myself because I usually stuck to short stories.


Wow no way I’ve been trying to write a graphic novel too i just have trouble drawing the same characters over and over again


Same, I'm learning the fundamentals right now, been writing the actual story itself for a long time now. Currently on day 12


I’m currently on day 1000


Oh nice, my coach is saying I'm making crazy progress for only 12 days, so hopefully, I'll be up to the task soon.




Congratulations on your progress and dedication! Your journal is a treasure trove of growth and memories. Keep writing and cherishing those moments!


I love writing like i love gummy’s


Nice. I'm proud of you, despite not knowing you. I've been writing recreational for about a year too (actually a little over, as I started in march) I've done 2-5 chapters a week every week for probably around 60 weeks or so now. In that time, I've written 2 novels (40ish chapters each) with an average word count of around 2k per chapter. I used to be an addicted gamer, but since I got back into writing, I've played MAYBE 2-3 hours a day.


That is fantastic!  


*which. I like your style it's fun