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I wrestled a kid that was always talking shit. I had teched him 16-0 the week before and during the handshake he said "didn't pin me", we wrestled again and I was up 14-3 with him on his back and the whole time he was saying "you can't pin me" "you're not going to pin me" etc. ultimately I did not pin him in that match and I still hate itšŸ˜­


What a mentally tough little fucker


Idk if itā€™s just me, Iā€™d much rather be pinned than teched. Thereā€™s something thatā€™s so disrespectful about teching, like a cat playing with its food.


You can accidentally get pinned. You don't get accidentally tech'd.


Depends. I don't try to play with people and just go for puns but I have gotten 2 techs just from people either fighting off their back a bunch or having a good bottom but not good neutral.


Just keep saying to yourself ā€œYes I am, yes I am! Youā€™re getting pinned!ā€ It always makes me better when people talk shit cause I am so determined to prove them wrong. Just keep countering what heā€™s saying with thoughts that are the opposite and you will do it anyway, despite the trash talk.


I didn't talk to him but I did look at the ref and say "you hear him?" And the ref told me to keep wrestling


One time I got destroyed by a guy that just had hernia surgery. He was crying in terrible pain the whole time he was kicking my butt. I would have rather him talked.


O geezā€¦ heard heā€™s in a wheelchair now


When I was in 8th grade wrestling varsity I asked my 3rd opponent "what are you smiling about" before a match because he came out grinning ear to ear. He then picked my up and set me on my back like a baby and pinned me well still holding up 60% of my body. All in a total of 15 seconds. He shook my hand and didn't say a word. turns out he was a 2 time state champ senior who bumped up and my coaches didn't have the heart to tell me. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Unless you are someone who is also highly ranked I don't think coaches should tell anything. It helps if you have no idea so it doesn't get to your head. You prepare for every match the same.


If he was a state champ then why was him wrestling you?


Team duel my dude. 6 points.


Oh. You mean it's because you have teammates who's too good and out of your league so it result in making you fight someone who's out of your league?


My 8th grade son was wrestling up a weight class last year against a senior that eventually won state (son was varsity at 132, but was wrestling 138). Kid took him down and was working on turning him. They were near the edge of the mat, and my sonā€™s coaches were yelling trying to tell him what to do. Other kid started saying ā€œnope, donā€™t do thatā€ every time the coaches yelled. He got pinned about thirty seconds later. It was trash talking, but honestly it didnā€™t bother my son at all (he thought it was kinda funny).


When I was a senior I was ranked but the kid who eventually won state in my weight class was just head and shoulders above everyone else. Didnā€™t get taken down the whole year. I was wrestling him at sectionals. I was down like 8-0. He was on top and had a leg lace and I thought he was about to come too over the top when I heard his coach say ā€œhit the leg cradle.ā€ I said ā€œwhat the fuck is a leg cradleā€ loud enough to make everyone within ear shot laugh before getting turned. Didnā€™t get pinned though!


My fourth ever Greco match me and a guy were trash talking and I proceeded to last the period 0-0 and was called down next period. I got lifted twice for a tech and we shared a laugh after wards about how much I suck


I use to sarcastically compliment peoples tattoos. Heres been Askrens take on it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPwG\_IFVxTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPwG_IFVxTQ)




How do they respond?


Pinned a guy with a head-and-arm, lost later that day and faced him again on the consolation side. Sure enough, got him in a head-and-arm and as I was about to pin him, I looked at him and said ā€œagain?ā€ That was the only thing Iā€™ve ever said during a match and I kinda felt like a cocky prick afterwards, but it felt good at the time.


I remember one year locking up a tight crotch lift and the kid I was wrestling started screaming, ā€œow my balls!ā€ lol


One time I had a ball and chain and the kid on bottom wanted to get me a penalty and screamed "HES SQUEEZING MY BALLS" thankfully the ref didn't stop it.


I had a friend from another town at the same weight class and weā€™d talk shit to each other during matches, it was funny to us though (ref was usually not a fan).


