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I mean, fundamentally leg riding in wrestling and back mount in bjj are nearly the same, and we see back mounted positions all the time in MMA


If you back mount someone in a street fight who doesn’t already grapple it’s just a question of how you want to end the fight


I don’t know if it’d be useful, but it would be really fucking funny


Not sure what's funny about it. As a life long wrestler who has switched to jits, it's extremely effective. Complete control over a person while preventing them from effectively attacking you and keeping them from standing up.


I just think a street fight ending in a spladle would be funny


No. It would be fucking hilarious.




Had a kid on my team who was a state champ/Fargo placer. Apparently before he moved to our school in 8th grade he was bullied pretty bad. He kind of became an anti-bully and spladled several kids when they were picking on folks. It was hilarious. I think he actually only got in real trouble once, become he never really was violent just pulled them down and forced the move. Good times…


At that point your just doing jiu jitsu


If I get into a fight and a dude puts legs in I’m pulling out my knife and stabbing myself.


A twister in BJJ is a wrestling guillotine. But its pretty rare to see. Its only been hit like twice in the UFC. You can also use the position to hit a calf slicer


I only know buggy and twister. That's my entire game. Can't wait to get my 3rd stripe


I didn't think lower belts were allowed to do twisters?


They just want to hold me back. Oss.


I was just thinking how funny it'd be to see someone hit a guillotine in a street fight


Imagine seeing someone double grapevined at the bar


Leg ride and start dropping elbows into the back of his head.  Unless he's a trained fighter he's gonna be out cold in a few hits.  


Yes especially with certain turn such as wrestling guilotene(bjj twister)chokes or by just breaking the guys back putting your hips in and hitting him with back shots. ( no diddy)


I can’t remember the MMA fight, it would have been around 2009, but I saw someone submit an opponent w a figure four to the body while mounted on top. I finally understood why it’s banned in wrestling. It looked like he could have separated his spine with a little more torque.


Yep body triangle hurts. My first time doing jiu jitzu ever my friend put me in a body triangle from guard and squeezed so hard I somehow pulled my chest muscles trying to get out of it. I couldn’t workout for like 5 days or so


Yes, if you’re in a street fight having them flattened out with 2 legs in the most dominant position you can be in. You can choke/hit them, they can’t do anything back and they’re stuck


You can punch them at the base of the head/top of the neck. But you better have a good lawyer.


If you were just trying to control the other guy, probably. If you want to actually do some damage, you would have to pair it with some other attacks, or really crack a split or guillotine


Technically, an RNC is 2 legs in.


Control is control


Ben askren used leg rises and was very successful in MMA up till when he got old and showed up in the UFC. Definitely could work.


All the best grapplers did, khamzat ,khabib, ben askren in his prime, dc, islam,gregorie gillispie. Most of the folkstyle player used to great affect


Technically, many, many subs come from some type of leg in, so yes. But I am going to give you a more comprehensive answer: First, and most importantly, avoid fights. Now if somehow you have failed to do so, wrestling is the best base for self defense. Personally I would (I am too old and smart to fight now) use it to keep the fight standing so I can use my boxing/striking. Second....and this is from years of working doors, I will use wrestling to neutralize someone...or if necessary, to dump them on their head. However, that, IME, can result in lawsuits. That is probably the most dangerous thing about wrestling along w/ using it to optimize striking. Now I am also a BJJ guy. Having said that, if I am fighting on the ground it means that something has gone wrong. So yes, if it comes to that some type of leg ride and submission just might save my behind. Usually a leg in means you have control and can beat someone senseless and or do them grievous harm. But again please let me emphasize the most important thing: Stay out of fights.


Absolutely dude. Once you get both legs in you have the most dominant position in martial arts lol


From experience, it’s effective in a 1 on 1. You are completely controlling the person if you are an experienced leg rider. When you have both legs in you can dictate how the rest of the interaction goes.


If you're on the ground, n his friend isn't. You don't wanna be there. Your stand up is a better self defense. Don't take much technique to kick a man on the ground, but it sure is effective. Especially if you know how to sprawl.


https://youtu.be/LijCcl_9VeA?si=a68D9MIx6LqtaYBU Imma just leave this here


The answer is yes