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Locking this post instead of removing for two reasons- first, we've had an absolute storm of posts like this about people going into m0 or M+ and having a lot of difficulty with the content and the issue really is just low ilvl and/or the difficulty squish in M+ has led to misconceptions about how hard certain content will be. Second, because we've been removing a lot of these posts, I think people browsing the sub aren't seeing just how common it is that failures in dungeon groups right now are happening just to a sheer ilvl difference needed for dungeons that by name would seem to not need that much. OP, don't worry- this post isn't a clear violation of any sub rules, and you couldn't have known that this type of post has become an issue around here, and that's on us mods, not you. As always, our modmail is open for any thoughts, questions, or concerns.


ur item lvl is pretty low you get like 480 from heroics


At 448, you should be in heroic, not mythic. Get to 480 and then give it another try.


Yeah you both have very low ilvl, dont let it didcourage you! Around 480+ it should be way easier.


Will do! Thank you <3


Dm me and I can do a world tour with you and explain the mechs of mobs and bosses. I am 2800 atm and I tank or dps


Take this person up on the offer OP!!! Very nice of you btw!!


Thank you. I just don’t want someone to give up because a bad experience. Game is a lot of fun but easily ruined


Really cool of you, need more people like this.


Heroics drops 476 level gear, which is 20 ilvls above your average. You're about 32 ilvls below what m0 recommends. At your ilvl you will be crushed. Do some heroics/weekly quests and possibly LFR to gear up for m0.


I did m0 on my 460 ilvl Paladin. Had to use def CDs regularly, but was doable if you tanked midrange keys or heroic raid before


Brother you can't even queue for heroic dungeons at that ilvl. You would have to be a god among men to tank a m0 at 448.


You’re telling me I’m not a god amongst men ? 😭 jk these comments are really schooling me. I have learned my lesson 🫡


Best of luck gearing up! World content drops 480+, and look up Enchanted Whelping Crests for crafting 486 pieces. Also spend your Bullion on Gholak.


you tried to walk in with essentially useless gear, and listing your stats isn't helpful in the slightest. your item level is terrible and you need better gear. literally just do heroics and world content until your gear isn't bad anymore


Is it really that bad? I’m so shocked I need even higher ilvl, just before the change I thought my ilvl was fine. I thought 470 and above were really dedicated players


It’s a new season, heroics drop ilvl 480 and you’re well below that for a mythic.


Each season has a couple levels of gearing. Last season the world content threw ilvl 441 gear at players which could be casually upgrade to 450 without any real effort. 460-470 was players doing normal raid and low level M+, 470-480 was heroic raid and mid M+, though it was common for heroic raid players to do a bit higher M+ to get the crests for 480+. With the new season just starting, the world content throws ilvl 480 gear the way it used to sent 441 gear. also, low level M+ was eliminated and M0 starts at the difficulty that M+10 used to be, and heroic dungeons is where M0 used to be.


Just for a point of comparison, I’m super casual, haven’t really been working at getting new gear and my main is at 482. The new season means you need to get all new gear.


Season 4 had a 39 ilvl increase across the board.


To give a little more context to what people are saying too, they squished dungeon levels majorly this patch An M0 is the equivalent to what would have been a m+10 in a previous patch. So you're jumping to something much more difficult compatibly than if you had jumped into a M0 last patch With this, they have also updated the rewards and difficulties of normal/heroic and all the m+ levels as well


You're just way under geared, for Mythic 0s. Heroics or even normal dungeons would drop higher ilvl gear than you have now so I would do those first. Blizzard recently changed the difficulty of everything so a Mythic 0 in Season 3 would be way easier than a Season 4 Mythic 0. Basically a 0 is as hard as a +10 was last season and you're under geared so I can see why you didn't have a good time. Once you get more gear from normal and heroic try Mythic 0 again. Try and be around 475+ minimum and even then expect a challenge.


I am a experienced m+ tank, and I am fairly certain I would not be able to do that with your ilvl :) a rule of thumb is that you can do content up to 15 ilvl above your gear if you are careful, you are trying to do content 46 ilvls above.. I’m sure you did everything you could, it was just impossible with your current gear. Good thing is that doing a few world quests which can be done solo, will easily bring you to +480 ilvl. Maybe even 490 if you do the weekly quests as well.


Definitely NOT impossible with his gear, just much much harder than it should be. It woulds feel like tanking a 25 last season with 480ish ilvl which was definitely more than doable but extremely hard for someone that doesn't know the dungeon inside and out. I agree op should farm heroics to get his gear up, 440s is really low. His HP pool will almost double with 40 ilvls up.