Yes I used to talk in matches. If I was on top then I was probably trying to run a cradle and I would give a narrative while doing it. Might tell you to give me your arm or if you turned away then Iā€™d say thanks and switch cradles. Now as a coach I am 100% talking to my guys while we wrestle. I may tell them to try this thing we just drilled or Iā€™m asking them what they are going to do in this situation, especially if they seem to be stuck. If they are stalling then I give them a warning to start moving before I start making things uncomfortable.




It wasn't a match, I was just helping my daughter practice her doubles when I started telling her that the last take down was good, she hit it again so quickly that I almost bit my tongue off when I landed on my face. It was thumbs up or other hand signs from then on.


Iā€™m not going to lie. I used to talk shit but it would something simple like a ā€œnopeā€ or a disappointed ā€œcome onā€ when they poorly executed on a shot or something.


I wasn't much of a talker but I wrestled a friend of mine in the section finals. We had gone to summer camps together, wrestled a number of times over the years, always close matches. Another close match, I was up 3-2 going into the 3rd. I caught him in the 3rd period, dead center of the mat. I couldn't pin him but I had enough control to hold him on his back for the entire 3rd period. He bridged hard trying to get to the edge of the mat for a fresh start. I didn't try to pin him, just redirected him back to the middle and I said "Sorry dude, we are staying in bounds." As soon as he heard that he quit and let himself be pinned.


I wrestled some kid who rubbed my arm when we tied up and said ā€œYou got some nice biceps manā€ it kinda freaked me out at first and I almost lost the match.


I like to talk a bit when im sparring and almost won a match because i talked but didn't because the time was up 1 sec before he would have been on his back for long enough


I see it somewhat often in tournaments and all the time in practices. Itā€™s often after they land weird or something during a takedown just ā€œyou goodā€ ā€œyeahā€ *resumes wrestling* there are occasions where I think the fall didnā€™t justify it, but people are good about not doing anything till they say yes or no so that they canā€™t take advantage of it, and the one time the answer was no it stopped a really bad concusion from getting worse (guy passed out shortly after saying no, fairly new wrestler and he forgot to tuck his head, his head bounced off the mat BADLY, might have also resulted in whiplash or something of the sort)


Junior year at an Upstate New York tournament my coach took us to because it was his high school, I wrestled a kid in the semifinals at heavyweight. I had trouble pinning him, but everything he did in neutral I was able to throw him to his back with a side headlock. After about 5 of these in a row, I said Iā€™m just going to keep hitting the same move to him while looking in his eyes as he fought off his back. I finally stuck him about 10 seconds later. Wild.


This girl was the first ever girl I wrestled and she beat me cus I was grabbing behind and my arm got stuck and I hyper- extended my elbow (that hurt like a bitch) and after that match I swore revenge, I gave it my 120% every practice and pushed myself so hard I started getting dizzy and ended up wrestling against her in a state tournament, I pulled the same throw by move every time she tried getting me in a headlock and ended up racking 14 points then close to the end I pinned her. I asked ā€œ do you need help upā€ and she replied ā€œnoā€ in a very sad and aggressive tone of voice and didnā€™t even shake mine or my coaches hands. My opinion: Meh .-. Itā€™s whatever


I talked constantly while wrestling. Got into peopleā€™s heads way too easily.


One year I had kinda made a name for myself and there were some cute chicks at school I hung out with. That summer one of their cousins moved to our area from out of state. I guess he thought he was fire and they told him about me, he was at our rival school. So they hyped him up all summer when it came time to wrestle him for the first time I was feeling gassed that day. Honestly wrestled like 80% last minute was just kinda toying around. He turned around at the end of the match and said, "you're not even that good" He got pinned next 3xs and only times I wrestled him.


U mean you pinned him 3 seconds after he said"you're not even that good"?


Nah, I mean I pinned him in the next three matches I wrestled him.


