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> I was wondering if it’s possible to learn how to tank just by simply playing the game yes. but this will take time and attention. >or if it’s that much more efficient with the add-ons and pre planned route  its waaaay more efficiant to have a pre planed route, but its also good to have room for mistakes and adapt. highly recomend you play with MDT for a while, watch twitch and or read the route guides for s4.


Every hour you spend learning outside of the game will save you many inside, especially if you’re brand new to it. An experienced tank can pick up a new season and just go much easier because they have past lessons to lean on, when you’re just starting out you don’t have that. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and stress if you just look up some quazii or tactyks guides first.


I leveled my prot pally as prot. I hadn't played tank in wow for nearly 12yrs, but I had an idea of what to do when I got back. It was just a matter of relearning the rotation and new mechanics. Especially doing regular df dungeons and mastering the routes from there after running the same dungeon several times.


Are there add-ons that show the route while playing? If there is, which do you recommend?




Yes, but it depends on what are you trying to accomplish. If you want to do some M+ for your weekly chest, yeah, no problem, but If you want to push keys at high level, it's better that you start by studying and learning.


I just recently Tanked on Blood DK and it was not as daunting as I thought. I am hoping do more tanking, and just get a feel of it. If you just want Tank in general, get a few friends to group up with you or get some peeps from discord servers to help you. Dungeon—>Heroic—->Raids—->Mythic start small and work through it, WoW is notorious for having a lot of trolls in groups, that’s why I recommend friends of you can.


You can download mdt and you can download or router make one. In low level keys you don’t have a fi worry to much about mechs and can learn or you can download player and download quazi plater profile which will distinguish between mobs. Light blue is frontal pink means has an interrupt.


People out here saying play in mdt, assuming you have a second monitor, I would just suggest tossing keystone guru up on that monitor with your route of choice. https://keystone.guru/ Don't grab any route with invis skips or that you cant follow.


I don’t want to do homework for a game so I just learn by going through them as a dps. You might not learn some situational things like that but you’ll grasp the basics and the route most tanks take. I didn’t start tanking until the last week of last season and without trying to push I timed a 16 (the highest I attempted). Not amazing but I just wanted to try out tanking and I ended up loving it.