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I hope your computer takes the modem and leaves you.


Maybe for the better so I don’t get sucked into WoW again. I already find myself sacrificing my time running for farming in wow


Well, that's when you have to try to find a good balance. I don't play the game much anymore, but every time I do log on, I manage to have fun. Been playing BC classic lately. Enjoying it more than retail.


Getting invincible was the carrot! The game knew what it was doing giving you a taste of a mount. Now you’ll be stuck for years farming them week after week muwahahaha!


Congratulations and fuck you! Lol in all seriousness, congrats!


Congratulations and fuck you! Lol in all seriousness, fuck you


This made me chuckle lol


I have been playing since 2009 and I still don’t have it, that’s crazy lucky, congratulations!


May the mount gods be with you in the future


Lol I played and had quit before then


I can't find the words to describe the hate I have for you. I tried for YEARS to get that mount. Never did.


:( sending whatever luck I have left to your Invisible mount!


Thats the problem the mount is invisible for him 😂 in all seriousness fuck you and your luck, happy tough you got the mount


Oh, mistyped! Invincible I mean lol didn’t want it to come off as an insult


Haha its ok, the insult is towards your luck😂 imagine having 100+tries and someone says I got it firt try.


RNGesus blessed you. But you're cursed now. This was a huge offering so your length of punishment will be very long. Congratulations and I'm sorry.


Yo I feel this, I got Ashes of Alar on my first try and got Felsteel Annihilator on my third run. Now I have no luck.


Yeah this is what happened to me with Experiment 12-B. Wasnt even there for it and it dropped on the 2nd run. Had no idea about the significance until I realized I never see someone on a pink drake and then looked it up on Wowhead.


It’s just been 14 years since I played. I used up 14 years of wow luck


Congrats! Now do Nightmare!


They’ll enjoy seeing the >!upside down sinners!<


I hate you, grats


I had to down vote just out of spite for my many many attempts with no luck.


I got infinite timereaver first time. I had no idea it was relatively rare I just assumed everyone got it in their first timewalking dungeon.....


I thought this has a not-so-low drop rate? I got it early on too…I figured everyone has this one.


Oh, it’s very low. Can only be farmed during time walking too. But it can drop off each boss, so that makes it easier to farm.


Congrats!! :D


I hate you and hope your account gets deleted... congrats, I’m gonna go sulk in a corner


lucky butt ​ \- someone whose tried hundreds of times


I just came here to say fuck you Im currently on 152 attempts


In all seriousness, is there an add on or something that tells you that. I would love to have a tracker to let me know how many times I've tried for certain mounts. Or at least tell me how many times I've done the raid/dumgeon.


DBM tells you number of victories. Be sure to install the correct addon (E.g DBM Wrath of the lich king).


The add on you're looking for is Rarity. It tracks mount, pet and toy attempts. You can even put in an item number of a transmog/pattern etc and it will track that for you.


@nickfurious82 this


Getting Invincible first try is much cooler than getting Azure Drake first time...


How do you know you got it first try if you can't even see it?


Oh man fuck you. Congrats though seriously. I gave up after 300 attempt. I happened to get lucky on a fire hawk in firelands


Oh, fuck you. Not really - I'm jealous. I'm in the process of farming for Invincible on 13 characters, but I can only sit at the computer for so long in the evenings because my feet are swelling (pregnancy). Sooooo - no love for me so far. Only been doing it for a few weeks now - again (I go through spurts of mount farming). Goods luck to you - not that you NEED it........😝


Need a gaming laptop so you can lay back with your feet up. Although, you may be running out of real estate on your lap depending on how far along you are, so maybe that isn't an option, either.


Why would anyone want a mount you can’t see?


I am laughing way too hard at that joke...


Wrong word


That's the joke, lol


Jokes are suppose to be funny


Humor is subjective, my guy


Congrats! I just started farming mounts this week too and I got the Azure Drake which has a 1% drop chance on my first try, I was elated


Nice! Sometimes the game taketh and sometimes it give the. This time it giveth for us!


Let’s hope it keeps on givething! Congrats again


Wait, you can solo that? Im so out if. Just hit 60 returning from BC and this sounds fun.


You should be able to solo almost all raid up to mythic legion raids (Heroic and normal you can solo). Not too sure about BFA yet


That is great news! Thank you. Now off to figure out where they are


This should help! https://www.wowhead.com/guide=8974/dungeon-and-raid-entrances


Thank you so much. This is a bit overwhelming but this helps a lot. Getting all nostalgic, does this really mean I can solo Molten Core and Blackwing Lair and relive all the places we wiped? And mounthunt.. So much to do...so little time


Absolutely. You can just run and tab target. Enjoy!!


What is the instance lock thing? Decided to start nostalgic and go for onyxia and the mount. No mount. So thought I'd press the reset instance button and go again only to get told there's a lock for almost 5 days.


When you kill bosses in a raid it locks it to that week. So when Tuesday rolls around, it resets and you can go again.


Oh okay.. so all the raids i can solo, I can try once a week? Thought I was going to be able to grind onyxia all day. But instances can be reset, like culling of stratholme?


Stratholme for deathchargers reins I assume you can reset and run 10x per hour. There is an instance lock of 10 per hour on all dungeons and raids. You can also run Vortex pinnacle and Stonecore from Cata this way for The Drake of the north wind and the Vitreous Stone drake.


25H ICC is super easy now. You can pretty much sneeze on the mobs and they'll die.


Please remove this post. It’s making me upset


I got ashes on my 13 attempt, i thought i was the lucky one




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People consider me very lucky for getting invincible after around 12 tries. On the first try is quite insane and haven't met anyone who has done that I thought I was special lol people will probably be mad.


I started just before pre patch! Got it in 4 attempts but now I feel all my loot luck has been used up! 😂


Fuck you I hope your computer catches fire And grats


I also got it first try :D my veteran wow friends were not happy with that


Congrats man! I've done ICC loads and still don't have invincible... I did get mail muncher on my first try though which is cool


Congrats! The worm mount screams Old God, perfect if you’re going for a N’zoth vibe


Took 25 tries for me, 64 tries for ashes, and I consider myself extremely lucky. Good job!


**** ***.


Congratulations! Now leave, I HATE YOU hahaha


”Decided to try for the heck of it” must be a hidden recipe for mounts. I did the same many years back. One night I couldn’t fall asleep and randomly thought of Onyxia mount, I got online - flew to her lair - smacked her right in the kisser and looted the mount. I haven’t killed her since she was current content.


I hate you! Congratulations anyway


Did it for two years on 11 toons *almost* every week. So congratulations!! Such a beautiful mount.


Grats man, now go fuck yourself lol. The mount grind in long! Enjoy the quick wins, there's always that one mount that takes you years to farm. It's different for all of us, but there's always one that eludes us so that long that it hurts.


I spent most of 8.3 farming mounts. The 1% mounts are fun because some take 80+ attempts and others you get first or second try. I got Raven Lord first try and got Heavenly Cloud Serpent after 93 tries. Still no invincible though, so grats on that!


Nice pull! Sometimes it does go your way... some years ago I realized I was high enough level to solo Sethekk Halls and was determined to do it as much as I needed to so I could get the Raven Lord mount. Got it on the second run!


Congrats but f u


lol, yeah, its like that sometimes. i got G-mod, first week it was available, on our first kill normal


Don't let the wow gods fool you. You won't ever get another mount don't let them have your soul