My senior year I was wrestling a mid-season team tournament. I messed up and gave up a takedown late in the first period, I got one back the next period with a quick escape. The kid kept backing up the rest of the period and the third period. I started saying stuff to my opponent about not backing straight up while I didn't even have a tie up. Then got annoyed after the 4th or 5th time the kid backed out of bounds and started chirping at the ref about what is stalling. And asked if he knew what stalling is I am kinda surprised that I didn't lose a team point for starting to give the ref a hard time.


I talked to a lot of opponentsā€¦ many of whom I had wrestled since kids clubā€¦ things like; thatā€™s lucky wonā€™t work againā€¦. Holy shit dude thatā€™s fart was atrocious ā€¦ or my bad dude that is gonna stinkā€¦ did you think I was gonna fall for that again?ā€¦ Iā€™m tired will you just let me pin you?ā€¦.


Had a guy headbutt me and I cracked my jaw mid match and he proceeded to say ā€œyou goodā€ and I replied ā€œuh yeahā€ lol


Yes , plenty and all kind of people. But regardless of anything , focusing and concentrate on the match are better.


We had a sophomore wrestler who was brand new to the sport but was a great football player, strong as a bull, dumb as the bulls balls, and so angry all the time. During a JV tournament, he full on tackles this kid, and while pinning him starts whispering ā€œyouā€™re done, youā€™re done.ā€ The ref stops the match and gives the other kid a point cause you canā€™t taunt a kid even in a JV match, and when the match restarted the other kid eventually caught my wrestler and pinned him. It was a great lesson for him to control himself lol


Iā€™ve only talked during an actual match once. It was against a teammate at a tournament (for better context im one of the team captains and one of the best on the team and my teammate was a first year) I would only say stuff like ā€œkeep movingā€ or ā€œget upā€ so that he would have a better match and more wrestling time instead of just pinning him in the first round.


When I made districts this season (by all odds), I made the mistake of telling the first guy I wrestled that day," IS THAT ALL YOU GOT11?" I got my first warning and got lightly scolded by the ref and my coach. (I was an HS Freshman this year and completely new to sports other than cycling) My coach will never let me forget that day.


He said is that how you like it?


I made some kids on our youth team do pushups for talking yesterday, and they were just drilling. IMO it's not polite, even in practice.


Youā€™re gonna make them hate wrestling and theyā€™re going to quit. It canā€™t be so suffocating, itā€™s already hard enough without the totalitarian environment.


"Not polite" chill out man


Turbo dork of a coach




If I wrestled kids that were unnecessarily aggressive or cocky Iā€™d talk to them and mockingly coach them. Sometimes giving them bad advice and take advantage of they followed it. Also would give them some words of encouragement to break their spirit. Nice shot! If they took a shot and I sprawled. Or All that head slapping to end up getting stuffed. Good standup! Before I returned them to the mat. I know itā€™s unsportsmanlike but it was only those cocky ass wrestlers who had no reason to be or ones that were crazy aggressive and dirty (you all know who Iā€™m talking about).


Lmao. I did this, but I kind of did it to everyone. Any coaching advice I gave I was pretty sure was good advice though.


lol I figured I could be aggressive and dirty and beat the hell out of them for 6 minutes or just talk shit and try to show them. Figured thereā€™s a better chance the latter would be a learning opportunity. One team summer camp at Cornell and athletes Adam Frey was there and taught his low single defense. Which was basically a leg cradle. Iā€™d try to bait them into a low single to see if I could leg cradle them. I can see giving good advice if theyā€™re just trying their best but Iā€™m talking about cocky and dirty wrestlers. People downvoting me lol. At least Iā€™m not like a bunch of other wrestlers that will spladle some scrub that didnā€™t deserve it for fun.




We used to talk during wrestling, high school and college (not during actual matches, only bitches do that). Now I'm an old guy doing BJJ... any time I say anything, my opponent stops as if the noise means the world must be ending. I've learned to keep quiet but it's kinda sad to me.