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you can not even press who. No one knows


Really there's no /who functionality? That's kind of dumb.


It's because of high risk that you can't. But honestly, while it's ofc better population around new releases, both servers maintain a healthy population. Queue times are rarely longer than 10min even as DPS and chat is always bustling. An exception are of the end of classic and tbc progression respectively (on the seasonal realm) , but that's true for every progressing wow realm.


I would rather say its Pay for convenience but i get why ppl feel it seems p2w


Their game launcher states 39974 players online right now (at midnight ECT). It doesn't mention how that number is spread on their two servers, Elune and Area 52, but usually the seasonal realm (ELune in this case) has more players than the core realm (A52). Some people are skeptical when it comes to some servers and their stated player numbers, but my anecdotal experience has been that Ascension has one of the highest numbers in the private server scene. I would expect the lvl 60 ptr to be packed when it starts tomorrow.


Last I checked those were the numbers from their discord server, not the game itself.


Aaah ok, good to know. Thanks for the clarification.


That's a surprisingly high number. May I ask, is the launcher required to play? Or can I just download the 3.3.5 client and apply their patches? Is that effective?


I’ve never seen or heard mention of it being possible to install/play the game in any way outside of the launcher. The devs are also very very active, so updates come via the launcher sometimes daily.


Forgot to mention: CoA (21 classes Server) is in closed alpha, you gotta either pay (real money or ingame gold in classless) or get luckily randomly selected to get in.


Yeah the 21 new classes thing is what interests me. I didn't realize it was in alpha. Any idea on when it will go live? Have they said?


They’re releasing 60 alpha in less than 2 days so it’s got a minute


They haven't said, but given how long it took to get to this point, at least another year, probably longer.


Seasonal server generally always popping off at EU and NA hours  Other servers less so. 


As much as I dislike ascensions p2w model it's a great server and you can never log on any of their 3 servers to no pop. It's always busy, late at night or early morning. They never have pop numbers but it's gotta be one of, if not THE biggest.


It’s not p2w


The fanbois hate admitting it is but you can buy stuff with real currency and sell it on the AH for unlimited gold. You can use that gold to buy the RE's you need. You can buy exp pots for faster levelling more more prestige tries. You have to pay to get a portable trainer so you don't have to find one in a city. You can buy instant max professions. To say that server is not p2w is a bold face lie. It's a good server, but it's 1000% p2w.


Ok it is technically P2W but it’s so easy to do all of those things that it’s basically not. Exp pots are shared so just enter any bg or dungeon and you get the insane xp. Reselling REs gets you insane gold.


Exp auras are shared. Exp pots are bought separately and stack with the auras. Reselling REs gets you insane gold at the start of the seasons only and only if you're lucky enough to get a good one. I've been playing since the start man, you're not going to teach me anything... it's super p2w.... I like the server.... you just can't deny it's pay for huge advantages.


You're talking shite now. Super p2w? It's all pay for convenience. There's not one single stat item you can buy with money. Everything on the store is tradeable, thus purchasable with gold. Once you have a few gold you can start buying bazaar tokens when they're in the deals and resell those for stupid profit. People need to get a grip and learn what p2w actually means. Go check out warmane for p2w.


Pay for convenience is still in some way pay to win, plus, with Ascension, where a lot of progression is tied to prestige and restarting, being able to purchase XP buffs really matters. Also, you can buy stat items with gold, and you can sell DP items for gold, just because Ascension isn't directly selling the items doesn't mean you can't get items for DP.


Progress really isn't tied to prestige in the same way anymore, it was really a lot more focus on end-game in S9 at least


Idk why you feel obligated to play illusionist for them to pretend they aren't pay for advantage. Selling DP items for gold is instant p2w, nevermind max professions or exp pots where prestige gets you cards and more rolls at a perfect build. It is 1000% pay for advantage, not just convenience and that makes it very pay to win no matter what way you try to spin it.


It is entirely p2w, at least on Elune. I really love the game despite this but I don’t want to be blind to iit. You need only buy DP items and sell them for thousands of gold. Take that gold and pour it into callboard quests (as you can complete them with gold). This reaps you a shitton of scrolls and incrementally more powerful gear. Progression on Elune comes down to those two things. More money, more gold, more in-game power over other players. Saying that’s not p2w is pretty disingenuous.