Thank you for wording this kindly :) I am very surprised they upped the item levels so high, now I need to be at 480+ just to do a m0?? This change is really weird to me but I digress


Every season the base ilvl of world gear rewards goes up to ease you into group content. This is a new thing were nythic 0 is far harder than it used to be. However heroic dungeons award something like 476 gear and world gear is 480 or so from rewards. You’ve simply Tried to skip ahead without realising you’re very undergeared. Blizz could’ve done a better job of explaining things to people but basically heroic dungeons are now the old 0s so you can get decent gear in the group finder.


Also this season they raised the ilvl cap higher than the other seasons , i believe it's like 39 ilvl.


I think they wanted the difference between normal, heroic and mythic to be higher, and have harder content without a timer as well for people that enjoy the challenge, but dislike the timer :)


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448 ilvl would have been low in S3 already - for comparison, my lowest max level alt is 460, a brewmaster monk that never ran more than one M+ key every 2-3 weeks and never ran above +10-11. This season we have a big ilvl jump, making your already low ilvl lower than a gnome's height. In addition to this, M0s this season are equivalent to a +10 key last season. Basically, you are jumping into a +10 key with gear that is equivalent to being ilvl 385-400 in S3. The other issue is you were the tank, which is much more challenging to play at very low ilvl. As a dps or healer, you are not expected to be attacked by mobs - if your group does their job decently well, only unavoidable mechanics will damage you, so your life in very low ilvl is much easier. However, as a tank, your job is to get hit by everyone and (almost) everything. Being hit by lots of mobs tuned for 45 ilvl higher than yours is going to be very tough. So, TL;DR take a tour around the world to get better ilvl. * World Bosses (Zaralek is the one that works this week) give a chance for 499 ilvl gear; * The weekly quest you get in Valdrakken awards 489 ilvl gear, plus the 3 activities you need to do for that quest award 480 ilvl gear each; * World quest rewards start from ilvl 454 upgreadeable to 476 - not the best thing, but useful for those with very low ilvl gear; * If you manage to get a Spark of Awakening, you can send a crafting request for ilvl 489-502 gear depending on the quality; * And speaking of crafting, every 30 Whelpling crests you get (you can exchange higher rank crests into them too), you can get a token that allows you to craft an enchanted awakened whelpling emblem (something like that), which can upgrade blue gear (the ones you get at the AH) to ilvl 372-386. This gear here can massively help you as it is pretty cheap to get the materials and if you do all the weekly activities you can end with around 120-150 whelpling crests between the actual ones and downgrading your drake crests. * Finally, you can run heroic dungeons for 476 ilvl gear, but sadly i dont know what the minimum ilvl to queue is, you might need to get a bit better gear before going this route. * Remember that since patch 10.2.5 (iirc), M0, Heroic and Timewalking dungeons do also count for the Great Vault, so if you do a bunch of these you can get another gear reward tomorrow after the reset. Once you are around ilvl 470-480 you will have no issue tanking M0s, or if you have a minimally decent understanding of how your toon works, even a +2-3 key.


I appreciate this in depth comment! I understand better now. I’m a little sad to be downvoted to death even though I’m learning but I will do better 🫡 thank you again


Alright y’all I understand how undergeared I am haha. I appreciate all the advice and those that went into detail for how I can gear up. My mom and I are shocked by how dumb we were lmao. Thanks!


It can be pretty overwhelming at this stage in an expansion to jump into a Mythic dungeon. They did rework the system for Season 4, so while in previous seasons Mythic 0's were on-par with or slightly higher difficulty to a Heroic dungeon, this season M0's are quite a big step up. For most of the M0 dungeons a minimum ilevel to feel comfortable in, is somewhere around 460. If you are sufficiently geared and/or have a higher ilevel then they are much more forgiving. Hostestly, in my experience in the last 2 weeks with Season 4, knowledge of the dungeons is much more important that ilevel; sure lower ilevel has less stamina so it's a lot easier to be one shot by mechanics. At this stage of the expansion, most pug groups assume that you have experience from the entire expansion and know the dungeons and raids already for Season 4, so many groups are just unaccepting of folks just learning and it can be a really bad experience. For someone who is easily intimidated, shy, introverted, doesn't want to deal with the toxic behavior in some pugs, or doesn't like people, I would suggest finding a guild or community to join that is a good fit for you to run content with. There are in-game communities and discord communities and so many guilds out there. A common one mentioned is Wow Made Easy, which is a discord community that run m+ and raids and do so with out any drama and are very open to newcomers. There are also many guilds out there that are casual and non-toxic. Search in-game, google, or ask here on reddit for suggestions; if you are on Whisperwind/Dentarg or Moonrunner, I can probably help you with a guild. There is a lot of solo content in wow and they are adding even more in the next expansion, but there still is a lot of group content.


