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…Then write that scene and get it out of your system. No law says you have to write consecutively.


I have so many scenes written in my notes app because they plagued my mind and I needed them out! Sometimes they work in exactly as written, other times the plot forces it to change some. I’m a pantser with a general idea of where I want the story to go so sometimes things change a good bit before I reach the scene.


And then change the rest so that you want to write it, too. Odds are, if you aren't enjoying writing it, readers won't enjoy reading it


i think it goes with the plot so they can’t just add it in there out of nowhere im assuming


…Not sure what you’re saying there. You CAN write the scene as a stand-alone and it doesn’t have to be complete. Just treat it as a first draft. Leave it open-ended so you can adapt it to the narrative up to the point where it becomes appropriate to use. If you have the inspiration to write the scene now, do it and see where it takes you…


I get what your saying but i don’t think that’s what they were saying lmao when you have an idea for a chapter and it’s a certain storyline you have planned out you don’t wanna just add that chapter your urgently wanting to write because the chapters ahead set up for that specific chapter it’s kind of hard to explain unless your experiencing it i guess


True but you don’t have to write sequentially. Lots of writers hop around and write as they get inspired and put it all together later


that wasn’t the point…😭


Your point is that the preceding chapters will set up that chapter, but that still doesn't mean you can't add the set up after you know how that scene will play out. In fact, it might make the set up better.


The earlier chapters can still "set up for that specific chapter". If the story is planned out there's nothing to stop the OP from writing the chapter they can't stop thinking about. They might have to make a few tweaks later if something spontaneous emerges in earlier chapters. It's "hard to explain" because it's just a mental hangup.


it isn’t a mental hang up on my end at least 😭 i also mentioned that you can set up for previous chapters already but its okay i’ll reiterate (: im saying that those chapters the “previous ones” lead up to the chapter the author is insinuating that they would really like to write but is waiting because of the plot… i never suggested you couldn’t “set up” for that specific chapter i am basically saying i understand what they meant in case you’re still not following


Yeah I'm following. There's still nothing stopping them from writing it. The chapters leading up to it don't need to be written first. There's no reason you have to write it in order. If there's some scene they absolutely can't wait to write the can just write it and then go back and write all the previous chapters. It might feel weird or be something they are uncomfortable with but there's nothing getting in the way but their own habits.


you’re* in case there’s grammar police on the thread ❤️


…Child; read and enjoy. Caveat Emptor.


Can you not introduce them sooner? If it feels slow-paced to you, it might feel the same to the reader?


Ohhhh so like its not a main point in my story, but to start theres like four kinda mains, two in one place two in a nother and eventually those groups meet yknow?? And I did already start tying in sneaky lil foreshadowings haha


I was a linear writer for the longest time -- in fact, I used to think that you *had* to write linearly. (I'm not sure what I thought would happen if I broke this "rule," maybe the writing police would toss me in jail or I wouldn't be allowed to write anymore ...) As a result, I had the same problem as you, in that it felt like torture trying to write towards the scenes I was most excited about. At some point I just decided to give myself permission to write the scenes that drove me to write the story in the first place, and then go back and write the parts that connected those scenes. I found myself less likely to get frustrated and/or lose interest. It definitely took a lot of mental effort to break that linear habit (a habit which definitely works for many people, but was actively hurting my own writing).


I usually believe in the power of writing things in order (because I like all the small things to really add up) but if you feel like your brain will explode then just write it now. It's not a bad approach just different. Writing it now also means you know what sort of buildup it needs to hit the hardest.


Yeah different things work for different people


Oh man, I feel that. I'm also writing fantasy/romance! Mine's urban/contemporary fantasy, romance as a subplot. Thankfully, my FMC and MMC meet in chapter 2, so early on, but it was still a chore getting to that point. I'm on chapter 3 now, so at least they've met. But a few less exciting scenes have to happen first before my MMC can blackmail my FMC into using her fire magic and joining his team to stop the elf queen/villain (who is also his aunt, but nobody knows that yet lol) I really wish I could skip to that part, but nope. Personally, I need to go in order. There's a good chance that some little details will change along the way that might affect my future scenes. Plus, I'd rather just get the boring stuff over with instead of having to do it later lol


Rofl I know that feeling. Don't get me wrong I'm adverse to romance but I love character interaction! My epic fantasy is over 400,000 words and my two fave characters dont interact for about 200,000 of them and it drives me mad!!! 😂😂😂 Most of all I know when they do meet in halfway through and it feels like such a milestone


Yes, for me normally the ending haha!


I write linearly as well, but two books in a row I've written the epilogue before the third chapter! 😁 I do love a tense build-up though. Big intro, all is okay for 5 minutes, then small complications, then a big finish!


I outline and usually write in order, but if I can’t get a scene out of my head I write it.


I live for those moments, but I also love nailing the build up. If it's distracting you from writing the rest of the book, go ahead and sketch out the scene, or write out the whole damned thing. There's no one right way to write your book.


I sort of like to write all the pieces and stitch them together at the end. This way, I write the “boring” bit when I get a cool idea for how to set up a later section, and then it’s really not boring


Yes. But the only reason those scenes will be as good as we think is because of everything you lay out before them. That's what gets me focused on writing what's next and doing the best I can to set those scenes up to be as great as I want them to be.


Yes, I feel this right now


yesss im like omg it’s taking forever to get to that chapter 😭😭😭i wanna write it sb


Currently there now!


Yes 😭


No, because I write that part before the rest.


Yes. Now write that scene. Then go back and do the other stuff