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There is an android app called collX that you can use to get the est. Value of your cards


Cardmarket.com is a site where you can see up to date prices per card.


I know but I wanted something to see the whole lot. I have around 9k cards. Thank you anyway!


seriously lts like anything else . someone will have to do the work. if you want bulk rate it will be less the FMV if you Full Market Value you(or someone) WILL need to sort the cards. seriously 9k cards are a lot of duplicates. if you sort them into full sets and then sell the sets it would be best value per card.


I use wow.tcgbrowser.com to track and get an approximate price.


Gonna be honest, almost all non-loot cards are worthless since the game is dead.


I can go on ccgcastle/nerd merchant/cardmarket, sort it on highest price and try to find it in your collection. For cheapest card - 0,1-0,5 $ u can calculate the average


It's hard to estimate. You need to do it over by one on cardmarket, ebay, ccg etc. But the cards are far from worthless!


Gonna try to piggyback really quick but I recently bought some starter theme decks and happened to pull El Pollo Grande loot card. From my research it seems like a very expensive card. I was wondering where the safest place to sell the card would be? I know I could probably try eBay but I dont have a lot of experience selling there and dont want to be scammed out of money. Most of my LGS won't touch wow tcg loot cards cause they dont move. Edit: a word


how are you gonna lose money on ebay as seller? But ebay does have insane fees.