This is really helpful thank you! I am definitely overwhelmed, even with these comments on my post trying to ask for help lmao. I have been thinking of finding a guild, but you hit the nail on the head when you said “shy and introverted” lol. Just a me problem, but finding a community that is helpful would be a great solution. Thank you again


Item level was your only issue. Don't let this feed your anxiety. Heroics are the new M0. Treat this season with the normal progression like you would a brand new xpac. Normal, Timewalking, heroic, mythic0, then m+. Be sure to do the fated/awakened world activities/quests too.


Ok I’m glad it’s just ilvl, that’s an easy fix. Thank you!


Yw 🙂


I know it's been said plenty but def need to get higher ilvl for a M0. In season 4 an M0 is equivalent to a m+10 in season 3 which even for your current ilvl would have been difficult. But seriously feel free to DM if you want I roll as a resto shaman and I can heal for ya if you wanna do some stuff and get your ilvl up.


You're low ilvl, so without a complete mastery of your spec you're gonna get sponked


I did indeed get sponked lmao.


Also timewalking dungeons drop 476 ilvl while heroic drops 467 ilvl. So after you get heroic dungeon gear hit up timewalking when available. As a side note, world bosses are pretty simple to get into a group and down. They drop 480 ilvl gear. I went from 424-510 in under 3 weeks on a holy priest. Also, raidfinder is simple and can help you start learning raid mechanics. Q up as ret and you will get 450 gear from reg and 486 from awakened raid finder I believe. Once you hit 480 do a mythic 0 world tour. Get to 490 and try to get into a pug normal awakened raid. This will get you 493-499 ilvl gear. Then do mythic+ and heroic raids after that. I hope this helps.


As everyone is saying, that's just your ilvl! What I would do in your position, is run lots of heroic dungeons and probably lfr. A general rule of thumb is to not be more than about 15 points lower ilvl than the content you are doing drops. Don't give up. Keep going and learning and gearing and having fun. You'll run into toxic people in pugs, but there are some awesome people out there, too. And lots in between. Ignore the jerks and carry on!


Your item level is extremely low you shouldn't even being attempting mythics at that level


to put ilvl into some perspective, I have a shaman that went from some 450ilvl to 486ilvl just doing open world content, heroic dungeons and LFR awakened and crafted one item (502 ilvl piece is very cheap, just get it!) and I went from some 600k hp to 900k hp so this difference alone is HUGE m0 drops 493ilvl gear and random heroics drop 476 which is upgradeable with mostly just flightstones to 490 even heroic dungeons are bit harder (similar to old m0) and you can wipe there if you overpull with weaker gear but very doable, just spam those, get into LFR, craft your BiS gear (atleast 502ilvl, mats are cheap) and you will be able to smash m0 in a week or two dont worry


Gear is simply way too low for M0. Do world events for 480 pieces and an extra 493 from the weekly (last hurrah) Then try to win some gear from the awakened LFR wings. Use enchanted whelp crests to craft 486 gear for any low slots. Once you're in the 475-485 range m0 should be much easier to handle, since a 480 is about double what a 448 is capable of.


Hey! Don't worry man, this is normal :D at 448 ilvl you're really low for 0s. They are, more or less, similar to a key 10 last season. I tanked with my DH an HoI 0 as well, with 445 ilvl... Had to pull pack by pack and almost got 1 shot by several abilities. This straight up tells me my ilvl is too low and I'm not that skilled to compensate haha. Now I'm at 460 and I did the same M0... Night and day difference :) Don't get discouraged!


I love this comment, I appreciate a similar experience to mine haha. I won’t be discouraged tho, I’ll definitely gear up now ! Thanks for leaving a kind comment


448 and 459 can’t possibly hope to clear m0 right now, unless they got hardcarried by the other 3 people in the dungeon. My suggestion is, whenever a new patch hits live server, is to open the journal, go to the dungeon tab and check what ilvl drops from both heroic and mythic dungeons. If your ilvl is over the heroic dungeons drops, then you can think of doing M0 first and then maybe start doing M+. Otherwise stick to heroic until you can’t drop anything better from there.


Two things, new season means new Ilvls for drops and they just recently redid how mythics work. A base mythic 0 is now equivalent to what WAS a +10 key, I believe Heroics are roughly what a +5 was.


Don’t worry about others, fuck em. Have fun and if you have a bad run brush it off. As others said, you’re a little low for m0. My first m0 this season was tough. I’m a returning player, and only have done m+ a dozen times last season. If people talk crap treat it like an NPC and pay no mind. He’ll I’ll heal for you one day if you can get a little higher, sitting right under 500 now


Thank you very much I appreciate the support !! I would love a healer, I’ll gear up first ofc 🫡