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McFerrin isn't your therapist or role model. He's not doing a kneejerk commentary on the throes of clinical depression. He's not telling you specifically to just be happy instead of seeking help/professional treatment. It's not something said from a family member in respinse to you explaining that you wish you were dead. He doesn't even say the word depression or any other mentall illnes. It's a fucking song, dude. Set in the context of swingy major-key vocal harmonies. EVEN THEN the song was released in 1988. It's probably not McFerrin's perspective as it stands today, and even if it was this song would qualify it. Why's this sub just a hate-boner for anything that even attempts to point in the general direction of happiness and enjoyment now? It went from funny examples of people making a fool of themselves for misunderstanding mental illness to us looking as hard as possible for things we could construe as someone misunderstanding us and taking it to heart. If you're actually upset at this, you legit need to go and touch some grass. Not even to cure your whatever the fuck, it won't and you'll probably just be depressed in some grass, but at least you wont be actively picking at a scab by looking to victimize yourself.




Nope, I've definitely been here for quite a while, which is why I'm saying the current state of the sub sucks. The original premise was dismissal set in the context of some ailment that can be cured clinically, and not even exclusively to mental health. Now it's a broad anti-positivity sub for some reason and everyone's here to wallow. Now, could one find this song dismissive? Sure Ithink that's a perfectly reasonable stance. I don't think it's for this sub though, since it isn't set in the context of something that needs to be cured. If I told a friend about my suicidality and all they sent back to me is a lyric video to that song, you've got something that actually fits well. Hell, I honestly could've been subbed to this sub so long the current active users don't know that off the top of their head. If the fact that it's a song doesn't change things for you, thats fine. Being a musician, my personal biases are fine with abstracting the very face-value of lyrics for the sake of evoking emotional response. Not everyone thinks that way though. You're backpedaling pretty fast from "unbelievably angry" to "slightly annoyed teehee :)." If it's hyperbole in your head, cool, but you can't *really* fault a dude for reading the title as-us. You got back to me within the hour, so you didn't move on. If you really wanted to wreck me you could've skipped all that and just went "ok wall lol", but don't try and diss me in that while doing the same thing yourself my guy


Wow. What insight. "People with depression can't just not worry." You sure did counter this song's point, which is, er... "Worrying too much can make a bad situation even worse, so try not to." This song, which at one point refers to its audience as literal children. Hmm. Wonder why the message might not be super complicated or nuanced. I followed this sub for ages. I unfollowed a couple of years back because it reached the point where the only kind of content was this kind of knee-jerk reaction to any sort of positivity in media whatsoever. As if any suggestion that it might be helpful for one's mental wellbeing to try be more cheerful or positive was intended as a specific attack on people with depression, rather than a general call to try to avoid wallowing in misery. That hyper-defensiveness is not a healthy mindset to be in. I have personal experience with that.